A noble gangster 贵族歹徒
1.noble man : 贵族 (有头衔)
⑴ aristocrat : sb who belongs to the highest social class. 出生贵族,但本人不一定具有贵族头衔。
⑵lord : a man who has a rank in the aristocracy ; 泛指有贵族头衔的;土地主
⑶sir : a title used before the lst name of a knight or baronet.
Eg: James Wilson / sir james
⑷Duke 公爵
Marquis 侯爵
Earl 伯爵
Viscount 子爵
Baron 男爵
Knight (古) 骑士
2. Gangster n.. 土匪(干死他)
⑴gangster films 警匪片
⑵kidnapper 绑匪(kids:孩子;nap: 打瞌睡; 趁孩子打瞌睡时把其掳走。
⑶hooligan: 小流氓
⑷bandit 土匪
⑸thug 刺客,恶棍,凶汉
Thug guy 流氓(俚语)
⑹mercenary 雇佣兵
⑺burglar : 夜贼
Burglar alarm : 报警器
⑻pilferer 小偷
3. gang 一帮,一伙
A gang of hooligans 一帮小流氓
A nest of bandits 一窝土匪
A bunch of gangsters 一伙歹徒
A band of kidnappers 一伙绑匪
A pack of thugs 一群恶棍(pack 用来指人,有贬义)
4.chicago : 芝加哥
The 3rd largest cityin the US and biggest in the south-east of Illinois which is an importantindustrial and business center.
During the 1920s and1930s it was famous for gangsters.
5. protect v. 保护
⑴Protectagainst : a防御
Eg: the burglar alarm is used to protect against burglars.报警器是用来防御歹徒的。
⑵protect from: 挡住而不受…伤害
Eg:Goggles protect our eyes from the sun.墨镜是为了保护眼镜不受太阳的伤害。
⑶defend v.保护
Defend motherland : 保家卫国
⑷guard v.守护
Eg:Stand guard over the old castle.
6.promptly ad.立刻,迅速
⑴Prompt a. without delay
Eg: the customer demands a prompt reply.客户要求立即回复。
⑵Immediately : very soon before or after sth(很短时间内)
Make name for sb :一下子便出了名。
Eg : he made a name for himself immediately after he made aremarkable discovery.
⑶instantly : 一下子 immediately
Eg: the police recognized the kidnapper instantly though thetough guy disguised himself as a priest.
Instant coffee :速溶咖啡
Instant noodles : 速食面
⑸swiftly : ad. Very fast 速度很快
Eg: he swiftly avoided a blow. 他迅速躲开一击。
⑹destroy v.破坏
To damage sth so badlythat it cannot be repaired
Eg: The small boat wasdestroyed in the heavy storm.
⑺ruin 可用作抽象比喻
Eg: heavy smoke ruined his health过度吸烟影响他的身体健康。
Eg: sugar ruined my teeth
⑻spoil 搅黄了
Eg: a heavy shower spoiled my holiday .
Eg: spare the rod and spoil the kid(spare the rod: 省掉了棍棒) 不打不成材
⑼wreck v.严重破坏
(especially to destroy a ship)
Eg : the ship was wrecked on reefs.这艘船撞到触礁上受到严重损害。
Eg: hundreds of buildings were wrecked by the earthquake 在这场地震数百栋房屋都被毁。
7.remarkable a.不寻常的
Mark :out of the ordinary : 非比寻常的
Make one’s mark : tobecome successful or famous
Eg: Margaret Thatcher made a mark on British politics. 撒切尔夫人在英国政界上赫赫有名。
⑴be remarkable for 在某一方面显著
Eg: he is remarkable for his stupidity. 特别愚蠢
Eg: don’t make yourself too remarkable .别使自已太扎眼。
8.city-state 城市国家;城邦
Eg : Hong Kong enjoys the identity and the wealth of a
city-state without a state’s responsibility for its long-range destiny.香港从此具有了一国家的身份,并享有一国的财富,却不必为自已的长久命运负责。
9.Hire v. 租用,租借
⑴to use sth for a very short-time
Eg: You hire a car from its owner.
Eg: He hires a car out to you.
