live555已经发展了很多年,不过最新的live555版本,笔者没有编译通过,最终选择了2019.8.28的live555代码,如果有需要的同学,可以自行去Index of /pub/contrib/live555/ (去下载,不过需要自己去编译,我的编译环境是windows版本,网上有很多关于如何将其编译为VS版本的live555的,如果有需要的同学,可以在博客下留言,我会给你发一个(自己对一些代码进行了注释,不过都是自己的理解,不一定正确)。对于代码的分析:RTSP服务器使用的testOnDemandRTSPServer.cpp,RTSP客户端使用的testRTSPClient.cpp。
本文分析了live555 RTSP客户端与RTSP服务器是如何建立通信的流程。也就是如何服务器与客户端是如何收发数据的,在学习live555之前,一般希望读者了解RTSP,网络编程有一定的了解。同时,这里不会具体说明各个模块及其类的作用。关于这部分的内容,可以参考live555 - 标签 - 乌合之众 - 博客园 (这里详细说明了UseageEnvirment,BasicUsageEnvironment2个模块的内容,另外对groupsock里面的部分类也进行了说明。另外,也对live555进行了很多分析。各位可以自行取舍。
// Begin by setting up our usage environment:
TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);
UserAuthenticationDatabase* authDB = NULL;//以下为权限控制的代码,设置后没有权限的客户端无法进行连接
// To implement client access control to the RTSP server, do the following:
authDB = new UserAuthenticationDatabase;
authDB->addUserRecord("username1", "password1"); // replace these with real strings
// Repeat the above with each , that you wish to allow
// access to the server.
// Create the RTSP server:此时就一直处于监听客户端的连接
RTSPServer* rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, 8554, authDB);
if (rtspServer == NULL)
*env << "Failed to create RTSP server: " << env->getResultMsg() << "\n";
char const* descriptionString
= "Session streamed by \"testOnDemandRTSPServer\"";
/ Set up each of the possible streams that can be served by the
// RTSP server. Each such stream is implemented using a
// "ServerMediaSession" object, plus one or more
// "ServerMediaSubsession" objects for each audio/video substream.
// A MPEG-4 video elementary stream:
char const* streamName = "mpeg4ESVideoTest";
char const* inputFileName = "test.m4e";
ServerMediaSession* sms
= ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName, streamName,
::createNew(*env, inputFileName, reuseFirstSource));
announceStream(rtspServer, sms, streamName, inputFileName);
// A H.264 video elementary stream:
char const* streamName = "h264ESVideoTest";//流名字,媒体名
char const* inputFileName = "test.264";//文件名,当客户端输入的流名字为h264ESVideoTest时,实际上打开的是test.264文件
ServerMediaSession* sms
= ServerMediaSession::createNew(*env, streamName, streamName,
//添加264子会话 这里的文件名才是真正打开文件的名字
::createNew(*env, inputFileName, reuseFirstSource));
rtspServer->addServerMediaSession(sms); //6.为rtspserver添加session
announceStream(rtspServer, sms, streamName, inputFileName); //打印信息到标准输出
// Also, attempt to create a HTTP server for RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling.
// Try first with the default HTTP port (80), and then with the alternative HTTP
// port numbers (8000 and 8080).
if (rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(80) ||
rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8000) || rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP(8080))
*env << "\n(We use port " << rtspServer->httpServerPortNum() << " for optional RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling.)\n";
} else {
*env << "\n(RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling is not available.)\n";
env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop(); // does not return
return 0; // only to prevent compiler warning
主函数的主要功能是创建基本环境对象,事件调度对象,创建 ServerMediaSession和ServerMediaSubsession对象。关于ServerMediaSession和ServerMediaSubsession请自行百度,简单的说,ServerMediaSession和一个文件一一对应,记录了一个文件的一些信息,比如文件对应的流名字等。ServerMediaSubsession是ServerMediaSession的子会话,代表一路音频或者视频流,比如一个视频文件中可能同时包括音频和视频信息。那么ServerMediaSession对象就应该有2个ServerMediaSubsession。live555 实现了隧道的支持(rtspServer->setUpTunnelingOverHTTP这里是与隧道相关的代码,不过一般在日常没有使用,所以关于HTTP-over-TCP的代码都不做分析),最后env->taskScheduler().doEventLoop()进入消息循环。
* 设置select的超时时间为maxDelayTime(<=0 或大于一百万秒 时1百万秒)
* 调用int selectResult = select(fMaxNumSockets, &readSet, &writeSet, &exceptionSet, &tv_timeToDelay);
* 如果select出错返回,打印出错信息,并调用 internalError函数
* 从处理程序描述链表中查找fLastHandledSocketNum代表的 处理程序描述对象指针,
* 如果没找到,就在后面的while的时候从链表的头开始,否则从找到的位置开始
* 从链表中取出处理程序描述节点对象,并调用其内部保存的处理程序
* 设置fTriggersAwaitingHandling
* 调用fDelayQueue.handleAlarm();
void BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep(unsigned maxDelayTime)
fd_set readSet = fReadSet; // make a copy for this select() call
fd_set writeSet = fWriteSet; // ditto
fd_set exceptionSet = fExceptionSet; // ditto
DelayInterval const& timeToDelay = fDelayQueue.timeToNextAlarm();//得到下一个要处理的延时结点的时间
struct timeval tv_timeToDelay;
tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec = timeToDelay.seconds();
tv_timeToDelay.tv_usec = timeToDelay.useconds();
// Very large "tv_sec" values cause select() to fail.
