RFC 文档(501-1000)

RFC 目录总纲

RFC-0501 摆脱混乱的“免费文件传输”  (Un-muddling "free file transfer")

RFC-0503 套接字编号表 (Socket number list)

RFC-0504 分布式资源研讨会公告 (Distributed resources workshop announcement)

RFC-0505 文件传输访问问题的两种解决方案 (Two solutions to a file transfer access problem)

RFC-0506 FTP命令命名问题 (FTP command naming problem)

RFC-0508 ARPANET上的实时数据传输 (Real-time data transmission on the ARPANET)

RFC-0509 流量统计(1973 年 4 月) (Traffic statistics (April 1973))

RFC-0510 请求网络邮箱地址 (Request for network mailbox addresses)

RFC-0511 从 ARPANET 站点到 NIC 的企业电话服务 (Enterprise phone service to NIC from ARPANET sites)

RFC-0512 有关丢失消息检测的更多信息 (More on lost message detection)

RFC-0513 对新 Telnet 规范的评论 (Comments on the new Telnet specifications)

RFC-0514 网络制作 (Network make-work)

RFC-0515 数据语言规范,版本 0/9 (Specifications for Datalanguage, Version 0/9)

RFC-0516 丢失消息检测 (Lost message detection)

RFC-0518 ARPANET 帐户 (ARPANET accounts)

RFC-0519 资源评估 (Resource Evaluation)

RFC-0520 FTP组备忘录:文件访问协议提案 (Memo to FTP group: Proposal for File Access Protocol)

RFC-0521 限制供应商支持的错觉使用 IMP DDT (Restricted use of IMP DDT)

RFC-0522 流量统计(1973 年 5 月) (Traffic Statistics (May 1973))

RFC-0523 SURVEY再次开始运作 (SURVEY is in operation again)

RFC-0524 提议的邮件协议 (Proposed Mail Protocol)

RFC-0525 MIT-MATHLAB 遇到 UCSB-OLS——资源共享的一个例子 (MIT-MATHLAB meets UCSB-OLS -an example of resource sharing)

RFC-0526 技术会议:数字图像处理软件系统 (Technical meeting: Digital image processing software systems)


RFC-0528 IMP中的软件校验和网络可靠性 (Software checksumming in the IMP and network reliability)

RFC-0529 关于协议同步序列的说明 (Note on protocol synch sequences)

RFC-0530 调查项目报告 (Report on the Survey Project)

RFC-0531 盛宴还是饥荒? 对最近两个关于网络信息的 RFC 的回应 (Feast or famine? A response to two recent RFC's about network information)

RFC-0532 UCSD-CC 服务器-FTP 设施 (UCSD-CC Server-FTP facility)

RFC-0533 消息 ID 号 (Message-ID numbers)

RFC-0534 丢失消息检测 (Lost message detection)

RFC-0535 文件访问协议评论 (Comments on File Access Protocol)

RFC-0537 7月16-17日NGG会议公告 (Announcement of NGG meeting July 16-17)

RFC-0538 流量统计(1973 年 6 月) (Traffic statistics (June 1973))

RFC-0539 对RFC 524中提出的邮件协议的思考 (Thoughts on the mail protocol proposed in RFC 524)

RFC-0542 文件传输协议 (File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0543 网络期刊投稿与投递 (Network journal submission and delivery)

RFC-0544 在 SRI-ARC 上查找在线文档 (Locating on-line documentation at SRI-ARC)

RFC-0545 UCSB 资源评估员的质量如何? (Of what quality be the UCSB resources evaluators?)

RFC-0546 1973 年 7 月的 Tenex 负载平均值 (Tenex load averages for July 1973)

RFC-0547 更改为非常遥远的主机规范 (Change to the Very Distant Host specification)

RFC-0548 使用 IMP Going Down 消息的主机 (Hosts using the IMP Going Down message)

RFC-0549 网络图形小组会议纪要,1973 年 7 月 15 日至 17 日 (Minutes of Network Graphics Group meeting, 15-17 July 1973)

RFC-0550 网卡 NCP 实验 (NIC NCP experiment)

RFC-0551 纽约大学、ANL 和 LBL 加入网络 (NYU, ANL, and LBL Joining the Net)

RFC-0552 单一访问标准协议 (Single access to standard protocols)

RFC-0553 文本/图形协议的草案设计 (Draft design for a text/graphics protocol)

RFC-0555 对提议的邮件协议的批评的回应 (Responses to critiques of the proposed mail protocol)

RFC-0556  流量统计(1973 年 7 月) (Traffic Statistics (July 1973))


RFC-0559 新Telnet协议及其实现评述 (Comments on The New Telnet Protocol and its Implementation)

RFC-0560 远程控制传输和回显 Telnet 选项 (Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet option)

RFC-0561 标准化网络邮件头 (Standardizing Network Mail Headers)

RFC-0562 标准化网络邮件头 (Standardizing Network Mail Headers)

RFC-0563 对 RCTE Telnet 选项的评论 (Comments on the RCTE Telnet option)

RFC-0565 在数据计算机上存储网络调查数据 (Storing network survey data at the datacomputer)

RFC-0566 流量统计(1973 年 8 月) (Traffic statistics (August 1973))

