所有发生的事情都是我们的责任?提高免疫力就是简单的折服于宇宙实相!-创业一起high 219






S曾经认为自己第三个孩子父亲是自己forever love结果不是,我问她:为什么如此确信?世界上一切事物都在变化,尤其两个人如果value system不一样, 这个男人对其他人不够好not nice to others, 即使good at sex,都不是你需要的人,出现变化是非常正常的。




There are five yamas or ethical restraints. Part of the discipline is to cultivate these as part of daily action as well as in formal practice.

Ahimsa ~ Non-harming不伤害,包括不伤害他人,动植物,不伤害自己

Satya ~ Truthfulness真实,不要欺骗自己和他人,尤其感情和心里上,不附庸权势财富和世人所谓的成功道德约束,遵循自己内心

Asteya ~ Non-stealing不偷盗,不只是简单字面含义,包括他人思想

Brahmacharya ~ Celibacy独善其身,禁欲,慎独!这个我非常喜欢和欣赏,也身体力行。

Aparigraha ~ Non-covetousness不贪求,太难了,其实财富权利名誉性吃喝都是贪,每个人都有自己软肋。

Ahimsa (Non-harming) is perfect harmlessness in thought, word and action. Eliminate the beast nature within. Ahimsa is positive, cosmic love. To abstain even from the slightest harm to any living creature, mentally, verbally or by deed. By injuring another you injure your own self. By serving another you serve your own self. Love all. Serve all. Hate none. Insult none. Injure none in thought, word or deed. Ahimsa is a wonderful quality of the heart. Ahimsa is Supreme Love. Ahimsa is a weapon of the strong. It cannot be practiced by weak persons.

Satya (Truthfulness), in which thought, word and act should agree. Satya does not twist or modify whatever you have heard or seen, it must be spoken of as it is. In Satya truth alone triumphs. God is truth. You can realize truth only by speaking truth. By speaking truth, the mind is purified and the Divine light dawns.

Asteya (Non-stealing). Desire is the root-cause for stealing. If you are established in non-stealing, all wealth will come to you.

Brahmacharya (Celibacy) is purity or freedom from lust in thought, word and deed. It is freedom from sexual thoughts and sexual urges. If you are established in Brahmacharya, you will have tremendous energy and great will power. Yogis do not waste the sexual fluids, but conserve them to transform them into Cosmic energy to lift the consciousness up Shushumna

Aparigraha (Non-covetousness) removes anxiety to preserve, fear of loss, sorrow in loss, hatred, anger, untruthfulness, stealing, attachment, agitation of mind, restlessness, cares and worries. Aparigraha gives peace, contentment and satisfaction. Aparigraha also means non receiving of gifts conducive to luxury. Never take from life more than you need for simple living. Keep just what’s needed for life’s sustenance. Lose the desire to have what belongs to others. Be always content and satisfied with whatever you have. Have faith in God! He will provide everything (whatever your karma allows you to) at the right time and place. Too many possessions create attachment and this brings pain and misery.



There are five niyamas or observances of self disciple. Part of the discipline is to cultivate these as part of daily action as well as in formal practice.

These are the niyamas:

Saucha ~ Purity纯洁:控制饮食身体和心灵

Santosha ~ Contentment知足,知道自己已经拥有足够,感恩;这个是每天内观结束metta我都练习的,感恩自己周围的所有人和自己获得如此多的人生,已经足够,剩下的需要给予。

Tapas ~ Austerity苦修,这个看似很难,其实很容易过度执迷于修行,修炼,需要好的方法和老师。

Svadhyaya ~ Study of the Self自修,就是内观,向内有一切答案和实相,越来越有认同感。

Ishvara Pranidhana ~ Self-Surrender to the Lord奉献,这个很有意思,我和S讨论很久,很多有宗教信仰的人生病后恢复和免疫力都比没有信仰的人强很多倍,我们两都来自对宗教两个字很排斥的逻辑学背景,但慢慢的开始转化,因为所有知识和实证体验都呈现对人的康乐well-being重要性,可以不叫做“宗教”,但信服于或者折服于无上宇宙,更为我们接受!


These are the qualities to be cultivated.

