The best part about WordPress is the plugins. They give you the ability to extend WordPress to do almost anything you can imagine. There are over 21,000 plugins in the WordPress plugins repository. Over the past few months, I (Syed) have been meaning to write a post that talks about my vision for a better and more engaging WordPress plugins directory. In here, I will talk about some serious user experience issues and how it can be improved.
关于WordPress最好的部分是插件。 它们使您能够扩展WordPress,以执行几乎可以想象的任何事情。 WordPress插件存储库中有21,000多个插件。 在过去的几个月中,我(Syed)一直想写一篇帖子,谈论我对一个更好,更具吸引力的WordPress插件目录的愿景。 在这里,我将讨论一些严重的用户体验问题以及如何对其进行改进。
Search is one of those features that has been a real shortcoming of this platform. Because of it, so many users utilize custom google search on their WordPress sites. The plugin directory itself has a note at the bottom that says “You may also try your search at Google” with a link. But is that really enough? Considering that a lot of people add plugins using their WordPress dashboard which utilizes the same search as the main site is less than ideal.
搜索是该平台的真正缺陷之一。 因此,许多用户在其WordPress网站上使用了自定义Google搜索。 插件目录本身的底部有一个注释,上面写着“您也可以尝试在Google上搜索”以及链接。 但这真的够了吗? 考虑到很多人使用他们的WordPress仪表板添加插件,而WordPress仪表板使用与主站点相同的搜索,因此并不理想。
In this example, I will search “SEO” in the plugin directory. By default the results are sorted by relevance. Below is a screenshot of the top 3 plugins by relevance:
在此示例中,我将在插件目录中搜索“ SEO”。 默认情况下,结果按相关性排序。 以下是相关性排名前3的插件的屏幕截图:
I was shocked to see the results. Maybe I am a bit biased, but I clearly thought that WordPress SEO by Yoast or All in One SEO pack would be at the top. The results were that Yoast SEO plugin was ranked #3 and all in one SEO pack was not even on the first page.
我很震惊地看到结果。 也许我有点偏见,但我清楚地认为, Yoast的WordPress SEO或多 合一SEO包将是顶部。 结果是,Yoast SEO插件排名第三,而一个SEO包中的所有内容甚至都不在第一页上。
So let’s get this straight. Two of the most popular SEO plugins (12M and 2M downloads respectively) were not at the very top. The two plugins that are at the top also don’t have as high rating as Yoast’s SEO plugin. This doesn’t make any sense. Some will say that we can’t just have the most popular plugins towards the top because that doesn’t give new developers a chance. That is absolutely true. During our very small Gainesville WordPress Meetup, Ryan Frankel (@Ryanfrankel) brought up a very interesting solution. The solution was to create a search algorithm that adds a bunch of community variables.
因此,让我们直说吧。 最受欢迎的两个SEO插件(分别为1200万和2M下载)不在最顶部。 排名靠前的两个插件也没有Yoast的SEO插件那么高的评价。 这没有任何意义。 有人会说我们不能只是将最受欢迎的插件排在顶部,因为这不会给新开发人员带来机会。 绝对是这样。 在我们很小的Gainesville WordPress聚会中,Ryan Frankel(@Ryanfrankel)提出了一个非常有趣的解决方案。 解决方案是创建一个搜索算法,添加一堆社区变量。
These variables can be:
Using these criteria’s, we can significantly improve the relevance of the plugin search results. Let’s dig deep into the reputation system that I have mentioned above.
使用这些标准,我们可以显着提高插件搜索结果的相关性。 让我们深入研究我上面提到的声誉系统。
WordPress forums have lacked a reputation system. Sites like StackExchange and Quora both have it. It’s time that WordPress.org adds something similar. Users should be able to vote for the best answer. Answers that get upvotes add points to the user’s reputation. Folks asking questions can ask questions to a specific user for a specific set of price (sort of like Quora). Sure this will give older more active users a significant advantage over newcomers, but isn’t that’s how it work. We don’t let a new developer become a lead core developer right away. They have to prove their worth by contributing quality code for a very long time. This reputation system will do just that.
WordPress论坛缺乏信誉系统。 StackExchange和Quora等网站都拥有它。 是时候WordPress.org添加类似的内容了。 用户应该能够对最佳答案进行投票。 获得好评的答案会为用户的声誉加分。 提问的人可以向特定用户询问一组特定的价格(类似于Quora)。 当然,这将给较活跃的年长用户提供一个较新用户而言的显着优势,但事实并非如此。 我们不允许新的开发人员立即成为主要的核心开发人员。 他们必须通过长时间贡献质量代码来证明自己的价值。 这个信誉系统将做到这一点。
We can then utilize the reputation system to influence plugin search results. If a user with a higher reputation favorites a certain plugin, then it definitely makes a difference. For example, when Otto likes a plugin, then I would assume it’s a pretty good plugin. Same sort of measures can be used for star rating.