// Don't make it any larger than 1 million seconds (11.5 days)
const long MAX_TV_SEC = MILLION;//延时时间不能超过为100w秒
if (tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec > MAX_TV_SEC) {
tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec = MAX_TV_SEC;
// Also check our "maxDelayTime" parameter (if it's > 0): 注意maxDelayTime的单位是微妙
if (maxDelayTime > 0 &&
(tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec > (long)maxDelayTime/MILLION ||
(tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec == (long)maxDelayTime/MILLION &&
tv_timeToDelay.tv_usec > (long)maxDelayTime%MILLION))) {
tv_timeToDelay.tv_sec = maxDelayTime/MILLION;
tv_timeToDelay.tv_usec = maxDelayTime%MILLION;
/* 进入select阻塞等待 */
int selectResult = select(fMaxNumSockets, &readSet, &writeSet, &exceptionSet, &tv_timeToDelay);
if (selectResult < 0) {//-1 出错
#if defined(__WIN32__) || defined(_WIN32)
int err = WSAGetLastError();
// For some unknown reason, select() in Windoze sometimes fails with WSAEINVAL if
// it was called with no entries set in "readSet". If this happens, ignore it:
if (err == WSAEINVAL && readSet.fd_count == 0) { //参数设置错误,不用管,设置错误码为系统调用中断
err = EINTR;
// To stop this from happening again, create a dummy socket:
if (fDummySocketNum >= 0) closeSocket(fDummySocketNum);
fDummySocketNum = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
FD_SET((unsigned)fDummySocketNum, &fReadSet);
if (err != EINTR) { //如果不是参数设置错误,就输出错误码
if (errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) {
// Unexpected error - treat this as fatal:
#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
perror("BasicTaskScheduler::SingleStep(): select() fails");
// Because this failure is often "Bad file descriptor"
//- which is caused by an invalid socket number (i.e., a socket number
// that had already been closed) being used in "select()"
// - we print out the sockets that were being used in "select()",
// to assist in debugging:
fprintf(stderr, "socket numbers used in the select() call:");
for (int i = 0; i < 10000; ++i) {
if (FD_ISSET(i, &fReadSet) || FD_ISSET(i, &fWriteSet) || FD_ISSET(i, &fExceptionSet)) {
fprintf(stderr, " %d(", i);
if (FD_ISSET(i, &fReadSet)) fprintf(stderr, "r");
if (FD_ISSET(i, &fWriteSet)) fprintf(stderr, "w");
if (FD_ISSET(i, &fExceptionSet)) fprintf(stderr, "e");
fprintf(stderr, ")");
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// Call the handler function for one readable socket:
HandlerIterator iter(*fHandlers);
HandlerDescriptor* handler;
// To ensure forward progress through the handlers, begin past the last
// socket number that we handled:
if (fLastHandledSocketNum >= 0) {
while ((handler = != NULL) {
if (handler->socketNum == fLastHandledSocketNum) break;
if (handler == NULL) {
fLastHandledSocketNum = -1;
iter.reset(); // start from the beginning instead
while ((handler = != NULL) {
int sock = handler->socketNum; // alias 别名
int resultConditionSet = 0;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &readSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fReadSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_READABLE;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &writeSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fWriteSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_WRITABLE;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &exceptionSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fExceptionSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_EXCEPTION;
if ((resultConditionSet&handler->conditionSet) != 0 && handler->handlerProc != NULL)
fLastHandledSocketNum = sock;
// Note: we set "fLastHandledSocketNum" before calling the handler,
// in case the handler calls "doEventLoop()" reentrantly.
(*handler->handlerProc)(handler->clientData, resultConditionSet);//处理设置的回调函数
if (handler == NULL && fLastHandledSocketNum >= 0) {
// We didn't call a handler, but we didn't get to check all of them,
// so try again from the beginning:
while ((handler = != NULL) {
int sock = handler->socketNum; // alias
int resultConditionSet = 0;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &readSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fReadSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_READABLE;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &writeSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fWriteSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_WRITABLE;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &exceptionSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fExceptionSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_EXCEPTION;
if ((resultConditionSet&handler->conditionSet) != 0 && handler->handlerProc != NULL)
fLastHandledSocketNum = sock;
// Note: we set "fLastHandledSocketNum" before calling the handler,
// in case the handler calls "doEventLoop()" reentrantly.
(*handler->handlerProc)(handler->clientData, resultConditionSet);
if (handler == NULL) fLastHandledSocketNum = -1;//because we didn't call a handler
// Also handle any newly-triggered event (Note that we do this *after* calling a socket handler,
// in case the triggered event handler modifies The set of readable sockets.)
if (fTriggersAwaitingHandling != 0) {
if (fTriggersAwaitingHandling == fLastUsedTriggerMask) {
// Common-case optimization for a single event trigger: 优化 如果为最后一个插入的事件
fTriggersAwaitingHandling &=~ fLastUsedTriggerMask;
if (fTriggeredEventHandlers[fLastUsedTriggerNum] != NULL) {
} else {
// Look for an event trigger that needs handling (making sure
// that we make forward progress through all possible triggers):
unsigned i = fLastUsedTriggerNum;
EventTriggerId mask = fLastUsedTriggerMask;
do {
mask >>= 1;
if (mask == 0) mask = 0x80000000;
if ((fTriggersAwaitingHandling&mask) != 0) {
fTriggersAwaitingHandling &=~ mask;
if (fTriggeredEventHandlers[i] != NULL) {
fLastUsedTriggerMask = mask;
fLastUsedTriggerNum = i;
} while (i != fLastUsedTriggerNum);
// Also handle any delayed event that may have come due.
fDelayQueue.handleAlarm(); //处理定时器到时的任务
RTSPServer* rtspServer = RTSPServer::createNew(*env, 8554, authDB);
/// 1.创建tcp socket,绑定socket到指定端口,socket设置为非阻塞 保持alive
/// 2.监听客户端的连接
/// 3.设置缓冲区的大小
/// 4.如果没有设置端口,则获取socket绑定的端口
/// 传递的端口,如果传递的端口为0,
/// 成功,返回socket,否则返回-1
int GenericMediaServer::setUpOurSocket(UsageEnvironment& env, Port& ourPort)
int ourSocket = -1;
do {
// The following statement is enabled by default.