①on hire purchase 分期付款
Eg: They bought themselves a large house on hire purchase.
②rent v. 租借,租赁
For a long time
Rent sth from 租借
Rent sth out (to sb) 出租
⑵employ sb 雇佣
Hire a maidservant (短期,临时)
Employ 正式
Take sb on (口)
Eg;the business is good. So we should take more workers on.
①charter v. 雇船,包车
Charter a plane 包机
10.Prince 王子,小国的君主
⑴prince Charles
Prince of Wales 威尔士亲王
Prince charm 白马王子
Prince regent 摄政王
⑵princess 王妃,公主
Princess Diana
Queen ElizabethⅡ
King kang Xi康熙大帝
Emperor 天皇
11.Florentinc 弗洛伦萨人
Florence lies in thecentre of Italy.It was famous as the centre of Renaissance.
⑴Pekingers :北京人
⑵Londoner :伦敦人
⑶parisian :巴黎人
⑷the native of : 土生土长的
Eg: I’m the native of Guizhou Province.
12.Vailant a.(战士)英勇的;(文学色彩)
⑴brave a.天生勇敢的性格
A brave boy
⑵daring 胆大妄为
A daring robbery
⑶heroic 英雄般的
⑷courageous 勇敢,果敢的(理性)
A courageous woman
⑸bold 鲁莽的
⑹gallant a.有情有义的,有胆识的(中世纪文学用语)
⑺chivalrous a.有骑士风范的,对女性殷勤的
A chivalrous knight
1.a noble gangster 对顶修饰
⑴a true lie 真实的谎言
⑵a living death 虽死犹生
⑶a dead living 虽生犹死
Eg: parting is such sweet sorrow.离别是甜蜜的忧伤
2.there was a time when I …曾经有一段时间
Eg: There was a time when I hated studying English
3.pay sb money (双宾语)
Eg: programmers are paid about $200 aday.一个程序员一天的收入大概是200美金。
⑴pay sb money for sth: 以什么价格向某人购买。
Eg:I paid her $200 for this painting
⑵it would(might) pay you to do sth=it brings a good result to you.某事会给某人带来好处,有利,划算,带来好处
Eg: It will be pay you to be kind to others. 善待别人,必有好处
4.in return for : 以报答,回顾
Eg: I didn’t expect anything in return for my help, except yourgood result.
5.⑴put a man out of business 使停业
⑵Put a manout of patience 使人发火
⑶Put sb outof his work 使失业
⑷put sth out
of service 坏了
Eg: A heavy snow put the train out of service.
6.⑴crime n.犯罪(同样也可引申为太可惜,太遗憾了)
Eg: It would be a crime to stay inside on such a beautiful day.这么好的天气呆在家里太可惜了!
Eg: It’s no crime to have mispronounced
A word.有什么大不了的,不就是发错了一个单词吗?
Eg: words will make a word .语言征服整个世界。
①commit a crime 犯罪
⑵as long agoas 早在多久以前
①as early as
Eg: as long ago as I was in my middle school, I heard quite a
lot about him.在很久以前上中学的时候,我就对他久闻大名。=(as early as...)
②as late as :直到…时候才
Eg: I waited and waited until as late as 9:00 o’clock he came.
③as many as : 多达(可数名词)
Eg:as many as 1000 people died in the flood.
④as much as: 多达(不可数名词)
Eg: It is said that a footballer is paid as much as one millionRMB a year.
7.⑴would rather do than do(较之后者宁愿选择前者)宁愿…也不愿
Eg: A brave man would rather die on foot than live on knees.一个勇敢者宁愿站着死也不愿坐着生。(结构并列一致)
⑵would rather that +did/were (现在)
[if !vml][endif] 抒发对现实社会的不满。
Eg:I would rather that I weren’t here now.
⑶would sooner that +did/were
Eg:I would sooner that I didn’t know you我宁愿我不认识你。
8.⑴settle v.定居
Eg: I moved to Canada to settle there which put an end to my
floating life.(我定居加拿大,结束了我漂泊的一生)
⑵eg: Albert Einstein,a US physicist and mathematician, made a name for himself by the theory ofrelativity and
Came to be known as oneof the greatest scientists of the 20s century.
