
Episode 56 of The SitePoint Podcast is now available! This week, Patrick O’Keefe (@iFroggy) and Stephan Segraves (@ssegraves) interview regular podcast co-host Brad Williams (@williamsba) and his co-authors David Damstra (@mirmillo) and Hal Stern (@freeholdhal) about their just-released book, Professional WordPress.

SitePoint Podcast的 第56集现已发布! 本周,Patrick O'Keefe( @iFroggy )和Stephan Segraves( @ssegraves )采访了常规播客联合主持人Brad Williams( @williamsba )以及他的合著者David Damstra( @mirmillo )和Hal Stern( @freeholdhal )刚发行的书《 专业WordPress》 。

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A complete transcript of the interviews is provided below.


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  • SitePoint Podcast #56: Professional WordPress with Brad Williams, David Damstra, and Hal Stern (MP3, 38.7MB)

    SitePoint播客#56:具有Brad Williams,David Damstra和Hal Stern的专业WordPress (MP3,38.7MB)

面试成绩单 (Interview Transcript)

Patrick: April 6th, 2010. We talk to the authors of a new WordPress book aimed at developers. This is the SitePoint Podcast #56: Professional WordPress with Brad Williams, David Damstra, and Hal Stern.

帕特里克: 2010年4月6日。我们与一本针对开发人员的WordPress新书的作者进行了交谈。 这是SitePoint播客#56:Brad Williams,David Damstra和Hal Stern的专业WordPress。

Hello and welcome to another edition of the SitePoint Podcast. This is Patrick O’Keefe and I’m joined by my usual co-host Stephan Segraves as we flip the script a little bit and interview our usual co-host Brad Williams, along with David Damstra and Hal Stern. Together, they have co-authored the new book, “Professional WordPress” from Wrox Press, a division of Wiley.

您好,欢迎使用SitePoint播客的另一版本。 这是帕特里克·奥基夫(Patrick O'Keefe),我和我通常的共同主持人斯蒂芬·塞格雷夫斯(Stephan Segraves)一起加入,我们稍微翻了一下剧本,并采访了我们通常的共同主持人布拉德·威廉姆斯(Brad Williams),大卫·丹斯特拉(David Damstra)和哈尔·斯特恩(Hal Stern)。 他们一起共同编写了Wiley旗下Wrox Press的新书“ Professional WordPress”。

Professional WordPress is part of the Programmer to Programmer series, and as such it’s focused at WordPress developers, and those who really want to get into the code or the software. According to the Wiley website, the book is an in-depth look at the internals of the WordPress system that goes beyond the basics and delves into the heart of the system offering overviews of the functional aspects of WordPress as well as plug-in and theme development. If you’d like to find out more, you can find the book at your favorite bookseller, and also on the book’s website at Without further ado, let’s get down to business.

专业WordPress是“程序员到程序员”系列的一部分,因此,它专门针对WordPress开发人员以及那些真正希望使用代码或软件的人员。 根据Wiley网站的说法,该书深入研究了WordPress系统的内部结构,超越了基础知识,深入研究了系统的核心,提供了WordPress的功能方面以及插件和主题的概述。发展。 如果您想了解更多信息,可以在您最喜欢的书店以及该书的网站professional-wp.com上找到该书。 事不宜迟,让我们开始做生意。

It’s good to have Brad join me and Kevin Yank as the SitePoint podcast hosts that are also published authors. Stephan, you know you need to hurry up and get on that.

最好是邀请Brad和我以及Kevin Yank成为SitePoint播客主持人,这些主持人也是已发表的作者。 史蒂芬(Stephan),您知道您需要快点继续前进。

Stephan: I’m writing a 3-part play.


Patrick: Well, there you go. Let’s do a quick bio check. In 30 seconds or less who are you, what do you do and why did you write this book. I think we’ll start with Brad since no one listening to this show really knows him all that well.

帕特里克:嗯,你去。 让我们做一个快速的生物检查。 在30秒或更短的时间内,你是谁,你做什么工作,为什么写这本书。 我认为我们将从布拉德开始,因为没有人听过这个节目真的很了解他。

Brad: Sure. I’m Brad Williams. I’m the CEO and founder of and we primarily work with open source software to build websites and different applications. So obviously, WordPress is one of our tools of choice.

布拉德:好的。 我是Brad Williams。 我是Webdevstudios.com的首席执行官和创始人,我们主要与开源软件合作来构建网站和其他应用程序。 显然,WordPress是我们的首选工具之一。

Patrick: Okay, David?


David: I’m David Damstra. I’m the manager of web services for CU*Answers which is a credit union service organization. My team develops websites for credit unions and we use WordPress as a CMS. It’s an awesome tool for us.

大卫:我是大卫·丹斯特拉。 我是CU * Answers的Web服务经理,这是一个信用合作社服务组织。 我的团队为信用合作社开发网站,我们使用WordPress作为CMS。 对我们来说,这是一个了不起的工具。

Patrick: Cool. Hal?

帕特里克:酷。 哈尔?

Hal: I’m Hal Stern. I began blogging about six years ago when I was with Sun Microsystems and when I was looking to take some of that content into a more private and personal space, happened upon WordPress and decided that I needed to start figuring out how it worked from the inside out. Days of taking apart teddy bears and radios kind of caught up to me in the open source world.

哈尔:我是哈尔·斯特恩。 大约六年前,当我在Sun Microsystems时,我开始写博客,当时我想将其中的某些内容带入一个更加私密和个人化的空间,发生在WordPress上并决定我需要开始从内部弄清楚它的工作原理出来。 在开放源代码世界中,拆开泰迪熊和收音机的日子吸引了我。

Patrick: How did you three come together to work on this book?


David: There was a post on Photomatt from Matt that said Wiley and Wrox were looking for some WordPress authors to start a new series and I think at least Brad and I, believe, responded individually and Hal… And it just came together.


Brad: Yeah, that post was actually – I actually dug it up because I just wrote a blog post about it. It was almost a year ago today, it was the 10th of February last year so we’ve almost come a full circle in a year from literally the time we all kind of saw that post about Wiley wanting authors to actually, you know, the book being released and promoting it. So it’s pretty exciting.

布拉德:是的, 那篇文章实际上是–我实际上是把它挖出来的,因为我刚刚写了一篇关于它的博客文章。 差不多一年前的今天,那是去年2月10日,所以从字面上我们看到有关Wiley希望作者真正地(实际上是,该书即将发行并推广。 因此,这非常令人兴奋。

David: I had worked with Carol Long who’s the executive editor at Wiley, the Wrox label, I had worked with her previously and she and I had been talking about a book idea and again, it was nice to sort of have independently the different threads come together.

大卫:我曾与维利(Wrox)品牌威利(Wiley)执行编辑卡罗·朗(Carol Long)合作,此前我曾与她合作过,而我和她一直在谈论书本创意,并且很高兴能独立拥有不同的主题一起来。

Patrick: So where are you three geographically? I know Brad is in New Jersey. So where are you at, David?

帕特里克:那么你们三个在哪里? 我知道布拉德在新泽西。 大卫,你在哪里?

David: I’m in Grand Rapids, Michigan which is on the west side of the state.


Patrick: And Hal?


Hal: I’m in the northern part of New Jersey. So even though Brad and I are in the same state, we’re kind of not because we’re in different area codes.

哈尔:我在新泽西北部。 因此,即使Brad和我处于同一状态,我们也不是因为我们处于不同的区号。

Brad: Hang out by the beach.


Patrick: Cool. So Wrox’s actually – so you guys came to Wrox; they didn’t come to you I guess? In David’s case, you had been talking with Wiley and that sort of worked together but it was sort of they put out a request and you guys went to them, right?

帕特里克:酷。 所以Wrox实际上是-所以你们来到了Wrox; 我猜他们没有来找你吗? 在David的情况下,您一直在与Wiley交谈,并且一起工作,但是他们提出了要求,你们去找他们了,对吗?

Brad: Yeah. It was actually Matt Mullenweg who’s one of the founding developers of WordPress. They had contacted Matt to kind of get some exposure to bring in more authors. They were looking for more WordPress related authors. So obviously he has a very big reach. Well, myself and David both saw his post along with many others from what I heard and we just emailed and expressed an interest and it kind of went from there.

