Unexpected WSL error


启动 Docker Desktop 报错 Unexpected WSL error,报错完整信息如下:

Docker Desktop - Unexpected WSL error
An unexpected error was encountered while executing a WSL command, Commoncauses include access rights issues, which occur after waking the computer or notbeing connected to your domain/active directory.
please try shutting WSL down (wsl --shutdown) and/or rebooting your computer. lfnot sufficient, WSL may need to be reinstalled fully, As a last resort, try touninstall/reinstall Docker Desktop, lf the issue persists please collect diagnostics andsubmit an issue...//docsdocker.com/desktop/troubleshoot/overview/#diagnose-from-the-terminal)

Unexpected WSL error_第1张图片


以管理员身份运行 CMD ,输入 netsh winsock reset ,然后重新打开 Docker Desktop 即可。

Unexpected WSL error_第2张图片