⑶pay the high price 出高价
价格的高低:high price/low price
Bride price 彩礼,聘礼
At any cost/price :不惜任何代价
Eg:Chinese government will keep the prosperity and stabilityof Hong Kong at any price.
⑷in times of peace 在和平时期
In times of war 在战争年代
①Era : 特定的年代,时代(统治者的在位时期)
In the Queen Victorianera:维多利亚女王时代
②Age : 多出现在专业术语
The last Ice Age :最后的冰河时代
Eg: We live in e-age.我们生活在电子时代。
③Epoch : 有重大历史事件发生的时代
Epoch-making : 划时代的
9.march v/n. 行军
25,000Li Long-March :两万五千里长征
①pace v.踱步
②stride v.大步走
③ramble/amble : v.(无目的)漫步
④《云中漫步》: rambling in the cloud
⑤stroll v/n. 悠闲地散步
⑥take a stroll : 轻松
⑦wander v.徘徊
⑧toddle v.(不满周岁的孩子)蹒跚学步
⑨toddler n.不满周岁的孩子
⑩stagger v.踉踉跄跄
10.⑴offer to do : 主动提出
Eg:He offered to drive us home.
⑴offer your hand to sb :in order to shake hands with与某人握手
⑵give sb a state funeral : 给某人举办了一个国葬。=hold astate funeral for sb
Give sb a state banquet : 给某人举办国宴。
Pay a state visit to : 出国访问
⑶dedicate :奉献,题献
Sth be dedicated to sb 以献给
Sth be dedicated to the memory of : 以纪念
Eg: The films dedicated to the memory of those valiant soldiers
who sacrificed for the interests of our nation.仅以此片献给那些为民族利益而献身的战士们。
⑷signor : n.先生
三.Tongue Twister绕口令
1.Good food could be cooked by a good cook.好饭要让好厨师烹饪。
2.Five fellows ate 5 fish on February the 5th.
3.prices are sky-high these days.
5.prefer 表示“喜欢…而不喜欢…”时,通常使用to prefer sth to sth. 在表示“宁愿做…而不愿做…”时,要用to prefer doing sth to doing sth.
7.题干中“would refuse to go away”中的动词refuse含有否定意义,因此需要使用含有否定意义的连词方能表达出文中所要表达的意义。
A.unless 相当于”if…not”,这样就同refuse一起构成双重否定
B.现在分词完成式,它逻辑上的主语是the Florentines
D.dead为形容词做状语,其逻辑主语仍然是the Florentines
D.be prepared to do :表示愿意做某事
五.Supplementary exercises
1. Many women prefer to pursue professional careers_____thanremain home as housewives
A. more B.other
C.rather D.sooner
Prefer to do A rather than B
2010-7-27 10:56:20
Fifty pence worth of trouble
1. Appreciate: v. to be very thankful for sth given。
Eg: I appreciate your help a lot.
⑴I would appreciate if…
(please do what I askfor:请按照我要求的做)
Eg:I would appreciate if you can give me a hand.如果你能助我一臂之力,我将感激不尽。
⑵be grateful to sb for sth: 就某事向某人表示感激。(正式)
Eg: I’m deeply grateful to Mr. Smith for his kind help.对我有帮助的人再次表示深深的谢意。
⑶owe …to 欠…的,归功于
Eg: I.O.U: I owe you . 我欠你的
Eg:I owe everything to my mother.我今日所取得一切成就皆归功于我的母亲。
⑷acknowledge: show thanks to 鸣谢
2.pocket n.口袋
⑴Pocket money: 零用钱
⑵Have deep pockets : have a lot of money
⑶Have an empty pocket:花钱如流水
⑷No money,no honey. 没有钱哪里来的爱情。
⑸Pocket dictionary : 随身携带的字典
⑹Pocket knife : 小刀
⑺Pocket camera : 小型照相机
3.rattle v.to makeshort, sharp sounds quickly, one after another
Eg: The windows are rattling in the wind.窗户被风吹的呼呼作响。
Eg: The rattlesnake will bite its own tail when it is cornered.当响尾蛇被逼的走投无路时会咬自已的尾巴。
①Jingle v. (金属相撞发出的清脆的叮当声)
②Crack v. (枪、鞭炮以及雷发出的清脆的声音)
③Click v. (钟)滴答声
④Toot v. (汽车喇叭)嘟嘟声
4.thrifty : adj.节俭的,节约的(褒义)
Eg: hardworking, thrifty nation
⑴frugal : adj . 节约,朴素
⑵economical adj. 节约的,经济的,耐用的
⑶economical class 经济舱
⑷an economical wife (humorous )我的妻子多经济、实惠耐用啊!
