作为一个专门设计用于处理输入向量查询的数据库,它能够索引万亿级的向量。与现有的关系数据库主要处理遵循预定义模式的结构化数据不同,Milvus是自底向上设计的,用于处理从非结构化数据转换而来的嵌入向量Embedding Vector。
因为是云原生的设计架构,安装可以使用k8s、docker compose安装:https://milvus.io/docs/prerequisite-helm.md,内存至少8g,配置挂在目录以及端口:https://milvus.io/docs/configure-docker.md
# Install Milvus
sudo yum https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/releases/download/v2.0.0-pre-ga/milvus-2.0.0-preGA.1.el7.x86_64.rpm
# Check Milvus status
sudo systemctl status milvus
sudo systemctl status milvus-etcd
sudo systemctl status milvus-minio
或者直接使用Python安装轻量级的Milvus Lite,Milvus Lite是Milvus的轻量级版本,可与Google Colab和Google Notebook无缝协作。https://milvus.io/docs/milvus_lite.md
// 安装docker以及docker-compose插件
// 下载yml
wget https://github.com/milvus-io/milvus/releases/download/v2.3.3/milvus-standalone-docker-compose.yml -O docker-compose.yml
// 启动
docker-compose up -d
// 查看启动状态
docker compose ps
// 关闭
docker compose down
https://github.com/zilliztech/attu,可以下载桌面版 or docker or k8s
1、使用Python SDK
// 安装依赖
python -m pip install pymilvus==2.3.3
2、使用Java SDK
Type | Description |
None | For internal usage. |
Bool | Boolean. |
Int8 | Integer number stored with 8 bit. |
Int16 | Integer number stored with 16 bit. |
Int32 | Integer number stored with 32 bit. |
Int64 | Integer number stored with 64 bit. |
Float | Floating-point numbers. |
Double | 64-bit IEEE 754 floating point numbers. |
String | Reserved. Do not use this. |
VarChar | Variable-length string with a limit on the maximum length. |
BinaryVector | Binary vector. Each dimension is represented by 1 bit. |
FloatVector | Float vector. Each dimension is represented by 1 float (4 bits) value. |
INVALID | For internal usage. |
FLAT | Only for FloatVector type field. |
IVF_FLAT | Only for FloatVector type field. |
IVF_SQ8 | Only for FloatVector type field. |
IVF_PQ | Only for FloatVector type field. |
HNSW | Only for FloatVector type field. |
ANNOY | Only for FloatVector type field. |
DISKANN | Only for FloatVector type field. |
BIN_FLAT | Only for BinaryVector type field. |
BIN_IVF_FLAT | Only for BinaryVector type field. |
TRIE | Only for VARCHAR type field. |
其中IVF_FLAT、IVF_SQ8、IVF_PQ、BIN_FLAT等索引创建的时候支持 nlist,查询时候支持nporbe参数,将向量数据划分为nlist聚类单元,然后比较目标输入向量与每个聚类中心之间的距离。根据系统设置为查询的聚类数(nprobe),仅基于目标输入和最相似聚类中的向量之间的比较返回相似性搜索结果-大大减少查询时间。
Type | Description |
INVALID | For internal usage. |
L2 | Euclidean distance. Only for float vectors. |
IP | Inner product. Only for normalized float vectors. |
COSINE | Cosine Similarity. Only for normalized float vectors. |
HAMMING | Only for binary vectors. |
JACCARD | Only for binary vectors. |
TANIMOTO | Only for binary vectors. |
final Integer SEARCH_K = 2;
final String SEARCH_PARAM = "{\"nprobe\":10, \”offset\”:5}";
List search_output_fields = Arrays.asList("book_id");
List> search_vectors = Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList(0.1f, 0.2f));
SearchParam searchParam = SearchParam.newBuilder()
.withExpr("word_count <= 11000")
R respSearch = milvusClient.search(searchParam);
Python SDK demo
// 执行demo代码
# hello_milvus.py demonstrates the basic operations of PyMilvus, a Python SDK of Milvus.
# 1. connect to Milvus
# 2. create collection
# 3. insert data
# 4. create index
# 5. search, query, and hybrid search on entities
# 6. delete entities by PK
# 7. drop collection
import time
import numpy as np
from pymilvus import (
FieldSchema, CollectionSchema, DataType,
fmt = "\n=== {:30} ===\n"
search_latency_fmt = "search latency = {:.4f}s"
num_entities, dim = 3000, 8
# 1. connect to Milvus
# Add a new connection alias `default` for Milvus server in `localhost:19530`
# Actually the "default" alias is a buildin in PyMilvus.
# If the address of Milvus is the same as `localhost:19530`, you can omit all
# parameters and call the method as: `connections.connect()`.
# Note: the `using` parameter of the following methods is default to "default".
print(fmt.format("start connecting to Milvus"))
connections.connect("default", host="localhost", port="19530")
has = utility.has_collection("hello_milvus")
print(f"Does collection hello_milvus exist in Milvus: {has}")
