你是“泡芙人”(Skinny fat)么?



What Happens If You Exercise But don't Eat Well?

来源: https://edition.cnn.com

Maybe you're someone who runs 20 to 30 miles a week but regularly gets fast food for dinner. Perhaps you track what you eat Monday through Friday but binge on the weekends.


If you've convinced yourself that you're going to burn it off in your next cardio session. But the reality is that it doesn't matter whether you work out longer or at a higher intensity, experts say. Exercise cannot completely reverse the effects of a bad diet.


"Skinny fat" is the unofficial term used on social media to describe a person who looks slim but has a high percentage of body fat. A regular gymgoer could have little subcutaneous fat —the fat right under your skin that's easy to pinch —but lots of visceral fat. This fat layer is less noticeable because it wraps around your organs.


Visceral fat is dangerous than the outer layer of fat you see, warned Dr. Colin Carriker, an exercise physiologist and associate professor of health and human performance at High Point University in North Carolina. A buildup of visceral fat from eating processed foods high in sugar, salt and carbs could lead to the same type of risks as a person with obesity.


Why it's virtually impossible to outrun a bad diet. If you're looking to lose weight, the key is to develop a caloric deficit in which you burn calories more than what you are consuming. But eating high-calorie fatty foods regularly can make this a challenge.


Processed foods such as soda and candy have little to no nutrients. With a lack of vitamins, protein and fiber to fill you up, it'll be hard to think about working out when you're constantly feeling hungry.


Caroline Susie, a registered dietitian and also a spokesperson for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, explained that fatty foods might give a temporary boost of energy at first, but they wouldn't be enough to maintain a long or high-intensity workout, making it easier to feel fatigued sooner. On top of all that, any empty calories that aren't burned off will be stored as fat.

卡洛琳-苏西是一名注册营养师,也是美国营养与饮食科学院的发言人,她解释说,油腻的食物一开始可能会让人暂时精力充沛,但不足以维持长时间或高强度的锻炼,更容易让人很快感到疲劳。 除此之外,任何没有消耗掉的热量都会以脂肪的形式储存起来。

To build muscle mass, your best bet is to include foods high in protein such as chicken and salmon in your diet. Macronutrients like protein help build lean muscle mass and sustain it.


你可能感兴趣的:(你是“泡芙人”(Skinny fat)么?)