⑸①stingy : adj 舍不得花钱的
②niggard: n. 财迷鬼
adj. 小气的
Niggardly wages 杯水车薪
④miserly : 吝啬的
⑤close fisted
⑦old screw : (已生锈的螺丝) 老守财奴
5.bounce v.(快速动作)弹起
Be bounced into (doing) sth (to be forced
To decide sth quickly or agree a particular
Eg: They are bounced into marriaged because their parents have
made up their mind。因为他们的父母决心已下,所以他们被迫结婚了。
⑴play the piano 弹钢琴
⑵pluck the guitar : 弹吉他
⑶impeach : 弹劾
⑷flick the ash from the cigar: 弹烟灰
⑸talk love : 谈情说爱
6.⑴pavement (Br) 人行道
(Am) 人行道
⑶Pave v.铺路
To pave the way for : 为铺设道路,奠定基础
Eg: Many parents sacrificed a lot to pave the way for their
children’s future.许多父母为了孩子的将来牺牲了很多。
n. 行人
Pede- 脚
Pedal 脚蹬
⑸express way (Br)
Free way (Am)
Thorough fare 主路
7.stick (stuck,stuck)卡住
Eg: I got stuck in the heavy snow.在路上我被困入雪中。
Eg: I got stuck on the problem.我被这道题卡住了。
Eg: A fish bone in my throat.一根鱼刺卡在了我的喉咙里。
⑴stick in one’s mind : 难以忘怀
⑵keep sth fresh in mind :记忆犹新
Eg: Mother’s industry and thrift sticks in my mind for ever.我母亲的勤俭节约让我记忆犹新。
⑶sticky business (棘手)麻烦事=a hot potato 烫手的山芋
8.brigade n.旅
⑴fire brigade :fire station消防大队
⑵arm 军
Join the arm :参军
⑶air force : 空军
⑸ground force/land force : 陆军
⑹division 师 (divide的名词)
⑺regiment 团(a large number of people,animals )
Eg: a large regiment of ants appeared after a shower. 大雨过后一大群的蚂蚁兵团出现了。
⑻battalion : 营(battle/ lion)
⑼company : 连(a group of about 120 soldiers)
A company of travelers :一群旅游者
A company of tourists
Eg: two’s company, three’s crowd.
⑽platoon 排
⑾lieutenant n.(陆、空军)中将;(海军)中尉
Eg: A platoon is commanded by a lieutenant.
⑿squad : 班(Am),啦啦队的队员
Fire-fighting squad 消防队
Fire fighter n.消防队员
9.grease n.润滑油(剂)
⑴greasy skin : 油性皮肤
⑵greasy road: 湿滑的路面
⑶a greasy smile: 一脸奸笑
⑷grease v.给什么涂润滑油
Grease sb’s palm :(to give sb money in a
Secret or dishonest in order to persuade them
To do sth)行贿
⑸①sesame oil : 香油(sesame: 芝麻)
②soy oil : 豆油
③soy sauce: (调味汁)酱油
④peanut oil :花生油
⑤hand cream :护手霜
1.gift : n.
⑴礼物(on a special occasion or to thank sb)
Make sb a gift of sth:送某物给某人做礼物
Eg: I was made a gift of a new dress on birthday.
Eg: I wouldn’t have it as a gift.