布拉德:是的 实际上,Matt Mullenweg是WordPress的创始人之一。 他们联系了Matt,希望借此机会吸引更多的作者。 他们正在寻找更多与WordPress相关的作者。 因此,显然他的影响力非常大。 好吧,我和戴维都从我听到的消息中看到了他的职位以及其他许多职位,我们只是通过电子邮件发了言并表达了兴趣,这种想法从此便消失了。

Patrick: That’s cool. So Wiley, of course, is a huge, huge publisher and not surprisingly they’ve put out a bunch of WordPress books. Just kind of reading down the list here, you have: Professional WordPress of course, Teach Yourself Visually WordPress by Janet Majure, March 2010 that came out, WordPress Bible by former SitePoint forum staff member Aaron Brazell in February, Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog by Thord Daniel Hedengren in February 2010, WordPress 24-Hour Trainer, WordPress for Dummies 3rd edition by Lisa Sabin-Wilson out in August, 2nd edition was in February. You know I guess the question is how do you feel that Wiley has positioned your book as compared to the others?

帕特里克:太酷了。 因此,Wiley当然是一个庞大的出版商,毫不奇怪,他们出版了一堆WordPress书。 正中下怀这里往下阅读列表中,您有:当然专业的WordPress, 自学视觉WordPress的珍妮特Majure,2010年3月说出来了, WordPress的圣经由前SitePoint论坛工作人员亚伦布拉策尔在二月, 碎WordPress:超越博客由Thord Daniel Hedengren于2010年2月发布, WordPress 24小时培训师 , WordPress for Dummies的第三版,由Lisa Sabin-Wilson于8月发布,第二版于2月发布。 您知道我想的问题是,与其他书籍相比,您觉得Wiley对书的定位如何?

Hal: Well, this is how. I’ll give you my view on it because I think that part of the way that this project came about was our desire to really treat the material not in terms of hey, you want to start a blog, here’s how you go create a new posting, here’s why you should use tags and categories but to really think about teaching people how the code is structured and enough of the internal mechanics of WordPress so that you develop an understanding if you want to go extend it through themes, you want to go extend it through plug ins. Even if you just wanted to fine tune things a little bit, you sort of know how all the pieces fit together. That was my goal and initially in talking to Carol Long about this book and the combination of the three of us was worked very well I think because we brought three very different perspectives in terms of WordPress development expertise. Obviously, the other part of this is how is the book structured; obviously not a beginner’s book, trying to aim at either a well educated user, someone we hoped to become a well educated user or in a lot of cases, really going after a developer audience as opposed to someone who’s, again, they decided they want to start a blog so they’re going to go buy a book on WordPress.

哈尔:恩,这就是方法。 我会给你我的看法,因为我认为这个项目产生的部分原因是我们希望真正地对待材料,而不是嘿,您想创建一个博客,这就是您创建新博客的方式发布,这就是为什么您应该使用标签和类别,但要真正考虑教人们代码的结构以及WordPress的内部机制的原因,因此如果您想通过主题扩展它,就可以形成理解。通过插件扩展它。 即使您只是想稍微调整一下内容,您也一定知道所有部分如何组合在一起。 那是我的目标,最初是与Carol Long谈论这本书,我们三个人的结合非常有效,我认为是因为我们就WordPress开发专业知识提出了三种截然不同的观点。 显然,这是本书的另一部分。 显然不是初学者的书,试图针对受过良好教育的用户,我们希望成为受过良好教育的用户的人,或者在许多情况下,实际上是在追求开发人员的受众,而不是那些后来又决定要开设博客,以便他们打算购买WordPress上的书。

Patrick: What’s your take on that, David?


David: Yeah, I agree with Hal. This book is not like a recipe book. It’s not a how do I make a website, how do I do this, how do I do that, it’s much more in-depth on the theory behind WordPress. There’s no way we could keep caught up with a recipe book on the constant evolvement of WordPress. I mean even 3.0 is coming out any day now, well, probably a month now, but focusing more on the theory and how to do things so you have a foundation to use WordPress rather than get you through this current version of WordPress.

大卫:是的,我同意哈尔。 这本书不像食谱书。 这不是我如何创建网站,我如何做到这一点,我如何做到这一点,而是要更深入地了解WordPress背后的理论。 我们没有办法跟上有关WordPress不断发展的食谱书。 我的意思是,甚至现在每天都可能会发布3.0,好吧,大概一个月了,但是要更多地关注理论和操作方法,以便您有使用WordPress的基础,而不是使您了解当前版本的WordPress。

Stephan: This is Stephan. Are you guys, then, involved in the core? Do you all three contribute to the core of WordPress?

斯蒂芬:这是斯蒂芬。 那么,你们参与核心吗? 你们三个都对WordPress的核心做出了贡献吗?

Brad: I’ve contributed some code and patches to the core of WordPress and to some of the sister projects like MU and BuddyPress. I wouldn’t consider myself a huge core contributor but there is time to time where I’ll come across a bug and I’ll certainly do what I can to help fix that in the project itself.

布拉德:我已经为WordPress的核心以及诸如MU和BuddyPress之类的一些姊妹项目贡献了一些代码和补丁。 我不会认为自己是一个巨大的核心贡献者,但是有时我会遇到一个错误,并且我会尽我所能来帮助解决该问题。

Stephan: David?


David: Yeah, I’m certainly much more of a lurker where I’m monitoring it and watching it but I haven’t actually contributed something back at this point.


Stephan: Do you guys do plugins at all? I know Brad has some plugins. Hal or David, do you all do plugins?

斯蒂芬:你们都做插件吗? 我知道Brad有一些插件。 Hal或David,你们都做插件吗?

David: We have plugins that we use for our specific credit union sites that integrates with the credit union core processing environment. So it’s of no use to anyone besides our clients.

David:我们有一些用于我们特定信用合作社站点的插件,这些插件与信用合作社核心处理环境集成在一起。 因此,除了我们的客户外,这对其他任何人都没有用。

Hal: I actually came at this much more from a perspective of someone with a lot of interest in databases and data management and again, trying to figure out how both how all the content is stored and what the relationships among the various data items are and eventually, again, how WordPress going to turn it into something that gets displayed on a page. So if David’s a lurker, I’m meta lurker I guess but again, that’s one of the reasons why when you have a group of co-authors – I played some of editorial role and also just try to make sure that everything tie together and really defer to David and Brad as the deeper developers here and both with much better artistic sense than me.

Hal:实际上,我是从对数据库和数据管理非常感兴趣的人的角度出发的,并且再次试图弄清楚如何存储所有内容以及各个数据项之间的关系以及最终,WordPress又将如何将其转变为显示在页面上的东西。 因此,如果大卫是个潜伏者,我想我是个潜伏者,但这又是为什么当您有一群共同作者的原因之一–我扮演了一些编辑角色,还试图确保所有内容紧密结合,真正让David和Brad成为这里的更深层次的开发人员,并且两者都比我拥有更好的艺术感。

Stephan: Well, it sounds like it’s a really nice trifecta you got going on. That’s good.

史蒂芬:好吧,听起来好像这是一个非常不错的三连奏。 非常好。

Brad: I think that’s what they were aiming for when they kind of put the team together is rather than have one book written by three different plugin developers, they wanted to really bring in a team that had a lot of different experience with WordPress. So like you said, Stephan, obviously, I have a lot of experience with plugins and more of the programming side of it whereas Hal and David have their own strong points as well that I’m not as good at. So we really kind of mesh together and that really helped us all during this writing process to kind of lean on each other for those certain areas.

布拉德:我认为这是他们的目的,而不是让三名不同的插件开发人员写一本书,而是想组建一支在WordPress方面拥有很多不同经验的团队。 因此,就像您所说的,Stephan,显然,我在插件方面有很多经验,并且在编程方面有很多经验,而Hal和David也有自己的长处,而我并不擅长。 因此,我们确实紧密地联系在一起,这确实在编写过程中帮助我们所有人在某些特定领域相互依存。

Patrick: So I’ll throw this one over to Brad but David mentioned 3.0 being around the corner of course and it occurred to me I know in writing my own book and my book isn’t a software book thankfully and I made the decision to avoid that for this very reason but with software that’s being updated so constantly, what kind of decisions did you make? How did you guard against getting too version specific so that the book doesn’t become outdated any sooner than it needs to?

帕特里克:所以我把这个交给布拉德,但戴维提到3.0很快就到了,我想到在写自己的书时就知道了,我的书不是软件书,幸好我决定出于这个原因,请避免这样做,但是要使用不断更新的软件,您做出了什么样的决定? 您如何避免过于具体的版本,以使本书不会过早地过时呢?

Brad: That’s a good question and especially with open source, I mean like you said it’s evolving quickly. I mean WordPress 3.0 is slated to come out less than a month from now. I think May 1st is the target date. Obviously, when the book comes out we can’t be current up to the exact version that’s out there or the developing version. Professional WordPress is based around WordPress 2.9.

布拉德:这是一个很好的问题,特别是对于开源,我的意思是就像你说的那样,它正在Swift发展。 我的意思是WordPress 3.0将在不到一个月的时间内发布。 我认为5月1日是目标日期。 显然,当这本书出版时,我们无法了解最新的确切版本或开发中的版本。 专业WordPress基于WordPress 2.9。

The nice thing is we made sure when we were writing this book that not only did we talk about some topics that might have been specific to that version but overall as a whole, it’s more of the appropriate ways to use, to hook into WordPress, to use the proper functions, to work with the different API’s and these are things that aren’t likely going to change anytime soon.


