我想告诉你,我爱你代码编写_学习编写代码!==准备工作。 一位招聘经理告诉我原因。...


When I taught myself to code, I did it because I really wanted to keep my startup dreams afloat, and finding reliable technical co-founders was a pain.  I made a ton of mistakes and even quit a several times. So much so that I published a course on Udemy about how not to quit coding (if you pay attention to this article, you'll even find out how to get a promo code).  At the end of a long, painful, and often tedious journey, I attained my goals. And as it happened, even found work , first freelance, then as a developer at a small, growing startup.   I never intended to become a professional dev, and it was pure luck that the curriculum I designed for myself happened to give me a huge advantage (hence the Udemy course).

当我自学编码时,我之所以这样做,是因为我真的想让初创公司的梦想永存,而寻找可靠的技术联合创始人是一件痛苦的事情。 我犯了很多错误,甚至退出了​​几次。 如此之多,以至于我在Udemy上发布了一门有关如何 退出编码 的课程 (如果您关注本文,您甚至会发现如何获得促销代码)。 在漫长而痛苦的,常常是乏味的旅程的最后,我实现了自己的目标。 碰巧的是,甚至找到了工作,首先是自由职业者,然后在一个不断成长的小型初创公司担任开发人员。 我从未打算成为一名专业开发人员,而我为自己设计的课程恰巧给我带来了巨大的优势(因此提供Udemy课程),这真是幸运。

Like almost everyone else who teaches themselves to code, I started with a lot of self-doubt. I started timidly - trying it out in tiny bites.  The easiest ways to get started were with sites like Codecademy.  I then discovered FreeCodeCamp, and Courseera. And from there on I kept learning the theory and fundamentals of programming.  I did several of the courses twice, as I quickly forgot what I "learned".   This turns out to be normal - like any new skill (think of walking, or driving)  it takes a lot of practice and time. So I grew comfortable with not being able to memorise. I focused instead on understanding.  I developed my knowledge. These resources (always used for free) gave me a sense of confidence in my understanding of the fundamentals.  Thanks to these resources, I overcame my doubt, started to enjoy it, and felt like  I was making progress.

像几乎所有其他自学编程的人一样,我从很多自我怀疑开始 。 我胆怯地开始-细小尝试一下。 最简单的入门方法是使用Codecademy这样的网站 。 然后,我发现了FreeCodeCamp和Courseera 。 从那时起,我一直在学习编程的理论和基础知识。 我很快完成了两次课程,因为我很快忘记了自己所学的内容。 事实证明,这很正常-像任何新技能一样(想走路或开车),这需要大量的练习和时间。 因此,我对无法记忆而感到自在。 我专注于理解。 我发展了我的知识。 这些资源(始终免费使用)使我对基本原理的理解充满了信心。 有了这些资源,我克服了疑虑,开始享受它,觉得自己正在取得进步。

There was one problem.  I couldn't build much.  Or rather, I was easily overwhelmed when I tried to to build anything more than a basic, static HTML site.  I rarely could go much beyond what I learned on these sites.  I was not yet able to take on "real" projects.  I was not ready to solve code related problems on my own.  I didn't know enough to even Google for answers correctly or efficiently.

有一个问题。 我不能建造太多。 确切地说,当我尝试构建除基本静态HTML网站以外的任何内容时,我很容易不知所措。 我很少能超越在这些站点上学到的东西。 我还无法进行“实际”项目。 我还没有准备好独自解决与代码相关的问题。 我什至不了解Google的正确或有效答案。

So, I turned to other resources, and I will return to them in a moment.  Before I tell you what I did that resulted in me getting 4 job offers, let me tell you why I happened to get those offers...

因此,我转向了其他资源,我将在稍后再讨论。 在我告诉你我做了什么导致我获得4个工作机会之前,让我告诉你为什么我碰巧得到这些工作机会...

It wasn't just because I had the knowledge. That is easily established without an interview - most firms give you a coding test anyway.  If you don't know enough to make it past that, you're not going to get the interview, let alone an offer.  

这不仅仅是因为我有知识。 无需进行采访即可轻松确定这一点-多数公司仍然会为您提供编码测试。 如果您不知道该如何做,那您就不会接受面试,更不用说要约了。

As one interviewer put it: "We don't hire for knowledge. We hire for skill." And that seems perfectly logical and intuitively obvious - there is an important difference between knowledge and skill. Skill is applied knowledge.