# 2. create collection
# We're going to create a collection with 3 fields.
# +-+------------+------------+------------------+------------------------------+
# | | field name | field type | other attributes | field description |
# +-+------------+------------+------------------+------------------------------+
# |1| "pk" | VarChar | is_primary=True | "primary field" |
# | | | | auto_id=False | |
# +-+------------+------------+------------------+------------------------------+
# |2| "random" | Double | | "a double field" |
# +-+------------+------------+------------------+------------------------------+
# |3|"embeddings"| FloatVector| dim=8 | "float vector with dim 8" |
# +-+------------+------------+------------------+------------------------------+
fields = [
FieldSchema(name="pk", dtype=DataType.VARCHAR, is_primary=True, auto_id=False, max_length=100),
FieldSchema(name="random", dtype=DataType.DOUBLE),
FieldSchema(name="embeddings", dtype=DataType.FLOAT_VECTOR, dim=dim)
schema = CollectionSchema(fields, "hello_milvus is the simplest demo to introduce the APIs")
print(fmt.format("Create collection `hello_milvus`"))
hello_milvus = Collection("hello_milvus", schema, consistency_level="Strong")
# 3. insert data
# We are going to insert 3000 rows of data into `hello_milvus`
# Data to be inserted must be organized in fields.
# The insert() method returns:
# - either automatically generated primary keys by Milvus if auto_id=True in the schema;
# - or the existing primary key field from the entities if auto_id=False in the schema.
print(fmt.format("Start inserting entities"))
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=19530)
entities = [
# provide the pk field because `auto_id` is set to False
[str(i) for i in range(num_entities)],
rng.random(num_entities).tolist(), # field random, only supports list
rng.random((num_entities, dim)), # field embeddings, supports numpy.ndarray and list
insert_result = hello_milvus.insert(entities)
# 测试打印
for x in range(3):
print(f"Number of entities in Milvus: {hello_milvus.num_entities}") # check the num_entities
# 4. create index
# We are going to create an IVF_FLAT index for hello_milvus collection.
# create_index() can only be applied to `FloatVector` and `BinaryVector` fields.
print(fmt.format("Start Creating index IVF_FLAT"))
index = {
"index_type": "IVF_FLAT",
"metric_type": "L2",
"params": {"nlist": 128},
hello_milvus.create_index("embeddings", index)
# 5. search, query, and hybrid search
# After data were inserted into Milvus and indexed, you can perform:
# - search based on vector similarity
# - query based on scalar filtering(boolean, int, etc.)
# - hybrid search based on vector similarity and scalar filtering.
# Before conducting a search or a query, you need to load the data in `hello_milvus` into memory.
print(fmt.format("Start loading"))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# search based on vector similarity
print(fmt.format("Start searching based on vector similarity"))
vectors_to_search = entities[-1][-2:]
search_params = {
"metric_type": "L2",
"params": {"nprobe": 10},
start_time = time.time()
result = hello_milvus.search(vectors_to_search, "embeddings", search_params, limit=3, output_fields=["random"])
end_time = time.time()
for hits in result:
for hit in hits:
print(f"hit: {hit}, random field: {hit.entity.get('random')}")
print(search_latency_fmt.format(end_time - start_time))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# query based on scalar filtering(boolean, int, etc.)
print(fmt.format("Start querying with `random > 0.5`"))
start_time = time.time()
result = hello_milvus.query(expr="random > 0.5", output_fields=["random", "embeddings"])
end_time = time.time()
print(f"query result:\n-{result[0]}")
print(search_latency_fmt.format(end_time - start_time))
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# pagination
r1 = hello_milvus.query(expr="random > 0.5", limit=4, output_fields=["random"])
r2 = hello_milvus.query(expr="random > 0.5", offset=1, limit=3, output_fields=["random"])
print(f"query pagination(limit=4):\n\t{r1}")
print(f"query pagination(offset=1, limit=3):\n\t{r2}")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# hybrid search
print(fmt.format("Start hybrid searching with `random > 0.5`"))
start_time = time.time()
result = hello_milvus.search(vectors_to_search, "embeddings", search_params, limit=3, expr="random > 0.5", output_fields=["random"])
end_time = time.time()
for hits in result:
for hit in hits:
print(f"hit: {hit}, random field: {hit.entity.get('random')}")
print(search_latency_fmt.format(end_time - start_time))
# 6. delete entities by PK
# You can delete entities by their PK values using boolean expressions.
ids = insert_result.primary_keys
expr = f'pk in ["{ids[0]}" , "{ids[1]}"]'
print(fmt.format(f"Start deleting with expr `{expr}`"))
result = hello_milvus.query(expr=expr, output_fields=["random", "embeddings"])
print(f"query before delete by expr=`{expr}` -> result: \n-{result[0]}\n-{result[1]}\n")
result = hello_milvus.query(expr=expr, output_fields=["random", "embeddings"])
print(f"query after delete by expr=`{expr}` -> result: {result}\n")
# 7. drop collection
# Finally, drop the hello_milvus collection
# print(fmt.format("Drop collection `hello_milvus`"))
# utility.drop_collection("hello_milvus")