⑵a natural ability or talent 天赋
Eg: she has a gift for music.
a gifted man 一个有才华和才能的人
a talented man
③ a man of parts (古)有才能的人
2.⑴a regular supply (very often)
①a regular customer: 常客
②a regular visitor
③a regular soldier: 正规军
④a regular army
⑤a regular troop
⑵①source: n.来源
Eg: for me, music is a great source of enjoyment.对我而言,音乐是我快乐的源泉。
Eg: the source of happiness : 幸福之源
Eg;the root of evil : 罪恶之根
②resources : 资源,物资
Natural resources: 自然资源
③extra-(outside an area)
Extradite : 引渡回国
Extramarital : 有外遇的
Extracurricular :课外的
Extracurricular activities :课外活动
3.⑴go a long way: 持续很长时间
Eg:To learn English, we have a long way to go.学习英语,我们还有好长一段路要走。
Eg:a little money will go a long way with a frugal child.一点儿钱够一个节约的孩子花很长时间。
①也表示to be likely to succeed.极有可能获取成功的。
Eg:genetic research has gone a long way in the last fewyears.
⑵go a long way towards (doing) sth
(to help greatly inachieving sth)对最中获得什么大有帮助。
Eg: clone will go a long way towards human research.克隆对人类研究大有帮助。
⑶go one’s on way : 走自己的路。
4.⑴exchange v.交换
Exchange ideas:交换意见
Exchanges blows : 打起来了
Exchange telephone numbers:交换电话号码
Exchange looks : 交换眼神
Exchange words: 交谈
Exchange sth for :用什么交换什么(用前者去换后者)
Eg: where can I exchange dollars for ponuds? 我可以用美元换成英镑吗?
⑵substitute v.替换(用前者替换后者)
Substitute A for B
⑶replace B by/with A (用后者替换前者)
⑷candidate n.候选人,应征者
A presidential candidate: 总统候选人
Eg: a Lesson-paid for in blood
⑸money box : 存钱罐
Strong box: 保险柜
Call box: 电话厅
Jury box 陪审团
Mailbox (Am)
Pill-box 药盒;碉堡
Box office售票处,票房
5.⑴fill up: 填满
Eg: The angry crowd filled up every road.
Eg: I filled myself up with my favorite food.
Eg: duck-stuffing 填鸭式教学
⑵be filled with 充满(动态)
Eg: The little boy is filled with curiosity in this new school.
⑶be full of : 充满(状态)
Eg: He is full of guilt about the death of his daughter.他对他女儿的死充满了负罪感。
6.⑴penny n.便士
③Penniless : 身无分文的
④Have an
empty pocket : 身无分文的
⑥Penny-wise :省小钱的,贪小便宜的
Eg: penny-wise and pound-foolish : 贪小失大
⑦A Pretty
penny :一大笔钱
Eg: he inherited a pretty penny from his late aunts.他从他的姑妈那里继承了一大笔财产。
⑵pay for sth :支付,为…而付出代价
(to suffer or be punished for sth you have done)
Eg: Humans will one day for what they have done to the earth.人类总有一天要为自已对大自然所做的一切付出代价。
①answer for 对…(后果)负责任
Eg: humans will answer for the heavy pollution.人类对地球的污染难辞其咎。
7.⑴find one’s way : 到达
( it arrives or get there after some times)
Eg: only one of ten invention has found its way into shops.十项发明之中最终也只有一项可以转变为盈利的商品。
Eg;How those political scandals found their way in the
newspapers! 这些政治丑闻是如何见报的?
⑵find oneself: 曾经迷失了自己,最终找到了自己。
Eg:once he was lost and now he finds himself
8.instead adj.(前面提到的事物的事物替代或替换)
Eg: we couldn’t give up, we must hold on instead.
Eg: I told him not to risk; instead, he finally found himselfin trouble.
⑴instead of : 而不是,没…而…
Eg: We should do sth something instead of talking about it.
Eg: He studied medicine in his youth, but he became a detective
writer instead of a doctor他年轻的时候学医本来要当一名医生,但最后却成了一名侦探小说作家。
(与instead相反,instead of 是对of 后宾语的一种否定,而事实往往出现在instead of这个短语之前。)
8.⑴on one’s way to
Eg: on our way to success, we are bound to meet withdifficulties.
Eg: Failures are the only steps on the way to victory.胜利是通向成功的必经之路。
⑵on one’s trip to:在去…的途中
Eg: on his fishing trip to the countryside.