正如一位面试官所说: “我们不为知识而雇用。我们为技能而雇用。” 这似乎是完全合乎逻辑的,并且在直观上很明显-知识和技能之间存在重要区别。 技能就是应用知识。

Here's the catch :  how do you showcase your skills?  A certification from online courses showcases knowledge. It does not demonstrate ability. Managers expect you to know the theory and syntax.  They expect you to write a for loop easily, and to be able to read a switch-case statement and know what it does.  But what they want is for you to be able to put that knowledge to work, and build things with it.  You're hired to get a job done, and that's really what you need to prove you can do.

重点是:您如何展示自己的技能? 在线课程的认证可以展示知识。 它不显示能力。 管理人员希望您了解理论和语法。 他们希望您轻松编写一个for循环,并能够读取switch-case语句并知道它的作用。 但是他们想要的是让您能够运用这些知识,并用它来构建事物。 您被录用了才能完成工作,这实际上是您需要证明自己可以做到的事情。

Which brings me to the nasty shock many people who have "learned to code" face when they struggle to find work.  They're shocked that all their learning and effort does not get them much interest in the job market.  Think of it this way - the finest department stores still need to showcase their wares in the shop windows right?  Empty shop windows look bare and uninviting. They do not inspire confidence.

这使我感到震惊的是,许多“学习编码”的人在寻找工作时都面临着麻烦。 他们感到震惊的是,他们所有的学习和努力都没有使他们对就业市场产生太大兴趣。 这样想吧-最好的百货公司仍然需要在商店橱窗中展示自己的商品,对吗? 空荡荡的商店橱窗看上去光秃秃的,令人不快。 他们不会激发信心。

A shop window that has certificates of quality, and standards but is bare of goods is not going to bring in customers, no matter how good the goods.

So think about the resources you've used to learn and ask yourself this :  what have you got to show for it? If it's nothing more tangible than a certificate, then consider what a potential hiring manager is going to assess you on, and how are you going to stand out from others?

因此,请考虑一下您曾经学习过的资源,并问自己:您必须展示什么? 如果没有什么比证书更实际的了,那么考虑一下潜在的招聘经理将如何评估您,以及您将如何在别人中脱颖而出?

See what I mean?


So this hiring manager said I was the least "experienced" candidate who'd applied, but I was very compelling. Why? I had (without meaning to) built a solid showcase. And they didn't need to look at my CV.

因此,这位招聘经理说,我是申请的“经验最少”的候选人,但我非常有说服力。 为什么? 我(毫无意义)建立了坚实的展示柜。 他们不需要看我的简历。

So now it's time to tell you what I did.  I took a number of courses that were long and intense, but which were project-based.  Because they were long and intensive, and project-based I had to use Github to store my code as I went along.  And it turned out that my Github profile was what impressed the hiring managers - they loved that I had a lot of projects there.  

所以现在该告诉你我做了什么 。 我选修了许多长期且密集的课程,但是这些课程都是基于项目的。 因为它们很长而且很密集,并且基于项目,所以我不得不使用Github来存储我的代码。 事实证明,我的Github个人资料给招聘经理留下了深刻的印象-他们喜欢我在那里有很多项目。

It turns out that most applicants have weak Github profiles.  


And that's an opportunity for you. Anyone can make claims in a CV.  It's not terribly hard to make it to the end of a course and get a certificate.  But you cannot argue with projects sitting in your Github repo.  Especially if they're documented with a decent README file and installation instructions (this bit I didn't do so well ?).

这对您来说是一个机会。 任何人都可以在简历中提出索赔。 完成课程并获得证书并不难。 但是您不能与Github存储库中的项目争论。 特别是如果使用适当的README文件和安装说明来记录它们(这一点我做得不好吗?)。

Personally, I found that Udemy was the best for this - I did some great courses from Stephen Grider, Colt Steele, Andrew Mead etc.  All of them had 20 -30 hours of video (which, if you code along and experiment, will take you 50+ hours).   It's easiest to follow along if you've already done the basics on Freecodecamp, Codecademy etc.  After a year or so of this, I had, through slow and patient persistence, made it through a bunch of courses, and accidentally built up a pretty good bunch of projects. I was even familiar and skilled enough to work on full stack projects that I dreamed up, and tackle things like Google Actions, Alexa, AR etc that were not related to the courses I'd taken.  But importantly, I now had a body of work that demonstrated my ability and commitment to code.  I had tangible evidence that any hiring manager could rely on, in addition to me passing the tests they gave me.