RFC-0567 跨国网络带宽 (Cross Country Network Bandwidth)

RFC-0568 对 RFC 567 的响应 - 跨国网络带宽 (Response to RFC 567 - cross country network bandwidth)

RFC-0569 NETED:ARPA 网络的通用编辑器 (NETED: A Common Editor for the ARPA Network)

RFC-0570 NVT ASCII 和 UCSB 在线系统之间的实验输入映射 (Experimental input mapping between NVT ASCII and UCSB On Line System)



RFC-0574 UCSB 的邮件设施公告 (Announcement of a Mail Facility at UCSB)

RFC-0576 修改链接的建议 (Proposal for modifying linking)

RFC-0577 邮件优先 (Mail priority)

RFC-0578 使用来自 MIT-DMS Muddle 的 MIT-Mathlab MACSYMA (Using MIT-Mathlab MACSYMA from MIT-DMS Muddle)

RFC-0579 流量统计(1973 年 9 月) (Traffic statistics (September 1973))

RFC-0580 协议设计者和实施者的注意事项 (Note to Protocol Designers and Implementers)

RFC-0581 对 RFC 560 的更正:远程控制传输和回显 Telnet 选项 (Corrections to RFC 560: Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet Option)

RFC-0582 对 RFC 580 的评论:机器可读协议 (Comments on RFC 580: Machine readable protocols)

RFC-0583 ARPANET 用户兴趣工作组章程 (Charter for ARPANET Users Interest Working Group)

RFC-0585 ARPANET 用户兴趣工作组会议 (ARPANET users interest working group meeting)

RFC-0586 流量统计(1973 年 10 月) (Traffic statistics (October 1973))

RFC-0587 宣布新的 Telnet 选项 (Announcing New Telnet Options)

RFC-0588 伦敦节点现已启动 (London Node Is Now Up)

RFC-0589 CCN NETRJS 服务器消息给远程用户 (CCN NETRJS server messages to remote user)

RFC-0590 MULTICS 地址更改 (MULTICS address change)

RFC-0591 添加到远程主机规范 (Addition to the Very Distant Host specifications)

RFC-0592 促进资源共享的系统设计的几点思考 (Some thoughts on system design to facilitate resource sharing)

RFC-0593 Telnet 和 FTP 实施时间表更改 (Telnet and FTP implementation schedule change)

RFC-0594 Host-IMP接口加速 (Speedup of Host-IMP interface)

RFC-0595 捍卫 Telnet Go-Ahead 的第二个想法 (Second thoughts in defense of the Telnet Go-Ahead)

RFC-0596 关于 Telnet Go-Ahead 的第二个想法 (Second thoughts on Telnet Go-Ahead)

RFC-0597 主机状态 (Host status)

RFC-0598 RFC 索引 - 1973 年 12 月 5 日 (RFC index - December 5, 1973)

RFC-0599 NETRJS 更新 (Update on NETRJS)

RFC-0600 将伊利诺伊州等离子终端连接到 ARPANET (Interfacing an Illinois plasma terminal to the ARPANET)

RFC-0601 流量统计(1973 年 11 月) (Traffic statistics (November 1973))

RFC-0602 “袜子小心翼翼地挂在烟囱旁” ("The stockings were hung by the chimney with care")

RFC-0603 对 RFC 597 的响应:主机状态 (Response to RFC 597: Host status)

RFC-0604 分配的链接号 (Assigned link numbers)

RFC-0606 在线主机名 (Host names on-line)

RFC-0607 文件传输协议评论 (Comments on the File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0608 在线主机名 (Host names on-line)

RFC-0609 NIC/NLS 服务即将迁移的声明 (Statement of upcoming move of NIC/NLS service)

RFC-0610 进一步的数据语言设计概念 (Further datalanguage design concepts)

RFC-0611 对 IMP/主机协议的两项更改以改善用户/网络通信 (Two changes to the IMP/Host Protocol to improve user/network communications)

RFC-0612 流量统计(1973 年 12 月) (Traffic statistics (December 1973))

RFC-0613 网络连接:对 RFC 603 的回应 (Network connectivity: A response to RFC 603)

RFC-0614 对 RFC 607 的回应:“关于文件传输协议的评论” (Response to RFC 607: "Comments on the File Transfer Protocol")

RFC-0615 提议的网络标准数据路径名语法 (Proposed Network Standard Data Pathname syntax)


RFC-0617 套接字编号分配注意事项 (Note on socket number assignment)

RFC-0618 对 NCP 统计数据的观察很少 (Few observations on NCP statistics)

RFC-0619 ARPANET 中的平均往返时间 (Mean round-trip times in the ARPANET)

RFC-0620 请求监控主机表更新 (Request for monitor host table updates)

RFC-0621 SRI ARC 上的 NIC 用户目录 (NIC user directories at SRI ARC)

RFC-0622 安排 IMP/TIP 停机时间 (Scheduling IMP/TIP down time)

RFC-0623 在线主机名服务注解 (Comments on on-line host name service)

RFC-0624 文件传输协议注解 (Comments on the File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0625 在线主机名服务 (On-line hostnames service)

RFC-0626 由于消息排序,IMP 子网中可能出现锁定情况 (On a possible lockup condition in IMP subnet due to message sequencing)

