参考王大锤的eos 合约笔记
1 搭建测试网络
nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin
cleos - 管理账户、查询链信息、部署合约以及和合约交互等的客户端工具;
eosiocpp - eos的编译器,会产生部署合约需要的.wast和.abi文件;
nodeos - 负责整体链管理的命令工具,例如启动/停止
keosd - 虽然我们使用cleos来创建钱包,但是在这之下的钱包管理工具就是keos
2 创建eosid 管理员钱包
cleos wallet create -n eosio --to-console
Creating wallet: eosio
Save password to use in the future to unlock this wallet.
Without password imported keys will not be retrievable.
cleos wallet import -n eosio 5KQwrPbwdL6PhXujxW37FSSQZ1JiwsST4cqQzDeyXtP79zkvFD3
3 创建测试钱包mytest
cleos wallet create -n mytest --to-console
Creating wallet: mytest
Save password to use in the future to unlock this wallet.
Without password imported keys will not be retrievable.
cleos create key --to-console
Private key: 5J7j3EePrtmw3HGTcyCpxX2o3Z5wE83AJFWVY4iRFFqC8nL6oZJ
Public key: EOS8SK13SYxwzYyyDLcJEDPU6THSVQtienDrPPNYpZutk2ApDCuDk
cleos create key --to-console
Private key: 5JUxFHGSuQEKXokrki77H88bmgTTHvPz9WRsCRgqiAP276VHb8M
Public key: EOS6WZvKYcDokim7sqPAs4gKiKe7qdQ7yMuTuUscooTUdUhhBtVaY
cleos wallet import -n mytest
cleos create account eosio ${new_account} ${owner_key} ${active_key}
cleos create account eosio mytesteosio EOS8SK13SYxwzYyyDLcJEDPU6THSVQtienDrPPNYpZutk2ApDCuDk EOS6WZvKYcDokim7sqPAs4gKiKe7qdQ7yMuTuUscooTUdUhhBtVaY
cleos set contract eosio build/contracts/eosio.bios -p eosio@active
4 简单示例合约
1 在 build/tools 路径下有一个eosiocpp 工具 加入path
2 WebAssembly是一种新的编码方式,可以在现代的网络浏览器中运行。一般以.wasm结尾
# 创建合约hello1 在./hello1 文件夹下会生成两个文件
eosiocpp -n hello1
#使用 -o 生成wast文件和wasm文件
eosiocpp -o ./hello1.wast ./hello1.cpp
#使用 -g 生成abi文件
eosiocpp -g ./hello1.abi ./hello1.cpp
5 部署合约
cleos set contract eosio ./ ./hello1.wasm hello1.abi -p eosio@active
这行命令有五个参数:eosio表示部署合约的账户,./表示合约所在的文件夹,后面两个参数依次是.wasm和.abi文件的路径,最后的-p eosio@active表示权限。
6 调用合约
cleos push action eosio hi '["cowkeys"]' -p mytesteosio
7 智能合约存储介绍
参考资料比较清晰 参考教程6:合约介绍
8 源码示例
文末有app.hpp / app.cpp 两个源码
eosiocpp -o ./app.wast ./app.cpp
eosiocpp -g ./app.abi ./app.cpp
cleos set contract eosio ./ ./app.wasm app.abi -p eosio@active
cleos get table eosio eosio profile
调用 create
cleos push action eosio create '["eosio","cowkeys","27","programmer"]' -p eosio@active
9 源码
1 app.hpp
using namespace eosio;
using std::string;
class app : public contract {
using contract::contract;
app(account_name self)
: contract(self) {}
// @abi action
void hello(const account_name account);
// @abi action
void create(const account_name account,
const string& username,
uint32_t age,
const string& bio);
// @abi action
void get(const account_name account);
// @abi action
void update(const account_name account,
const string& username,
uint32_t age,
const string& bio);
// @abi action
void remove(const account_name account);
// @abi action
void byage(uint32_t age);
// @abi action
void agerange(uint32_t young, uint32_t old);
// @abi table profile i64
struct profile {
account_name account;
string username;
uint32_t age;
string bio;
account_name primary_key() const { return account; }
uint64_t by_age() const { return age; }
EOSLIB_SERIALIZE(profile, (account)(username)(age)(bio))
typedef eosio::multi_index< N(profile), profile,
// N(name of interface)
indexed_by< N(age),
> profile_table;
EOSIO_ABI(app, (hello)(create)(get)(update)(remove)(byage)(agerange))
2 app.cpp
void app::hello(account_name account) {
print("Hello ", name{account});
void app::create(const account_name account,
const string& username,
uint32_t age,
const string& bio) {
profile_table profiles(_self, _self);
auto itr = profiles.find(account);
eosio_assert(itr == profiles.end(), "Account already exists");
profiles.emplace(account, [&](auto& p) {
p.account = account;
p.username = username;
p.age = age;
p.bio = bio;
void app::get(const account_name account) {
profile_table profiles(_self, _self);
auto itr = profiles.find(account);
eosio_assert(itr != profiles.end(), "Account does not exist");
print("Account: ", name{itr->account}, " , ");
print("Username: ", itr->username.c_str(), " , ");
print("Age: ", itr->age , " , ");
print("Bio: ", itr->bio.c_str());
void app::update(const account_name account,
const string& username,
uint32_t age,
const string& bio) {
profile_table profiles(_self, _self);
auto itr = profiles.find(account);
eosio_assert(itr != profiles.end(), "Account does not exist");
profiles.modify(itr, account, [&](auto& p) {
p.username = username;
p.age = age;
p.bio = bio;
void app::remove(const account_name account) {
profile_table profiles(_self, _self);
auto itr = profiles.find(account);
eosio_assert(itr != profiles.end(), "Account does not exist");
print(name{account} , " deleted!");
void app::byage(uint32_t age) {
print("Checking age: ", age, "\n");
profile_table profiles(_self, _self);
// get an interface to the 'profiles' containter
// that looks up a profile by its age
auto age_index = profiles.get_index();
auto itr = age_index.lower_bound(age);
for(; itr != age_index.end() && itr->age == age; ++itr) {
print(itr->username.c_str(), " is ", itr->age, " years old\n");
void app::agerange(uint32_t young, uint32_t old) {
profile_table profiles(_self, _self);
auto age_index = profiles.get_index();
auto begin = age_index.lower_bound(young);
auto end = age_index.upper_bound(old);
for_each(begin, end, [&](auto& p) {
print(p.username.c_str(), " is ", p.age, " years old\n");