第 5 天:长颈鹿意识

Try not to become a man of success, but rather try to become a man of value.

–Albert Einstein



Day 5: Giraffe Consciousness

第 5 天:长颈鹿意识

In Compassionate Communication, we use giraffes as our metaphor because they have the largest heart of all land mammals (40 pounds!). They remind us to connect from the heart. They also have long necks, a metaphor for seeing far down the road.

在富有同理心的沟通中,我们使用长颈鹿作为一个隐喻,因为它拥有所有陆地哺乳动物中最大的心脏(40 磅!)。它提醒我们要发自内心地连接。 他还有很长的脖子,比喻看到远方。

So when we say or do something, it is important for us to be conscious of the potential long-range consequences of our actions. It’s about being fully present to our actions and words, knowing that each action creates a reaction. When we consciously choose to respond to life with compassion, peace and harmony, we meet our own needs for these positive qualities.

因此,当我们说或做某件事时,重要的是要意识到我们的行为可能带来的长期后果。 这是关于完全临在于我们当下的行动和言语中,知道每个行动都会产生反应。 当我们有意识地选择以慈悲、和平与和谐来回应生活时,我们就满足了自己对这些积极品质的需求。

Be aware of your own or other people's actions that demonstrate a giraffe consciousness to you.


你可能感兴趣的:(第 5 天:长颈鹿意识)