RFC-0627 主机名的 ASCII 文本文件 (ASCII text file of hostnames)

RFC-0628 RFC 编号的状态和关于预先分配的期刊编号的说明 (Status of RFC numbers and a note on pre-assigned journal numbers)

RFC-0629 网络日志使用场景 (Scenario for using the Network Journal)

RFC-0630 使用 FTP 错误代码以获得更可靠的邮件服务 (FTP error code usage for more reliable mail service)

RFC-0631 小型计算机和数据通信国际会议:征文 (International meeting on minicomputers and data communication: Call for papers)

RFC-0632 单个数据包消息的吞吐量下降 (Throughput degradations for single packet messages)

RFC-0633 IMP/TIP 预防性维护计划 (IMP/TIP preventive maintenance schedule)

RFC-0634 Haskins 实验室的网络地址更改 (Change in network address for Haskins Lab)

RFC-0635 ARPANET 协议的评估 (Assessment of ARPANET protocols)

RFC-0636 TIP/Tenex 可靠性改进 (TIP/Tenex reliability improvements)

RFC-0637 更改 SU-DSL 的网络地址 (Change of network address for SU-DSL)

RFC-0638 IMP/TIP 预防性维护计划 (IMP/TIP preventive maintenance schedule)

RFC-0640 修订的 FTP 应答代码 (Revised FTP reply codes)

RFC-0642 准备线理念和实施 (Ready line philosophy and implementation)

RFC-0643 网络调试协议 (Network Debugging Protocol)

RFC-0644 关于网络邮件的签名认证问题 (On the problem of signature authentication for network mail)

RFC-0645 网络标准数据规范语法 (Network Standard Data Specification syntax)

RFC-0647 通过前端处理器将主机连接到类似 ARPA 的网络的提议协议 (Proposed protocol for connecting host computers to ARPA-like networks via front end processors)

RFC-0651 修订的 Telnet 状态选项 (Revised Telnet status option)

RFC-0652 Telnet 输出回车配置选项 (Telnet output carriage-return disposition option)

RFC-0653 Telnet 输出水平制表位选项 (Telnet output horizontal tabstops option)

RFC-0654 Telnet 输出水平选项卡配置选项 (Telnet output horizontal tab disposition option)

RFC-0655 Telnet 输出换页处理选项 (Telnet output formfeed disposition option)

RFC-0656 Telnet 输出垂直制表位选项 (Telnet output vertical tabstops option)

RFC-0657 Telnet 输出垂直制表符配置选项 (Telnet output vertical tab disposition option)

RFC-0658 Telnet 输出换行配置 (Telnet output linefeed disposition)

RFC-0659 宣布其他 Telnet 选项 (Announcing additional Telnet options)

RFC-0660 IMP 和 IMP/Host 接口的一些更改 (Some changes to the IMP and the IMP/Host interface)

RFC-0661 协议信息 (Protocol information)

RFC-0662 从 Multics 传输 ARPANET 文件的性能改进 (Performance improvement in ARPANET file transfers from Multics)

RFC-0663 丢失消息检测和恢复协议 (Lost message detection and recovery protocol)

RFC-0666 统一用户级协议规范 (Specification of the Unified User-Level Protocol)

RFC-0667 主机端口 (Host Ports)

RFC-0669 1974 年 11 月,新协议 Telnet 服务器调查 (November, 1974, survey of New-Protocol Telnet servers)

RFC-0671 重连协议注意事项 (Note on Reconnection Protocol)

RFC-0672 多站点数据收集设施 (Multi-site data collection facility)

RFC-0674 过程调用文档:版本 2 (Procedure call documents: Version 2)

RFC-0675 互联网传输控制程序规范 (Specification of Internet Transmission Control Program)

RFC-0677 维护重复数据库 (Maintenance of duplicate databases)

RFC-0678 标准文件格式 (Standard file formats)

RFC-0679 1975 年 2 月,新协议 Telnet 服务器调查 (February, 1975, survey of New-Protocol Telnet servers)

RFC-0680 消息传输协议 (Message Transmission Protocol)

RFC-0681 网络UNIX (Network UNIX)

RFC-0683 FTPSRV - 分页文件的 Tenex 扩展 (FTPSRV - Tenex extension for paged files)

RFC-0684 过程调用作为网络协议的注释 (Commentary on procedure calling as a network protocol)

RFC-0685 跨网调试响应时间 (Response time in cross network debugging)

RFC-0686 Leaving well enough alone (Leaving well enough alone)

RFC-0687 IMP/Host 和 Host/IMP 协议更改 (IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol changes)

RFC-0688 TIP 新 Telnet 实施的暂定时间表 (Tentative schedule for the new Telnet implementation for the TIP)

RFC-0689 用于连接的 Tenex NCP 有限状态机 (Tenex NCP finite state machine for connections)

RFC-0690 对提议的主机/IMP 协议更改的评论 (Comments on the proposed Host/IMP Protocol changes)

RFC-0691 再试一次FTP (One more try on the FTP)

RFC-0692 对 IMP/主机协议更改的评论(RFC 687 和 690) (Comments on IMP/Host Protocol changes (RFCs 687 and 690))

