[源码阅读]SMUG Planner

A Safe Multi-Goal Planner for Mobile Robots in Challenging Environments


1.从起点开始 连接 起点 到 最后一个TOI的所有 POI 并计算路径代价,

2.然后转入到 上一个 TOI (倒数第二个),计算新的 TOI 到刚刚的TOI 内所有 POI 之间的路径 以及代价,

3.计算 当前TOI 每一个POI j 到起点时经过的上一个 TOI 的第k 个POI ,记录下路径代价最小时候的 j 对应的k ,放入一个二维查找表,

4.这个二维查找表的行对应的是一个TOI ,列对应的是 这个 TOI 里第 j 个POI 想连接到起点时候,经过的上一个 TOI 的第k 个 POI ,这个k 使路径代价最小。



7.首先计算起点到第一个TOI 的所有的POI的路径以及代价,找到路径代价最小的对应的第k个POI;

8.因为已经直到了终点也就是起点,到达第一个TOI的最短路径对应的j k POI了,也就是那个查找表,所以根据第7步找到的k 在查找表回找就可以找到起点经过k POI 到终点(起点)的一个路径了,代价最小。


PlannerStatus Planner::dynamicProgramming(const std::vector>>& goal_sets, // TOIS 和 POIS 每一个 vector 的第一个是 TOI
                                          std::vector> points) { // 所有的 POI
    int n_points = points.size(); // POIs num
    int n_set = goal_sets.size(); // TOIS num
    og::PathGeometricPtr** path_matrix; // 符合几何约束的路径矩阵
    path_lengths_ = new double*[n_points];
    path_matrix = new og::PathGeometricPtr*[n_points];
    for (int i = 0; i < n_points; i++) {
        path_lengths_[i] = new double[n_points];
        path_matrix[i] = new og::PathGeometricPtr[n_points];

    // dynamic programming and plannning during steps

    auto center_sequence_temp = center_sequence_; // center_sequence_ TSP 求解的 TOI 的顺序 第一个应该是 start
    std::vector cost_vector; // 起点 start 到 每一个 POI 的最短路径 代价
    // the last one goal to start

    int cur_center = center_sequence_temp.back(); //TODO 最后访问的 TOI 还是 第一个访问的 TOI 
    std::vector> next_point_table(n_set - 1);
    int next_point = n_points - 1; // start point
    for (int i = 0; i < goal_sets[cur_center].size() - 1; i++) { // 应该不包括 TOI 
        if (stop_planning_) {
            return PREEMPTED;
        int cur_point = getIdxInVector(cur_center, i); // 每一个TOI 的 POI
        // plan p2p

        PlannerStatus solved = singleGoalPlan(points[cur_point], points[next_point]);
        og::PathGeometric path(ss_->getSpaceInformation()); // plan 两个点(每一个到开始点)之间的路径
        std::shared_ptr path_ptr;
        switch (solved) {
            case PlannerStatus::SOLVED:
                path = getSingleSolutionPath();
                path_ptr = std::make_shared(path);
                path_matrix[cur_point][next_point] = path_ptr; // 记录每一个点到起点的路径的矩阵
                path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] = path_ptr->length(); // 记录每一个点到起点的路径的长度
                path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] = INFINITY;
        cost_vector.push_back(path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point]); // 记录了当前TOI的每一个POI点到 起点 的路径长度 cost

    int next_center = cur_center; // 当前TOI 变为 下一个中心TOI
    for (int i = 1; i < n_set; i++) {
        cur_center = center_sequence_temp.back(); //TODO 最后一个TOI的上一个
        std::vector cost_vector_new;
        std::vector next_point_list;
        for (int j = 0; j < goal_sets[cur_center].size() - 1; j++) { // 这个 for 计算了当前中心的第j 个点经过上一个中心的第k个POI 是到达起点的最短路径代价和k
            if (stop_planning_) {
                return PREEMPTED;
            int cur_point = getIdxInVector(cur_center, j); // 新的当前点
            double best = INFINITY;
            int best_idx;
            for (int k = 0; k < goal_sets[next_center].size() - 1; k++) { // 这个 for 找到了 cur center 的第j个POI 到 起点 经过的 上一个 中心的 第 k 个 POI 这时候路径代价最小
                int next_point = getIdxInVector(next_center, k);