Patrick: Hopefully.


Brad: Hopefully, you’re right. And some things will change but one of the beauties of WordPress is there is always that backwards compatibility. So if you write something today, will it work a year from now? It’ll defiantly work. Will it be the correct way to do it? It’s hard to say because it does evolve quickly but we certainly made sure we use the most up-to-date practices on everything that we did write about so we knew our book would stay fresh for as long as possible.

布拉德:希望你是对的。 某些事情会改变,但是WordPress的优点之一就是总是向后兼容。 因此,如果您今天写东西,它将在一年后生效吗? 它会反抗地工作。 这将是正确的方法吗? 很难说,因为它确实在Swift发展,但是我们当然可以确保对所写的所有内容都使用最新的实践,因此我们知道我们的书将尽可能地保持新鲜。

Patrick: Does part of doing this book, I guess I’ll throw this one over to David, but does part of doing this book, I don’t know how your contracts read, but is there an expectation that you will do a 2nd version down the road assuming it sells a reasonable number of copies?


David: I think you have to ask our families if they want us to do this.


Brad: Or allow.


David: We haven’t had direct discussions with the publisher about that but I know each of us have already made lists of what we’re going to update for a 2nd edition should the opportunity arise.


Patrick: Now, we’ll edit that part out so that people actually go out and buy this one. I don’t know, if I was your publisher… No, I’m just kidding but no, that makes perfect sense. I think it’s natural for that to happen and it’s interesting to me how many WordPress books actually have come out and are coming out. I guess it’s a hot area for publishers to kind of jump onto and I guess what happened is the first books must have done extremely well and when one book does extremely well for one publisher in a certain genre, it seems like other publishers jump on as well. Do you think there’s any – I don’t know it’s not a problem because it’s a good thing for WordPress but is a number of WordPress books out there a little overwhelming do you think?

帕特里克:现在,我们将这一部分编辑出去,以便人们实际出去购买。 我不知道,如果我是您的出版商…不,我只是在开玩笑,但不,那完全有道理。 我认为这是很自然的事情,对我来说很有趣的是实际上有多少本WordPress书问世了。 我想这是出版商跳入的热点地区,我想发生的事情是第一本书一定做得非常好,而当某本书在某一类型中对一个出版商来说做得​​非常好时,其他出版商似乎会跳水好。 您是否认为有任何问题-我不知道这不是问题,因为这对WordPress来说是一件好事,但是您认为很多WordPress书是否有点压倒性?

Brad: I like to think that people do their research when they’re getting a book so they look at the reviews, they look at what other people in the community or in the field say about these books to kind of know which one would be right for them because you’re right, there is some overlap on these books and there’s a lot out there but I think as far as Wiley and Wrox, I know their goal is to have a new book out for every major version of WordPress, which is a three to six month cycle on every new book. Obviously, that’s a lot of books coming out but they are still relevant.

布拉德:我想认为人们在获得一本书时会进行研究,因此他们会查看评论,他们会查看社区或现场其他人对这些书的评价,从而知道哪本书是对他们来说是正确的,因为您说对了,这些书上有很多重叠之处,并且有很多重叠之处,但是我认为就Wiley和Wrox而言,我知道他们的目标是针对每一个主要的WordPress版本推出一本新书,每本新书都需要三到六个月的周期。 显然,有很多书籍问世,但它们仍然很相关。

Patrick: So major version being WordPress 1, WordPress 2, WordPress 3 or?

帕特里克:主要版本是WordPress 1,WordPress 2,WordPress 3还是?

Brad: No, so right now the current version is 2.9.2, so the major release is 2.9. So we’re not talking about…

布拉德:否,所以目前的当前版本是2.9.2,因此主要版本是2.9。 所以我们不是在谈论...

Patrick: Okay, so 2.9, 3.0, 3.1, etc.?


Brad: Right.


Hal: I also think part of the approach of writing a book is you want to write something that conveys enough, I don’t want to say critical thinking because it makes it sound like something you’re going to pick up at Harvard. If they want to teach a WordPress course, they’re more than welcome to use our book as a textbook, of course, but if you want to convey here’s how you approach the code, here’s how you approach a set of problems, as Brad mentioned earlier, to teach people how to go use the other resources that are available to them and by doing that, the overall structure of the book I think remains constant through a couple releases. Also, I think no matter where people intersect it, it’s a good starting point for them. Again, they can pick it up in something specific to 2.9.2, get a sense of help. Here’s how the loop is structured, here’s how template files get chosen. Great, I can now go use that in 3.0 or the next major release after that.

哈尔:我还认为写书的一部分方法是要写一些能传达足够东西的东西,我不想说批判性思维,因为这听起来像是您将要在哈佛学习的东西。 当然,如果他们想教授WordPress课程,欢迎他们使用我们的书作为教科书,但是如果您想传达的是代码的处理方式,这就是Brad的处理一系列问题的方式。前面提到过,要教人们如何去使用他们可用的其他资源,并且这样做,我认为本书的整体结构在几次发行后仍保持不变。 另外,我认为无论人们在哪里相交,对于他们来说都是一个很好的起点。 再次,他们可以使用2.9.2特有的东西来获取它,从而获得帮助。 这是循环的结构,这是选择模板文件的方式。 太好了,我现在可以在3.0或之后的下一个主要版本中使用它。

Brad: To expand on that a little bit, you know Hal is absolutely right, so obviously, there’s – I mean anyone that’s worked with WordPress even a little bit knows there’s a lot of different functions out there that do just about anything you would want with WordPress. There’s a function to pull back your categories, pull back your tags, pull back pages, links, whatever it is you want. There’s usually a function out there that will do it. We’re talking thousands of functions so obviously it’s impossible to know all those but we actually open up some of the core files of WordPress and show you like here’s all the functions that are related to a post, here’s all the functions related to a category, this is how you read the code, there’s inline documentation you can look at. So it does really train you how to rather than rely on okay, this is how you do this or that or this. You can really dig in yourself and look at these functions and really start to kind of grasp how they work and how you can use them.

布拉德:在这方面做一点扩展,您知道Hal绝对正确,所以很明显,有-我的意思是与WordPress合作的任何人甚至都知道有很多不同的功能可以完成您想要的任何事情与WordPress。 有一个功能可以拉回您的类别,拉回标签,拉回页面,链接,无论您想要什么。 通常有一个函数可以做到这一点。 我们正在谈论成千上万个功能,因此显然不可能一一知道​​,但实际上我们打开了WordPress的一些核心文件,并向您显示了与帖子相关的所有功能,与类别相关的所有功能。 ,这是您阅读代码的方式,您可以查看内联文档。 因此,它确实可以训练您如何而不是依靠好,这就是您执行此操作或该执行此操作的方式。 您可以真正地自己研究这些功能,并开始真正地了解它们的工作方式以及如何使用它们。

Patrick: So this is part of Wrox’s Programmer to Programmer series, right?

帕特里克:这是Wrox的Programmer to Programmer系列的一部分,对吗?

Brad: Yes.


Patrick: So with that in mind, the audience isn’t your typical someone looking to just get into WordPress. WordPress for Dummies would seem to be a better fit for that. This is more of a book for people that have an expectation of or have a level of PHP programming I suppose and I guess – what is the target audience? What are you expected to know coming into this work? I guess I’ll throw that one over to David.

帕特里克(Patrick):考虑到这一点,观众不是想要加入WordPress的典型人。 WordPress for Dummies似乎更适合于此。 我想,我猜这本书更多是针对那些对PHP编程有期望或水平的人,目标读者是什么? 您期望参加这项工作知道些什么? 我想我会将那个交给大卫。

David: Yeah, this is definitely for someone who’s looking to extend WordPress or real power user, someone who knows PHP, somebody who knows CSS for the themes, somebody who can go through some of the codex and get the functions to make WordPress do what they want it to do.


Hal: I always like to answer by example. Working with a friend of mine who’s putting together a website for people who are looking at job issues, recruiters, job postings, interesting news items and wanted to be able to sort the posts alphabetically because that’s how people tend to think of looking up a recruiter or looking for a company name and kind of came to me and said I know I can do this but how do I do it? You know, I know I kind of have to do something over here with a query what do I do? It’s like not exactly the world’s greatest PHP programmer or certainly not someone who’s going to be contributing to the core but someone who basically wanted to know where do I go, I know it’s a couple of line change, I know I just need to know which parameters to go change, where do I go for that and he’s my target audience. I just need a lot more people like him but that’s my target audience.

