
22C4400 – Database Systems Project – Initial 2/15/2019Project ScopeRaman Aravamudhan RSA-22C4400-S19-PROJECT-SCOPEDepartment of Computer Science Page 1 of 5 Version 1.2Note: This document is intentionally incomplete and is in non-standardformat; as part of the course details on requirements will be provided whenasked.Project Scope:A new airline company “Iowa Air” has come to Iowa with Cedar Rapids asits Headquarters. Iowa Air seeks to build their Airline PassengerReservation System (ARS). This airline is expected to attract Iowa andsurrounding passengers in a big way. The Reservation system must besimple, easy to use and offer very high performance.Customer seeks to build a state of the web application for their Airline.Students can take www.aa.com for example for detailed functionality.Project will follow an open book approach which means extensivediscussions with TA and myself are permitted.In Phase1, Iowa Air plans to operate only Nonstop flights to 5 cities in theUnited States; passengers should be able to pay using Visa/Master Card,and thereafter be able to query the system about their reservation. Theairline schedules can be altered at any time and must be easy to change.Details of Aircraft are also captured. Assume standard features of Aircraftand schedules. Passengers should be able to print a receipt and alsoreceive it as email. Iowa Air allows the passenger to change theirreservation free of cost till 2 days before flight departure time. After thatpenalties occur but it will be handled through over the counter andtelephone support process.Phase 2 will involve Direct Flights and the use of Hub system. Phase 3 willinvolve Frequent Flier Mileage program, Seat selection and Trans-AtlanticFlights. Iowa Air seeks that the design must cater to development of thesecapabilities without any modifications to the Phase 1 design.The goal of this phase of project is to create a robust data model and design thedatabase using the principles taught in the course. A data driven approach ishighly desired.Customer objectives and scope descriptionThe proposed web portal must be highly extensible and support concurrency.The goal of this phase of project is to create a robust data model and design thedatabase using the principles taught in this course.An urgent requirement is build a state of the art web / mobile application forabove integrated software application. An iterative approach is probably ideal.The goal is to build an integrated System. A first step is to gather moredetailed requirements and build a good data Model, use Normalization 22C4400 – Database Systems Project – Initial 2/15/2019Project ScopeRaman Aravamudhan RSA-22C4400-S19-PROJECT-SCOPEDepartment of Computer Science Page 2 of 5 Version 1.2techniques and design the Normalized database catering to excellentperformance in a totally secured environment.The key is to come up with a good efficient database design which can supportboth Mobile and Web browser environments. The user interface is important butnot every screen is required in Phase 1, as the focus is on database. Use ofStored procedures must be maximized. Focus is on Database aspects ofthe project.The software must be implemented by semester end which means that a welltested demo system must be launched that time. Customer prefers to seeintermediate versions of the proposed software. ER Model, NormalizedDatabase, DDL scripts, Database Objects, Screens and some of these functionsmust be delivered in that order. Use of ORM like Hibernate (to be taught in thiscourse) are good capabilities to consider. Customer contacts will provideadditional details of requirements, if requested by the Project team during projectteam meetings.Customer contacts:Team # Primary Customer contact Alternate Customer contactAll Ingroj RAMANGeneral Requirements:1. Data Model, Normalization, Database Design, Stored Procedures should beas detailed as possible. The user interface and programming will be forlimited functions only (to be identified). Please use AA only for reference.Kindly use Iowa Air in all your work products.2. The tool should be user friendly & require minimal data entry. The Softwaredevelopment team and the Business analysts are required to suggest thespecific user friendly features while drafting the User RequirementSpecifications. Some examples of user friendly features may bea. minimum data entryb. data transfer from context sensitive help screens3. The system must support user Id / Password based authentication and mustoffer the best security features. The software development team is requiredto identify (in URS) the specific security features to be incorporated insoftware. Some examples of such security features may bea. Data encryption techniques (128 bit )b. Invisible passwordc. Structure of Passwordd. Password change policye. User Id 