




Wealth starts (with a goal) (saving a dollar) (at a time). Call it the piggy bank strategy(策略). There are lessons (in that time-honored coin-saving container). 

财富开始/伴随着一个目标/存 1 美元/在一次。叫它/这个“小猪存钱罐策略”。那里有/课程/在那个被时间荣耀了的存硬币的容器里。【财富要一点一滴积累。

any 任何一个

huge 巨大的 adj. 


great 伟大的

huge 巨大的

large 巨大的

giant 巨大的 adj.

tremendous 庞大的

reduce 降低,减少,降级 v. 

task 任务 n.(一次任务) 

mission 使命 n. 

work 活儿 n.(教书) 

cob 工作 n.(老师) 

career 职业生涯 n.(教师) 

position 工作岗位 n. 

post 工作岗位 n.

occupation 工作 n.

occupy 占据 v. 

vocation 职业 n.(传道受业解惑的人民教师) 

voc- 声音

vacation 假期 n. 

holiday 假日 n.(holy day) 

break 休息片刻 n. 

rest 休息 n. 剩余的 adj. 

special 特别都 adj. 

occasion 场合 n. 

collect 收集 v. 

cost 花费,成本 n. 

account 账户 n. 

count 数 v. 

interest 利息 n. 兴趣 n. 

rate 率 n. 

tax 税 n

facing the giant 面对巨人

ask for a leave 请假

take/get/make 搞 v.

Any huge task seems easier (when reduced) (to baby steps). (If you wished) (to climb a 12,000-foot mountain), (and could do it) (a day) (at a time), you would only have to climb 33 feet (daily) (to reach the top) (in a year). (If you want) (to take a really nice trip) (in 10 years) (for a special occasion), (to collect the $15,000 cost), you have to save $3.93 (a day). (If you drop that) (into a piggy bank) and then (once a year) put $1,434 (in a savings account) (at 1% interest rate) (after-tax), you will have your trip money. 

任何一个巨大的任务好像是更简单/当被降级/到小步骤(的时候)。如果你希望/去爬一个 12000英尺的山,然后能够做它/一天/在一次,你将仅仅需要爬 33 英尺/每天/去到达那个山峰/在一年之内。 如果你想要/去搞一个真的很好的旅行/在 10 年之后/为了一个特别的场合,为了去收集那 15000 美元的花费,你不得不存 3.93 美元/一天。如果你扔那个/进入一个小猪存钱罐/然后/一年一次/1434 美元/在一个储蓄账户里/在 1%的利率/在税后,你将拥有你的旅行钱。 


parent 家长 n. 

that “说”(引导名从) 

associate 联系 v. 

association 协会 n. 

English Association 英语协会 n. 

English Corner 英语角(姻缘角)n. 

NBA:National Basketball Association 

also 也 adv. 

popular 受欢迎的 adj. 

Europe 欧罗巴洲 n. 

Asia 亚细亚洲 n. 

European 欧洲的,欧洲人 n. 

Euro 欧元 n. 

adult 成年人 n.(爱叨叨) 

as 因为,当..时候 conj;作为,像... prep. 一样 adv. 

介词(prep.):介词接名词 TT is as ugly (as PP). 

连词(conj.):连词连句子 As TT is ugly, PP loves him so much. 

as...as... 一样...像... 

Sign 标志 n. 

fortune 运气 n. = luck 

fortunate 运的 adj. 

fortunately 幸运地 adv. 

Unfortunately 不幸地 adv. 

these 这些/这些人 

those 那些/那些人 

some 有些/有些人 

any 很多/很多人 

one 一个/一个人 

gift 礼物/天赋 n.

gifted 有天赋的 adj. 

financial 金融的,财政的 adj. 

success 成功 n. 

successful 成功的 adj. 

succeed 成功 v. 

have to 不得不


(When I was a child), my parents gave me a piggy bank (to teach me) (that), (if I wanted something), (I should save money) (to buy it). We associate piggy banks (with children), but (in many countries), the little containers are also popular (with adults). Europeans see a piggy bank (as a sign) (of good fortune and wealth). (Around the world), many believe a gift (of a piggy bank) (on New Year’s Day) brings good luck 

and financial success. Ah, but you have to put something (in it). 