Eg: on their honeymoon trip to France.
⑶on the road to
Eg:Israel and Palestine are on the road to peace.巴以双方正在走向和平。
⑷on the road to ruin:走向毁灭
⑸①disappear down a drain
②go down the
drain:to be wasted付诸东流
Eg:all of our efforts went down the drain
9.⑴take off his jacket
⑵the plane
takes off: 飞机起飞
⑶put off:postpone 推迟
⑷call off :
cancel 取消
off/turn on : 打开
⑹burn off : 烧掉
Burn sb off : 冷漠的拒绝
Eg:I made a pass her, but she brushed me off.我曾经追求过她,但她很冷漠的把我拒绝了。
⑺roll up his sleeves
(to start doing a job even though it is difficult or
Eg:He rolled up his sleeves to study English.他准备好好学习英语。
10.⑴and what is more :(插入语)更有甚者
⑵What is
worse : 更糟糕的
Eg:He couldn’t find his way home, and what is worse, he found himselflost in the forest.
11.⑴a crowd of people
⑵A flock of young girls: 一群女孩
⑶a circle of friends :一大圈的朋友
⑷a cloud of horsemen :一群牧羊人
⑸a college of translators: 一群翻译家
⑹a collection of odd people:一大群怪人
⑺a galaxy of beauties : 一群美女
⑻a flood of callers : 一大群来访者
⑼a flood of curses : 一大堆恶毒的诅咒
⑽a flood of letters: 一大堆信函
⑾a flood of blessings: 一大堆祝福
⑿a flood of anger 一肚怨气
⒀①rub the fur the wrong way: 惹怒了某人
Eg: I probably said something wrong that rubbed his fur thewrong way!
12.⑴call the fire brigade: 报火警
⑵call the
police: 报警
⑶①reward v.回报,奖赏
(to give sth to sb because they have done sth good or helpful)
Reward sb with sth : 回报某人以…,报以某人…
Eg: she rewarded the young man who helped her a lot with asweet smile.
Eg: He offered a reward of $2000 for his missing son.
③award n..奖品,奖金(比赛)
The best actress award : 最佳女演员奖
V. 授予,颁给
(to officially give sb sth such as a price)
Award sb sth
Eg: The university awarded the best students scholarship.
1. what will be will be. 是福不是祸,是祸躲不过。
2.when there’s life, there is hope.
3.where there’s a will, there’s a way.
四.Supplementary exercises
1. I would appreciate_____it a secret.
A.your keeping
B.you to keep
C.that you keep
D.that you will keep
2. His attitude to work mainly depends on ___ from the work.
A. the offer
B. the award
C the reward
D the reflection
分析:(C) 他对工作的态度主要看能有多少报酬。
(7/28/2010 09:12:09)
Mary had a little lamb : 玛丽有一头小羊羔
1. Prize n./adj
⑴n. 奖品,奖金,奖励
①booby prize : 安慰奖
②win a prize : 赢得大奖
eg: the first prize goes to peter.一等奖获得者是peter.
Eg: carry off the first prize. 夺得一等奖
⑵Adj : prize money : 奖金
①A prize idiot: a complete fool
②A prize fool
⑶The best, the most important or most useful.
Prize possessions 最珍贵的财产(令人骄傲的)
⑷Precious: which was important to you because you are connected withpeople you like.
①Precious historical relics: 珍贵的历史遗迹
②Precious possessions : 珍贵的财产
③Rare animals : 珍惜的动物
⑸valuable adj.值钱的
A valuable painting
Valuable time: 宝贵的时间
⑹prize n./adj 珍视,珍惜
v.prize the friendship : 珍视友情
2.tie v.用绳子系上
Eg: He tied the horse to a locust.把绳子系在洋槐树上。
Eg: A housewife tied to the kitchen all day.一个家庭主妇整天围着厨房团团转。=eg: A housewife confined to kitchen all day.