代做22C4400作业、代写ARS留学生作业、代做HTML/web语言作业、代写web课程设计作业 帮做Java程序|帮/ Password retrieval policy 22C4400 – Database Systems Project – Initial 2/15/2019Project ScopeRaman Aravamudhan RSA-22C4400-S19-PROJECT-SCOPEDepartment of Computer Science Page 3 of 5 Version 1.2Functional requirements:1. Book Flight – Round Trip2. Book Flight – 1 Way3. Book Flight – Multi City4. Book Flight – Award Travel5. Flight Status , Notification6. Aircraft (CRUD)7. Flight (CRUD), Aircraft Assignment for Flight8. Advantage Account9. Advantage Account logging10. Your trips11. News about vacations12. Contact us13. About us14. Advanced Search15. Trip Cancellation and Change16. More to be identifiedNon Functional and Operational requirements from project team:1. Each Team must pick a Team Leader and may pick a corporation name2. Team work is very important.3. Team members must have regular meetings each week.(at least 2)4. Meetings should be well planned and should preferably be less than 15minutes in each meeting.5. It is highly recommended that teams meet once after class every week.6. Distributed teams are a matter of fact; technology should be used to meetfrom remote, if it is convenient.7. Team must submit more detailed schedule and get it approved.8. The work done in each stage of software development must be acceptable tothe customer.9. All members of the team must assume specific responsibilities.10. The customer must be informed of the Roles and Responsibilities11. The tools required for the project will NOT be provided by the customer.12. Due to acute shortage of resources, the customer is able to meet with projectteams only on a pre-arranged basis during regular office hours.13. Use of Stored procedures must be maximized.14. All documents must be delivered using ICON drop box.15. Teams must develop the Screens and demo the screen flow beforedeveloping the full software.16. It should be easy to make changes to database design 22C4400 – Database Systems Project – Initial 2/15/2019Project ScopeRaman Aravamudhan RSA-22C4400-S19-PROJECT-SCOPEDepartment of Computer Science Page 4 of 5 Version 1.2Specific Deliverable schedule: [Due dates to be decided with class, TA]# Deliverable Description Due date Weight %1. Project Plan with individual Schedule 2. Data Attribute collection, Initial DB creation 2/12/19 53. User Requirement Specs , Usecase development 54. Definitions of queries required in English 2/19/19 55. Test Plans , Testing 56. ER Model (must be very detailed ) 157. Normalized database 108. High Level Design (screens, database, architecture,De-Normalizations if any) Design must be derivedfrom model 159. Demo of Stored procedures, functions 1010. Working software deliverable Iteration 1 1011. Working software deliverable Iteration 2 - Final 1012. Use of advanced DB features - discuss 513. Final Team Presentations 514. Team work 5[Item1] Project Plan. Briefly describe the availability of each team member,when you plan to meet, roles and responsibilities etc.[Items 2-3] Project – Functional / User Requirements /Data Attributea. List all functions and describe it brieflyb. For each Function list all Data Elements (Input, Output, Persisted or not)c. For each Data element identify (Data type, Validations, Domain, Constraints,Key or Not, Size, usage etc.)d. Write queries in words, GUI , Get Coding skillsData Attribute collection: Come prepared for project meeting with DataAttributes collection on 2/5/19[Items 4] Test Pan (Requirement #, Test condition, Expected result)1. How you plan to test tool and its components (stored proc, queries)2. Test Strategies (100%, Black box / white box testing)3. Unit, Module, over all functional4. Traceable to requirements[Items 5] E-R Model, Normalization [TBA][Items 6] DB Design [TBA][Items 7-8] Code and SoftwareDon’t submit it in ICON; Demo it to TA / me; we will ask for code selectivelyIterations - DeliverablesIteration #1: Screens, Db, Test plans, some data pull, over all architectureDeliver for the functions included in the iterationIteration 2 (Full) – Both should be working softwareSuggestion: In each iteration, carry out steps 2-6. So incrementalrequirements will be given and agile experience can be provided.Due Dates flexible within semester constraints. To be discussed in class 22C4400 – Database Systems Project – Initial 2/15/2019Project ScopeRaman Aravamudhan RSA-22C4400-S19-PROJECT-SCOPEDepartment of Computer Science Page 5 of 5 Version 1.2For Project Meeting (Please be on time, don’t skip without prior approval)a. What you did this week, where you need help, problems faced etc.b. What you plan to complete next weekRevision LogDate Version Description of change1/27/19 1.0 Initial1/28/19 1.1 Functional requirements listed2/15/19 1.2 Usecases removed as deliverable ; points assigned todesign 转自:http://www.7daixie.com/2019041550452907.html
