11.5 消息重发和死信队列

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11.5 Message redelivery and dead-letter queues

11.5 消息重发和死信队列


When messages expire on the ActiveMQ broker (they exceed their time-to-live, if set)

or can’t be redelivered, they’re moved to a dead-letter queue, so they can be consumed

or browsed by an administrator at a later point.


当ActiveMQ 代理上的消息过期(如果设置了消息的生存期,这些消息超过了生存期),或者不能被重新分发时,



Messages are normally redelivered to a client in the following scenarios:

? A client is using transactions and calls rollback() on the session.

? A client is using transactions and closes before calling commit.

? A client is using CLIENT_ACKNOWLEDGE on a session and calls recover() on

that session.


(1) 客户端使用了事务,并调用了rollback()方法