                // plan p2p
                PlannerStatus solved = singleGoalPlan(points[cur_point], points[next_point]);
                og::PathGeometric path(ss_->getSpaceInformation());
                std::shared_ptr path_ptr;
                switch (solved) {
                    case PlannerStatus::SOLVED:
                        path = getSingleSolutionPath();
                        path_ptr = std::make_shared(path);
                        path_matrix[cur_point][next_point] = path_ptr;
                        path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] = path_ptr->length();
                        path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] = INFINITY;

                double cur_cost = path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] + cost_vector[k];
                if (cur_cost < best) {
                    best = cur_cost;
                    best_idx = k;
            next_point_list.push_back(best_idx); // 只保留了 每一个 j 到 k 到 起点的路径代价最小时候的,k 和最小路径代价
        next_point_table[n_set - 1 - i] = next_point_list; // 每一个j 到起点对应的最小路径代价的k 的列表 放入一个二维数组
        next_center = cur_center; // 更新
        cost_vector.insert(cost_vector.end(), cost_vector_new.begin(), cost_vector_new.end()); // 每一个j 到起点对应的最小路径代价的k 的 路径代价 放入一个二维数组
    // first step from start
    int cur_point = n_points - 1;
    double best = INFINITY;
    int best_idx;
    for (int k = 0; k < goal_sets[next_center].size() - 1; k++) { // 第一个 TOI
        if (stop_planning_) {
            return PREEMPTED;
        int next_point = getIdxInVector(next_center, k);

        // plan p2p
        PlannerStatus solved = singleGoalPlan(points[cur_point], points[next_point]); // 起点 到 第一个 TOI
        og::PathGeometric path(ss_->getSpaceInformation());
        std::shared_ptr path_ptr;
        switch (solved) {
            case PlannerStatus::SOLVED:
                path = getSingleSolutionPath();
                path_ptr = std::make_shared(path);
                path_matrix[cur_point][next_point] = path_ptr;
                path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] = path_ptr->length();
                path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] = INFINITY;

        double cur_cost = path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] + cost_vector[k];
        if (cur_cost < best) {
            best = cur_cost;
            best_idx = k;
    } // 起点 到 第一个 TOI 路径最短时 对应的 第 k 个 POI

    // the first goal is best_idx
    int cur_idx = best_idx;
    std::vector dp_sequence{};

    for (int i = 0; i < n_set; i++) {
        if (i > 0) cur_idx = next_point_table[i - 1][cur_idx]; // 后面这个cur_idx  就是 best_idx 就是 第一个TOI 的k 相对于下一个 TOI 来说 就是 next_point_table 里面的 j
        int cur_center = center_sequence_[i];                   // next_point_table 记录了[第i个TOI中的][第j个POI]连接的下一个TOI的最佳的k
        int next_point = getIdxInVector(cur_center, cur_idx);
        dp_sequence.push_back(next_point); // 起点到终点的第 k 个 POI

    int cur_index = n_points - 1; // 起点

    for (int next_index : dp_sequence) { // 将 dp 序列转化为 路径
        og::PathGeometricPtr path_ptr_temp = path_matrix[cur_index][next_index]; 
        og::PathGeometric path_temp = *path_ptr_temp;
        cur_index = next_index;
    // close the path
    og::PathGeometricPtr path_ptr_temp = path_matrix[cur_index][n_points - 1];
    og::PathGeometric path_temp = *path_ptr_temp;
    complete_path_dp_->append(path_temp); // 最后一个 POI 连接到起点