⑴tie the knot: get married :结婚,喜结良缘
⑵be tied up : be busy , be occupied or engaged. 忙于什么,被什么完全占据了。
Eg: I won’t see you tomorrow. I’m to be tied up all day.我明天不能来看你了,我的时间完全被占据了。
Eg: I’m booked all day tomorrow.我明天一整天都没有空。
Eg: The traffic is tied up.交通不畅
bow tie: or simply , bow 蝴蝶结
end in a tie : 平局
3.theft : n.偷窃行为,偷窃案
Eg: There are a number of thefts in the area
⑴steal sth: take sth away illegally
Eg: someone stole my passport while I was asleep.
⑵rob: to take sth away from sb with violence in public places.在公开场合巧取豪夺
rob a bank : 抢劫银行
rob sb of sth : 抢劫某人的东西
Rob peter and pay Paul.拆东墙补西墙。
⑶burgle (Br) 夜间行窃
Burglarize (Am)
①Burglarize a house
②Burglarize an office
⑷pickpocket : somebody steal things from your pocket, usually when
you are in a crowd of people.扒手
4.accuse : v.指控
⑴Accuse sb of (doing ) sth : 指控某人犯有…罪
Eg: He was accused of theft.
⑵be charged with : 被指控
Eg: The man they arrested last night has been charged with
⑶charge sb (money) for sth: 向某人收取…的费用。
Eg: the hotel charged us $200 for each night.
⑷sue : to make a legal claim against sb especially for an amount of
①sue sb for divorce : 起诉离婚
⑸indict : v. (法律术语)对触犯刑法的行为进行起诉。
①indict sb for sth: 因什么而起诉某人
Eg: He was indicted for fraud.他被起诉犯有诈骗罪。
⑸prosecute : to officially say that someone is guilty and must be
judged by a law court.对…提起公诉
Eg: if payment has not been received by March 11th, we’ll be
forced to prosecute.如果在3月11日还没有提交货款,我们只有提起公诉了。
5.deny : v. 否认
To say that what hasbeen said or done is not true.
⑴<-> admit 承认
Admit doing
Eg: He denied any involvement in the affair 他否认了这事与他有任何牵连。
Eg: He denies her nothing.
Eg: He denies nothing to her .
⑵It cannot be denied that …
There is no denying that …
Eg: there is no denying the fact that he has
Done us a good deed.
6.shame n.羞耻,惭愧
An uncomfortable feeling you have when
You have done sth wrong.
Eg: what a shame! 真丢人
⑴shameful 可耻的
Shameful behavior 可耻的行为
⑵shameless : 无耻的
⑶ashamed : 感到羞耻,感到惭愧
Be ashamed of sth : 对什么而感到羞愧
Eg:He is ashamed of his failure.
Be ashamed of having done sth:为做某事而感到羞愧。
Eg: I was ashamed of having lied to my mother.
7.apologize v.道歉
⑴apologize for sth : 就某是向某人致歉
Eg: I apologize for the delay to your letter.
⑵apologize to sb for sth : 向某人就某事致歉。
Eg: He apologized to me for stepping on my foot.
⑶apology : n. 道歉,谢罪
Make an apology to sb for sth :
Accept sb’s apology :接受某人的道歉
⑷apologetic : adj 歉意的,抱歉的
Be apologetic for :就什么事情而致歉
Eg: He was very apologetics for coming late.
8.dye v. 染色
To give sth a different color
⑴dyeing(compare: dying)
Dyed, dyed (compare: died)
Dye sth black: 把什么染成黑色
Dye sth blue : 把什么染成黑色
Dye her hair blonde : 把什么染成金黄色
Eg: The rising sun dyed the sky red.冉冉升起
eg: the setting sun dyed the sky red.徐徐落下
1.lamb : a young sheep 小绵羊
[if !vml][endif]Eg: like a lamb to the slaughter.: used when
Sb is going to do sth dangerous but does not
Realize it.即将陷入困境,却全然不知
Eg: Here comes the naïve bride, like a lamb to
The slaughter.天真的新娘缓缓的走来,好像
⑴kid : n.小山羊,小孩子
Eg: I won a prize of $5000
You are kidding(me)!
(to say it’s not true)这不是真的吧!
Eg: don’t kid yourself.
2. Eg: one of my prize possessions was a book
Named Great Expectations which my parents
Had given me on my birthday.我最珍贵的财
3.⑴keep it tied to a tree: 把它栓在树
Eg:I’ll keep you informed of the result
⑵keep sb/sth doing: 使之不停的去做某
Eg: I’m so sorry to keep you waiting.