// Don't disable it (by defining ALLOW_SERVER_PORT_REUSE) unless you know what you're doing.
// ALLOW_RTSP_SERVER_PORT_REUSE is for backwards-compatibility #####
NoReuse dummy(env); // Don't use this socket if there's already a local server using it
//创建tcp socket,绑定socket到指定端口,socket设置为非阻塞 保持alive
ourSocket = setupStreamSocket(env, ourPort, True, True);
if (ourSocket < 0) break;
// Make sure we have a big send buffer:设置发送缓冲区大小为50K
if (!increaseSendBufferTo(env, ourSocket, 50*1024)) break;
// Allow multiple simultaneous connections: 监听-允许多个同时的连接
if (listen(ourSocket, LISTEN_BACKLOG_SIZE) < 0)
env.setResultErrMsg("listen() failed: ");
if (ourPort.num() == 0)
// bind() will have chosen a port for us; return it also:
if (!getSourcePort(env, ourSocket, ourPort)) break;
return ourSocket;
} while (0);
if (ourSocket != -1) ::closeSocket(ourSocket);
return -1;
GenericMediaServer::GenericMediaServer(UsageEnvironment& env, int ourSocket, Port ourPort,
unsigned reclamationSeconds)
: Medium(env),//设置环境变量和设置媒体的名字,并将媒体加入到相应的hashtable中
fServerSocket(ourSocket), fServerPort(ourPort), fReclamationSeconds(reclamationSeconds),
// so that clients on the same host that are killed don't also kill us
// Arrange to handle connections from others:
env.taskScheduler().turnOnBackgroundReadHandling(fServerSocket, incomingConnectionHandler, this);
假如服务器已经处于运行过程,当有一个客户端连接到服务器,这时候就会去执行incomingConnectionHandler函数了。我们看看里面做了什么。可能没看懂消息循环的有点疑惑,去注册Select事件明明只传递了this(自身),为啥incomingConnectionHandler(void* instance, int mask)却有2个参数,第一个参数就是
env.taskScheduler().turnOnBackgroundReadHandling(fServerSocket, incomingConnectionHandler, this);
while ((handler = != NULL)
int sock = handler->socketNum; // alias 别名
int resultConditionSet = 0;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &readSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fReadSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_READABLE;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &writeSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fWriteSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_WRITABLE;
if (FD_ISSET(sock, &exceptionSet) && FD_ISSET(sock, &fExceptionSet)/*sanity check*/)
resultConditionSet |= SOCKET_EXCEPTION;
if ((resultConditionSet&handler->conditionSet) != 0 && handler->handlerProc != NULL)
fLastHandledSocketNum = sock;
// Note: we set "fLastHandledSocketNum" before calling the handler,
// in case the handler calls "doEventLoop()" reentrantly.
(*handler->handlerProc)(handler->clientData, resultConditionSet);//处理设置的回调函数
/// 客户端连接的回调
/// 代码的参数
/// 传递的服务器自身参数
/// 标志位
void GenericMediaServer::incomingConnectionHandler(void* instance, int/*mask*/)
GenericMediaServer* server = (GenericMediaServer*)instance;
void GenericMediaServer::incomingConnectionHandler()
/// 处理客户端连接(这是客户端连接后真正需要完成的内容)这个函数会在事件循环中调用多次,
/// 完成的任务主要包括以下几个事件
/// 1.accept
/// 2.设置与客户端进行通信的socket为非阻塞模式
/// 3.增加发送缓冲
/// 4. 创建一个与客户端的连接(在其构造函数里就设置了客户端请求的回调)
/// 服务器端创建的连接
void GenericMediaServer::incomingConnectionHandlerOnSocket(int serverSocket)
struct sockaddr_in clientAddr;//连接的客户端信息
SOCKLEN_T clientAddrLen = sizeof clientAddr;
int clientSocket = accept(serverSocket, (struct sockaddr*)&clientAddr, &clientAddrLen);
if (clientSocket < 0)
int err = envir().getErrno();
if (err != EWOULDBLOCK)
{ //如果是这个错误,不用处理,非阻塞的时候可能会出现这个错误
envir().setResultErrMsg("accept() failed: ");
// so that clients on the same host that are killed don't also kill us
( 说明
increaseSendBufferTo(envir(), clientSocket, 50*1024);//增加发送缓冲为50K
#ifdef DEBUG
envir() << "accept()ed connection from " << AddressString(clientAddr).val() << "\n";
// Create a new object for handling this connection: 创建一个新的连接,用于收发数据
(void)createNewClientConnection(clientSocket, clientAddr);
::ClientConnection(GenericMediaServer& ourServer, int clientSocket, struct sockaddr_in clientAddr)
: fOurServer(ourServer), fOurSocket(clientSocket), fClientAddr(clientAddr)
// Add ourself to our 'client connections' table: 将我们自身的连接加入到服务器的连接 table 中
this 指代 ClientConnection对象 ,this是一个地址,可以强制转为字符串,作为hash表的key
fOurServer.fClientConnections->Add((char const*)this, this);
// Arrange to handle incoming requests:安排处理到来的请求数据的的回调
SOCKET_READABLE|SOCKET_EXCEPTION, incomingRequestHandler, this);
void GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection::incomingRequestHandler(void* instance, int /*mask*/)
ClientConnection* connection = (ClientConnection*)instance;
/// 处理客户端请求回调
void GenericMediaServer::ClientConnection::incomingRequestHandler()
struct sockaddr_in dummy; // 'from' address, meaningless in this case
int bytesRead = readSocket(envir(), fOurSocket,
&fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen], fRequestBufferBytesLeft, dummy);
void RTSPServer::RTSPClientConnection::handleRequestBytes(int newBytesRead)
int numBytesRemaining = 0;//剩余的字节空间
RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession* clientSession = NULL;
//newBytesRead < 0代表recvfrom接收到的字节为0(也算错)或者读取返回一个小于0的错误码,
//newBytesRead = 0 代表本次没有读取到数据,但是不是错误。
if (newBytesRead < 0 || (unsigned)newBytesRead >= fRequestBufferBytesLeft)
// Either the client socket has died, or the request was too big for us.