哈尔:我总是喜欢以身作则。 与我的一个朋友一起工作,后者正在为那些正在寻找工作问题,招聘人员,职位发布,有趣的新闻的人建立一个网站,并希望能够按字母顺序对职位进行排序,因为这就是人们倾向于考虑查找招聘者的方式或寻找公司名称和种类来找我,说我知道我可以做到,但是我该怎么做? 你知道,我知道我必须在这里做一些查询,我该怎么办? 这好像不完全是世界上最伟大PHP程序员,或者肯定不是要为内核做出贡献的人,而是基本上想知道我要去哪里的人,我知道这是几行更改,我知道我只需要知道哪个要更改的参数,我该去哪儿,他是我的目标受众。 我只需要更多像他这样的人,但这是我的目标受众。

Patrick: So here’s a question. Have you guys, because I know this is myself because I wrote a foreword for a book about phpBB and connected in that kind of phpBB area and I’ve seen the books come out, have you guys heard much of the reader who says why would you write a book about this, you can just go to the manual online or you can just pull up the WordPress documentation and so on? Have you run into that person yet?

帕特里克:这是一个问题。 你们有吗,因为我知道这是我自己,因为我为一本有关phpBB的书写了序言,并在那种phpBB领域联系了我,我已经看到这些书问世了,你们是否听到很多读者说为什么?您撰写有关这本书的书,您可以只在线阅读手册,也可以查阅WordPress文档等等? 你遇到那个人了吗?

Brad: I think most people that have kind of dived in to WordPress, because the first place you go when you’re really starting to learn how to customize WordPress is the codex and the codex is essentially the documentation for WordPress on, it’s all the different documentations, functions, how they work, anyone that’s kind of dived in the codex will quickly realize there’s a lot of information in there, a lot. I mean it’s been growing for who knows how many years now. You know there’s thousands if not tens of thousands of different pages inside this Wiki. It’s very hard to follow and the content is just not organized in a fashion that’s easy to learn if you’re kind of coming in to WordPress and want to know how to extend it. So most people usually already know that, they’re looking for something that’s laid out a little bit better whether it’d be tutorials on a website or a book they can physically hold and use as a reference. They’re looking for something that’s a little bit more focused and more organized and that’s really where our book comes in.

布拉德:我认为大多数人都喜欢WordPress,因为当您真正开始学习如何自定义WordPress时,首先要去的地方就是Codex ,而Codex本质上就是WordPress.org上WordPress的文档,这是所有不同的文档,功能,它们的工作方式,任何精通法典的人都会很快意识到其中有很多信息。 我的意思是说,对于谁知道多少年了,它一直在增长。 您知道该Wiki中有成千上万个不同的页面。 如果您喜欢使用WordPress并想知道如何扩展它,那么很难遵循,而且内容的组织方式也不容易学习。 因此,大多数人通常已经知道,无论是网站上的教程还是可以实际用作参考的书,他们都在寻找一种布局更好的东西。 他们正在寻找更加专注,更有条理的东西,这正是我们的书真正出现的地方。

Hal: Again it’s not meant to replace the codex; it’s really meant to be – at one point I referred to it as sort of your travel guide to the codex, it tells how you want to approach it, where the interesting things are, how you should go interpret what you’re going to find there and that way, people who read the book who are also interested in using the source code as their reference will be able to do both. Very few people I think are able to pick up a reference book and read all that’s through it and learn something from it. And again, part of the goal of writing a book is to help out that level of organization.

哈尔:同样,这也不意味着要取代法典; 它的确意味着–在某种程度上,我将其称为法典的旅行指南,它告诉您如何使用它,有趣的地方,应该如何解释将要找到的内容这样一来,那些也对使用源代码作为参考感兴趣的阅读本书的人就可以做到。 我认为很少有人能够拿起参考书并阅读其中的所有内容并从中学习一些东西。 同样,写一本书的目标的一部分是帮助提高组织水平。

Patrick: I like Hal there. He’s like a – back up off the ledge there, Brad; this isn’t to replace the codex. We don’t want to anger anyone.

帕特里克:我喜欢哈尔。 他就像–从布拉德那里退下来,布拉德; 这并不是要取代法典。 我们不想激怒任何人。

Brad: No, it’s definitely not and you know we actually reference the codex. We kind of show you how to use the codex in an efficient way, how you can find particular functions because there is a lot of great information in the codex. The problem is it’s usually buried under something that may be outdated or something that isn’t as relevant to what you’re searching for. So it’s just a matter of finding it. So we kind of help you like okay, here’s the function in this core file, now here’s how you can go find that function of codex, now here’s how you can work with that function. So we really kind of show you the different places that you can use to help you learn that.

布拉德:不,绝对不是,您知道我们实际上是在引用编解码器。 我们向您展示了如何以有效的方式使用编解码器,以及如何找到特定功能,因为编解码器中包含许多重要信息。 问题在于它通常被埋在一些可能已经过时或与您要搜索的内容不相关的东西下。 因此,这只是找到它的问题。 因此,我们可以帮助您,好吧,这是此核心文件中的函数,现在这是您可以找到该法典功能的方法,现在是如何使用该功能的方法。 因此,我们确实向您展示了可以用来帮助您学习的不同地点。

Patrick: Stephan, do you want to jump to the technical stuff?


Stephan: Yeah. So can you guys kind of cover what you contributed to the book, which part, just so I kind of know who did what?

斯蒂芬:是的。 那么,你们可以掩盖您为这本书贡献的内容吗,哪一部分,以便使我知道谁做了什么?

Brad: Do you want to know chapters or I mean just overall topics?


Stephan: Just overall, just the general idea. Just so I – like I have a question about the cache.

斯蒂芬:总体而言,只是总体思路。 就像我对缓存有一个疑问一样,我就这样。

Brad: That would be under David. I did plugin, dev, the loop, the database… David, you handled the caching.

布拉德:那将在大卫的领导下。 我做了插件,开发,循环,数据库……大卫,您处理了缓存。

David: Yeah, I think Brad’s the first part and I’m the second part and Hal kind of reviewed everything.


Stephan: So my question – one of the chapters is about scalability and caching and things and I wanted to get you guys your take on caching and who is it right for and who is it wrong for and kind of the way people should go forward. We’ll just jump in a little technical here and get you guys your thoughts.

斯蒂芬:所以我的问题–其中一章是关于可伸缩性和缓存以及其他方面的内容,我想让大家了解缓存,谁适合谁,谁不适合谁以及人们前进的方式。 我们在这里只介绍一些技术知识,让您有个想法。

David: Well, I mean for me caching, there’s a bunch of levels to it. You basically need to start caching when your site starts struggling to handle the load. There’s a couple of different spots where your – you know WordPress is not known for its database query optimization. It makes multiple roundtrips to the database for every single time, every single page load. So putting that MySQL cache and it helps you with those queries but then also you can start caching your front end too, the different objects there or even going into super cache and running out a full page key thing into a HTML page.

大卫:嗯,对我来说,意思是缓存,它有很多层次。 当您的站点开始努力处理负载时,您基本上需要开始缓存。 您有几个不同的地方–您知道WordPress因其数据库查询优化而闻名。 每一次,每一次页面加载,它都会多次往返数据库。 因此,放置该MySQL缓存并帮助您进行这些查询,然后您也可以开始缓存前端,那里的不同对象甚至进入超级缓存,然后将整个页面的关键内容耗尽到HTML页面中。

Stephan: And the book covers that pretty well. I mean it goes through and it gives people directions on that. I think it’s a great chapter. So do you think then that – I mean how do people know when a website is not performing the way it should be? Is it obvious all the time? Sometimes it’s not, right?

史蒂芬:这本书涵盖得很好。 我的意思是,它贯穿了整个过程,并为人们提供了指导。 我认为这是很棒的一章。 那么您是否认为–我的意思是,人们如何知道网站何时未达到应有的状态? 一直很明显吗? 有时候不是,对吧?

David: Sometimes it’s not I guess. You know if you look at your website and it’s not loading quick enough you know there’s something going on. You should have a reasonable expectation of how long it takes your web page to load especially using tools like Firebug and YSlow even though – I mean like I said in the book, your problems are unlikely to be the same problems as Yahoo’s. Because you’re not on that same scale.

大卫:有时候不是我想的那样。 您知道如果您查看自己的网站,但加载速度不够快,就知道发生了什么事。 您应该对网页的加载时间有一个合理的期望,尤其是使用Firebug和YSlow之类的工具加载网页时,尽管–我的意思是就像我在书中所说的那样,您的问题不太可能与Yahoo的问题相同。 因为您的规模不一样。

Stephan: So no NoSQL for anybody, right?


David: Yeah.