RFC-0694 协议信息 (Protocol information)

RFC-0695 主机-主机协议的官方更改 (Official change in Host-Host Protocol)

RFC-0696 对 IMP/Host 和 Host/IMP 协议更改的评论 (Comments on the IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol changes)

RFC-0697 FTP的CWD命令 (CWD command of FTP)

RFC-0698 Telnet 扩展 ASCII 选项 (Telnet extended ASCII option)

RFC-0699 征求意见摘要说明:600-699 (Request For Comments summary notes: 600-699)

RFC-0700 协议实验 (Protocol experiment)

RFC-0701 1974 年 8 月,新协议 Telnet 服务器调查 (August, 1974, survey of New-Protocol Telnet servers)

RFC-0702 1974 年 9 月,新协议 Telnet 服务器调查 (September, 1974, survey of New-Protocol Telnet servers)

RFC-0703 1975 年 7 月,新协议 Telnet 服务器调查 (July, 1975, survey of New-Protocol Telnet Servers)

RFC-0704 IMP/Host 和 Host/IMP 协议更改 (IMP/Host and Host/IMP Protocol change)

RFC-0705 前端协议B6700版本 (Front-end Protocol B6700 version)

RFC-0706 关于垃圾邮件问题 (On the junk mail problem)

RFC-0707 基于网络的资源共享的高级框架 (High-level framework for network-based resource sharing)

RFC-0708 分布式编程系统的要素 (Elements of a Distributed Programming System)

RFC-0712 分布式能力计算系统 (DCCS) (Distributed Capability Computing System (DCCS))

RFC-0713 MSDTP-消息服务数据传输协议 (MSDTP-Message Services Data Transmission Protocol)

RFC-0714 ARPANET 类型网络的主机-主机协议 (Host-Host Protocol for an ARPANET-Type Network)

RFC-0716 BBN 1822 附录 F 的临时修订 (Interim Revision to Appendix F of BBN 1822)

RFC-0717 分配的网络号码 (Assigned Network Numbers)

RFC-0718 Tenex 实施经验对 RCTE 的评论 (Comments on RCTE from the Tenex Implementation Experience)

RFC-0719 关于 RCTE 的讨论 (Discussion on RCTE)

RFC-0720 网络邮件的地址规范语法 (Address Specification Syntax for Network Mail)

RFC-0721 主机到主机协议中的带外控制信号 (Out-of-Band Control Signals in a Host-to-Host Protocol)

RFC-0722 关于分布式服务交互的思考 (Thoughts on Interactions in Distributed Services)

RFC-0724 提议的 ARPA 网络消息格式的官方标准 (Proposed official standard for the format of ARPA Network messages)

RFC-0725 用于资源共享网络的 RJE 协议 (RJE protocol for a resource sharing network)

RFC-0726 远程控制传输和回显 Telnet 选项 (Remote Controlled Transmission and Echoing Telnet option)

RFC-0727 Telnet 注销选项 (Telnet logout option)

RFC-0728 Telnet 协议中的小缺陷 (Minor pitfall in the Telnet Protocol)

RFC-0729 Telnet 字节宏选项 (Telnet byte macro option)

RFC-0730 可扩展字段寻址 (Extensible field addressing)

RFC-0731 Telnet 数据输入终端选项 (Telnet Data Entry Terminal option)

RFC-0732 Telnet 数据输入终端选项 (Telnet Data Entry Terminal option)

RFC-0733 ARPA网络短信格式标准 (Standard for the format of ARPA network text messages)

RFC-0734 SUPDUP协议 (SUPDUP Protocol)

RFC-0735 修订的 Telnet 字节宏选项 (Revised Telnet byte macro option)

RFC-0736 Telnet SUPDUP 选项 (Telnet SUPDUP option)

RFC-0737 FTP 扩展名:XSEN (FTP extension: XSEN)

RFC-0738 时间服务器 (Time server)

RFC-0739 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0740 NETRJS 协议 (NETRJS Protocol)

RFC-0741 网络语音协议 (NVP) 规范 (Specifications for the Network Voice Protocol (NVP))


RFC-0743 FTP 扩展:XRSQ/XRCP (FTP extension: XRSQ/XRCP)

RFC-0744 MARS - 消息归档和检索服务 (MARS - a Message Archiving and Retrieval Service)

RFC-0745 JANUS 接口规格 (JANUS interface specifications)

RFC-0746 SUPDUP 图形扩展 (SUPDUP graphics extension)

RFC-0747 SUPDUP 协议的最新扩展 (Recent extensions to the SUPDUP Protocol)

RFC-0748 Telnet 随机丢失选项 (Telnet randomly-lose option)

RFC-0749 Telnet SUPDUP-输出选项 (Telnet SUPDUP-Output option)

RFC-0750 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0751 FTP 邮件和 MLFL 调查 (Survey of FTP mail and MLFL)

RFC-0752 通用主机表 (Universal host table)

RFC-0753 互联网消息协议 (Internet Message Protocol)

RFC-0754 邮件的网外主机地址 (Out-of-net host addresses for mail)

RFC-0755 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0756 NIC 名称服务器 - 基于数据报的信息实用程序 (NIC name server - a datagram-based information utility)