// (unsigned)newBytesRead >= fRequestBufferBytesLeft
// Terminate this connection: 终止连接
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "RTSPClientConnection[%p]::handleRequestBytes() read %d new bytes (of %d);
terminating connection!\n", this, newBytesRead, fRequestBufferBytesLeft);
fIsActive = False;//发生错误,直接设置活跃的标志为False,代表不能在接收请求
Boolean endOfMsg = False;
unsigned char* ptr = &fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen];
#ifdef DEBUG
ptr[newBytesRead] = '\0';
fprintf(stderr, "RTSPClientConnection[%p]::handleRequestBytes() %s %d new bytes:%s\n",
this, numBytesRemaining > 0 ? "processing" : "read", newBytesRead, ptr);
if (fClientOutputSocket != fClientInputSocket && numBytesRemaining == 0)
// We're doing RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling, and input commands
// are assumed to have been Base64-encoded.
// We therefore Base64-decode as much of this new data as we can
// (i.e., up to a multiple of 4 bytes).
// 但是HTTP端口(80端口)是普遍开放的,于是就有了让RTSP报文通过80端口透传的想法,即RTSP-Over-HTTP。
// But first, we remove any whitespace that may be in the input data:
unsigned toIndex = 0;
for (int fromIndex = 0; fromIndex < newBytesRead; ++fromIndex)
char c = ptr[fromIndex];
if (!(c == ' ' || c == '\t' || c == '\r' || c == '\n'))
{ // not 'whitespace': space,tab,CR,NL
ptr[toIndex++] = c;
newBytesRead = toIndex;
unsigned numBytesToDecode = fBase64RemainderCount + newBytesRead;
unsigned newBase64RemainderCount = numBytesToDecode % 4;
numBytesToDecode -= newBase64RemainderCount;
if (numBytesToDecode > 0)
ptr[newBytesRead] = '\0';
unsigned decodedSize;
unsigned char* decodedBytes =
base64Decode((char const*)(ptr - fBase64RemainderCount), numBytesToDecode, decodedSize);
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "Base64-decoded %d input bytes into %d new bytes:",
numBytesToDecode, decodedSize);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < decodedSize; ++k) fprintf(stderr, "%c", decodedBytes[k]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
// Copy the new decoded bytes in place of the old ones
// (we can do this because there are fewer decoded bytes than original):
unsigned char* to = ptr - fBase64RemainderCount;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < decodedSize; ++i) *to++ = decodedBytes[i];
// Then copy any remaining (undecoded) bytes to the end:
for (unsigned j = 0; j < newBase64RemainderCount; ++j) *to++ =
(ptr - fBase64RemainderCount + numBytesToDecode)[j];
newBytesRead = decodedSize - fBase64RemainderCount + newBase64RemainderCount;
// adjust to allow for the size of the new decoded data (+ remainder)
delete[] decodedBytes;
fBase64RemainderCount = newBase64RemainderCount;
unsigned char* tmpPtr = fLastCRLF + 2;
if (fBase64RemainderCount == 0)//没有处理的base64数据,HTTP-OVER-RTSP需要这个数据
{ // no more Base-64 bytes remain to be read/decoded
// Look for the end of the message:
if (tmpPtr < fRequestBuffer) tmpPtr = fRequestBuffer;
while (tmpPtr < &ptr[newBytesRead - 1])//一直循环遍历到请求消息结尾的地方
if (*tmpPtr == '\r' && *(tmpPtr + 1) == '\n')
if (tmpPtr - fLastCRLF == 2)
{ // This is it:
endOfMsg = True;
fLastCRLF = tmpPtr;
fRequestBufferBytesLeft -= newBytesRead;//剩余可用空间减少
fRequestBytesAlreadySeen += newBytesRead;//增加已用空间
if (!endOfMsg) break; // subsequent reads will be needed to complete the request
// Parse the request string into command name and 'CSeq', then handle the command:
fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen] = '\0';
char cmdName[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];//
char urlPreSuffix[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];//
char urlSuffix[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];//url除了ip和端口部分;比如h264ESVideoTest
char cseq[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];//序列号
char sessionIdStr[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
unsigned contentLength = 0;
Boolean playAfterSetup = False;
//(临时的,为了解析fLastCRLF[0]='\r' fLastCRLF[1]='\n'),
//fLastCRLF + 2 - fRequestBuffer的长度比总长度小2,没有计算空行的\r\n
fLastCRLF[2] = '\0'; // temporarily, for parsing fLastCRLF[0]='\r' fLastCRLF[1]='\n'
Boolean parseSucceeded = parseRTSPRequestString((char*)fRequestBuffer,
fLastCRLF + 2 - fRequestBuffer,
cmdName, sizeof cmdName,
urlPreSuffix, sizeof urlPreSuffix,
urlSuffix, sizeof urlSuffix,
cseq, sizeof cseq,
sessionIdStr, sizeof sessionIdStr,
fLastCRLF[2] = '\r'; // restore its value
// Check first for a bogus "Content-Length" value that would cause a pointer wraparound:
if (tmpPtr + 2 + contentLength < tmpPtr + 2)//感觉这里的逻辑不太好懂
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parseRTSPRequestString() returned a bogus \"Content-Length:\" value: 0x%x (%d)\n", contentLength, (int)contentLength);
contentLength = 0;
parseSucceeded = False;
if (parseSucceeded) //解析成功
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parseRTSPRequestString() succeeded, returning cmdName \"%s\", urlPreSuffix \"%s\", urlSuffix \"%s\", CSeq \"%s\", Content-Length %u, with %d bytes following the message.\n", cmdName, urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, cseq, contentLength, ptr + newBytesRead - (tmpPtr + 2));
// If there was a "Content-Length:" header,
//then make sure we've received all of the data that it specified:
// we still need more data; subsequent reads will give it to us
if (ptr + newBytesRead < tmpPtr + 2 + contentLength) break;
// If the request included a "Session:" id, and it refers to a client session that's
// current ongoing, then use this command to indicate 'liveness' on that client session:
Boolean const requestIncludedSessionId = sessionIdStr[0] != '\0';
if (requestIncludedSessionId)//请求中包含session id
clientSession = (RTSPServer::RTSPClientSession*)(fOurRTSPServer.lookupClientSession(sessionIdStr));
if (clientSession != NULL) clientSession->noteLiveness();
// We now have a complete RTSP request.