Eg: Here’s $500 that will keep you
Going for a while.这儿有500元足够你花
⑶keep sb from (doing) sth : 阻止某人
Eg: The river kept children from
Swimming in summer.
Eg: keep the truth from my father
Eg: I put potatoes in salted water to
Keep them from turning bad.把土豆放在
⑷fetch v 取
Go and get sth back
Fetch sth from:把什么东西从什么里面取
Eg: fetch the kids from school.
①fetch sth for sb : 把什么东西取给某
人=fetch sb sth
Eg: please fetch me that book.
②fetch sb a blow : 拳打脚踢
③fetch sb a clip : 打了某人一顿
4.⑴set out (out 向外,到外面)
⑵stand out : 站出来
Stand out in the next game
⑶stay out : 走到户外,不插手
Stay out of my business :不要插手我的
⑷find out : 查出,发现
5. Eg: He would find it no difficult
=That will not prove to be difficult.
⑴tell sb about sth:告诉某人有关某事
Tell sb sth: 告诉某人某事
Tell sb a lie
Tell sb a story
Tell sb the truth
Eg: Tell me sth about your new job.
⑵know about (对有关…) 了解
Learn about : 对…有所耳闻
Lie about : 隐瞒
Eg: she lied about her age.
⑶acquire v.
①to buy or get sth, especially sth
Expensive or difficult to get.
②to learn knowledge, skills etc by
Your own effects.
Acquire a high reputation :获得很高名
⑷get : the most common word in spoken
And informal writing
①Get hold of sth:especially you get
Sth after difficult.经历困苦之后才得到
Eg: He gets hold of a rare chance after
Working hard for years.
⑸obtain : in formal writing
⑹receive:(slightly formal)较为正式
Eg: the charity receives most of its
Money through private donation.
⑺achieve : you get yourself into a
Better situation through your own
①achieve independence
6.⑴or conj.否则,要不然
Used to warn or advise someone that if
They do not do sth, then sth they do not
Want will happen.
Eg: you’d better do as I told you,or
You will be sorry.你最好按照我告诉你的
⑴or else :否则,要不然
Eg:you’d better be there tomorrow,or
Else. 你明天最好来,否则有你好看的。
7.⑴backyard: 后院
Back door:后门
Eg:she went to the university by
⑶back seat driver:指手划脚,乱批评
⑷it was / is that…,but…
Eg: It is true that he is not quite
Clever, but he is very diligent.
8.⑴ashamed of having done :为自己的…
Eg: Ashamed of having wronged his wife,
He was very apologetic.
⑵convinced of sth: (由于)对…深信不
Eg: convinced of his honesty, he decided
To make a friend of him.
9.⑴until (一)直到
Eg: people seldom realize how precious
Their health is until it is lost.人们
宝贵。= seldom do people realize how
precious Their health is until it is
10.⑴wool: n.羊毛,原料
Wool blanket : 羊毛毯
⑵fleece: n.羊毛
⑶fur : (动物) 皮毛
Fur coat 裘皮大衣
⑷pelt:(dead animal)生皮
⑹leather n.(经过揉制的)皮革
Leather belt:皮带
Leather shoes :皮鞋
⑺wash clean :洗干净
Lick clean : 舔干净
Drink hot: 趁热喝
Die young :英年早逝
Stand petrified: 呆若木鸡的站着
1.eat one’s words 收回前言
Eg: I am apologetic for having wronged
You, and I eat my words.
2.keep a weather eye on sth
( watch a situation so that you notice
Anything unusual or unpleasant)密切注
Eg: parents are always keeping a weather
Eye on their children.
三.Supplementary exercises
1.The police accused him of setting fine
To the building but he fine to the
Building but he denied______in the area
On the night of fire.
A. to have been B.to be
C. to being D.having been
2. He has been _____ with murdering his wife
A.accused B.blamed
C.charged D.arrested
A. accused sb of sth
B. blamed sb for sth 责怪,责备
C. charge sb with sth
D. arrest sb for sth 逮捕