Symbol 符号,象征 n. 

elephant 大象 n. 

which 它(引导定从)

hold 握住-->把握 v. 

hold on 别挂电话!(继续握着)

on 继续 n. 

go on 继续走

coin 硬币 n. 

Middle Ages 中世纪

before 在...之前 prep. 

modern 现代的/摩登的 adj. 

banking 银行业 n. 

credit 信用 n. 点数 n. 学分 n. 

instrument 工具/设备 n. 

musical instrument 乐器 n. 

jar 罐子 n. 

dish 盘子 n. 

pot 陶瓷罐子,锅 n. 

hot-pot 火锅 n. 

expensive 昂贵的 adj. 

inexpensive 便宜的 adj. 

from 离开-->从 prep.  

be made from 被由...制成(离开原材料,所以看不到) 

be made of 被由...制成(of 表修饰,所以能看到) 

clay 粘土 n. 

folk 老百姓 n

save 存 v. 

saving 储蓄 n. 

and 然后 conj. 

noun 名词 n. 

pronounce 发音 v. 

pronunciation 发音 n. 

refer to 提及

eventually 最终 adv. 

finally 最终 adv. 

into 进入/成为 prep. 

fashion 使...成为流行 v. 

shape 形状 n. 

delight 使...高兴 v. 

delighting 令人高兴的 adj. 

delighted 感到高兴的 adj. 

be born 被生出来

Why is a pig used (as a symbol) (of saving)? Why not an elephant bank, (which is bigger and holds more coins)? (In the Middle Ages), (before modern banking and credit instruments), people saved money (at home), a few coins (at a time) (dropped) (into a jar or dish). Potters(制陶工) made these inexpensive containers (from an orange-colored clay)(黏土) (called “pygg,”) and folks saved coins (in pygg jars). The 

Middle English word (for pig) was “pigge”. (While the Saxons pronounced pygg), (referring to the clay), (as “pug”), eventually the two words changed (into the same pronunciation), (sounding the “i”) (as) (in pig or piggy). (As the word became less associated) (with the orange clay) and more (with the animal), a clever potter fashioned a pygg jar (in the shape) (of a pig), (delighting children and adults). The piggy bank was born.

为什么一只噜噜被使用/作为一个符号/储蓄的?为什么不(是)一个大象银行呢,它是更大的而且把握住更多硬币?在那中世纪,在现代银行业和信用工具之前,人们存钱/在家,一些硬币/在一次/被扔/进入一个罐子或盘子。制陶工做了这些不贵的容易/从一种橘黄色的粘土/被叫做“pygg”,然后老 百姓存钱/在 pygg 罐子里。这个中世纪英语单词/对于噜噜/是“pigge”。因为这些撒克逊人发音 pygg, 

指的是这个粘土/作为“pug”,最终,这两个单词变/成那相同的发音,听上去是这个“i”,就像/在 pig 或piggy 里面。当这个单词变得更少联系/跟这个黄色的粘土/然后更多联系/跟这个动物,一个聪明的陶匠使一个 piggy 罐子变得流行/以这个形状/一只噜噜的,使孩子们和大人高兴。这个小猪存钱罐被出生了。【小猪存钱罐的诞生过程。

Originally 最初 adv. 

break 打碎 v. 

get the money 得到这个钱

get to the money 够到这个钱

sense 感觉 n.v. 

serious 严肃的 adj. 

seriously 严肃地 adv. 

seriousness 严肃 n. 

wisdom 智慧 n. 

wise 智慧的 adj. 

relearn 重新学习 v.

require 需要 v. 

amount 量 n. 

wedding 结婚 n. 

medical care 医疗服务 n. 

start a business 创业

fun 好玩的 adj. 乐子 n. 

stuff 东西,材料 n. 

staff 全体员工/士大夫 n. 

trip 旅行 n. 

off 离开 adv. 

aside 在一边 adv. 

invest 投资 v. 

Originally you had to break the bank (to get) (to the money), (bringing in a sense) (of seriousness) (into savings). (While piggy banks teach children the wisdom) (of saving), adults often need (to relearn childhood lessons). Think (about the things) (in life) (that require large amounts of money) --- college education, weddings, cars, medical care, starting a business, buying a home, and fun stuff (like great trips). So (when you have money), take off the top 10%, put it aside, save and invest wisely. 

