

WordPress plugins are a critical component of the WordPress platform, allowing you to easily extend functionality. A common question I often get asked is “What’s the best resource that covers WordPress plugin development for beginners?”.

WordPress插件是WordPress平台的重要组成部分,可让您轻松扩展功能。 我经常被问到的一个常见问题是:“对于初学者来说,涵盖WordPress插件开发的最佳资源是什么?”。

Luckily, there’s a vast amount of high quality articles and tutorials for those getting started with WordPress development, so I thought I’d take the opportunity to round up some of the better resources to help you on your way.


I’ll start the list off with the official WordPress documentation, which is a great first step:


  • The WordPress Plugin Developer Handbook (Developer.WordPress.org)

    WordPress插件开发人员手册 (Developer.WordPress.org)

  • Plugin Development Videos (WordPress.tv)

    插件开发视频 (WordPress.tv)

  • Writing a Plugin (Codex.WordPress.org)

    编写插件 (Codex.WordPress.org)

  • Plugin Development Resources (Codex.WordPress.org)

    插件开发资源 (Codex.WordPress.org)

  • Plugin Development Resources (Make.WordPress.org)

    插件开发资源 (Make.WordPress.org)

  • WordPress Coding Standards (Make.WordPress.org)

    WordPress编码标准 (Make.WordPress.org)

There’s a lot more than that, but you should definitely follow the official documentation, it’s constantly being updated.


The more comfortable with PHP you are the better, luckily SitePoint has the best collection of PHP news and learning materials on the web – which you can find here. SitePoint also has a huge collection of articles and tutorials on WordPress development, here’s a selection of the highlights to help get you started.

越熟悉PHP,越好,幸运的是,SitePoint 在Web上收集了最好PHP新闻和学习资料,您可以在此处找到 。 SitePoint还包含有关WordPress开发的大量文章和教程,这里有一些重点内容可以帮助您入门。

文章 (Articles)

WordPress插件开发简介 (An Introduction to WordPress Plugin Development)

Simon Codrington covers the basics of what you need to know about building your own WordPress plugins and best practices for WordPress plugin development.

Simon Codrington涵盖了构建自己的WordPress插件所需的基础知识以及WordPress插件开发的最佳实践。

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WordPress插件开发的真实示例 (A Real World Example of WordPress Plugin Development)

Simon Codrington revisits his article on an Introduction to Plugin Development with this real world example of WordPress Plugin Development.

Simon Codrington通过这个真实的WordPress插件开发示例回顾了他在“插件开发简介”上的文章。

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将插件发布到WordPress插件目录 (Publishing a Plugin to the WordPress Plugin Directory)

Ben Shadle shares an inside look at the WordPress Plugin Directory submission process with instructions on adding your plugin.

Ben Shadle分享了有关WordPress插件目录提交过程的内部视图,并提供了有关添加插件的说明。

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为WordPress.org插件目录开发 (Developing for the WordPress.org Plugin Directory)

In this article Narayan Prusty walks you through the basics needed to submit a plugin to the official WordPress.org Plugin Directory.

在本文中,Narayan Prusty引导您完成将插件提交到官方WordPress.org插件目录所需的基础知识。

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终极WordPress开发环境 (The Ultimate WordPress Development Environment)

Matt Geri explores the various modern development tools that can help take the headache and repetitiveness out of building WordPress sites on your computer.

Matt Geri探索了各种现代开发工具,这些工具可以帮助您减轻在计算机上构建WordPress网站时的麻烦和重复性。

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揭秘WordPress挂钩系统 (Demystifying the WordPress Hook System)

In this tutorial, Agbonghama Collins will demystify the WordPress hook system, with some examples to help you better understand hooks, actions and filters.

在本教程中,Agbonghama Collins将使WordPress钩子系统神秘化,并提供一些示例来帮助您更好地理解钩子,操作和过滤器。

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在WordPress中触发事件的替代方法 (Alternative Ways of Triggering Events in WordPress)

Following on from the article above, Agbonghama Collins covers alternative ways of triggering events in WordPress, and how to hook static and non-static class methods to actions and filters.

在上面的文章之后,Agbonghama Collins介绍了在WordPress中触发事件的其他方法,以及如何将静态和非静态类方法挂钩到操作和过滤器。

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WordPress插件以正确的方式更新 (WordPress Plugin Updates the Right Way)

Jérémy Heleine explores how developers can easily handle WordPress plugin updates the right way.


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防止WordPress插件不兼容 (Preventing WordPress Plugin Incompatibilities)

Firdaus Zahari shares a quick tip on how to prevent WordPress plugin incompatibilities by taking a defensive approach in plugin activation.

Firdaus Zahari分享了有关如何通过在插件激活中采取防御性方法来防止WordPress插件不兼容的快速提示。

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使您的WordPress插件对开发人员友好 (Making Your WordPress Plugins Developer Friendly)

Tim Carr demonstrates how to build robust plugins that allow other developers to modify and extend the code, without making changes to your core plugin.

蒂姆·卡尔(Tim Carr)演示了如何构建健壮的插件,这些插件允许其他开发人员修改和扩展代码,而无需更改您的核心插件。

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使您的WordPress插件对开发人员更加友好 (Making Your WordPress Plugins Even More Developer Friendly)

Tim Carr explores how plugin developers can make their WordPress plugins developer friendly by providing useful and solid developer documentation.