    // free memory
    for (int i = 0; i < n_points; i++) {
        delete[] path_lengths_[i];
        delete[] path_matrix[i];
    delete[] path_lengths_;
    delete[] path_matrix;

    return PlannerStatus::SOLVED;
PlannerStatus Planner::iterativeDP(const std::vector>>& goal_sets,
                                   std::vector> points) {
    ompl::time::point start_misc5 = ompl::time::now();
    int n_points = points.size(); // POIs num
    int n_set = goal_sets.size(); // TOIs num
    og::PathGeometricPtr** path_matrix; // 记录POI 之间的路径
    path_lengths_ = new double*[n_points]; // 记录POI 之间的路径代价
    path_matrix = new og::PathGeometricPtr*[n_points];
    for (int i = 0; i < n_points; i++) {
        path_lengths_[i] = new double[n_points];
        path_matrix[i] = new og::PathGeometricPtr[n_points];

    auto center_sequence_temp = center_sequence_;

    double best_cost = INFINITY;
    std::vector best_point_in_set; // 最好的POI
    int n_planned_paths = 0; // 规划的路径数量
    double total_dp_time = 0; // 计算时间
    while (true) {
        // start dp
        ompl::time::point dp_start_time = ompl::time::now();
        auto center_sequence_temp = center_sequence_;
        std::vector cost_vector;
        // the last one goal to start

        int cur_center = center_sequence_temp.back();
        std::vector> next_point_table(n_set - 1); // j POI 连接 k POI 的查找表
        int next_point = n_points - 1; // start
        for (int i = 0; i < goal_sets[cur_center].size() - 1; i++) {
            int cur_point = getIdxInVector(cur_center, i);

            if (!path_matrix[cur_point][next_point]) {
                // this means obstacle free path is not planned yet, use euclidean cost instead
            } else {
                // this means obstacle free path is planned, use path cost

        int next_center = cur_center;
        for (int i = 1; i < n_set; i++) {
            cur_center = center_sequence_temp.back();
            std::vector cost_vector_new;
            std::vector next_point_list;
            for (int j = 0; j < goal_sets[cur_center].size() - 1; j++) {
                int cur_point = getIdxInVector(cur_center, j);
                double best = INFINITY;
                int best_idx;
                for (int k = 0; k < goal_sets[next_center].size() - 1; k++) {
                    int next_point = getIdxInVector(next_center, k);

                    double cur_cost = 0;
                    if (!path_matrix[cur_point][next_point]) {
                        // this means obstacle free path is not planned yet, use euclidean cost instead
                        cur_cost = points[cur_point].distance(points[next_point]) + cost_vector[k];
                    } else {
                        // this means obstacle free path is planned, use path cost
                        cur_cost = path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] + cost_vector[k];

                    if (cur_cost < best) {
                        best = cur_cost;
                        best_idx = k;
            next_point_table[n_set - 1 - i] = next_point_list;
            next_center = cur_center;
            cost_vector.insert(cost_vector.end(), cost_vector_new.begin(), cost_vector_new.end());
        } // 同 DP 计算两两POI 之间的 COST,以及记录 j k 对应关系
        // first step from start

        int cur_point = n_points - 1; // start 
        double best = INFINITY;
        int best_idx;
        for (int k = 0; k < goal_sets[next_center].size() - 1; k++) {
            double cur_cost = 0;
            int next_point = getIdxInVector(next_center, k);
            if (!path_matrix[cur_point][next_point]) {
                // this means obstacle free path is not planned yet, use euclidean cost instead
                cur_cost = points[cur_point].distance(points[next_point]) + cost_vector[k];
            } else {
                // this means obstacle free path is planned, use path cost
                cur_cost = path_lengths_[cur_point][next_point] + cost_vector[k];
            if (cur_cost < best) {
                best = cur_cost;
                best_idx = k;

        // the first goal is best_idx
        int cur_idx = best_idx;
        std::vector point_in_set(n_set);
        for (int i = 0; i < n_set; i++) {
            if (i > 0) cur_idx = next_point_table[i - 1][cur_idx];
            int cur_center = center_sequence_[i]; // 该去参观的第 i 个 TOI
            point_in_set[cur_center] = getIdxInVector(cur_center, cur_idx); // 参观第 i 个 TOI 的时候,应该取得那一个 POI
        } // 得到顺序访问的 k POI

        double dp_time = ompl::time::seconds(ompl::time::now() - dp_start_time);
        total_dp_time += dp_time;