最初,你不得不打破这个银行/去够/到那个钱,带进来一种感觉/严肃的/进入当小猪银行教孩子们这个智慧/储蓄的,成年人经常需要/去重新学习童年的课程。想/关于这些东西/在生活中/它们需要大量的钱——大学教育,结婚,汽车,医疗,创业,置业,以及有趣的东西/像伟大的旅行。所以,当你有钱,搞走那头 10%,放它在一边,存起来,然后投资得聪明。 



Students | and Technology | in the Classroom) 

I love my Blackberry—it’s my little connection (to the larger world) (that can go anywhere) (with me). I also love my laptop computer, (as it holds all of my writing and thought). (Despite this love) (of technology), I know (that there are times) (when I need) (to move away) (from these devices)(设备)and truly communicate (with others). 


technology 技术 n. 

Blackberry 黑莓 n. 

berry 莓 n. 

connect 连接 v. 

connection 连接 n. 

anywhere 任何地方

anyone 任何人

anytime 任何时间

lap 大腿 n. 

laptop 笔记本/膝上电脑 n. 

desktop 台式机 n. 

PDA 掌上电脑 (Personal Digital Assistant)

personal 个人的 adj. 

digital 数码的 adj.

assistant 助理 n. 

assist 协助 v. 

hold 掌握 v. 

thought 想法 n. 

despite 尽管存在 prep. 

in spite of 尽管存在 prep. 

move 移动,搬家 v. 

away 离开 adv. 

device 设备 n. 

truly 真正地 adv. 

communicate 沟通 v. 

communication 沟通 n. 

telecommunications 通信 n. 

tele- 远程

telephone 电话 n. 

microphone 麦克风 n. 

amplifier 放大器 n. 

telegraph 电报 n. 

graph - 

photograph 相片 n. 

photo- 光的

auto- 自动的

autograph 手稿*n. 

bio- 生物的

biography 传记*n. 

autobiography 自传*n. 

community 社区/社团 n. 

(On occasion), I teach a course (called History Matters) (for a group of higher education managers). My goals (for the class) include a full discussion (of historical themes and ideas). (Because I want students) (to thoroughly study the material and exchange their ideas) (with each other) (in the classroom). I have a rule —no laptops, iPads, phones, etc. (When students were told my rule) (in advance) (of the class),some of them were not happy. 



occasion 场合 n. 

on occasion 偶尔

matter 问题 n. 有关系 vi. 

It doesn’t matter. 没关系

group 组/团伙 n. 

team 团队 n. 

mini-/mana- 管理

minister 大臣 n. 

prime minister 首相

manager 经理 n. 

manage 管理 v. 


administrator 管理员 n. 

administrate 管理 v. 

goal 目标 n. 

close 关门

include 包含 n. 

discuss 讨论 v. 

history 历史(his+story)n. 

historical 历史的 adj. 

theme 主题 n. 

thoroughly 完全地,透彻地 adv. 

material 材料 n. 

exchange 交换 v. 

each other 彼此

rule 规则 n. 统治 v. 

ruler 尺子 n. 

advance 前面 n. 前进 v. 

advanced 进步的,高级的 adj. 

in advance 提前

exit 出口 n. 

ex- 往外


assume 假定 v. 

unpleasant 不快乐的 adj. 

pleasant 欢乐的 adj. 

misuse 误用/滥用 n. 

a bit of 一丢丢

truth 事实

anti- 反对

antiwar 反战的 adj. 

keep up with 和...齐头并进 

relate 连接 n. 

Most students assume (the at my reasons) (for this rule) (include unpleasant experiences) (in the past) (with students) (misusing technology). There’s a bit of truth (to that). Some students assume (that I am anti-technology). There’s no truth (in that) at all. I love technology and try (to keep up with it) (so I can relate) (to my students). 


conversation 对话 n. 

engage 从事,订婚 v. 

complex 复杂的 adj. 

interruption 打断 n. 

con- 全都

concentration 集中 n. 

center 中间 n. 

allow for 允许 v. 

dependence 依赖 n. 

independence 独立 n. 

dig 挖掘 v. 

inspiration 启示/鼓舞 n. 

leave 离开/丢下 v. 