Saucha (Purity) is perfect purity in body, thought and action. Keep the body free from smoke, drugs, alcohol and food that is tasteless, stale, excessively salty, hot, dry, bitter, overcooked, over-ripened, unclean, fried or oily. Shun the intake of flesh. Do not make your stomach a “graveyard” by ingesting cadavers (meat, fish, and fowl) and/or embryos (eggs). Eat natural foods like fruits, vegetables and nuts. Drink water and natural fruit and vegetable juices. Avoid garlic, onions and indulgence of sweets. Thus, you will be freed from many deadly diseases and success in meditation is certain. The mind, little by little, must be freed from feelings of lust, envy, pride, fear, jealousy, arrogance, hatred and delusion. All demoralizing thoughts must gradually be driven away with the power of positive thoughts. Devotional songs (kirtan), repetition of mantras and the reading of holy books will greatly help you to achieve this.

Santosha (Contentment) is the result of knowledge of the laws of Karma. Everything is as it should be. Everything that happens to you is due to your past actions. Lord Jesus said, “There is not one blade of grass that moves without the will of God”.

Tapas (austerity). Feel a burning desire for liberation. Cultivate a burning effort to be strict with everything. This is why there are people entering into great meditations. Austerity also means strictness with yourself. But, if there is too much, it may hurt others. Be sensitive, according to your situation. For true Tapas, (or any real success in Yoga, a Guru is necessary).

Svadhyaya (Study of the self). Observation of your own self. Study scriptures such as the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads or any scripture that allows the nature of the Self to be revealed. Reflect on what is real and what is not real. Keep trying to see what is real. Reflect on the sheaths of the body. Gradually, through meditation, you realize the presence of the eternal consciousness within.

Ishvara Pranidhana (Surrender to the Lord). Dedicate everything to the Lord. Keep saying in your heart, “everything is for you, my Lord.” Devotion to God is renunciation of all actions and ego to the Lord. The Lord is nothing but your own real self. Surrender, say “Take Me”. This leads automatically to samadhi. Read holy books that inspire surrender while adhering to the yamas.


我们也谈到正念减压疗法,英文全称为MindfulneSS—based stress reduction,简称为MBSR。乃于1979年,由美国麻省大学医学中心(University of Massachusetts Medical Center)附属减压门诊(stress reduction clinic)的Jon Kabat-zinn博士所创立,原称为减压与放松疗程(stress reduction and relaxation program,简称SR-RP)。正念减压疗程立意在辅助(而非取代)一般的医疗行为,其目的乃在教导病患运用自己内在的身心力量,为自己的身心健康积极地做一些他人无法替代的事--培育正念。参与疗程的病患通常各自患有不同的生理或心理疾病,包含头痛、高血压、背痛、心脏病、癌症、爱滋病、气喘、长期性疼痛、肌纤维酸瘤、皮肤病、与压力有关的肠胃病、睡眠失调、焦虑与恐慌症等等。

感兴趣朋友可以网上查MBSR, Jon Kabat-Zinn,网站https://www.umassmed.edu/cfm/mindfulness-based-programs/,这个地方和Stephanie长大town就只有10几公里路程,但她是到了地球另一端Aukland才意识到自己最感兴趣的是mindfulness对健康免疫作用,开始学习心理学,我详细咨询一下她目前学习内容,太多的statistic分析方法数据论,和我感兴趣心里如何作用健康相差很远,基础理论研究都很boring,估计我不会商业博士学习毕业后转学心理学。


我们也讨论瑜伽对于创伤修复作用,也是在麻省,The Trauma Center at JRI,Brookline, MA 02446离Stephenie的hometown很近,看来都是神助,注定要回归。


她练习和教瑜伽28年,说自己体验是开始5-10年expand body frame,之后working within body frame;那我才4年时间,还处于探索身体可以扩充潜力阶段,虽然最近困在kapotasana自己也不着急,ashtanga就是一个体式接着一个体式,如果一定要练到什么程度就会受伤,S说自己初级体式1年,中级练了3年,现在10几年一直困在序列3;我初级练了3年,计划中级练一辈子,时间长着呢,着啥急!S很driven,一定要练到什么程度,之前会因为练习不到位ruin the whole day!现在不会,思路转变, rest of day因为yoga而更好,没有yoga frustration;其实ashtanga要求每天练习也是addiction,和吃喝淫欲在欲望本质驱动上都是意识,但是好的addiction,我愿意一辈子addict下去!

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