RFC-0757 ARPANET 消息系统的命名、寻址和传递问题的建议解决方案 (Suggested solution to the naming, addressing, and delivery problem for ARPANET message systems)

RFC-0758 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0759 互联网消息协议 (Internet Message Protocol)

RFC-0760 DoD标准互联网协议 (DoD standard Internet Protocol)

RFC-0761 DoD 标准传输控制协议 (DoD standard Transmission Control Protocol)

RFC-0762 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0763 角色邮箱 (Role mailboxes)

RFC-0764 Telnet 协议规范 (Telnet Protocol specification)

RFC-0765 文件传输协议规范 (File Transfer Protocol specification)

RFC-0766 Internet 协议手册:目录 (Internet Protocol Handbook: Table of contents)

RFC-0767 用于传输多媒体文件的结构化格式 (Structured format for transmission of multi-media documents)

RFC-0768 用户数据报协议 (User Datagram Protocol)

RFC-0769 Rapicom 450 传真文件格式 (Rapicom 450 facsimile file format)

RFC-0770 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0771 邮件过渡计划 (Mail transition plan)

RFC-0772 邮件传输协议 (Mail Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0773 NCP/TCP邮件服务过渡策略点评 (Comments on NCP/TCP mail service transition strategy)

RFC-0774 Internet 协议手册:目录 (Internet Protocol Handbook: Table of contents)

RFC-0775 面向目录的 FTP 命令 (Directory oriented FTP commands)

RFC-0776 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0777 互联网控制消息协议 (Internet Control Message Protocol)

RFC-0778 DCNET互联网时钟服务 (DCNET Internet Clock Service)

RFC-0779 Telnet 发送位置选项 (Telnet send-location option)

RFC-0780 邮件传输协议 (Mail Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0781 Internet 协议 (IP) 时间戳选项的规范 (Specification of the Internet Protocol (IP) timestamp option)

RFC-0782 虚拟终端管理模式 (Virtual Terminal management model)

RFC-0783 TFTP 协议(修订版 2) (TFTP Protocol (revision 2))

RFC-0784 邮件传输协议:ISI TOPS20 实现 (Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20 implementation)

RFC-0785 邮件传输协议:ISI TOPS20 文件定义 (Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20 file definitions)

RFC-0786 邮件传输协议:ISI TOPS20 MTP-NIMAIL 接口 (Mail Transfer Protocol: ISI TOPS20 MTP-NIMAIL interface)

RFC-0787 无连接数据传输调查/教程 (Connectionless data transmission survey/tutorial)

RFC-0788 简单邮件传输协议 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0789 网络控制协议的漏洞:示例 (Vulnerabilities of network control protocols: An example)

RFC-0790 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0791 互联网协议 (Internet Protocol)

RFC-0792 互联网控制消息协议 (Internet Control Message Protocol)

RFC-0793 传输控制协议 (Transmission Control Protocol)

RFC-0794 Pre-emption (Pre-emption)

RFC-0795 服务映射 (Service mappings)

RFC-0796 地址映射 (Address mappings)

RFC-0797 位图文件的格式 (Format for Bitmap files)

RFC-0798 解码来自 Rapicom 450 的传真数据 (Decoding facsimile data from the Rapicom 450)

RFC-0799 互联网域名 (Internet name domains)

RFC-0800 征求意见摘要说明:700-799 (Request For Comments summary notes: 700-799)

RFC-0801 NCP/TCP过渡计划 (NCP/TCP transition plan)

RFC-0802 ARPANET 1822L 主机访问协议 (ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol)

RFC-0803 Dacom 450/500 传真数据转码 (Dacom 450/500 facsimile data transcoding)

RFC-0804 CCITT 建议草案 T.4 (CCITT draft recommendation T.4)

RFC-0805 电脑邮件会议记录 (Computer mail meeting notes)

RFC-0806 拟议的联邦信息处理标准:基于计算机的消息系统的消息格式规范 (Proposed Federal Information Processing Standard: Specification for message format for computer based message systems)

RFC-0807 多媒体邮件会议记录 (Multimedia mail meeting notes)

RFC-0808 1979 年 1 月 10 日在 BBN 举行的计算机邮件服务会议摘要 (Summary of computer mail services meeting held at BBN on 10 January 1979)

RFC-0809 UCL传真系统 (UCL facsimile system)

RFC-0810 DoD Internet 主机表规范 (DoD Internet host table specification)

RFC-0811 主机名服务器 (Hostnames Server)


RFC-0813 TCP中的窗口和确认策略 (Window and Acknowledgement Strategy in TCP)

RFC-0814 名称、地址、端口和路由 (Name, addresses, ports, and routes)

RFC-0815 IP 数据报重组算法 (IP datagram reassembly algorithms)

RFC-0816 故障隔离与恢复 (Fault isolation and recovery)

RFC-0817 协议实现的模块化和效率 (Modularity and efficiency in protocol implementation)

RFC-0818 远程用户 Telnet 服务 (Remote User Telnet service)

RFC-0819 Internet 用户应用程序的域名命名约定 (The Domain Naming Convention for Internet User Applications)

RFC-0820 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0821 简单邮件传输协议 (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)


RFC-0823 DARPA 互联网网关 (DARPA Internet gateway)