The real reason (why I ask students) (to leave technology) (at the door) is (that I think) (there are very few places) (in which we can have deep conversations and truly engage complex ideas). Interruptions (by technology) often break concentration and allow (for too much dependence) (on outside information) (for ideas). I want students (to dig deep) (within themselves) (for inspiration and ideas). I want them (to push 

each other) (to think differently) and (to make connections) (between the course material and the class discussion). 



have been doing 一直做某事

in this way 以这种方式

reflect 反映 v. 

satisfaction 满意 n. 

satisfy 使...满意 vt. 

satisfying 令人满意的 adj. 

satisfied 感到满意的 adj. 

environment 环境 n. 

create 创造 v. 

realize 意识 vt. 

challenge 挑战 v.n. 

material 材料 n. 

I’ve been teaching my history class (in this way) (for many years) and the educations reflect student satisfaction (with the environment) (that I create). Students realize (that) (with deep conversation and challenge), they learn (at a level) (that helps them keep the course material) (beyond the classroom).


stick to 坚持 v. 

free 无/自由的 adj. 

air-free 无空气的 adj. 

money-free 免费的 adj. 

man-free 男性莫入 adj. 

trouble-free 无烦恼的 adj. 

dialogue 对话 n. 

too ...to.... 太..而不能...  

sweet 甜 adj. 

give up 放弃

I am too nervous to take the exam. 我太紧张以至于不能去参加这个考试。

I’m not saying (that I won’t ever change my mind) (about technology use) (in my history class), but (until I hear a really good reason) (for the change). I’m sticking (to my plan). A few hours (of technology-free dialogue) is just too sweet to give up. 



Passage 3

(As the railroads and the highways shaped the American West) (in the past centuries),a new electrical generating(发电)and transmission(输送)system (for the 21st century) will leave a lasting mark (on the West), (for better or worse). Much (of the real significance) (of railroads and highways) is not (in their direct physical effect) (on the scenery), but (in the ways) (that they affect the surrounding community). The same is true (of big solar plants and the power lines) (that will be laid down) (to move electricity around). 

正如那铁路和那高速公路塑造了那美国西部/在那过去的几个世纪,一个新的电的发电和传输系统 /对于 21 世纪/将会留下一个延续的标记/在那西部,不论好坏。大部分/真正的重要性的/铁路和告诉公路的/并不是在于它们直接的物理效应/对于内个风景,而是/在于方式/他们影响这个周围人类社会的。同样的是真的/对于大的发电厂和输电线/它会被放下来/去移动这个电/到处。【电力系统可能也会带来长久影响】

rail 铁轨 n. 

rail road 铁路 n. 

highway 高速公路 n. 

shape 塑造 v.体型/形状 n. 

electrical 电气的 adj. 

electronic 电子的 adj. 

gene 基因 n. 

generate 产生 v. 

generator 发电机 n. 

generation 世代 n. 

system 系统 n. 

mark 标记 n.

marker 马克笔/记号笔 n. 

lasting 持续的 adj. 

for better or worse 不论好坏

significance 重要性 n. 

direct 直接的 adj.

direction 方向 n.

director 指导员/指挥 n.

physical 物理的 adj

affect 影响 v.(A 是大长矛,主动去影响) 

effect 效果 n.(e 是小眼睛,看得见效果) 

scene 场景 n. 

scenery 风景 n.(场景+ry 阿姨) 

surrounding 周围的 adj. 

surroundings 周围的事物 n. 

community 社区/社群/社团 n. 

solar 太阳的/太阳能的 adj. 

plant 植物,工厂 n. 

power line 输电线 n. 

not...but 不是...而是... 

lie lied lied 规则变化是说谎

lie lay lain 不规则是躺

lay laid laid 躺过就下蛋/下蛋不规则


The 19th century saw land grants( 政 府 拨 地 )(offered) (to railroad companies) (to build the transcontinental railroads), (leaving public land) (in between privately owned land). (In much) (of the West), some (of the railroad sections) were developed (while others remained undeveloped), and (in both cases) the landownership has presented unique challenges (to land management). (With the completion) (of the 

interstate highway system), many (of the small towns), (which sprang up) (as railway stops) (and developed well), have lost their lifeblood and died. 