Hal: I think David made a good point. This is one of the things that you asked sort of what we did. Well, part of my job was to look for the points of narrative consistency as we went from chapter 1 all the way through the tail of the book and talking about migration. But we actually touch on things like caching and database performance, some of it comes out in the chapter on the loop because if you’re going to go and change your query so that you do a query then you throw away the cache, you do a query, you throw away the cache, not only are you making your performance – you’re inhibiting whatever performance benefits you get out of the object caching in WordPress and then you’re making it worse by going and doing more database queries in the first place.

哈尔:我认为戴维说的很对。 这是您要求我们做的事情之一。 好吧,我的一部分工作是寻找叙事的一致性,因为我们从第一章一直走到本书的最后,并讨论了迁移。 但实际上,我们涉及诸如缓存和数据库性能之类的内容,其中一些内容在循环一章中介绍,因为如果您要更改查询以进行查询,然后丢弃缓存,则可以一个查询,您将丢弃缓存,不仅是在提高性能–您正在抑制从WordPress中的对象缓存中获得的任何性能优势,然后通过在数据库中进行更多的数据库查询来使其变得更糟。第一名。

So if your problem is it feels slow and it’s because you’ve gone and modified the loop a little bit, you may actually make things a lot worse. And then David mentioned other things you can go do in terms of actual page generation that will sort of take the – extract the content and so we cut down the code path needed to get or to turn it to HTML. Yeah, I think this is one of those – the performance thing is very much a black art and that’s true whether you’re talking about WordPress or databases or big web servers. I think it’s really understanding how the single request is going to go from your web server through your core code off your database and all the different things that’re going to color its performance along the way. Again, we tried to hit that. We hit it in a couple of different spots.

因此,如果您的问题是感觉缓慢,这是因为您已经走了一点并修改了循环,则实际上可能会使情况变得更糟。 然后David提到了您可以在实际页面生成方面要做的其他事情,这些工作需要-提取内容,因此我们减少了获取或将其转换为HTML所需的代码路径。 是的,我认为这就是其中之一-性能问题很像是一门妖术,无论您是在谈论WordPress还是数据库或大型Web服务器,这都是事实。 我认为,这确实是在理解单个请求将如何从Web服务器通过数据库的核心代码发出,以及所有不同的事情将在整个过程中影响其性能。 再次,我们试图实现这一目标。 我们在几个不同的地方打了它。

Stephan: Yeah. I was also reading through a couple of the chapters, there’s plugin development and there’s theme development, can you kind of go through plugin development? I’ve seen it done at – I was at WordCamp Boston and I saw yet another related post plugin and kind of how to modify that and things like that. So can you kind of go through what plugin development entails and why it’s important to not modify the core and instead use a plugin or use modification of the loop?

斯蒂芬:是的。 我也阅读了几章,其中有插件开发和主题开发,您可以通过插件开发吗? 我曾经在–波士顿WordCamp上看到它的完成情况,还看到了另一个相关的帖子插件,以及如何修改该内容以及类似内容。 那么,您可以通过某种插件开发来进行研究,为什么不修改内核而是使用插件或修改循环很重要?

Brad: Yeah, absolutely. So plugin development is one of the chapters that I wrote and it’s probably, it’s easily my most favorite chapter that I put together for the book. I really think it covers just about everything you need to really start getting into plugin development and hooking into WordPress. So basically, plugins and WordPress are quite simply just pieces of code you can install in WordPress that’ll add functionality. The functionality can be – it’s really limitless what it can add. It could be anything from a simple contact form to maybe a database backup plugin to maybe an event calendar of some kind. I think there’s over 9,000 plugins currently in the plugin directory on I mean there literally is a plugin for just about everything.

布拉德:是的,绝对。 因此,插件开发是我撰写的章节之一,很可能是我为本书编写的最喜欢的章节。 我真的认为它涵盖了您真正开始进入插件开发并加入WordPress所需的所有内容。 因此,基本上,插件和WordPress只是可以在WordPress中安装的可添加功能的代码段。 功能可以是–可以添加的功能实际上是无限的。 从简单的联系表到数据库备份插件,再到某种事件日历,它都可以是任何东西。 我认为WordPress.org上的插件目录中目前有9000多个插件。 我的意思是说几乎所有内容都有一个插件。

The advantage of using plugins and why you never want to hack the core or modify the core WordPress files are when new versions of WordPress come out, if you have hacked any core files, you kind of limit yourself to where you’re not able to upgrade because you will lose those hacks you put in place.


So rather than modifying core WordPress files, you should build plugins that can add in whatever that functionality is that you need. And the plugin chapter really goes into detail, everything from creating your first plugin file all the way through to using different hooks, which the hooks in WordPress are basic ways that you can drop code at specific points as WordPress is loading, they’re called actions. So say I need to drop some CSS code in the header of my theme, I can hook into the wp_head action hook and it will drop whatever code I want in there. So it’s just a simple way to kind of drop your customized functions or whatever you’re trying to do throughout the different parts of WordPress. So anyone who’s really looking to get into extending WordPress should definitely dive right in and start working with plugins and playing with them.

因此,您应该构建可以添加所需功能的插件,而不是修改核心WordPress文件。 插件一章真的很详细,从创建第一个插件文件一直到使用不同的钩子,这些都是WordPress中的钩子,是您可以在WordPress加载时在特定位置删除代码的基本方法,它们被称为动作。 因此,说我需要在主题的标题中放入一些CSS代码,可以将其钩入wp_head操作钩子,它将在其中放入我想要的任何代码。 因此,这只是删除自定义函数或在WordPress的不同部分中尝试执行的操作的一种简单方法。 因此,凡是真正想扩展WordPress的人都应该直接加入并开始使用插件并开始使用它们。

Stephan: Cool.


Hal: And I think you’re going to see more and more, some themes like the Thesis for example that are just loaded with plugins or loaded with hooks so that not only do they themselves extend the different editing themes and managing function that they’re using but they provide a ton of other jumping off points for you to even further customize them and that’s right – because I have an old talk of Brad’s I think about using a theme and you know I got it from him about a year ago or when we first started working on it. So I look at it and I kind of put it away saying alright, I’m missing a lot of context for that and then on the other side of having gone through the plugin chapter pickups, oh, this is exactly what I was trying to do. I want to go fix the way this multimedia box works over here and again, it was very quick to tie those two thoughts together. Once I had that background of okay, here’s where the different hooks and filters are going to fit together, they are provided by the theme I started with.

哈尔:而且我想您将会看到越来越多的主题,例如Thesis等主题,这些主题仅加载有插件或挂钩,因此它们不仅扩展了它们各自的不同编辑主题和管理功能,可以重复使用,但是它们还为您提供了许多其他的起点,可以进一步自定义它们,这是正确的–因为我对Brad的说法很老套,我考虑使用主题,而且您知道我大约在一年前从他那里得到了,当我们第一次开始研究它时。 所以我看了一下,然后就说了好吧,我为此遗漏了很多上下文,然后在阅读了插件章节的另一边,哦,这正是我想要的做。 我想修正此多媒体盒在此反复工作的方式,将这两种想法结合在一起非常快。 一旦有了良好的背景,这就是将不同的钩子和过滤器放在一起的地方,它们由我开始的主题提供。

Stephan: Cool. I don’t want to get too off of the technical track but it leads me to another question, you mentioned Thesis and having these hooks built in to Thesis or different themes, do you think it’s going to get to a point where there’s going to be so much hooks in that theme that when you upgrade to a version, a new version of WordPress that it’s going to create some issues as far as upgrading?

史蒂芬:酷。 我不想过分地关注技术问题,但这又引出了另一个问题,您提到了Thesis,并将这些挂钩内置于Thesis或不同的主题中,您是否认为这将达到一个目标?在该主题上有太多的钩子,以至于当您升级到某个版本时,新版本的WordPress会在升级方面造成一些问题?

Brad: Well, it should never get to that point. If the theme is coded properly, it should never kind of overlap to where upgrading WordPress could affect it. Now, a lot of the popular frameworks like Thesis and Genesis and Hybrid and some of the other ones, they have very prominent developers behind them and designers so they know what they’re doing. So they make sure they code them to the standards to make sure that that wouldn’t happen.

布拉德:嗯,它永远都不会达到那个程度。 如果主题编码正确,则绝不应与升级WordPress可能会影响主题的位置重叠。 现在,许多流行的框架(例如Thesis和Genesis和Hybrid以及其他一些框架)在其背后都有非常杰出的开发人员和设计师,因此他们知道自己在做什么。 因此,他们确保按照标准对它们进行编码,以确保不会发生这种情况。

Stephan: One thing that is pretty much the most important thing in the book to me at least when I was reading through it was the fact that we shouldn’t use ‘admin’ as the username in the security section. David, can you go into why that’s such a bad idea and a little bit about security?

