高通骁龙SM6225 sensor驱动架构(1)

sensor和sensor instance

Sensor & instance

(1) Sensor 用来产生 和/或 消费 异步数据。
(2) 每个sensor可实例化一次或多次sensor instances。其中:每个instance使用特殊配置来操作;发给sensor的任何request都会生成一个sensor instance 或者共享已经存在的instance。
(3) sensor instances 是请求式的创建,由sensor来终结。其中:sensors完全掌控他们匹配的instances的生命周期和配置信息,并且负责发送配置更新和初始状态events给他们的clients;Vendors强烈建议所有的clients提供及可能少的实例;stream data通过一个instance产生,并发送给所有激活的clients。
(4)一个单独的sensor instance 可以通过多个sensor来共享和配置。


(1)在初始化期间查找sensor硬件,并在硬件当前可用的情况publishes availability。
(6)当request进入时,根据不同信息来建立/更新/删除 instances。
(8)管理COM bus的用电;


(1)管理COM bus用电,
(3)当硬件配置改变时Publishes 配置event。
(4)Publishes data event。
(5)Publishes 所有错误的events。
(6) 在析构过程中释放所有资源。



typedef struct sns_sensor_instance
  /* Functions which call back into the framework; provided by the Framework */
  struct sns_sensor_instance_cb const *cb;

  /* Fixed-size memory allocation made by the Framework from the power
   * efficient heap appropriate for this Sensor.  Memory is for the sole use of
   * the Sensor Instance. Memory may be moved between Sensor registered function
   * calls. Therefore direct references should not be maintained.
  struct sns_sensor_instance_state *state;

  /* Fixed-sized memory allocation made by the framework from the Non-Island,
   * high power memory heap.  May not be dereferenced unless Instance created
   * via sns_sensor_cb::create_instance_v2.
   * Developer is responsible for invoking
   * sns_island_service::sensor_instance_island_exit before accessing.
  struct sns_sensor_instance_state *state_ni;
} sns_sensor_instance;
cb: 指向回调函数的指针,通过这些回调函数,传感器实例可以与框架进行交互。
state: 指向由框架从适合该传感器的低功耗堆中分配的固定大小的内存。这块内存仅供传感器实例使用,并且可能在传感器注册的函数调用之间移动。因此,不应直接引用该内存。
state_ni: 指向由框架从非岛屿高功耗内存堆中分配的固定大小的内存。除非通过sns_sensor_cb::create_instance_v2创建实例,否则不能对其进行解引用操作。开发人员在访问之前需要负责调用sns_island_service::sensor_instance_island_exit。



 * Accessor functions for Sensor Instance state managed by the Framework.
typedef struct sns_sensor_instance_cb
  uint32_t struct_len;

   * Get a reference to the Service Manager.  With this object, a reference
   * to any other utility service can be obtained.
   * @param[i] this Sensor Instance reference
   * @return Service Manager reference
  struct sns_service_manager* (*get_service_manager)(
    sns_sensor_instance *this);

   * Return the next client request associated with this Sensor Instance and
   * SUID.
   * Each Sensor Instance has a list of client requests per SUID which it is
   * servicing.  Entries are added via calls to add_client_request; removed
   * via remove_client_request.
   * Each call to this function iterates over the list, and returns the next
   * entry.  NULL is returned at the end of the list, or if the list is empty.
   * @note An Instance may be handling client requests for multiple
   * (related) Sensors; must use SUID parameter to filter.
   * @param[i] this Sensor Instance reference
   * @param[i] suid Sensor associated with this Instance
   * @param[i] first Return the first request; reset the internal iterator
   *                 Must be called first to initialize iteration
   * SNS_RC_NOT_AVAILABLE - The Framework is not aware of SUID
   struct sns_request const* (*get_client_request)(
    sns_sensor_instance *this,
    sns_sensor_uid const *suid,
    bool first);

    * Remove a client request from this Sensor Instance
    * @param[i] this Sensor Instance reference
    * @param[i] request Client request to be removed
   void (*remove_client_request)(
    sns_sensor_instance *this,
    struct sns_request const *request);

   * Assign this Sensor Instance to service the client request.  Replaces any
   * existing request from the same client.
   * @note The SUID of the recepient Sensor will be noted upon addition;
   * this SUID must be used within get_client_request.
   * @param[i] this Sensor Instance reference
   * @param[i] request Client request to be added
   void (*add_client_request)(
    sns_sensor_instance *this,
    struct sns_request const *request);
} sns_sensor_instance_cb;
struct_len: 结构体的长度。
get_service_manager: 获取服务管理器的引用。通过这个对象可以获取到任何其他实用服务的引用。
get_client_request: 返回与该传感器和SUID关联的下一个客户端请求。每个传感器都有一个与之相关的SUID的客户端请求列表,可以通过调用add_client_request方法添加请求并通过调用remove_client_request方法删除请求。每次调用此函数时,会迭代列表并返回下一个条目。如果列表为空或者已经到达列表末尾,则返回NULL。
remove_client_request: 从该传感器实例中删除一个客户端请求。
add_client_request: 将一个客户端请求分配给该传感器实例来处理。如果已存在来自同一客户端的请求,则将其替换。



 * State specifically allocated for the Sensor Instance, to be used by the
 * Sensor developer as needed.  May be relocated; no pointers into this buffer
 * may be saved.
typedef struct sns_sensor_instance_state
  uint32_t state_len;
  uint64_t state[1];
} sns_sensor_instance_state;
state_len: 状态缓冲区的长度。
state[1]: 状态缓冲区,以64位无符号整数数组的形式表示。具体的大小可以根据需要进行调整,但是至少有一个元素。




高通骁龙SM6225 sensor驱动架构(1)_第1张图片


高通骁龙SM6225 sensor驱动架构(1)_第2张图片
把sensor instance中这些API放到sns__sensor_instance_island.c


高通骁龙SM6225 sensor驱动架构(1)_第3张图片

把所有sensor & sensor instance island中调用的函数放到sns__hal_island.c中实现,主要是对寄存器的各种读写

(1) 把sensor中这些API放到sns_sensor.c中实现
高通骁龙SM6225 sensor驱动架构(1)_第4张图片
(2) 把sensor instance中这些API放到sns
高通骁龙SM6225 sensor驱动架构(1)_第5张图片

(3)所有sensor & sensor instance 非island中调用的函数放到sns__hal.c中实现。
高通骁龙SM6225 sensor驱动架构(1)_第6张图片