这个 19 世纪见证了政府拨地/被提供/给铁路公司/去修建内个跨越大洲的铁丢下公共土地/在 被私人拥有的土地之间。在大部分/西部的,一些/铁路部分的/被发展起来,而其他的保持未被发展的,然后在这两个情况下,这个土地所有权/已经呈现了独特的挑战/对于土地管理。伴随着内个完成/内个各州之间的高速公路系统,很多/小城镇的,它们跳出来/随着火车站/而且发展得好的,已经丢掉了他们的生命的血液然后死了。【铁路和高速公路带来的影响

grant 许诺 n.v. 

offer 被提供 v. 

continent 大陆/大洲 n. 

trans- 穿梭

transcontinental 横贯大陆的 adj. 

private 私人的 adj. 

own 拥有 v. 

privately-owned 被私人拥有的 adj. 

leave 离开/丢下 v. 

section 部分/部门 n. 

complete 完成 v.完成的 adj. 

completely 完全地 adv. 

completion 完成 n. 

inter- 之间

international 国家之间的 adj. 

intercity 城际的 adj. 

interstate 州和州之间的 adj. 

spring 跳出来 v. 泉水 n.弹簧 n.

take..for granted 认为...是理所当然的 adj. 

Don’t take your mother’s love for granted. 

Big solar plants and their power lines will also have effects (far beyond their direct footprint) (in the West). This is not an argument (against building them). We need alternative energy badly, and (to really take advantage) (of it) we need (to be able) (to move electricity around far more readily) (than we can now). 


footprint 脚印 n. 

argument 论文/议论 n. 

alternative 替换的 adj. 

need ...badly 迫切地需要.. 

take advantage of ...利用... 

eg: We should take advantage (of the Internet). 

So trade-offs will have to be made. Some scenic spots will be sacrificed. Some species will be forced (to move), or will be carefully moved (to special accommodations). Deals will be struck (to reduce the immediate effects). 


trade-off 交易,协议 n. 

scenic spot 景点 n. 

sacrifice 牺牲 v. 

species 物种 n. 

force 逼迫 v. 

accommodation 食宿 n. 

deal 交易 n. 

strike the deal 达成交易

immediate 直接的/立刻的/紧邻的 adj. 

im- 否定

-medi 中间

immediate neighbor 近邻 n. 

immediate effect 直接影响 n. 

The lasting effects (of these trade-offs) are another matter. The 21stcentury development (of the American West) (as an ideal place) (for alternative energy) is going (to throw off a lot of power and money) (in the region). There are chances (for that power and money) (to do a lot of good). But it is just (as likely) (that they will be spent wastefully and will leave new problems behind), (just like the railroads and the 


这个延续的效果/这些交易的/是另外一个问题。这个 21 世纪的发展/这美国西部的/作为一个理想的地方/对于替换能源的/将要/去砸下好多力量和前/在这个区域。有机会/对于那个力量和钱/去做很多好事。但是,这件事仅仅/一样可能/说/他们将被花费/浪费掉/然后会丢下新的问题在后面,就像/那铁 


matter 问题 n. 

ideal 理想的 adj. 

throw 扔 v

region 地区 n. 

chance 机会 n.

The money (set aside) (in negotiated trade-offs and the institutions) (that control it) will shape the West (far beyond the immediate footprint) (of power plants and transmission lines). So let’s remember the effects (of the railroads and the highways) (as we construct these new power plants) (in the West). 

这个钱/被放在一边的/在被谈判的交易和机构/控制交易的/会塑造西部/远远超越那立刻的足迹/发 电厂和运输线的。所以让我们记得内个影响/内个铁路和内个高速公路的/当我们建造这些新的发电厂/在内个西部的时候。【注意考虑长远影响

set 放置 v. 

aside 在一边 adv. 

negotiate 谈判 v. 

institution 机构

control 控制 v. 

construct 建造 v. 

construction 建筑 n. 

construction 结构 n.

Passage 4

“I Went Skydiving (at 84)!”