然后,我们可以利用信誉系统来影响插件的搜索结果。 如果具有较高声誉的用户喜欢某个插件,则肯定会有所作为。 例如,当Otto喜欢某个插件时,我会认为它是一个非常不错的插件。 可以将相同类型的措施用于星级评定。
Plugin Author Reputation
While plugin authors will be treated like every other user, they will have a separate reputation for plugins. This can take in account to does this author provide support to their plugin? How many good plugins does this author have? For example, if Mark Jaquith is involved in a specific plugin, then I would expect it to rank a little higher than others. Same goes for other industry leaders.
尽管插件作者将像其他用户一样受到对待,但他们将对插件有不同的声誉。 这可以考虑到作者为他们的插件提供了支持吗? 这个作者有几个好的插件? 例如,如果Mark Jaquith涉及特定的插件,那么我希望它的排名会比其他插件高一些。 其他行业领导者也是如此。
The goal is not to discourage new plugin authors. Rather it is to appreciate good plugin authors. This will encourage new authors to gain a better reputation in the community by providing support. We will see a higher involvement of WordPress based businesses in the forums.
目的是不劝阻新的插件作者。 而是要感谢优秀的插件作者。 这将鼓励新作者通过提供支持在社区中获得更好的声誉。 我们将在论坛中看到更多基于WordPress的企业的参与。
Currently, it seems that folks can just report a plugin broken or give it 1 star rating without actually helping the author. Yes, if someone reports a plugin broken, they are taken to the support forums page which encourages them to write about their problem. But people can easily just report it broken and not write about it. The broken rating still stays. There should be a validation to see if the user has made the support forum query. If not, their broken vote should not count. Because they are really not helping anyone by saying it’s broken without explaining how it is broken.
目前,人们似乎可以只报告插件已损坏或给它1星评级,而无需实际帮助作者。 是的,如果有人报告某个插件损坏,则会将他们带到支持论坛页面,鼓励他们写出自己的问题。 但是人们可以轻松地报告它已损坏,而不必写它。 破损的评级仍然存在。 应该进行验证以查看用户是否进行了支持论坛查询。 如果没有,他们的不合格票不算在内。 因为他们真的没有通过说它已损坏而没有解释任何损坏的方式来帮助任何人。
Same goes for the star rating. These should be displayed in each user’s profile. There should be an option to add a review that explains why the user ranked it 2 star or 5 star. This kind of accountability will help the larger community.
星级评定也是如此。 这些应显示在每个用户的个人资料中。 应该有一个添加评论的选项,该评论解释了为什么用户将其评为2星或5星。 这种问责制将帮助更大的社区。
WordPress themes repository has a tab for commercial themes. Yet plugins do not. This doesn’t do any justice. Everyone should know about good WordPress plugins like Gravity Forms, VaultPress, BackupBuddy etc. The plugins directory doesn’t do that at all. For the very least, it should have a page that lists commercial plugin shops like they do for theme shops.
WordPress主题存储库具有用于商业主题的选项卡。 但是插件没有。 这没有任何道理。 每个人都应该知道诸如Gravity Forms ,VaultPress, BackupBuddy等优秀的WordPress插件。plugins目录根本没有做到这一点。 至少,它应该有一个页面,列出与主题商店一样的商业插件商店。
In the long run, it would actually make sense to host commercial plugins in the repository similar to iOS or Android marketplaces. I know this has it’s own issues and can be a topic of its own, but I couldn’t help but mention it.
从长远来看,将商业插件托管在类似于iOS或Android市场的存储库中实际上是有意义的。 我知道这有其自身的问题,并且可以是其本身的话题,但是我不禁提及。
I know that all of this would take a lot of time to implement. I am not sure if any of this will actually be implemented. But from my standpoint, this would definitely make the plugins directory much better and engaging. I would be happy to hear your thoughts? What do you think the plugins directory need to change? Do you agree with my vision? What are some flaws in my vision that I can’t detect? Please let me know in the comments.
我知道所有这些都会花费很多时间来实施。 我不确定这是否会真正实现。 但是从我的角度来看,这肯定会使plugins目录更好并且更具吸引力。 我很高兴听到您的想法? 您认为插件目录需要更改什么? 你同意我的观点吗? 我的视觉中有哪些无法检测到的缺陷? 请在评论中让我知道。
Note: This article is written by Syed Balkhi. The views here are entirely his and not of the other editors.
注意:本文由Syed Balkhi撰写。 这里的观点完全是他的观点,而不是其他编辑的观点。
翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/opinion/a-vision-for-a-better-and-more-engaging-wordpress-plugins-directory/