RFC-0824 CRONUS 虚拟本地网络 (CRONUS Virtual Local Network)

RFC-0825 征求意见 (Request for comments on Requests For Comments)

RFC-0826 以太网地址解析协议:或将网络协议地址转换为 48 位以太网地址以在以太网硬件上传输 (An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol: Or Converting Network Protocol Addresses to 48.bit Ethernet Address for Transmission on Ethernet Hardware)

RFC-0827 外部网关协议 (EGP) (Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP))

RFC-0828 数据通信:IFIP 的国际专家“网络” (Data communications: IFIP's international "network" of experts)

RFC-0829 分组卫星技术参考来源 (Packet satellite technology reference sources)

RFC-0830 互联网名称服务的分布式系统 (Distributed system for Internet name service)

RFC-0831 备份访问 SATNET 欧洲端 (Backup access to the European side of SATNET)

RFC-0832 谁在谈TCP?(Who talks TCP?)

RFC-0833 谁在谈TCP?(Who talks TCP?)

RFC-0834 谁在谈TCP?(Who talks TCP?)

RFC-0835 谁在谈TCP?(Who talks TCP?)

RFC-0836 谁在谈TCP?(Who talks TCP?)

RFC-0837 谁在谈TCP?(Who talks TCP?)

RFC-0838 谁在谈TCP?(Who talks TCP?)

RFC-0839 谁在谈TCP?(Who talks TCP?)

RFC-0840 官方协议 (Official protocols)

RFC-0841 基于计算机的消息系统的消息格式规范 (Specification for message format for Computer Based Message Systems)

RFC-0842 谁在谈TCP? - 83 年 2 月 1 日的调查 (Who talks TCP? - survey of 1 February 83)

RFC-0843 谁在谈TCP? - 83 年 2 月 8 日的调查 (Who talks TCP? - survey of 8 February 83)

RFC-0844 谁也在谈论ICMP? - 1983年2月18日的调查 (Who talks ICMP, too? - Survey of 18 February 1983)

RFC-0845 谁在谈TCP? - 1983年2月15日的调查 (Who talks TCP? - survey of 15 February 1983)

RFC-0846 谁在谈TCP? - 1983年2月22日的调查 (Who talks TCP? - survey of 22 February 1983)

RFC-0847 Smallberg 调查总结 (Summary of Smallberg surveys)

RFC-0848 谁提供“little”TCP 服务?(Who provides the "little" TCP services?)

RFC-0849 改进主机表分布的建议 (Suggestions for improved host table distribution)

RFC-0850 USENET 消息交换标准 (Standard for interchange of USENET messages)

RFC-0851 ARPANET 1822L 主机访问协议 (ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol)

RFC-0852 ARPANET 短阻塞功能 (ARPANET short blocking feature)

RFC-0854 Telnet 协议规范 (Telnet Protocol Specification)

RFC-0855 Telnet 选项规格 (Telnet Option Specifications)

RFC-0856 Telnet 二进制传输 (Telnet Binary Transmission)

RFC-0857 Telnet 回显选项 (Telnet Echo Option)

RFC-0858 Telnet Suppress Go Ahead 选项 (Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option)

RFC-0859 Telnet 状态选项 (Telnet Status Option)

RFC-0860 Telnet 时间标记选项 (Telnet Timing Mark Option)

RFC-0861 Telnet 扩展选项:列表选项 (Telnet Extended Options: List Option)

RFC-0862 回送协议 (Echo Protocol)

RFC-0863 丢弃协议 (Discard Protocol)

RFC-0864 字符生成器协议 (Character Generator Protocol)

RFC-0865 气象报告协议 (Quote of the Day Protocol)

RFC-0866 活跃用户 (Active users)

RFC-0867 日期时间协议 (Daytime Protocol)

RFC-0868 时间协议 (Time Protocol)

RFC-0869 主机监控协议 (Host Monitoring Protocol)

RFC-0870 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0871 关于 ARPANET 参考模型的观点 (Perspective on the ARPANET reference model)

RFC-0872 局域网上的 TCP (TCP-on-a-LAN)

RFC-0873 供应商支持的错觉 (Illusion of vendor support)

RFC-0874 X.25 的批判 (Critique of X.25)

RFC-0875 网关、架构和 heffalumps (Gateways, architectures, and heffalumps)

RFC-0876 SMTP 实施调查 (Survey of SMTP implementations)

RFC-0877 通过公共数据网络传输 IP 数据报的标准 (Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over public data networks)

RFC-0878 ARPANET 1822L 主机访问协议 (ARPANET 1822L Host Access Protocol)

RFC-0879 TCP 最大段大小和相关主题 (The TCP Maximum Segment Size and Related Topics)

RFC-0880 官方协议 (Official protocols)

RFC-0881 域名计划和时间表 (Domain names plan and schedule)

RFC-0882 域名:概念和设施 (Domain names: Concepts and facilities)

RFC-0883 域名:实现规范 (Domain names: Implementation specification)

RFC-0884 Telnet 终端类型选项 (Telnet terminal type option)

RFC-0885 Telnet 记录结束选项 (Telnet end of record option)

RFC-0886 建议的消息头调整标准 (Proposed standard for message header munging)