(As a young girl) (growing up)(in the 1930s), I always wanted (to fly a plane), but (back then) it was almost unheard (of a woman) (to do that). I got a taste (of that dream) (in 2011), (when my husband arranged) (for me) (to ride) (in a hot air balloon) (for my birthday). But the experience turned out (to be very dull). (Around that time), I told my husband (that I wanted) (to skydive). So (when our retirement community(社区)announced) (that they were having an essay competition and the topic was an experience (of a lifetime) (that you wanted) (to have), I decided (to write) (about my dream). 

作为一个年轻女孩/长大/在内个 1930 年代,我总是想要/去飞一个飞机,但是/回到那会儿/这件事几乎是没有被听到的/关于一个女人/去做那个。我得到一个品尝/关于那个梦想/在 2011 年,那会儿我的丈夫安排/为我/去乘坐/在一个热气球中/为了我的生日。但是这个经历/结果/是非常无聊的。在那个时间前后,我告诉我的丈夫/说我想要/去跳伞。所以/当我们的退休社区宣布/说他们要有一次作文比赛/而且内个主题是一个经历/一生的/你想要去拥有的,我决定/去写/关于我的梦想。【我想跳伞】


dive 跳水/潜水 v. 

skydive 跳伞 v. 

go shopping 去血拼

go swimming 去游泳

plane 飞机 n. 

unheard 没被听说过的 adj. 

taste 品尝 n. v. 尝起来 v. 

then 那时候 adv. 

arrange 安排 v. 

ride 骑行/乘坐 v. 

balloon 气球 n. 

turn out to be 结果是/被证明是 

dull 无聊 adj. 

retire 退休 v. 

retiree 退休的人 n. 

retirement 退休 n. 

entire 完全的 adj. 

Heal the World...for.. the entire human race.

community 社区/社群 n. 

announce 宣布 v. 

essay 作文/小论文 n. 

compete 比赛 v. 

competition 比赛 n. 

competitor 选手 n. 

topic 主题 n

(In the essay), I wrote (about my desire) (to skydive), (stating George Bush Sr. did it) (at age 80). Why not me? I was just 84 and (in pretty good health). A year went by and I heard nothing. But then (at a community party) (in late April 2009), they announced (that I was one) (of the winners). I just couldn’t18 believe it. (Inspired) (by this), I decided (to realize my dream), (even though some of my family members and my doctor were) (against it). 

在这篇文章中,我写/关于我的渴望/去跳伞,陈述了老布什做了这个/在 80 岁的时候。为什么不是我呢?我是仅仅 84 岁,而且处在相当好的健康状态下。一年过去了,然后我什么都没有听到。但是,然后/在一个社区聚会上/在 2009 年四月末,他们宣布/说我是一个/内个赢家中的。我就是不能相信这件事!被启发/被这个,我决定/去实现我的梦想,尽管一些/我的家庭成员和我的大夫是/反对这件事的。【我获奖,想实现梦想

desire 欲望 n. 

state 国家 n.州 n.陈述 v. 

statement 陈述句 n. 陈述 n. 

Senior 高级的 adj. 

Junior 低级的 adj. 

go by 走过/经过 

winner 赢家 n. 

inspire 启发/鼓舞 v. 

real 真的 adj. 

realize 实现 v. 

reality 现实 n. 

modern 摩登的/现代的 adj. 

modernize 把..变得现代化 v. 

industry 产业/工业 n. 

industrial 工业的 adj. 

industrialize 把...工业化 v. 

even if 尽管/虽然 

even though 尽管/虽然 

member 成员 n. 

against 反对 prep. 

in + n. 处在...的状态之下 

in danger 处在危险状态之下

in anger 处在愤怒状态之下

in good health 处在好的健康状态之下

(On June 11, 2009), nearly 40 (of my family and friends) gathered (in the area) (close to where I would land) (while I headed up) (in the airplane). My instructor, Jay, guided me (through the experience). The plane was the noisiest one (I had ever been in), but I wasn’t frightened—I was really just looking forward (to the experience). (When we reached 13,000 feet), Jay instructed me (to throw myself) (out of the plane). (When we first hit the air), the wind was so strong (that I could hardly breathe). (For a second) I thought, “What have I gotten myself into?” But then everything got calmer. We were (in a free fall) (for about a minute) (before Jay opened the parachute( 降落伞), then we just floated downward (for about five minutes). Being up (in the clouds) and looking (at the view below) was (unlike anything) (I have ever felt)—much better (than the hot air balloon). I was just enjoying it. 

