Qt Quick 3D offers efficient creation and rendering of scenes that combine 3D and 2D elements.
Qt Quick 3D提供了结合3D和2D元素的场景的高效创建和渲染。
What do we mean by a combined 3D-2D scene?
By nature, a View3D object, representing a 3D viewport in the 2D scene, can be easily combined with Qt Quick items, such as, Rectangle, Image, Text, around, below, or above the View3D item, which itself is a Qt Quick Item.
本质上,表示2D场景中3D视口的View3D对象可以很容易地与Qt Quick项组合,例如矩形、图像、文本、View3D项周围、下方或上方,而View3D项本身就是Qt Quick项目。
Consider the following example:
import QtQuick
import QtQuick3D
Rectangle {
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0; color: "steelblue" }
GradientStop { position: 1; color: "black" }
Text {
text: "Hello 2D World"
font.pointSize: 32
color: "red"
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
Item {
width: 400; height: 400
anchors.centerIn: parent
View3D {
anchors.fill: parent
environment: SceneEnvironment { backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.Color; clearColor: "lightGray" }
PerspectiveCamera { z: 600 }
DirectionalLight { }
Model {
source: "#Cube"
materials: PrincipledMaterial { baseColor: "green"; metalness: 0.0; roughness: 0.0 }
eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(30, 45, 0)
Here the 3D scene is the area with gray background. The rest of the window consists of 2D Qt Quick items. These can overlap with the View3D but are not part of the 3D world, are not using the 3D coordinate system, and do not take part in the 3D scene's transformations.
这里的3D场景是具有灰色背景的区域。窗口的其余部分由2D Qt Quick项目组成。它们可以与View3D重叠,但不是3D世界的一部分,不使用3D坐标系,也不参与3D场景的变换。
What if we want to have 2D items within the 3D world, in a way that they truly participate in all 3D transforms? For example, can we have Rectangle and Text items placed within the 3D world, in a way that they follow the cube's rotation and are always placed above it?
In the following sections we will take a look at how this can be achieved. While the example uses Rectangle and Text, any Qt Quick content, including Qt Quick Controls, Shape, ShaderEffect, ParticleSystem, can be used this way.
在以下部分中,我们将了解如何实现这一点。虽然示例使用矩形和文本,但任何Qt Quick内容,包括Qt QuickControl、Shape、ShaderEffect和ParticleSystem,都可以这样使用。
Note: There are also other approaches available to integrate 2D content with the 3D objects. Adding 2D items to 3D nodes allows freely combining the 2D and 3D objects in the 3D world, but it does not allow rendering the 2D content on the surface of a 3D object. If the goal is to texture a 3D mesh with content generated by Qt Quick, use the sourceItem property of Texture instead.
注意:还有其他方法可用于将2D内容与3D对象集成。将2D项添加到3D节点允许在3D世界中自由组合2D和3D对象,但不允许在3D对象的表面上渲染2D内容。如果目标是使用Qt Quick生成的内容对3D网格进行纹理处理,请改用纹理的sourceItem属性。
Qt Quick content used as a texture map | Qt Quick items in the 3D scene |
The key enabler is Object3D's ability to accept Item child objects, and treat them in a special way. Object3D is the base class for the Node type. This means that any Node, and also types like Model, accept Item children.
Starting with Qt 6.0, adding a 2D item to a 3D node no longer triggers rendering the 2D content into a OpenGL texture, Vulkan image, or similar. Rather, the default mode is to render the 2D items in-line with the rest of the 3D scene, in the same render pass. The 2D items have all 3D transformations applied. The transformations are inherited from the wrapping Node.
从Qt 6.0开始,向3D节点添加2D项不再触发将2D内容渲染为OpenGL纹理、Vulkan图像或类似内容。相反,默认模式是在同一渲染过程中与3D场景的其余部分对齐渲染2D项目。2D项目应用了所有3D变换。转换是从包装节点继承的。
import QtQuick
import QtQuick3D
Rectangle {
gradient: Gradient {
GradientStop { position: 0; color: "steelblue" }
GradientStop { position: 1; color: "black" }
Text {
text: "Hello 2D World"
font.pointSize: 32
color: "red"
anchors.top: parent.top
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
Item {
width: 400; height: 400
anchors.centerIn: parent
View3D {
anchors.fill: parent
environment: SceneEnvironment { backgroundMode: SceneEnvironment.Color; clearColor: "lightGray" }
PerspectiveCamera { z: 600 }
DirectionalLight { }
Model {
Node {
y: 150
Rectangle {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
color: "white"
width: text3d.width
height: text3d.height
Text {
id: text3d
text: "Hello 3D World"
font.pointSize: 32
source: "#Cube"
materials: PrincipledMaterial { baseColor: "green"; metalness: 0.0; roughness: 0.0 }
eulerRotation: Qt.vector3d(30, 45, 0)
Compared to the first snippet, the Model node now has a child node, with a transform that places it somewhat above the cube's position. 150
is relative to the cube's center, in the 3D coordinate space.
Model {
Node {
y: 150
Then there is the Rectangle item. When adding it under a Node, the boundaries of the 3D and 2D world are crossed internally, but this remains transparent to the application designer. An invisible content item
is generated automatically, allowing the Rectangle to refer to parent
and perform anchoring. The 3D transform from the Node is applied to the entire 2D subtree. In the example this means that the rotation will match the cube's rotation.
Node {
y: 150
Rectangle {
anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
The 2D items continue to use Qt Quick's coordinate system: Y axis runs from top to bottom, and the units correspond to pixels. 3D nodes on the other hand use the 3D coordinate system: the Y axis points up, and the units correspond to centimeters, affected by the Camera's perspective projection.
2D项目继续使用Qt Quick的坐标系:Y轴从上到下,单位对应于像素。另一方面,3D节点使用3D坐标系:Y轴指向上,单位对应于厘米,受摄影机透视投影的影响。
The top item's top-left corner is placed at the Node's origin by default. This means that the top-level item in a 2D subtree will often want to specify an anchor, for example anchors.centerIn: parent
, or, like in the example, anchoring the horizontal center to the parent' horizontal center, thus centering the 2D content horizontally over the 3D node.
默认情况下,顶部项的左上角位于节点的原点。这意味着2D子树中的顶级项通常需要指定锚,例如anchors.centerIn: parent
layer.enabled: true
to the top-level Item
under the 3D node.layer.enabled: true
来实现3D节点下的顶级项。See also Qt Quick 3D - Quick Items Example.
另请参见Qt Quick 3D-快速项目示例。
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