Comments are an integral part of many WordPress blogs as an effective way to engage users and build community. The default WordPress commenting system is good but it is quite plain and basic. However, you can extend the this basic commenting system into a powerful user engagement platform for your website. In this article, we will show the best plugins to improve WordPress comments and take them to the next level.
评论是许多WordPress博客不可或缺的一部分,是吸引用户和建立社区的有效方法。 默认的WordPress评论系统很好,但是非常简单和基本。 但是,您可以将此基本评论系统扩展为网站的强大用户参与平台。 在本文中,我们将展示最好的插件来改善WordPress注释并将它们提升到一个新的水平。
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De:comments is an all in one plugin to totally transform your WordPress commenting system. It allows users to vote and downvote comments, share invidiual comments, login with existing social accounts, embed images, Gifs, videos, tweets, and more. Take a look at our detailed guide on how to improve WordPress comments with De:comments.
De:comments是一个多功能插件,可以完全改变您的WordPress评论系统。 它允许用户投票和否决评论,共享个人评论,使用现有社交帐户登录,嵌入图像,Gif,视频,推文等。 看看我们的详细指南,了解如何使用De:comments改善WordPress评论 。
Yoast Comment Hacks is a suite of tools that helps make comment management easier. It allows you to email comment authors from WordPress, email all users who commented on a specific post, provide cleaner comment notification email, redirect first time commenter to a thank you page, assign comments to a specific thread, and more. Take a look at our guide on how to install and setup Yoast Comment Hacks for WordPress.
Yoast Comment Hacks是一套工具,可帮助简化注释管理。 它使您可以通过电子邮件向WordPress的评论作者发送电子邮件,向在特定帖子上发表评论的所有用户发送电子邮件,提供更简洁的评论通知电子邮件,将首次评论者重定向到“谢谢”页面,将评论分配给特定主题等等。 看看我们的指南,了解如何为WordPress安装和设置Yoast Comment Hacks 。
This plugin simply adds quicktag buttons in WordPress comment form’s textarea. This allows users to quickly add links, make text bold or emphasized, and add blockquotes by pressing the buttons. See out tutorial on how to add quicktags in WordPress comment form.
该插件仅在WordPress注释表单的textarea中添加quicktag按钮。 这使用户可以快速添加链接,使文本加粗或突出显示,以及通过按按钮添加块引用。 请参阅有关如何以WordPress注释形式添加快速标签的教程。
Comments are a powerful way to build communities. But how would people know if there is a new comment after they read your post? Subscribe to Comments Reloaded allows users to subscribe to comments and receive instant email notifications whenever there is a new comment on the article. Users can unsubscribe at any time and manage their own subscriptions on your site. We have detailed tutorial on how to allow users to subscribe to comments in WordPress with more details.
评论是建立社区的有力方法。 但是人们在阅读您的帖子后如何知道是否有新评论? 订阅评论重新加载后,只要文章有新评论,用户就可以订阅评论并接收即时电子邮件通知。 用户可以随时取消订阅,并在您的网站上管理自己的订阅。 我们有详细的教程,详细介绍了如何允许用户订阅WordPress中的评论 。
Sometimes when a user submits a comment, they immediately realize they have made a spelling mistake or some other error. Simple Comment Editing provides a users a flexible time during which they can edit their own comments on your site. For more details, take a look at our tutorial on how to allow users to edit comments in WordPress.
有时,当用户提交评论时,他们会立即意识到自己犯了拼写错误或其他错误。 简单评论编辑为用户提供了一个灵活的时间,他们可以在此期间在您的网站上编辑自己的评论。 有关更多详细信息,请看一下有关如何允许用户在WordPress中编辑评论的教程。
By default, WordPress would show a comment box on your pages and even media attachments. You can edit a page and turn off comments. But if you have many pages, then it becomes a chore. No Page Comment plugin allows you to easily switch off comments for your pages and media attachments in WordPress. For more instructions, check out our tutorial on how to turn off or disable comments in WordPress pages.
默认情况下,WordPress会在您的页面甚至媒体附件上显示一个注释框。 您可以编辑页面并关闭评论。 但是,如果您有很多页面,那么它将变得很繁琐。 没有页面注释插件可让您轻松关闭WordPress中页面和媒体附件的注释。 有关更多说明,请查看我们有关如何在WordPress页面中关闭或禁用评论的教程。
WordPress allows you to easily embed videos, tweets, and much more by simply pasting the URL in the post editor. However, if a user posted a YouTube video URL, Flickr photo, or a tweet URL in the comments it would appear just as text. oEmbed in Comments plugin enabled the oEmbed functionality for WordPress comments as well. This allows your users to easily embed videos, gifs, photos, tweets, status updates, from a large variety of oEmbed supported providers. Take a look at our guide on how to add videos and more in WordPress comments with oEmbed.
WordPress允许您通过简单地将URL粘贴到帖子编辑器中来轻松嵌入视频,tweet等。 但是,如果用户在评论中发布了YouTube视频URL,Flickr照片或推特URL,则它将仅显示为文本。 oEmbed in Comments插件也为WordPress评论启用了oEmbed功能。 这使您的用户可以轻松地嵌入来自各种受嵌入式支持的提供商的视频,GIF,照片,推文,状态更新。 看看我们的指南,了解如何使用oEmbed 在WordPress注释中添加视频和更多内容。
Comment moderation can become very time consuming for large and busy websites. Moderator Role plugin allows you to assign the moderator role to your community members, staff or loyal users. This will give them access to comment moderation area in WordPress and they will be able to approve comments on your site. Take a look at our guide on how to allow blog users to moderate comments in WordPress for more details.
