Android-ConstraintLayout(约束布局)-Circular positioning (Added in 1.1)/Visibility behavior继续


layout_constraintCircle : references another widget id
layout_constraintCircleRadius : the distance to the other widget center
layout_constraintCircleAngle : which angle the widget should be at (in degrees, from 0 to 360)

a. 是和哪个控件关联

b. 距离该控件的半径

c. 属于360度的多少度?12点钟方向是0度,环绕一圈是360,这样就很容易计算了...








Circular 还是比较容易理解。下面接着说下Visibility behavior可见性吧。官方单独提出来说了,重点是View.GONE。这个和相对布局的可见性不太一样。其他布局的可见性如果设置为GONE,那么将不再成为布局的一个部分,也不可见。而约束性里面则不同,是一个部分,只是相对的margin什么的会被当做zero处理。(我想应该是为了保证控件之间的相互约束吧)


   意思也就是说:不可见控件,常规是不显示,并且不会成为布局的一个部分。danshnshindling of widgets being marked as View.GONE.

GONE widgets, as usual, are not going to be displayed and are not part of the layout itself (i.e. their actual dimensions will not be changed if marked as GONE).

But in terms of the layout computations, GONE widgets are still part of it, with an important distinction:

For the layout pass, their dimension will be considered as zero (basically, they will be resolved to a point)
If they have constraints to other widgets they will still be respected, but any margins will be as if equals to zero

This specific behavior allows to build layouts where you can temporarily mark widgets as being GONE, without breaking the layout (Fig. 7), 
which can be particularly useful when doing simple layout animations.



  • Dimension constraints
  • Chains
  • Virtual Helpers objects

回家吃个酒碗就回来继续,顺便回顾。争取下周回来暂时终结这个约束布局,进入下一个学习环节?-》自定义View+自定义(shape,selector,layer-list) -》 再后续进入事件分发机制和相关冲突解决(会深入一些)------还有好多东西需要整,哎,哎,YEAH!YES!

你可能感兴趣的:(Android-ConstraintLayout(约束布局)-Circular positioning (Added in 1.1)/Visibility behavior继续)