在 2009 年 6 月 11 号,将近 40 人/我的家庭和朋友中的/聚集/在这个地区/近我会降落的地方/当 我上飞机的时候。我的指导员,Jay,引导者我/穿过这个经历。这个飞机是内个最吵的一个/我曾经有进过的,但是我没有被吓到——我是真的期待/这个经历。当我们到达/13000 英尺,Jay 指导我/去扔我自己/出这个飞机。当我们最初触及内个空气的时候,这个风是如此强壮/以至于我几乎不能呼吸。在一秒钟内,我想,“我把我自己投入了什么啊!”但是,然后,每件事变得更冷静。我们是在一个自由落体中/过大约 1 分钟/然后 Jay 打开了内个降落伞,然后我们仅仅漂浮朝下/过了大约 5 分钟。存在在上面/在内个云层中/然后看着/下面的风景/是/不像任何东西/我曾经有感受到的——好多了/比这个热气球。我仅仅是在享受它。【跳伞的过程

nearly 几乎 adv. 

gather 聚集 v. 

area 区域 n. 

close to 靠近 prep.

instructor 指导员 n. 

instruct 指导 v. 

guide 指导 v. 导游 n. 

guard 守卫 v.n. 

safeguard 保镖 n. 舒肤佳 n. 

noise 噪音 n. 

noisy 嘈杂的 adj. 

frighten 吓唬 v. 

frightening 吓人的 adj. 

frightened 害怕的 adj. 

look forward to XXX 期待某事

foot 脚丫子,英尺 n. 

although 尽管 conj. 

though 尽管 conj. 

thought 想法 n. 

throw 扔 v. 

through 穿过 prep. 

so ... that.. 如此...以至于.. 

so that.. 以便

hardly 几乎不

breathe 呼吸 v. 

breath 气息/呼吸 n. 

get 渐渐变得 v. 得到 v. 

calm 冷静 adj

calmer 更冷静 adj. 

free fall 自由落体运动

parachute 降落伞 n. 

float 漂浮 v. 

downward 朝下 adv. 

upward 朝上 adv. 

view 风景 n. 

below 在下面 adv. 

unlike 和...不一样 prep. 

ever 曾经 adv.

even 甚至 adv. 

Skydiving was really one (of the greatest experiences) (of my life). I hope (other people will look) (at me) (and realize) (that you don’t stop living)(just because you are 84 years old). (If there’s something) (you want) (to experience), look (into it). (If it’s something) (that is possible), make it happen. 

跳伞真的是一个/内个最伟大的经历中的/我的生命中的。我希望/其他人会看/到我/然后意识到/说你没有停止生活/仅仅因为你是 84 岁老。如果那儿有某些事情/你想要/去经历,调查它!如果它是某个东西/它是可能的,让它发生!【跳伞伟大,不能服老

stop doing 停止做某事

stop to do 停下来去做某事

look into 调查研究

happen 发生 v. 

experience 经历 vt. 

possible 可能的 adj.

Passage 5

Opera (at Music Hall): 1243 Elm Street. The season runs (June through August), (with additional 

performances) (in March and September).The Opera honors Enjoy the Arts membership discounts.Phone: 241-2742. http://www.cityopera.com

戏剧/在音乐大厅:1243ELM 大街。这个演出季运行/六月到八月,伴随着额外的表演/在三月和九月。这个戏剧荣耀了“享受艺术”会员折扣。电话:241-2742。http://www.cityopera.com

opera 戏剧 n. 

hall 大厅 n. 

season 季节/考试季/演出季 n. 