// Handle the specified command (beginning with commands that are session-independent):
fCurrentCSeq = cseq;//当前序列号
if (strcmp(cmdName, "OPTIONS") == 0)
// If the "OPTIONS" command included a "Session:" id for a session that doesn't exist,
// then treat this as an error:
if (requestIncludedSessionId && clientSession == NULL)// "OPTIONS" 请求中包含一个"Session" Id,但是实际上session不存在,这说明时一个为了保持会话活动性而发送的请求
else //普通的OPTIONS请求
// Normal case:
else if (urlPreSuffix[0] == '\0' && urlSuffix[0] == '*' && urlSuffix[1] == '\0')
// The special "*" URL means: an operation on the entire server.
//This works only for GET_PARAMETER and SET_PARAMETER:
if (strcmp(cmdName, "GET_PARAMETER") == 0)//实际上,实现没有做任何功能
handleCmd_GET_PARAMETER((char const*)fRequestBuffer);
else if (strcmp(cmdName, "SET_PARAMETER") == 0)//实际上,实现没有做任何功能
handleCmd_SET_PARAMETER((char const*)fRequestBuffer);
else if (strcmp(cmdName, "DESCRIBE") == 0)
handleCmd_DESCRIBE(urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, (char const*)fRequestBuffer);
else if (strcmp(cmdName, "SETUP") == 0)
Boolean areAuthenticated = True;
if (!requestIncludedSessionId)
// No session id was present in the request.
// So create a new "RTSPClientSession" object for this request.
// But first, make sure that we're authenticated to perform this command:
char urlTotalSuffix[2 * RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
// enough space for urlPreSuffix/urlSuffix'\0'
urlTotalSuffix[0] = '\0';
if (urlPreSuffix[0] != '\0')
strcat(urlTotalSuffix, urlPreSuffix);
strcat(urlTotalSuffix, "/");
strcat(urlTotalSuffix, urlSuffix);
if (authenticationOK("SETUP", urlTotalSuffix, (char const*)fRequestBuffer))
clientSession =
areAuthenticated = False;
if (clientSession != NULL)
clientSession->handleCmd_SETUP(this, urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, (char
playAfterSetup = clientSession->fStreamAfterSETUP;
else if (areAuthenticated)
else if (strcmp(cmdName, "TEARDOWN") == 0
|| strcmp(cmdName, "PLAY") == 0
|| strcmp(cmdName, "PAUSE") == 0
|| strcmp(cmdName, "GET_PARAMETER") == 0
|| strcmp(cmdName, "SET_PARAMETER") == 0)
if (clientSession != NULL)//这些方法都需要session
clientSession->handleCmd_withinSession(this, cmdName, urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix,
(char const*)fRequestBuffer);
else if (strcmp(cmdName, "REGISTER") == 0 || strcmp(cmdName, "DEREGISTER") == 0)
// Because - unlike other commands - an implementation of this command needs
// the entire URL, we re-parse the command to get it:
char* url = strDupSize((char*)fRequestBuffer);
if (sscanf((char*)fRequestBuffer, "%*s %s", url) == 1)
// Check for special command-specific parameters in a "Transport:" header:
Boolean reuseConnection, deliverViaTCP;
char* proxyURLSuffix;
parseTransportHeaderForREGISTER((const char*)fRequestBuffer,
reuseConnection, deliverViaTCP, proxyURLSuffix);
handleCmd_REGISTER(cmdName, url, urlSuffix, (char const*)fRequestBuffer,
reuseConnection, deliverViaTCP, proxyURLSuffix);
delete[] proxyURLSuffix;
delete[] url;
// The command is one that we don't handle: 不支持的方法
else //解析RTSP命令失败,判断是否是HTTP命令
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parseRTSPRequestString() failed; checking now for HTTP commands (for RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling)...\n");
// The request was not (valid) RTSP, but check for a special case:
//HTTP commands (for setting up RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling):
char sessionCookie[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
char acceptStr[RTSP_PARAM_STRING_MAX];
*fLastCRLF = '\0'; // temporarily, for parsing
parseSucceeded = parseHTTPRequestString(cmdName, sizeof cmdName,
urlSuffix, sizeof urlPreSuffix,
sessionCookie, sizeof sessionCookie,
acceptStr, sizeof acceptStr);
*fLastCRLF = '\r';
if (parseSucceeded)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parseHTTPRequestString() succeeded, returning cmdName \"%s\", urlSuffix \"%s\", sessionCookie \"%s\", acceptStr \"%s\"\n", cmdName, urlSuffix, sessionCookie, acceptStr);
// Check that the HTTP command is valid for RTSP-over-HTTP tunneling: There must be a 'session cookie'.