史蒂芬:至少在我通读该书时,对我而言,这几乎是本书中最重要的一件事,就是我们不应该在安全性部分使用“ admin”作为用户名。 大卫,您能解释一下为什么这是一个糟糕的主意,以及一些关于安全性的问题吗?

David: Sure. Well, using admin, which by the way it’s removed in WordPress 3 on fresh installs, they don’t much use that anymore, the reason you don’t want to use admin is your WordPress site is protected by a username and password and for a hacker to get in, they got to guess both those, they got to guess the right pair but it already letting them guess admin. So all they have to do now is guess your password. So one of the first things you should do on a previous to 3.0 install is make yourself your own admin account with a unique username and remove that admin username.

大卫:好的。 好吧,使用管理员(通过在新安装的WordPress 3中将其删除的方式),他们不再使用它了,您不想使用管理员的原因是您的WordPress网站受到用户名和密码的保护,并且一个黑客进入,他们必须猜测这两个,他们必须猜测正确的对,但这已经让他们猜测管理员。 因此,他们现在要做的就是猜测您的密码。 因此,在3.0之前的安装中,应该做的第一件事就是使用一个唯一的用户名将自己设置为自己的管理员帐户,并删除该管理员用户名。

Stephan: Now if people have already installed WordPress and they have used the admin username, is there a way for them to go in and remove that and change it without losing their blog?


David: Yeah, definitely, the first thing you need to do is create yourself a new administrator level account. Once you do that you log in as that new administrator account, you can delete the admin user and WordPress is smart enough to let you reassign any posts that were attributed to admin before to be attributed to whatever account you want it to be or you can delete them altogether but usually you just move them over to your new admin account.

David:是的,当然,您需要做的第一件事就是为自己创建一个新的管理员级别帐户。 完成后,您就可以使用新的管理员帐户登录,并且可以删除admin用户,而WordPress足够聪明,可以让您重新分配归因于admin的所有帖子,然后再归因于您想要的任何帐户完全删除它们,但通常只需将它们移到新的管理员帐户即可。

Stephan: Good information for users to have.


David: The other thing you should do there, which Brad covers in some of its security trainings at WordCamp, is in your theme, you shouldn’t display your username outright in the theme otherwise you’re pretty much negating this whole process.


Stephan: Should you show the person’s name, real name instead?


David: Yeah, you can use like the nice name or the nickname but not the username.


Stephan: Not the username, no.


Patrick: There’s a song in there somewhere. I don’t know where it is but it’s like the nice name, the nickname, the username, you know your nickname isn’t always your nice name. You know you guys – and I debated whether or not to actually bring this up – but you mentioned Thesis and I know kind of hotbed issue right now – is that Brad laughing?

帕特里克:某处有一首歌。 我不知道它在哪里,但它就像好听的名字,昵称,用户名一样,您知道您的昵称并不总是您的好听的名字。 You know you guys – and I debated whether or not to actually bring this up – but you mentioned Thesis and I know kind of hotbed issue right now – is that Brad laughing?

Brad: Maybe.

Brad: Maybe.

Patrick: Maybe. I thought it might be. No, so it’s a hotbed issue right now, I know it is and I know that it’s kind of controversial within the WordPress community, I don’t know how open source politics works at times, I guess I wanted to ask what are your thoughts are individually, I guess with Brad, David and Hal, in that order, what are your thoughts briefly on commercial themes as a whole, as a business and what you’d like to see happen?

Patrick: Maybe. I thought it might be. No, so it's a hotbed issue right now, I know it is and I know that it's kind of controversial within the WordPress community, I don't know how open source politics works at times, I guess I wanted to ask what are your thoughts are individually, I guess with Brad, David and Hal, in that order, what are your thoughts briefly on commercial themes as a whole, as a business and what you'd like to see happen?

Brad: I like commercial things actually and at WebDevStudios I would say 90% of the websites we build we start with a commercial theme as a foundation and the reason we do that is mainly because out of the box, they’re coded to the standards and you have a good foundation to work off of rather than grabbing a free theme that you think looks nice but then you go behind the scenes look up the code and it’s a disaster. In that case you spend more time trying to fix it than you do actually customizing it how you want. The thing that I’d like to stress to people is there’s a big difference between a WordPress theme and a WordPress theme framework and I think a lot of people don’t quite understand the difference now.

Brad: I like commercial things actually and at WebDevStudios I would say 90% of the websites we build we start with a commercial theme as a foundation and the reason we do that is mainly because out of the box, they're coded to the standards and you have a good foundation to work off of rather than grabbing a free theme that you think looks nice but then you go behind the scenes look up the code and it's a disaster. In that case you spend more time trying to fix it than you do actually customizing it how you want. The thing that I'd like to stress to people is there's a big difference between a WordPress theme and a WordPress theme framework and I think a lot of people don't quite understand the difference now.

So basically, a WordPress theme is just like all the themes that we’re used to in WordPress. It’s a set of PHP files you download, you activate the theme, if you want to modify the files, you open up a file and you make the changes that you want. A WordPress theme framework actually works a little different. So it’s still code, you still download the theme and activate it but to work with it, you don’t actually modify the core theme files. You usually, like Hal pointed out earlier, most of them have a set of hooks that you can use so rather than just opening my home.php file and making changes, there’ll be a hook that I would have to use to hook into the homepage and then make whatever changes I want. Now the problem is theme frameworks are more advanced to work with because now, rather than just opening up one file and kind of working my way through it and making changes directly to the HTML or the PHP that I see, now, I’m forced to use PHP just to even start. So it definitely adds to the complexity of working with it and a lot of people don’t realize that. When they buy a theme framework, they think oh, I can do anything I want out of the box and it’s really not the case. It’s actually a little more advanced to work with so then they’re stuck and they’re kind of forced to go either buy a different theme or to hire somebody to help them out.

So basically, a WordPress theme is just like all the themes that we're used to in WordPress. It's a set of PHP files you download, you activate the theme, if you want to modify the files, you open up a file and you make the changes that you want. A WordPress theme framework actually works a little different. So it's still code, you still download the theme and activate it but to work with it, you don't actually modify the core theme files. You usually, like Hal pointed out earlier, most of them have a set of hooks that you can use so rather than just opening my home.php file and making changes, there'll be a hook that I would have to use to hook into the homepage and then make whatever changes I want. Now the problem is theme frameworks are more advanced to work with because now, rather than just opening up one file and kind of working my way through it and making changes directly to the HTML or the PHP that I see, now, I'm forced to use PHP just to even start. So it definitely adds to the complexity of working with it and a lot of people don't realize that. When they buy a theme framework, they think oh, I can do anything I want out of the box and it's really not the case. It's actually a little more advanced to work with so then they're stuck and they're kind of forced to go either buy a different theme or to hire somebody to help them out.

Hal: Or you could buy our book and a theme framework at the same time.

Hal: Or you could buy our book and a theme framework at the same time.

Brad: That’s a good solution.

Brad: That's a good solution.

Hal: Yeah.

Hal: Yeah.

David: This is David. Actually, going back to having three different backgrounds coming into this book, my team are all PHP developers. We build custom themes from scratch starting with the Sandbox theme and it’s just like we did in the book. We’ve tried to use theme frameworks like Thesis and Hybrid and whatever else and it just frustrates my guys beyond belief because they have to go into the admin to use a hook to add something to a special spot instead of opening up footer.php and putting the code in right there because we come from a PHP background.

David: This is David. Actually, going back to having three different backgrounds coming into this book, my team are all PHP developers. We build custom themes from scratch starting with the Sandbox theme and it's just like we did in the book. We've tried to use theme frameworks like Thesis and Hybrid and whatever else and it just frustrates my guys beyond belief because they have to go into the admin to use a hook to add something to a special spot instead of opening up footer.php and putting the code in right there because we come from a PHP background.

Hal: And I would say you know but also there’s an element of design capability here and I probably sit in the middle here. I don’t have a problem taking things apart and looking at the code. I just want what I produce to be usable and have the right aesthetics and actually make people want to come back to my site as opposed to looking at and running away screaming with their hair on fire that it looks like a fourth grade art experiment that it failed, which is most of the time what my attempts to design look like. So for me, I’m happy to pay what I consider to be a nominal sum for a really good starting point and especially a starting point that I can go and further customize so it doesn’t look like everybody else who started from that same point. Simon Phipps who is, I’d say, one of the fairly vocal guys in the open source community, likes to say that people will pay for things at the point at which they have value and when you’re talking about things in the roughly hundred dollar range, there’s an awful lot of value there for me in terms of my time saved and in terms of the overall impression, the overall user experience that gets created, for me it’s a really good trade off.

