

自定义过渡和微交互 (Custom transitions and micro-interactions)

Yep, I know that there are a lot of useful built-in transition effects in Figma already, but here I want to talk about custom micro-interactions, complicated transitions and show you how to add them into your Figma prototypes. Let’s take a look at a couple of examples I’ve prepared.

是的,我知道在Figma中已经有很多有用的内置过渡效果,但是在这里我想谈谈自定义的微交互,复杂的过渡,并向您展示如何将它们添加到Figma原型中。 让我们看一下我准备的几个示例。

To make this kind of interaction you need Figma and any animation tool of your choice. I used After Effects just because I’m familiar with it.

为了进行这种交互,您需要Figma和您选择的任何动画工具。 我使用After Effects只是因为我熟悉它。

When you have your animated transition, add it to your project between the screens that you want to animate and link them. For the animated layers use the after delay property— the delay should be equal to the length of the animated transition you have. In the end it should look like this.

进行动画过渡后,将其添加到要设置动画的屏幕之间的项目中并进行链接。 对于动画层,请使用after delay属性-延迟应等于您拥有的动画过渡的长度。 最后应该看起来像这样。

Illustrations: 插图: https : //

If you’re not familiar with any animation tools or simply don’t have any animation software installed on your machine you can do a lot of stuff with Figmotion. Figmotion is a Figma plugin that helps you animate your designs in Figma without using any third-party software. Here’s an example of how it works:

如果您不熟悉任何动画工具,或者根本没有在计算机上安装任何动画软件,则可以使用Figmotion做很多事情。 Figmotion是一个Figma插件,可以帮助您在Figma中对设计进行动画处理,而无需使用任何第三方软件。 这是它如何工作的示例:

Figmotion 塑像

改进原型模式下流程之间的导航 (Improve navigation between flows in prototyping mode)

When I work on a user story, even if it’s the most simple user story in the world, I have at least a few edge cases or validation points that I need to show to the team so we can discuss it. It’s quite frustrating in Figma at the moment. I’ve tried different approaches:

当我处理用户故事时,即使它是世界上最简单的用户故事,我也至少需要向团队展示一些极端的案例或验证要点,以便我们进行讨论。 目前,在Figma中非常令人沮丧。 我尝试了不同的方法:

  1. I tried to keep my flows in one file and change the starting frame by moving the little blue play button between frames. But it’s inconvenient to find and move this little square when you are showing something to the team plus the loading time. It’s so slow when you reload your prototype (especially if you work with a big file).

    我试图将流保存在一个文件中,并通过在帧之间移动蓝色的小播放按钮来更改起始帧。 但是,当您向团队展示东西以及加载时间时,找到并移动这个小方块是很不方便的。 重新加载原型时,速度非常慢(尤其是在处理大文件时)。
  2. Then I tried to split my design files into a few smaller ones and keep open a prototyping tab for each of them. That’s a pain. If the user story you’re working on is big and complicated (it implies a lot of edge cases and different scenarios) Figma can’t keep all prototyping tabs open and reloads them when you present them to the team. On top of that, it’s very hard to navigate between a lot of opened tabs (1 tab per flow * 2 because of the opened prototype window).

    然后,我尝试将设计文件分成几个较小的文件,并为每个文件打开一个原型选项卡。 真痛苦 如果您正在处理的用户故事又大又复杂(这意味着很多极端情况和不同的情况),Figma无法将所有原型选项卡保持打开状态并在向团队展示时重新加载它们。 最重要的是,很难在许多打开的选项卡之间导航(每个流程1个选项卡* 2,因为打开了原型窗口)。

Here is the best solution that I’ve found. I’ve designed a navigation screen that I put as a first screen in all my prototypes.

这是我找到的最佳解决方案。 我设计了一个导航屏幕,并将其作为所有原型的第一个屏幕。

在一个文件中分组流 (Grouping flows within one file)

As I mentioned above I always have at least a few flows related to a user story. That’s why I need a way to organize them within one file. To do it I designed a simple element that helps a lot.

如上所述,我总是至少有一些与用户故事相关的流程。 这就是为什么我需要一种将它们组织在一个文件中的原因。 为此,我设计了一个简单的元素,对您有很大帮助。

不可触摸 (Hand-off)

Sometime I have details related to the implementation of my design files that I need to pass on to the engineers and they usually work better next to the mockups. That’s why I made a post-it note component and I use it to specify details related to the implementation of my design.

有时候,我有一些与设计文件的实现相关的细节,我需要将这些细节传递给工程师,它们通常在模型旁边工作得更好。 这就是为什么我制作了便笺组件,并用它来指定与设计实现相关的详细信息的原因。

I have all three components that I mentioned above in my UI components library in Figma. It allows me to access them quickly from any file I’m working on.

我在Figma的UI组件库中拥有上面提到的所有三个组件。 它使我可以从正在处理的任何文件中快速访问它们。

Here is a link to a Figma file with the examples that I’ve mentioned: Figma link. Thank you for reading and I hope you found this useful. Feel free to reach out to me on dribbble or twitter.

这是带有我提到的示例的Figma文件的链接 : Figma link 。 感谢您的阅读,希望对您有所帮助。 随时通过运球推特与我联系

Originally published at on May 5, 2020.

最初于 2020年5月5日 发布在 上。