Boolean isValidHTTPCmd = True;//是否是HTTP命令
if (strcmp(cmdName, "OPTIONS") == 0) {
else if (sessionCookie[0] == '\0') {
// There was no "x-sessioncookie:" header. If there was an "Accept: application/x-rtsp-tunnelled" header,
// then this is a bad tunneling request. Otherwise, assume that it's an attempt to access the stream via HTTP.
if (strcmp(acceptStr, "application/x-rtsp-tunnelled") == 0) {
isValidHTTPCmd = False;
else {
handleHTTPCmd_StreamingGET(urlSuffix, (char const*)fRequestBuffer);
else if (strcmp(cmdName, "GET") == 0) {
else if (strcmp(cmdName, "POST") == 0) {
// We might have received additional data following the HTTP "POST" command - i.e., the first Base64-encoded RTSP command.
// Check for this, and handle it if it exists:
unsigned char const* extraData = fLastCRLF + 4;
unsigned extraDataSize = &fRequestBuffer[fRequestBytesAlreadySeen] - extraData;
if (handleHTTPCmd_TunnelingPOST(sessionCookie, extraData, extraDataSize))
// We don't respond to the "POST" command, and we go away:
fIsActive = False;
isValidHTTPCmd = False;
if (!isValidHTTPCmd)
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "parseHTTPRequestString() failed!\n");
#ifdef DEBUG
fprintf(stderr, "sending response: %s", fResponseBuffer);
send(fClientOutputSocket, (char const*)fResponseBuffer, strlen((char*)fResponseBuffer), 0);
if (playAfterSetup)
// The client has asked for streaming to commence now, rather than after a
// subsequent "PLAY" command. So, simulate the effect of a "PLAY" command:
clientSession->handleCmd_withinSession(this, "PLAY", urlPreSuffix, urlSuffix, (char
// Check whether there are extra bytes remaining in the buffer,
// after the end of the request (a rare case).
// If so, move them to the front of our buffer, and keep processing it,
// because it might be a following, pipelined request.
unsigned requestSize = (fLastCRLF + 4 - fRequestBuffer) + contentLength;
numBytesRemaining = fRequestBytesAlreadySeen - requestSize;
// to prepare for any subsequent request
//处理完请求后,需要重置缓冲区,然后继续后续的请求 seen设置为0,left设置为最大值
if (numBytesRemaining > 0)
memmove(fRequestBuffer, &fRequestBuffer[requestSize], numBytesRemaining);
newBytesRead = numBytesRemaining;//设置读取的字节数为剩余请求的字节数
} while (numBytesRemaining > 0);
if (!fIsActive) //不能接收请求
if (fRecursionCount > 0)//如果还有没有处理的字节
else //所有请求都处理完了,可以删除该连接了
delete this;
// Note: The "fRecursionCount" test is for a pathological situation
//where we reenter the event loop and get called recursively
// while handling a command (e.g., while handling a "DESCRIBE", to get a SDP description).
// In such a case we don't want to actually delete
//ourself until we leave the outermost call.
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Begin by setting up our usage environment:
TaskScheduler* scheduler = BasicTaskScheduler::createNew();
UsageEnvironment* env = BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(*scheduler);
// We need at least one "rtsp://" URL argument:
if (argc < 2)
usage(*env, argv[0]);
return 1;
// There are argc-1 URLs: argv[1] through argv[argc-1]. Open and start streaming each one:
for (int i = 1; i <= argc - 1; ++i)
openURL(*env, argv[0], argv[i]);
// All subsequent activity takes place within the event loop:
// This function call does not return, unless, at some point in time, "eventLoopWatchVariable" gets set to something non-zero.
return 0;
// If you choose to continue the application past this point (i.e., if you comment out the "return 0;" statement above),
// and if you don't intend to do anything more with the "TaskScheduler" and "UsageEnvironment" objects,
// then you can also reclaim the (small) memory used by these objects by uncommenting the following code:
env->reclaim(); env = NULL;
delete scheduler; scheduler = NULL;
/// 打开URL,URL和客户端是一一对应的,比如我们使用VLC打开一个网络媒体流(rtsp:,就会使用客户端对该流进行播放。
void openURL(UsageEnvironment& env, char const* progName, char const* rtspURL)
// Begin by creating a "RTSPClient" object.
//Note that there is a separate "RTSPClient" object for each stream that we wish
// to receive (even if more than stream uses the same "rtsp://" URL).
RTSPClient* rtspClient = ourRTSPClient::createNew(env, rtspURL, RTSP_CLIENT_VERBOSITY_LEVEL, progName);
if (rtspClient == NULL)
env << "Failed to create a RTSP client for URL \"" << rtspURL << "\": " << env.getResultMsg() << "\n";
// Next, send a RTSP "DESCRIBE" command, to get a SDP description for the stream.
// Note that this command - like all RTSP commands - is sent asynchronously; we do not block, waiting for a response.
