帮做Python编程、GitHub 编程帮做、调试GitHub 、GitHub 代写

You have decided to create a startup focused in data analytics with 2 of your colleagues. The 3 of you have identified a market need for a web based tool that provides a new means of interacting with existing data that provides new insights for your customers. Each team member will rate the participation of every other team co-member at each stage of the project. The peer feedback will be factored into each person’s class participation grade. The product:  Scrapes existing web site(s) for data.  (Optionally) Pulls additional data in from other web API’s (e.g. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)  P帮做Python编程作业、GitHub 编程作业帮做、调试GitHub 作业、GitHub 实验代写rovides a new web based user interface for interacting with the data  Summarizes the dataset to answer customer specific questions Technology stack:  The web app must be developed in Python 3 and Django 2  The web app must be hosted on Heroku  The source code must be stored in GitHub  The project must build on TravisCI  You may use any external Python libraries you wish to accomplish your goals.  You must use the starter project provided by your instructor Product management:  A Kanban or SCRUM process must be followed  The work must be managed as a GitHub Project & 转自:http://ass.3daixie.com/2018053140746280.html

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