蒂姆·卡尔(Tim Carr)探索了插件开发人员如何通过提供有用且可靠的开发人员文档来使其WordPress插件开发人员更加友好。

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使用WordPress插件样板加快开发速度-第1部分 (Speed up Development Using the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate – Part 1)

In this article Firdaus Zahari takes a look into the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate to help you get you started, including an overview of the standard files and folders.

在本文中,Firdaus Zahari对WordPress插件样板进行了研究,以帮助您入门,包括标准文件和文件夹的概述。

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WordPress插件样板–第2部分:开发插件 (The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate – Part 2: Developing a Plugin)

In this article, Firdaus Zahari builds a real working plugin, using the WordPress Plugin Boilerplate. See how quickly you can get our plugin up and running!

在本文中,Firdaus Zahari使用WordPress插件样板构建了一个真正有效的插件。 看看您能如何快速启动并运行我们的插件!

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WordPress插件样板–第3部分:最后一步 (The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate – Part 3: The Last Steps)

The WordPress Plugin Boilerplate is a great starting point for plugin development. In the last part of this series, we add our final touches to our plugin.

WordPress插件样板是插件开发的一个很好的起点。 在本系列的最后一部分,我们将最后的修饰添加到插件中。

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将Ajax添加到您的WordPress插件 (Adding Ajax to Your WordPress Plugin)

Using Ajax in your WordPress website is easier than you think. With jQuery on your side, you can submit data, as well as receive data, in your own plugins.

在您的WordPress网站中使用Ajax比您想象的要容易。 借助jQuery,您可以在自己的插件中提交数据以及接收数据。

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WordPress文件系统API简介 (An Introduction to the WordPress Filesystem API)

In this article Narayan Prusty shows you the process of designing an admin page that writes and reads from our file system using the WordPress Filesystem API.

在本文中,Narayan Prusty向您展示了设计管理页面的过程,该页面使用WordPress Filesystem API从我们的文件系统中读写。

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讲解 (Tutorials)

In part 1 of a 3 part tutorial, Jérémy Heleine walks us through the creation of a WordPress carousel plugin using the WordPress Links Manager API.

在3部分教程的第1部分中,JérémyHeleine带领我们完成使用WordPress Links Manager API创建WordPress轮播插件的过程。

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In part 2 of Building a WordPress Carousel Plugin, Jérémy covers how to properly link a CSS file to a web page within WordPress and style our elements.


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Jérémy Heleine walks us though the final part of his 3 part tutorial covering building a WordPress carousel plugin.


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为WordPress创建一个最共享的帖子插件 (Create a Most Shared Posts Plugin for WordPress)

Narayan Prusty walks you through the steps to easily build your own Most Shared Posts plugin for WordPress, with clear code explanations.

Narayan Prusty引导您完成各个步骤,以轻松构建自己的WordPress最多共享帖子插件,并提供清晰的代码说明。

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构建一个WordPress用户登录计数器插件 (Building a WordPress User Login Counter Plugin)

Agbonghama Collins shows you how to build a counter plugin that counts the times users login to a WordPress site with the stats displayed in the dashboard.

Agbonghama Collins向您展示了如何构建一个计数器插件,该计数器插件可通过显示在仪表板上的统计信息来统计用户登录WordPress网站的次数。

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为WordPress创建URL缩短器插件 (Create a URL Shortener Plugin for WordPress)

In this tutorial, Narayan Prusty will show you how to create your own URL shortener plugin for WordPress using Google’s URL Shortener API.

在本教程中,Narayan Prusty将向您展示如何使用Google的URL Shortener API为WordPress创建自己的URL缩短器插件。

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为WordPress创建帖子系列插件 (Creating a Post Series Plugin for WordPress)

In this tutorial, Narayan Prusty will show you how to create post series plugin. You can also integrate the same code into a theme and provide it as theme functionality.

在本教程中,Narayan Prusty将向您展示如何创建帖子系列插件。 您还可以将相同的代码集成到主题中,并将其作为主题功能提供。

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在5分钟内建立您自己的WordPress联络表单插件 (Build Your Own WordPress Contact Form Plugin in 5 Minutes)

In this article Agbonghama Collins will walk through the steps required to build your own WordPress contact form plugin.

在本文中,Agbonghama Collins将逐步介绍构建自己的WordPress联系人表单插件所需的步骤。

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为WordPress构建自己的社交共享插件 (Building Your Own Social Sharing Plugin for WordPress)

In this article, Narayan Prusty demonstrates and shows you how you can easily build your own social sharing plugin for WordPress from scratch.

在本文中,Narayan Prusty演示并向您展示了如何轻松地从头开始为WordPress构建自己的社交共享插件。

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热门的付费插件开发资源 (Popular Paid Plugin Development Resources)

If you’re looking for even more reading, there are a few paid resources by the following developers that are highly recommended:


  • Plugin Development 101 (PippinsPlugins.com)

    插件开发101 (PippinsPlugins.com)

  • Professional WordPress Plugin Development (JustinTadlock.com)

    专业的WordPress插件开发 (JustinTadlock.com)

结论 (Conclusion)

I hope this helps you on your way to learning more about WordPress plugin development. If you’ve come across any other resources you’ve found helpful please share them in the comments below.

我希望这可以帮助您进一步了解WordPress插件开发。 如果您发现其他有用的资源,请在下面的评论中分享。

Originally published in the SitePoint WordPress Newsletter.

最初发布在SitePoint WordPress新闻中。

翻译自: https://www.sitepoint.com/wordpress-plugin-development-beginners/