Hal: And I would say you know but also there's an element of design capability here and I probably sit in the middle here. I don't have a problem taking things apart and looking at the code. I just want what I produce to be usable and have the right aesthetics and actually make people want to come back to my site as opposed to looking at and running away screaming with their hair on fire that it looks like a fourth grade art experiment that it failed, which is most of the time what my attempts to design look like. So for me, I'm happy to pay what I consider to be a nominal sum for a really good starting point and especially a starting point that I can go and further customize so it doesn't look like everybody else who started from that same point. Simon Phipps who is, I'd say, one of the fairly vocal guys in the open source community, likes to say that people will pay for things at the point at which they have value and when you're talking about things in the roughly hundred dollar range, there's an awful lot of value there for me in terms of my time saved and in terms of the overall impression, the overall user experience that gets created, for me it's a really good trade off.

Patrick: Sound like there’s a viral video in there somewhere, hair on fire that could be used to promote the book, I don’t know. Maybe you guys want to look into that.

Patrick: Sound like there's a viral video in there somewhere, hair on fire that could be used to promote the book, I don't know. Maybe you guys want to look into that.

Brad: Wait till you hear what Hal’s blog is.

Brad: Wait till you hear what Hal's blog is.

Stephan: Well, guys I have one question that I think all three of you guys can touch on is what is the great plugin that not enough people know about. So we’ll go Brad, Hal, David.

Stephan: Well, guys I have one question that I think all three of you guys can touch on is what is the great plugin that not enough people know about. So we'll go Brad, Hal, David.

Brad: A great plugin, that’s a good question. I think if you go to the and you look at the top most popular plugins, most people are pretty familiar with these and for good reason, they’re very good plugins that even we use in a lot of websites. I guess it depends on the particular use case of what you’re trying to do. There’s a plugin I like and it’s based on security. It’s actually mentioned in the book. David wrote about it and it’s called the WordPress File Monitor and basically what this plugin does, you activate it on your site and if any source files, so any PHP or CSS, any files in your website are changed, it will automatically email you and telling you exactly what was changed and at what time and it’ll send it right to your email. So what this is it’s basically a first response prevention for if your site were to get hacked. So if there’s file on your web server changes and you didn’t do it, there’s a good chance that something fishy is going on that you need to look at. So this is definitely one that I recommend for any website for security reasons. So again, it’s called the WordPress File Monitor plugin.

Brad: A great plugin, that's a good question. I think if you go to the and you look at the top most popular plugins, most people are pretty familiar with these and for good reason, they're very good plugins that even we use in a lot of websites. I guess it depends on the particular use case of what you're trying to do. There's a plugin I like and it's based on security. It's actually mentioned in the book. David wrote about it and it's called the WordPress File Monitor and basically what this plugin does, you activate it on your site and if any source files, so any PHP or CSS, any files in your website are changed, it will automatically email you and telling you exactly what was changed and at what time and it'll send it right to your email. So what this is it's basically a first response prevention for if your site were to get hacked. So if there's file on your web server changes and you didn't do it, there's a good chance that something fishy is going on that you need to look at. So this is definitely one that I recommend for any website for security reasons. So again, it's called the WordPress File Monitor plugin.

Stephan: Hal?

Stephan: Hal?

Hal: So I have just started poking around with the Google Analytics dashboard which is one we don’t talk about in the book. Again, one of the things I’ve done recently is trying to take a couple of different places where my content was a Movable Type based blog as well as two WordPress blogs, bring them all together, both due to a change in employer and also just finding out I was never having enough time to keep multiple blogs together and one of the things that really turned into a problem for me was you’d go work on some content then you go back over to Google Analytics then you go back to the WordPress admin page. And the nice thing about the Analytics dashboard is it gives you the Analytics embedded in either in your page control or in your post control. So you can actually get a sense of what content that you’re looking at managing has generated what sort of viewer response. And so for me, just being able to do that kind of direct correlation was very helpful.

Hal: So I have just started poking around with the Google Analytics dashboard which is one we don't talk about in the book. Again, one of the things I've done recently is trying to take a couple of different places where my content was a Movable Type based blog as well as two WordPress blogs, bring them all together, both due to a change in employer and also just finding out I was never having enough time to keep multiple blogs together and one of the things that really turned into a problem for me was you'd go work on some content then you go back over to Google Analytics then you go back to the WordPress admin page. And the nice thing about the Analytics dashboard is it gives you the Analytics embedded in either in your page control or in your post control. So you can actually get a sense of what content that you're looking at managing has generated what sort of viewer response. And so for me, just being able to do that kind of direct correlation was very helpful.

Stephan: Yeah, I use that one as well. I love it. David?

Stephan: Yeah, I use that one as well. 我喜欢它。 David?

David: I think my favorite plugin right now is Gravity Forms. Gravity Forms has completely changed the way we’re able to do any kind of form on a WordPress site. It is a commercial plugin now so you have to pay for it. But we bought a developer’s license on day one and I don’t regret at one bit.

David: I think my favorite plugin right now is Gravity Forms . Gravity Forms has completely changed the way we're able to do any kind of form on a WordPress site. It is a commercial plugin now so you have to pay for it. But we bought a developer's license on day one and I don't regret at one bit.

Brad: Yeah, I would definitely second Gravity Forms. I got to be honest, when I first heard about it, I thought you know what, that’s a nice idea but it’s not really going to work because there are a lot of contact form plugins already available. After the first time I tried it, I bought the developer license and haven’t looked back. I mean it literally is a game changer as far as creating forms and not only does it make contact forms but you can make forms that automatically make posts inside of WordPress. So imagine you want a nice front end way for your users to add contents to your site, rather than going into the backend of WordPress, you can easily do that through Gravity Forms.

Brad: Yeah, I would definitely second Gravity Forms. I got to be honest, when I first heard about it, I thought you know what, that's a nice idea but it's not really going to work because there are a lot of contact form plugins already available. After the first time I tried it, I bought the developer license and haven't looked back. I mean it literally is a game changer as far as creating forms and not only does it make contact forms but you can make forms that automatically make posts inside of WordPress. So imagine you want a nice front end way for your users to add contents to your site, rather than going into the backend of WordPress, you can easily do that through Gravity Forms.

Patrick: Well, I think the final question for today, I wanted to bring it back to I guess the book publishing. I like to ask authors this question, I asked Gary Vaynerchuk this question, we interviewed him at the end of last year, we talked about, again, the book publishing industry and I was curious about your thoughts on it specifically as it relates to publishers and their futures. You know, you’ve been all through the process of publishing a book and gone through the editorial stages. In my case, that was like three steps of editors. I don’t know how many it might have been in your case but it takes a year to get a book done. And obviously, in the music industry, in the book industry, publishing in general, the Internet has allowed the sort of quicker to market system where you can self publisher easily, you can sell a lot of copies online.

Patrick: Well, I think the final question for today, I wanted to bring it back to I guess the book publishing. I like to ask authors this question, I asked Gary Vaynerchuk this question, we interviewed him at the end of last year, we talked about, again, the book publishing industry and I was curious about your thoughts on it specifically as it relates to publishers and their futures. You know, you've been all through the process of publishing a book and gone through the editorial stages. In my case, that was like three steps of editors. I don't know how many it might have been in your case but it takes a year to get a book done. And obviously, in the music industry, in the book industry, publishing in general, the Internet has allowed the sort of quicker to market system where you can self publisher easily, you can sell a lot of copies online.

What is your perspective of the publishing industry and in the future, if you write another book, are you looking to go through a publisher again or self publish it or what do you think? Brad first.

What is your perspective of the publishing industry and in the future, if you write another book, are you looking to go through a publisher again or self publish it or what do you think? Brad first.

Brad: Well, I would certainly go through a publisher just because I wouldn’t really know where to start. I mean I could certainly write a book and then either self publish or work with one of the publishers where you basically pay to get it published. But for me it’s more of a time issue. I wouldn’t have time to do that and still run the company and support our clients and things like that. So if it came down to it and I did do another book, I would certainly want to go through an established publisher to help me out with that.

Brad: Well, I would certainly go through a publisher just because I wouldn't really know where to start. I mean I could certainly write a book and then either self publish or work with one of the publishers where you basically pay to get it published. But for me it's more of a time issue. I wouldn't have time to do that and still run the company and support our clients and things like that. So if it came down to it and I did do another book, I would certainly want to go through an established publisher to help me out with that.

David: I think the other benefit you get with going through a publisher is Wrox is a name recognition. You know that’s a good series of books. You know they put a lot of weight behind them and having that being published under Wrox is definitely good for our book. It’s something we can do. Other thing Wrox and Wiley did with our book and a lot of them is it’s a DRM free eBook. So you can download that and just get a PDF that you can use also.