// Instead, the following function call returns immediately,
//and we handle the RTSP response later, from within the event loop:
2.发送请求( sendRequest)
/// 发送DESCRIBE请求
/// 处理响应后的回调处理器
unsigned RTSPClient::sendDescribeCommand(responseHandler* responseHandler, Authenticator* authenticator)
if (fCurrentAuthenticator < authenticator) //fCurrentAuthenticator 默认是有值的,只不过各个参数都为0
fCurrentAuthenticator = *authenticator;
return sendRequest(new RequestRecord(++fCSeq, "DESCRIBE", responseHandler));
对responseHandler 参数说明如下:
/// 函数指针(类型),当发送请求后,服务器返回响应后,客户端(RTSPClient)就会执行相应的回调函数,
/// 一个函数被调用,作为对RTSP请求的响应,参数如下:
/// rtspClient:发送原始命令的"RTSPClient" 对象
/// resultCode: 如果为0,命令成功完成,如果非0,命令没有成功完成,
///resultCode代表如下错误:正数代表RTSP错误码(如 404-not found),
///负数代表socket/network 错误,0-"resultCode" is the standard "errno" code.
/// resultString:一个以'\0'结尾的字符串,如果响应返回的话,否则为 NULL.
/// 特别的是:"DESCRIBE" 命令成功时返回媒体会话的SDP描述信息,
///"OPTIONS"命令返回允许的命令。即使 resultCode是非0,这个参数也可以存在,比如错误消息。
/// 当然,当 resultCode == 0时,这个参数也可以为NULL(即 命令成功了,但是无任何结果头)。
/// 另外必须注意resultString是动态分配的,不使用时必须被handler(或者caller)被调用者使用delete[]释放
typedef void (responseHandler)(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString);
// Implementation of the RTSP 'response handlers':
/// 发送DESCRIBE请求之后,服务器回复响应后,应该处理的回调函数
/// 0成功,大于0是RTSP错误码,小于0是网络错误码
/// 是动态分配的字符串,必须使用delete[]进行释放
void continueAfterDESCRIBE(RTSPClient* rtspClient, int resultCode, char* resultString)
do {
UsageEnvironment& env = rtspClient->envir(); // alias
StreamClientState& scs = ((ourRTSPClient*)rtspClient)->scs; // alias
if (resultCode != 0) //错误的情况
env << *rtspClient << "Failed to get a SDP description: " << resultString << "\n";
delete[] resultString;
char* const sdpDescription = resultString;//descibe请求响应的字符串是sdp描述
env << *rtspClient << "Got a SDP description:\n" << sdpDescription << "\n";
// Create a media session object from this SDP description:
scs.session = MediaSession::createNew(env, sdpDescription);//根据sdp描述信息创建会话及其子会话
delete[] sdpDescription; // because we don't need it anymore
if (scs.session == NULL)
env << *rtspClient << "Failed to create a MediaSession object from the SDP description: " <<
env.getResultMsg() << "\n";
else if (!scs.session->hasSubsessions()) //没有子会话也算错(也就是没有对应的流,不用获取对应的数据,直接关闭该客户端)
env << *rtspClient << "This session has no media subsessions (i.e., no \"m=\" lines)\n";
// Then, create and set up our data source objects for the session.
// We do this by iterating over the session's 'subsessions',
// calling "MediaSubsession::initiate()", and then sending a RTSP "SETUP" command, on each one.
// (Each 'subsession' will have its own data source.)
//然后,为session创建和设置相应的数据源,调用"MediaSubsession::initiate()"遍历会话的 'subsessions',
scs.iter = new MediaSubsessionIterator(*scs.session);//创建子会话迭代器
} while (0);
// An unrecoverable error occurred with this stream.
continueAfterDESCRIBE 主要完成的工作主要包括:1.根据sdp描述信息创建会话及其子会话 2.为每个子会话发送SETUP请求
unsigned RTSPClient::sendRequest(RequestRecord* request)
char* cmd = NULL;
do {
Boolean connectionIsPending = False;//该请求是否需要连接的标志
// 但是openConnection()却没有连接服务器成功,
// 并依次将fRequestsAwaitingConnection中所有等待连接的请求的进行处理
if (!fRequestsAwaitingConnection.isEmpty())
// A connection is currently pending (with at least one enqueued request). Enqueue this request also:
connectionIsPending = True;
else if (fInputSocketNum < 0)//如果还没有创建连接,就先创建连接
{ // we need to open a connection
int connectResult = openConnection();
if (connectResult < 0)
break; // an error occurred
else if (connectResult == 0)
// A connection is pending
connectionIsPending = True;
} // else the connection succeeded. Continue sending the command.