就个人而言,我发现Udemy是最好的选择-我在Stephen Grider,Colt Steele,Andrew Mead等人那里做了一些很棒的课程。所有这些人都有20 -30个小时的视频(如果您编码并进行实验,则需要花费30个小时)您超过50个小时)。 如果您已经完成了Freecodecamp,Codecademy等的基础知识,那么这是最简单的方法。经过大约一年的学习,我经过缓慢而耐心的坚持,通过一堆课程完成了学习,并意外地建立了一个漂亮的课程。好项目。 我什至熟悉和熟练,可以从事我梦on以求的全栈项目,并处理与我所修课程无关的诸如Google Actions,Alexa,AR等问题。 但重要的是,我现在有大量的工作证明了我对代码的能力和投入 。 我有确凿的证据表明,除了我通过他们给我的测试之外,任何招聘经理都可以依靠。

So, if I had to summarise the best approach to teaching yourself to code if you want a job as a dev, it would be this:


Projects, not certificates, will teach you you enough to do it professionally and showcase your skills and knowledge.

项目而不是证书会教给您足够的知识,使您能够专业地做, 展示您的技能和知识。

Keep in mind this post is targeted at new, beginner devs.  If you want to see a talk version of this content, check out this video below from juniordev.io's Melbourne chapter.  It's a fantastic group and I encourage you to think about participating in similar meetups in your city, to build your own understanding of conditions in your local market.

请记住,这篇文章是针对新手,初学者的。 如果您想观看此内容的谈话版本,请在juniordev.io的“墨尔本”一章中查看以下视频。 这是一个很棒的团队,我鼓励您考虑参加您所在城市的类似聚会,以建立自己对当地市场状况的理解。

Good luck, and don't be afraid to go the extra mile. That's where the successful people are.

祝您好运,不要害怕再加倍努力。 那就是成功人士所在的地方。

FreeCodeCamp学生的 后记 (Postscript For FreeCodeCamp students)

I really, truly believe your most precious resources are your time, effort and money. Of these, the single most important resource is time, because the other two can be renewed and recovered. So if you’re going to spend time on something make sure it gets you closer to this goal.

我真的,真的相信您最宝贵的资源是您的时间,精力和金钱。 其中,最重要的资源是时间,因为其他两个资源可以更新和恢复。 因此,如果您要花时间在某些事情上,请确保它使您更接近此目标。

With that in mind, if you want to invest 3 hours with me to find your shortest path to learning to code (especially if you’re a career changer, like me...), then head to my course site and use the form there sign up (not the popup!). If you add the words “FREE MY TIME” to the message, I will know you’re a freeCodeCamp reader, and I will send you a promo code, because just like you, freeCodeCamp gave me a solid start.

考虑到这一点,如果您想花3个小时与我一起寻找最短的学习编码的途径(特别是如果您是像我这样的职业转变者...),请前往我的课程站点并使用以下表格在那里注册(而不是弹出窗口!)。 如果您在消息中添加“ FREE MY TIME”(免费),我会知道您是freeCodeCamp的读者,并且会向您发送促销代码,因为与您一样, freeCodeCamp也为我提供了一个良好的开端。

[Update] Quincy at FreeCodeCamp has relaunched the freeCodeCamp podcast, and uses his incredible experience as an educator to pull together content that will help you on your journey. I was recently on episode 53 and some of the things in this post are covered in greater detail there. You can also access the podcast on iTunes, Stitcher, and Spotify or directly from this page.

[ 更新 ] FreeCodeCamp的Quincy重新启动了freeCodeCamp播客 ,并利用他作为一名教育者的令人难以置信的经验整理了有助于您旅途的内容。 我最近在第53集上 ,这篇文章中的某些内容在此有更详细的介绍。 您也可以在iTunes , Stitcher和Spotify上访问播客,或直接从此页面访问 。

I can be contacted on Twitter: @ZubinPratap


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/learned-to-code-job-ready-and-heres-why/

