Sams Teach Yourself SQL in 10 Minutes(Fourth Edition)学习记录

第九课 概括数据(总结数据)


9.1 使用聚合函数(Using Aggregate Functions)


聚合函数(Aggregate Functions)


Table 9.1. SQL Aggregate Functions

9.1.1 The AVG() Function



SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS avg_price
FROM Products;


SELECT AVG(prod_price) AS avg_price
FROM Products
WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01';
9.1.2 The COUNT() Function

1、使用COUNT(*) 计算表中行的数量,不论列包含值或者NULL值。


SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_cust
FROM Customers;



SELECT COUNT(cust_email) AS num_cust
FROM Customers;

COUNT(cust_email) 计算在cust_email列中有值行数。

Note: NULL Values
Column rows with NULL values in them are ignored by the COUNT() function if a column name is specified, but not if the asterisk (*) is used.
9.1.3 The MAX()函数


SELECT MAX(prod_price) AS max_price
FROM Products;
9.1.4 The MIN()函数


SELECT MIN(prod_price) AS min_price
FROM Products;
9.1.5 The SUM()函数


SELECT SUM(quantity) AS items_ordered
FROM OrderItems
WHERE order_num = 20005;


SELECT SUM(item_price*quantity) AS total_price
FROM OrderItems
WHERE order_num = 20005;

9.2 有区别的值的集合(Aggregates on Distinct Values)


SELECT AVG(DISTINCT prod_price) AS avg_price
FROM Products
WHERE vend_id = 'DLL01';

Caution: No DISTINCT With COUNT(*)

DISTINCT may only be used with COUNT() if a column name is specified. DISTINCT may not be used with COUNT(*). Similarly, DISTINCT must be used with a column name and not with a calculation or expression.

Tip: Using DISTINCT with MIN() and MAX()

Although DISTINCT can technically be used with MIN() and MAX(), there is actually no value in doing so. The minimum and maximum values in a column will be the same whether or not only distinct values are included.

Note: Additional Aggregate Arguments

In addition to the DISTINCT and ALL arguments shown here, some DBMSs support additional arguments such as TOP and TOP PERCENT that let you perform calculations on subsets of query results. Refer to your DBMS documentation to determine exactly what arguments are available to you.

9.3 组合聚合函数(Combining Aggregate Functions)


SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_items,
MIN(prod_price) AS price_min,
MAX(prod_price) AS price_max,
AVG(prod_price) AS price_avg
FROM Products;

Caution: Naming Aliases

When specifying alias names to contain the results of an aggregate function, try to not use the name of an actual column in the table. Although there is nothing actually illegal about doing so, many SQL implementations do not support this and will generate obscure error messages if you do so.

9.4 总结

Aggregate functions are used to summarize data. SQL supports five aggregate functions, all of which can be used in multiple ways to return just the results you need. These functions are designed to be highly efficient, and they usually return results far more quickly than you could calculate them yourself within your own client application.

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