if (connectionIsPending)
return request->cseq();
// If requested (and we're not already doing it, or have done it),
// set up the special protocol for tunneling RTSP-over-HTTP:
//隧道处理RTSP:fTunnelOverHTTPPortNum非0 ,请求命令不是GET请求并且输入输出socket相同
if (fTunnelOverHTTPPortNum != 0 && strcmp(request->commandName(), "GET") != 0
&& fOutputSocketNum == fInputSocketNum)
if (!setupHTTPTunneling1()) break;
return request->cseq();//等待处理
// Construct and send the command:
// First, construct command-specific headers that we need:
char* cmdURL = fBaseURL; // by default 请求的url(先设置为一个默认值)
Boolean cmdURLWasAllocated = False; //cmduRL是否分配的标志
char const* protocolStr = "RTSP/1.0"; // by default 协议字符串
char* extraHeaders = (char*)""; // by default 扩展的头
Boolean extraHeadersWereAllocated = False; //扩张的头是否是动态分配的标志
char* contentLengthHeader = (char*)""; // by default 内容长度头(请求可能有内容,比如ANNOUNCE请求)
Boolean contentLengthHeaderWasAllocated = False;
if (!setRequestFields(request, cmdURL, cmdURLWasAllocated, protocolStr,
extraHeaders, extraHeadersWereAllocated))
char const* contentStr = request->contentStr(); // by default
if (contentStr == NULL)
contentStr = "";
unsigned contentStrLen = strlen(contentStr);
if (contentStrLen > 0) //构建content-length头
char const* contentLengthHeaderFmt =
"Content-Length: %d\r\n";
unsigned contentLengthHeaderSize = strlen(contentLengthHeaderFmt)
+ 20 /* max int len */;
contentLengthHeader = new char[contentLengthHeaderSize];
sprintf(contentLengthHeader, contentLengthHeaderFmt, contentStrLen);
contentLengthHeaderWasAllocated = True;
char* authenticatorStr = createAuthenticatorString(request->commandName(), fBaseURL);
char const* const cmdFmt =
"%s %s %s\r\n"
"CSeq: %d\r\n"
"%s" //User-Agent
"%s"//内容头 Content-Length
unsigned cmdSize = strlen(cmdFmt)
+ strlen(request->commandName()) + strlen(cmdURL) + strlen(protocolStr)
+ 20 /* max int len for cseq */
+ strlen(authenticatorStr)
+ fUserAgentHeaderStrLen
+ strlen(extraHeaders)
+ strlen(contentLengthHeader)
+ contentStrLen;
cmd = new char[cmdSize];
sprintf(cmd, cmdFmt,
request->commandName(), cmdURL, protocolStr,
delete[] authenticatorStr;
if (cmdURLWasAllocated)
delete[] cmdURL;
if (extraHeadersWereAllocated)
delete[] extraHeaders;
if (contentLengthHeaderWasAllocated)
delete[] contentLengthHeader;
if (fVerbosityLevel >= 1) envir() << "Sending request: " << cmd << "\n";
if (fTunnelOverHTTPPortNum != 0 && strcmp(request->commandName(), "GET")
!= 0 && strcmp(request->commandName(), "POST") != 0)
// When we're tunneling RTSP-over-HTTP, we Base-64-encode the request before we send it.
// (However, we don't do this for the HTTP "GET" and "POST" commands that we use to set up the tunnel.)
char* origCmd = cmd;
cmd = base64Encode(origCmd, strlen(cmd));
if (fVerbosityLevel >= 1) envir() << "\tThe request was base-64 encoded to: " << cmd << "\n\n";
delete[] origCmd;
if (send(fOutputSocketNum, cmd, strlen(cmd), 0) < 0) //发送命令
char const* errFmt = "%s send() failed: ";
unsigned const errLength = strlen(errFmt) + strlen(request->commandName());
char* err = new char[errLength];
sprintf(err, errFmt, request->commandName());
delete[] err;
// The command send succeeded, so enqueue the request record,
// so that its response (when it comes) can be handled.
// However, note that we do not expect a response to a POST
//command with RTSP-over-HTTP, so don't enqueue that.
int cseq = request->cseq();
// 隧道请求(get)和rtsp请求都放入到等待响应的请求队列中
if (fTunnelOverHTTPPortNum == 0 || strcmp(request->commandName(), "POST") != 0)
delete request;
delete[] cmd;
return cseq;
} while (0);
// An error occurred, so call the response handler immediately (indicating the error):
delete[] cmd;
handleRequestError(request);//socket 错误
delete request;
return 0;
sendRequest的逻辑是先判断该客户端是否有等待连接的请求,如果是,直接将这次请求加入到等待连接请求的哈希表中,直到连接到服务器后,这次请求会随先前的请求一起被处理,通常这种情况比较少见,另外如果是客户端第一次发起请求,那么就首先创建和服务器的连接int connectResult = openConnection();
/// 打开连接
/// 成功连接,返回1,-1打开连接失败,0-等待服务器连接成功()
int RTSPClient::openConnection()
// Set up a connection to the server. Begin by parsing the URL:
char* username;
char* password;
NetAddress destAddress;
portNumBits urlPortNum;
char const* urlSuffix;//后缀:stream-name
if (!parseRTSPURL(envir(), fBaseURL, username, password, destAddress, urlPortNum, &urlSuffix))//解析fBaseURL
portNumBits destPortNum = fTunnelOverHTTPPortNum == 0 ? urlPortNum : fTunnelOverHTTPPortNum;
if (username != NULL || password != NULL)
fCurrentAuthenticator.setUsernameAndPassword(username, password);
delete[] username;
delete[] password;
// We don't yet have a TCP socket (or we used to have one, but it got closed). Set it up now.
//创建一个tcp socket,客户端端口号设置为0,是绑定的端口号,由系统随机生成一个端口(客户端和服务器端通信,
fInputSocketNum = setupStreamSocket(envir(), 0);
if (fInputSocketNum < 0) break;
ignoreSigPipeOnSocket(fInputSocketNum); // so that servers on the same host that get killed don't also kill us
if (fOutputSocketNum < 0) fOutputSocketNum = fInputSocketNum;
envir() << "Created new TCP socket " << fInputSocketNum << " for connection\n";
// Connect to the remote endpoint: 连接到服务器端
fServerAddress = *(netAddressBits*)(;
int connectResult = connectToServer(fInputSocketNum, destPortNum);
if (connectResult < 0) //连接服务器失败,直接返回-1
else if (connectResult > 0)
// The connection succeeded. Arrange to handle responses to requests sent on it:
// 连接成功,在taskScheduler轮训IO,socket读到数据的回调函数为incomingDataHandler
envir().taskScheduler().setBackgroundHandling(fInputSocketNum, SOCKET_READABLE | SOCKET_EXCEPTION,
(TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&incomingDataHandler, this);
return connectResult;
} while (0);
return -1;
看到这里,你大概知道客户端是如何做到接收服务器的响应了吧,就是:envir().taskScheduler().setBackgroundHandling(fInputSocketNum, SOCKET_READABLE | SOCKET_EXCEPTION,(TaskScheduler::BackgroundHandlerProc*)&incomingDataHandler, this);