RFC-0887 资源定位协议 (Resource Location Protocol)

RFC-0888 “STUB”外部网关协议 ("STUB" Exterior Gateway Protocol)

RFC-0889 上网延迟实验 (Internet Delay Experiments)

RFC-0890 外部网关协议实施时间表 (Exterior Gateway Protocol implementation schedule)

RFC-0891 DCN 本地网络协议 (DCN Local-Network Protocols)

RFC-0892 ISO 传输协议规范 (ISO Transport Protocol specification)

RFC-0893 拖车封装 (Trailer encapsulations)

RFC-0894 通过以太网传输 IP 数据报的标准 (A Standard for the Transmission of IP Datagrams over Ethernet Networks)

RFC-0895 通过实验以太网网络传输 IP 数据报的标准 (Standard for the transmission of IP datagrams over experimental Ethernet networks)

RFC-0896 IP/TCP 网络中的拥塞控制 (Congestion Control in IP/TCP Internetworks)

RFC-0897 域名系统实施时间表 (Domain name system implementation schedule)

RFC-0898 Gateway 特别兴趣小组会议记录 (Gateway special interest group meeting notes)

RFC-0899 征求意见摘要说明:800-899 (Request For Comments summary notes: 800-899)

RFC-0900 分配的号码 (Assigned Numbers)

RFC-0901 官方 ARPA-Internet 协议 (Official ARPA-Internet protocols)

RFC-0902 ARPA 互联网协议政策 (ARPA Internet Protocol policy)

RFC-0903 反向地址解析协议 (A Reverse Address Resolution Protocol)

RFC-0904 外部网关协议正式规范 (Exterior Gateway Protocol formal specification)

RFC-0905 ISO 传输协议规范 ISO DP 8073 (ISO Transport Protocol specification ISO DP 8073)

RFC-0906 使用 TFTP 引导加载 (Bootstrap loading using TFTP)

RFC-0907 主机访问协议规范 (Host Access Protocol specification)

RFC-0908 可靠数据协议 (Reliable Data Protocol)

RFC-0909 加载器调试器协议 (Loader Debugger Protocol)

RFC-0910 多媒体邮件会议记录 (Multimedia mail meeting notes)

RFC-0911 Berkeley UNIX 4.2 下的 EGP 网关 (EGP Gateway under Berkeley UNIX 4.2)

RFC-0912 认证服务 (Authentication service)

RFC-0913 简单文件传输协议 (Simple File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0914 用于将个人计算机连接到 Internet 的 Thinwire 协议 (Thinwire protocol for connecting personal computers to the Internet)

RFC-0915 网络邮件路径服务 (Network mail path service)

RFC-0916 可靠异步传输协议 (RATP) (Reliable Asynchronous Transfer Protocol (RATP))

RFC-0917 互联网子网 (Internet subnets)

RFC-0918 邮局协议 (Post Office Protocol)

RFC-0919 广播互联网数据报 (Broadcasting Internet Datagrams)

RFC-0920 域要求 (Domain requirements)

RFC-0921 域名系统实施时间表 - 修订 (Domain name system implementation schedule - revised)

RFC-0922 在存在子网的情况下广播 Internet 数据报 (Broadcasting Internet datagrams in the presence of subnets)

RFC-0923 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0924 用于将个人计算机连接到 Internet 的官方 ARPA-Internet 协议 (Official ARPA-Internet protocols for connecting personal computers to the Internet)

RFC-0925 多局域网地址解析 (Multi-LAN address resolution)

RFC-0926 提供无连接模式网络服务的协议 (Protocol for providing the connectionless mode network services)

RFC-0927 TACACS 用户识别 Telnet 选项 (TACACS user identification Telnet option)

RFC-0928 拟议的 DoD 标准 H-FP 的介绍 (Introduction to proposed DoD standard H-FP)

RFC-0929 提议的主机前端协议 (Proposed Host-Front End Protocol)

RFC-0930 Telnet 终端类型选项 (Telnet terminal type option)

RFC-0931 认证服务器 (Authentication server)

RFC-0932 子网寻址方案 (Subnetwork addressing scheme)

RFC-0933 输出标记 Telnet 选项 (Output marking Telnet option)

RFC-0934 建议的消息封装标准 (Proposed standard for message encapsulation)

RFC-0935 可靠的链路层协议 (Reliable link layer protocols)

RFC-0936 另一种 Internet 子网寻址方案 (Another Internet subnet addressing scheme)

RFC-0937 邮局协议:版本 2 (Post Office Protocol: Version 2)

RFC-0938 Internet 可靠事务协议功能和接口规范 (Internet Reliable Transaction Protocol functional and interface specification)

RFC-0939 NRC 关于国防部数据网络传输协议的报告的执行摘要 (Executive summary of the NRC report on transport protocols for Department of Defense data networks)

RFC-0940 走向用于子网划分的 Internet 标准方案 (Toward an Internet standard scheme for subnetting)

RFC-0941 网络服务定义附录涵盖网络层寻址 (Addendum to the network service definition covering network layer addressing)

RFC-0942 国防部数据网络的传输协议 (Transport protocols for Department of Defense data networks)

RFC-0943 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0944 官方 ARPA-Internet 协议 (Official ARPA-Internet protocols)