对于大型和繁忙的网站,评论审核可能会非常耗时。 主持人角色插件可让您将主持人角色分配给社区成员,员工或忠实用户。 这将使他们能够访问WordPress中的评论审核区域,并且他们将能够批准您网站上的评论。 请参阅我们的指南,了解如何允许博客用户审核WordPress中的评论以获取更多详细信息。
Sometimes you may want to create a new version of an older post on your site. While you can easily copy paste content from old post to new, there is no easier way to move the comments. Tako Movable comments allows you to move comments from one post to another. See our tutorial on how to move comments between WordPress posts for more detailed instructions.
有时,您可能想在网站上创建旧帖子的新版本。 尽管您可以轻松地将粘贴内容从旧帖子复制到新帖子,但是没有简单的方法可以移动评论。 Tako Movable评论可让您将评论从一个帖子移到另一帖子。 请参阅有关如何在WordPress帖子之间移动评论的教程,以获取更多详细说明。
This plugin is available from GitHub see our guide on how to install WordPress plugins from GitHub. Comments Since Last Visit simply adds a class to the new comments since a users last visit to the post. It sets a cookie when the user visits a post for the first time. On next visits it compares the dates and adds the CSS class to new comments. See our step by step tutorial on how to highlight new comments for returning visitors in WordPress.
该插件可从GitHub获得,请参阅我们的指南,了解如何从GitHub安装WordPress插件 。 自用户上次访问帖子以来,“自上次访问以来的评论”仅将类添加到新评论中。 当用户第一次访问帖子时,它将设置一个cookie。 在下次访问时,它将比较日期,并将CSS类添加到新注释中。 请参阅我们的分步教程,了解如何在WordPress中突出显示用于回访者的新注释 。
Not all comments on your website are equal. Some comments add value to the discussion and some derail the conversation. Featured Comments allow you to feature high quality comments and bury irrelevant comments. See our tutorial on how to feature/bury comments in WordPress for more details.
并非您网站上的所有评论都是平等的。 一些评论增加了讨论的价值,而另一些则使对话脱轨。 特色评论使您能够精选高质量的评论并掩盖不相关的评论。 有关更多详细信息,请参见我们的有关如何在WordPress中显示/隐藏注释的教程。
Comment moderation is the most reliable way to deal with comment spam. However, when a user leaves comment, they don’t get notified when their comment is published. Comment Approved plugin sends email notification when you approve a new comment. We have more detailed instructions in our guide how to notify users when their comments is approved in WordPress.
评论审核是处理评论垃圾邮件的最可靠方法。 但是,当用户留下评论时,他们的评论发布时不会收到通知。 批准评论的插件会在您批准新评论时发送电子邮件通知。 我们的指南中有更详细的说明,如何在WordPress批准用户的评论时通知用户 。
Comments are good for user engagement but you need to communicate with users by answering their comments. Unanswered Comments plugin allows you to easily filter unanswered comments. You can sort comments and then reply to all comments. See our article how to filter unanswered comments in WordPress for more details.
评论有助于提高用户的参与度,但是您需要通过回答用户的评论与他们进行交流。 未答复评论插件可让您轻松过滤未答复评论。 您可以对评论进行排序,然后回复所有评论。 有关更多详细信息,请参阅我们的文章如何过滤WordPress中未答复的评论 。
By default, the comment area shows 4 fields (name, email, website address, and message). Comment Form Custom Fields allows you to add more fields to your WordPress comment form. The plugin will display the data submitted through custom fields as comment meta. See our step by step tutorial on how to add custom fields to comments form in WordPress.
默认情况下,注释区域显示4个字段(名称,电子邮件,网站地址和消息)。 注释表单自定义字段允许您向WordPress注释表单添加更多字段。 该插件将显示通过自定义字段提交的数据作为注释元。 请参阅有关如何在WordPress的注释表单中添加自定义字段的分步教程。
This plugin allows users to subscribe to comments and receive notifications when someone replies to their comments. This is helpful for users who just want to receive notifications for just their own comments. See this tutorial on how to notify users only on replies to their WordPress comments.
该插件允许用户订阅评论并在有人回复其评论时接收通知。 这对于只想接收自己评论的通知的用户很有用。 请参阅本教程,了解如何仅在对用户的WordPress评论进行回复时通知用户 。
By default WordPress comments have no limit. Users can leave very small comments which make no sense at all, or spammers can leave very long comments. Recently, it was discovered that some hackers tried to hide their malicious code in extremely lengthy comments which executed when the comments were viewed on the admin screen. Control Comment Length allows you to set minimum and maxium character limits for comments in WordPress. See our tutorial on how to limit comment length in WordPress for more details.
默认情况下,WordPress注释没有限制。 用户可以留下很少的评论,这根本没有任何意义,或者垃圾邮件发送者可以留下非常长的评论。 最近,发现一些黑客试图在极其冗长的注释中隐藏其恶意代码,该注释在管理员屏幕上查看时执行。 控制注释长度允许您为WordPress中的注释设置最小和最大字符限制。 有关更多详细信息,请参见有关如何限制WordPress中注释长度的教程。
We hope this article helped you find the best plugins to improve WordPress comments. You may also want to take a look at our guide on 12 vital tips and tools to combat comment spam in WordPress.
我们希望本文能帮助您找到最好的插件来改善WordPress评论。 您可能还想看看我们的指南,该指南针对12个重要的技巧和工具与WordPress中的垃圾评论作斗争 。
If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.
如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。
翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/plugins/15-best-plugins-to-improve-wordpress-comments/