January 一月

February 二月

March 三月

April 四月

May 五月

June 六月

July 七月

August 八月

September 九月

October 十月

November 十一月

December 十二月

add 加 v. 

addition 额外 n. 

additional 额外的 adj. 

additionally 更进一步而言 adv. 

in addition 更进一步而言 adv. 

form 形成 v. 形式/表格 n. 

per- 全/都 

perform 表演/施展 v. 

performance 表演 n. 

perform an operation 做一台手术

perform a magic 表演一个魔术

honor 荣耀 n.v. 

member 会员 n. 

membership 会员身份 n. 

count 数 v. 

countable 可数的 adj. 

uncountable 不可数的 adj. 

discount 折扣 n. 

account 账户 n. 

app- all= add 强加

accountant 会计 n. 

run 运行/运营 vt. 

with 伴随着

Chamber Orchestra: The Orchestra plays (at Memorial Hall) (at 1406 Elm Street), (which offers several concerts) (from March) (through June). Call 723-1182 for more information. http: //www.chamberorch.com. 小房间管弦乐团:这个管弦乐团演奏/在记忆大厅/在 1406ELM 大街,它提供了几个音乐会/从三月/到六月。打电话 7231182/为了更多信息。http: //www.chamberorch.com.

chamber 小房间 n. 

orchestra 管弦乐队 n. 

memory 记忆 n. 

memo 备忘录 n. 

note 笔记本 n. 

memorial 记忆的 adj. 

provide 提供 v. 

supply 供应 v.不断提供 v. 

offer 有爱地提供 v. 录用通知 n. 

several 几个 adv. 

concert 音乐会 n.

Symphony Orchestra: (At Music Hall and River bend).(For ticket sales), call 381-3300.Regular season runs (September through May) (at Music Hall) (in summer) (at River bend). http://www.symphony.org/home.asp

交响乐乐团:在音乐大厅和 River bend。对于票的销售,打 381-3300。常规的演出季运行/九月到五月/在音乐大厅/在夏天/在 River bend http://www.symphony.org/home.asp

symphony 交响乐 n. 

same 相同

phone 声音

sale 销售 n. 

on sale 打折(持续销售)

for sale 有售(为了销售)22 

regular 常规的 adj. 

regulate 规范 v. 管理 v. 

regulation 规章制度 n. 

College Conservatory (of Music) (CCM): Performances are (on the main campus)( 校园 ) (of the university), usually (at Patricia Cobbett Theater). CCM organizes a variety of events, (including performances) (by the well-known LaSalle Quartet, CCM’s Philharmonic Orchestra, and various groups) (of musicians) (presenting Baroque through modern music). Students (with I.D. cards) can attend the events (for23 free). A free schedule (of events) (for each term) is available (by calling the box office) (at 556-4183). http://www.ccm.uc.edu/events/calendar

大学音乐教室:表演是在主校园/这个大学的/通常在 P.C 剧院。CCM 组织各种各样的活动,包括 表演/被这些有名的 L.S.Q、CCM 的 P.O 和各种各样的组织/音乐家的/呈现巴洛克到现代音乐。学生/有 I.D 卡/能够参加这些活动/免费。一个免费的日程表/活动的/对于每个学期/是可用的/通过打给内个售票处/556-4183 . http://www.ccm.uc.edu/events/calendar.

conservatory 温室/音乐学校 n. 

main 主要的 adj. 

camp 营地 n. 

campus 校园 n. 

theater 剧院 n. 

organ 器官 n. 

organize 组织 v. 

organization 组织 n. 

vary 变化 v. 

variety 种类 n. 

various 各种各样的 adj. 

a variety of 各种各样的 adj. 

event 活动 n. 

include 包括 v. 

muse 缪斯 n. 

music 音乐 n. 

musical 音乐的 adj. 

museum 博物馆 n. 

musician 音乐家 n. 

present 出现,呈现 v. 

modern 摩登的 adj.现代的 adj. 

attend 参加 v. 

attend to sb. 照顾某人

event 事件 n. 

for free 免费

schedule 日程表 n. 

term 学期 n. 

semester 学期 n. 

available 可用的/可获得的 adj. 

box office 售票处 n. 


River bend Music Theater: 6295 Kellogg Ave. Large outdoor theater with the closest seats (under cover) (price difference).Big name shows all summer long! Phone: 232-6220.http://www.riverbendmusic.com

R.B 音乐剧院:6295K.大街。大型的户外剧院/伴随着那些最近的位置/在盖头以下(票价不同)。有名的演出/一整个夏天那么长!电话:232-6220.http://www.riverbendmusic.com.

outdoor 户外的 adj. 

theater 剧院 n. 

seat 座位 n. 给..安排座位 v. 

big name 有名的 adj. 

avenue 大街 n.