RFC-0945 国防部关于 NRC 报告的声明 (DoD statement on the NRC report)

RFC-0946 Telnet 终端位置号选项 (Telnet terminal location number option)

RFC-0947 互联网内的多网络广播 (Multi-network broadcasting within the Internet)

RFC-0948 通过 IEEE 802.3 网络传输 IP 数据报的两种方法 (Two methods for the transmission of IP datagrams over IEEE 802.3 networks)

RFC-0949 FTP 唯一命名存储命令 (FTP unique-named store command)

RFC-0950 Internet 标准子网划分程序 (Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure)

RFC-0951 引导协议 (Bootstrap Protocol)

RFC-0952 DoD Internet 主机表规范 (DoD Internet host table specification)

RFC-0953 主机名服务器 (Hostname Server)


RFC-0955 面向事务处理应用程序的传输服务 (Towards a transport service for transaction processing applications)

RFC-0956 同步网络时钟的算法 (Algorithms for synchronizing network clocks)

RFC-0957 网络时钟同步实验 (Experiments in network clock synchronization)

RFC-0958 网络时间协议 (NTP) (Network Time Protocol (NTP))

RFC-0959 文件传输协议 (File Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0960 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0961 官方 ARPA-Internet 协议 (Official ARPA-Internet protocols)

RFC-0962 TCP-4 素数 (TCP-4 prime)

RFC-0963 军标互联网协议规范的一些问题 (Some problems with the specification of the Military Standard Internet Protocol)

RFC-0964 军标传输控制协议规范的一些问题 (Some problems with the specification of the Military Standard Transmission Control Protocol)

RFC-0965 图形通信协议的格式 (Format for a graphical communication protocol)

RFC-0966 主机组:Internet 协议的多播扩展 (Host groups: A multicast extension to the Internet Protocol)

RFC-0967 所有受害者在一起 (All victims together)

RFC-0968 开机前一天晚上 (Twas the night before start-up)

RFC-0969 NETBLT:批量数据传输协议 (NETBLT: A bulk data transfer protocol)

RFC-0970 在具有无限存储的分组交换机上 (On Packet Switches With Infinite Storage)

RFC-0971 数据表示标准调查 (Survey of data representation standards)

RFC-0972 密码生成器协议 (Password Generator Protocol)

RFC-0973 领域系统变化和观察 (Domain system changes and observations)

RFC-0974 邮件路由和域系统 (Mail routing and the domain system)

RFC-0975 自治联合会 (Autonomous confederations)

RFC-0976 UUCP 邮件交换格式标准 (UUCP mail interchange format standard)

RFC-0977 网络新闻传输协议 (Network News Transfer Protocol)

RFC-0978 语音文件交换协议 (VFIP) (Voice File Interchange Protocol (VFIP))

RFC-0979 PSN端到端功能规范 (PSN End-to-End functional specification)

RFC-0980 协议文件订单信息 (Protocol document order information)

RFC-0981 实验性多路径路由算法 (Experimental multiple-path routing algorithm)

RFC-0982 ISO标准NSAP地址的域特定部分(DSP)结构规范指南 (Guidelines for the specification of the structure of the Domain Specific Part (DSP) of the ISO standard NSAP address)

RFC-0983 ISO 传输到达 TCP 之上 (ISO transport arrives on top of the TCP)

RFC-0984 PCMAIL:个人计算机的分布式邮件系统 (PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal computers)

RFC-0985 Internet 网关要求 - 草案 (Requirements for Internet gateways - draft)

RFC-0986 ISO 无连接模式网络协议中 Internet-IP 地址的使用指南 (Guidelines for the use of Internet-IP addresses in the ISO Connectionless-Mode Network Protocol)

RFC-0987 X.400 和 RFC 822 之间的映射 (Mapping between X.400 and RFC 822)

RFC-0988 用于 IP 多播的主机扩展 (Host extensions for IP multicasting)

RFC-0989 Internet 电子邮件的隐私增强:第 I 部分:消息加密和验证程序 (Privacy enhancement for Internet electronic mail: Part I: Message encipherment and authentication procedures)

RFC-0990 分配的号码 (Assigned numbers)

RFC-0991 官方 ARPA-Internet 协议 (Official ARPA-Internet protocols)

RFC-0992 关于容错进程组的通信支持 (On communication support for fault tolerant process groups)

RFC-0993 PCMAIL:个人计算机的分布式邮件系统 (PCMAIL: A distributed mail system for personal computers)

RFC-0994 DIS 8473 的最终文本,提供无连接模式网络服务的协议 (Final text of DIS 8473, Protocol for Providing the Connectionless-mode Network Service)

RFC-0995 与 ISO 8473 结合使用的端系统到中间系统路由交换协议 (End System to Intermediate System Routing Exchange Protocol for use in conjunction with ISO 8473)

RFC-0996 统计服务器 (Statistics server)

RFC-0997 互联网号码 (Internet numbers)

RFC-0998 NETBLT:批量数据传输协议 (NETBLT: A bulk data transfer protocol)

RFC-0999 征求意见摘要说明:900-999 (Requests For Comments summary notes: 900-999)

RFC-1000 征求意见参考指南 (Request For Comments reference guide)