David: I think the other benefit you get with going through a publisher is Wrox is a name recognition. You know that's a good series of books. You know they put a lot of weight behind them and having that being published under Wrox is definitely good for our book. It's something we can do. Other thing Wrox and Wiley did with our book and a lot of them is it's a DRM free eBook. So you can download that and just get a PDF that you can use also.

Hal: Yeah, I guess sort of two views on that, right, is the tools for publishing like the tools for all other digital content creation are reaching the consumer space right now. Anybody who has a word processor or a laptop can go off and essentially create 400 pages of content and put it together as a book but there is a certain, as both David and Brad mentioned, I would say an awful lot of mechanical effort that goes into the publishing business as well from the actual printing process to layout, to cover design, to marketing, to talking to the booksellers, to figuring out who gets review copies and how you setup the marketing opportunities like this and essentially, all of the things that go into running a business. If you haven’t done it before I think they’re very hard to do and to Brad’s point, if you have done them before, unless you’re writing books for a living and you go on book tours and go sign copies in your local bookstore, it’s hard to find all the time to go do those things. It’s great to have a company whose primary line of business is selling dead trees to help out with that.

Hal: Yeah, I guess sort of two views on that, right, is the tools for publishing like the tools for all other digital content creation are reaching the consumer space right now. Anybody who has a word processor or a laptop can go off and essentially create 400 pages of content and put it together as a book but there is a certain, as both David and Brad mentioned, I would say an awful lot of mechanical effort that goes into the publishing business as well from the actual printing process to layout, to cover design, to marketing, to talking to the booksellers, to figuring out who gets review copies and how you setup the marketing opportunities like this and essentially, all of the things that go into running a business. If you haven't done it before I think they're very hard to do and to Brad's point, if you have done them before, unless you're writing books for a living and you go on book tours and go sign copies in your local bookstore, it's hard to find all the time to go do those things. It's great to have a company whose primary line of business is selling dead trees to help out with that.

Patrick: Yeah, I think it’s very true. I think with book publishers, the main two things they have right now are access and talent, talent being editors, people who can spend time doing these things you talked about. You can hire talent but the access to bookstores, for example, is a little more difficult. So just an interest that I have personally as an author and in this industry.

Patrick: Yeah, I think it's very true. I think with book publishers, the main two things they have right now are access and talent, talent being editors, people who can spend time doing these things you talked about. You can hire talent but the access to bookstores, for example, is a little more difficult. So just an interest that I have personally as an author and in this industry.

Hal: And I even think if you look at Amazon as maybe one of your primary distribution points, still you have to get found. This is one of those long tail effects. It’s nice that there can be 3 millions titles on Amazon but you know what, you’d rather be number 3,000 than number 3 million and I think a lot of the difference there, if you’re self publish your going to be number 3 million and a lot of people are okay with that. They have a couple of copies, they do them and give them to their family and friends and give them out at Thanksgiving dinner and that’s fine. But if you really want to get into the thousands, tens of thousands of copies, I think that’s where the publishers, again, they’ve been around for a long time. They tend to do this. So again, you look at the Wrox, Wiley bought Wrox because it did have a long list of titles but it also had, I would say, they saw it was a chance to go add to the breadth of their influence. There’s a company that already owns the Dummies series – talk about brand name recognition – and they’re taking it in a different direction and they’re going to use the brand and use their marketing channels to go create a sense of what they want the Wrox titles to be like and again, as David talked, how they want the Programmer to Programmer facet of their technical books.

Hal: And I even think if you look at Amazon as maybe one of your primary distribution points, still you have to get found. This is one of those long tail effects. It's nice that there can be 3 millions titles on Amazon but you know what, you'd rather be number 3,000 than number 3 million and I think a lot of the difference there, if you're self publish your going to be number 3 million and a lot of people are okay with that. They have a couple of copies, they do them and give them to their family and friends and give them out at Thanksgiving dinner and that's fine. But if you really want to get into the thousands, tens of thousands of copies, I think that's where the publishers, again, they've been around for a long time. They tend to do this. So again, you look at the Wrox, Wiley bought Wrox because it did have a long list of titles but it also had, I would say, they saw it was a chance to go add to the breadth of their influence. There's a company that already owns the Dummies series – talk about brand name recognition – and they're taking it in a different direction and they're going to use the brand and use their marketing channels to go create a sense of what they want the Wrox titles to be like and again, as David talked, how they want the Programmer to Programmer facet of their technical books.

Patrick: Well, right now you’re number 10,679 so our name is on sales rank as we speak, so very far off of 3 million so congratulations on that.

Patrick: Well, right now you're number 10,679 so our name is on sales rank as we speak, so very far off of 3 million so congratulations on that.

David: That number changes every day. Mine says 9,000 right now.

David: That number changes every day. Mine says 9,000 right now.

Patrick: It does. Every hour it changes. There’s actually scripts out there that can monitor and email you. I have one that emails me my rank every hour on the hour. So yeah, it fluctuates.

帕特里克:是的。 Every hour it changes. There's actually scripts out there that can monitor and email you. I have one that emails me my rank every hour on the hour. So yeah, it fluctuates.

Hal: What it doesn’t tell you is how many others are tied with you and isn’t just that we’re the ones who sold 10 copies or 12 copies today.

Hal: What it doesn't tell you is how many others are tied with you and isn't just that we're the ones who sold 10 copies or 12 copies today.

Patrick: Yeah, it can fluctuate very easily. Literally, 5 to 10 copies can send you up into the 50,000. It’s funny to watch sometimes. So I think that brings our show to a close. Before we leave though I’d like to go around the table and just find out where everyone can find you guys online, Twitter, social networking profile, personal homepage, whatever. So if you guys could let our listeners know, Brad, then David, and Hal.

Patrick: Yeah, it can fluctuate very easily. Literally, 5 to 10 copies can send you up into the 50,000. It's funny to watch sometimes. So I think that brings our show to a close. Before we leave though I'd like to go around the table and just find out where everyone can find you guys online, Twitter, social networking profile, personal homepage, whatever. So if you guys could let our listeners know, Brad, then David, and Hal.

Brad: Sure. Most people know I’m on Twitter @williamsba. I’ll also be in a lot of WordCamps coming up. So if anyone is in the area, I’ll be at WordCamp—

布拉德:好的。 Most people know I'm on Twitter @williamsba . I'll also be in a lot of WordCamps coming up. So if anyone is in the area, I'll be at WordCamp—

Patrick: Raleigh! (cough)

Patrick: Raleigh! (咳嗽)

Brad: Yeah, WordCamp San Francisco, I’ll be with Patrick and possibly Stephan at WordCamp Raleigh and then all three of us authors, David, Hal and myself will be at WordCamp Chicago at the beginning of June. So if you can make out to anyone of those, definitely grab me. I’ll probably hopefully be presenting most of them if not all of them. So yeah, Twitter and my blog is at

Brad: Yeah, WordCamp San Francisco , I'll be with Patrick and possibly Stephan at WordCamp Raleigh and then all three of us authors, David, Hal and myself will be at WordCamp Chicago at the beginning of June. So if you can make out to anyone of those, definitely grab me. I'll probably hopefully be presenting most of them if not all of them. So yeah, Twitter and my blog is at .

David: This is David. You can find me on Twitter @mirmillo and then is my personal blog and my work site is

David: This is David. You can find me on Twitter @mirmillo and then is my personal blog and my work site is .

Hal: And this is Hal. I’m on Twitter @freeholdhal and is where you find everything else from technology to cool t-shirts.

Hal: And this is Hal. I'm on Twitter @freeholdhal and is where you find everything else from technology to cool t-shirts.

Patrick: And as usual you could find me, Patrick O’Keefe, on Twitter @ifroggy and

Patrick: And as usual you could find me, Patrick O'Keefe, on Twitter @ifroggy and .

Stephan: And I’m Stephan Segraves. You can find me on Twitter @ssegraves and is the blog.

Stephan: And I'm Stephan Segraves. You can find me on Twitter @ssegraves and is the blog.

Patrick: You can also follow our usual co-host Kevin Yank on Twitter @sentience and SitePoint at @sitepointdotcom. Visit us at to leave comments on this show and to subscribe to receive every show automatically. Email [email protected] with your questions; we’d love to read them out on the show and give you our advice.

Patrick: You can also follow our usual co-host Kevin Yank on Twitter @sentience and SitePoint at @sitepointdotcom . 请访问访问我们,以对该节目发表评论并订阅以自动接收每个节目。 Email [email protected] with your questions; we'd love to read them out on the show and give you our advice.

This episode of the SitePoint Podcast was produced by Karn Broad. Thank you for listening, and we’ll see you next week!

This episode of the SitePoint Podcast was produced by Karn Broad . Thank you for listening, and we'll see you next week!

Theme music by Mike Mella.

Mike Mella的主题音乐。

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