        // TODO IDP 不同于DP的地方
        // 上面得到的是路径代价最小时候的访问POI 序列(包括,规划了路径和不规划的路径的POI组合)
        // 下面就可以通过判断有没有规划路径,没有规划就给他规划一条路径,这样可以达到这个从起点到终点的经过的所有POI 之间都规划了路径,而这个cost 
        // 记录了这个已经规划了所有经过的POI 之间的路径的整个路径代价值
        // while 的下一次循环又会找到一个访问组合POI序列,下面又会给这个组合的所有POI之间进行路径规划,并记录cost.
        // 通过保留最小的 cost 的路径(这个路径的POI组合)就可以得到最小路径代价的访问POI 路径了。
        // 直到没有需要规划的POI 之间的路径为止。

        // obstacle free path planning according to point_in_set
        std::vector path_before;
        std::vector is_planned_one_iteration;
        og::PathGeometric path_after = og::PathGeometric(ss_->getSpaceInformation());
        bool need_to_plan = false;
        double cost = 0.0;
        int last_point = n_points - 1; // start
        for (int i = 0; i <= n_set; i++) {
            int cur_point;
            if (i == n_set) {
                cur_point = n_points - 1; // 又回到了起点
            } else {
                int cur_set = center_sequence_[i]; // 要参观的第 i 个 TOI

                cur_point = point_in_set[cur_set]; // 要参观的第 i 个 TOI 的第 k 个 POI
            // check if path is already planned
            if (!path_matrix[last_point][cur_point]) { // 如果两个POI 之间没有规划过路径
                need_to_plan = true; // 需要规划路径
                n_planned_paths++; // 规划路径计数++
                PlannerStatus solved = singleGoalPlan(points[last_point], points[cur_point]);
                og::PathGeometric path(ss_->getSpaceInformation());
                std::shared_ptr path_ptr;
                switch (solved) {
                    case PlannerStatus::SOLVED:
                        path = getSingleSolutionPath();
                        path_ptr = std::make_shared(path);
                        path_matrix[last_point][cur_point] = path_ptr;
                        path_lengths_[last_point][cur_point] = path_ptr->length();
                        path_lengths_[last_point][cur_point] = INFINITY;
                path_after.append(path); // 填入规划的路径
                is_planned_one_iteration.push_back(false); // 没有被规划过
                    og::PathGeometric(ss_->getSpaceInformation(), points[last_point].get(), points[cur_point].get())); // 填入由两个状态确定的一个路径实例
            } else {
                is_planned_one_iteration.push_back(true); // 之前被规划过
            cost += path_lengths_[last_point][cur_point]; // 此时给一个最佳POI 组合规划了一个完整的路径,并记录了这个 路径 cost
            last_point = cur_point;
        if (cost < best_cost) { // 时刻记录 cost 最小的那个路径
            best_cost = cost;
            best_point_in_set = point_in_set;
        if (!need_to_plan) { // 没有 POI 之间存在没有规划的路径的情况了
    // glue solution
    int cur_index = n_points - 1;
    for (int next_set : center_sequence_) {
        int next_index = best_point_in_set[next_set];
        og::PathGeometricPtr path_ptr_temp = path_matrix[cur_index][next_index];
        og::PathGeometric path_temp = *path_ptr_temp;
        cur_index = next_index;
    // close the path
    og::PathGeometricPtr path_ptr_temp = path_matrix[cur_index][n_points - 1];
    og::PathGeometric path_temp = *path_ptr_temp;

    // free memory
    for (int i = 0; i < n_points; i++) {
        delete[] path_lengths_[i];
        delete[] path_matrix[i];
    delete[] path_lengths_;
    delete[] path_matrix;
    return PlannerStatus::SOLVED;
