
The Database Engine enables you to leverage the full capabilities of all of the other components, such as accessing, storing, and securing the data.

noun /'lɛvərɪdʒ/


diplomatic leverage by the US

The union's size gave it leverage in the labor contract negotiations.

The player's popularity has given him a great deal of leverage with the owners of the team.

diplomatic leverage

Retailers can exert leverage over producers by threatening to take their business elsewhere.

His function as a Mayor affords him the leverage to get things done through attending committee meetings.

influence that you can use to make people do what you want

influence or power used to achieve a desired result

the ability to influence what people do

Leverage is the ability to influence situations or people so that you can control what happens.


I used the leverage of the bar and a wooden block to pry the rock out of the hole.

A longer piece of wood would give you greater leverage

If the United Nations had more troops in the area, it would have greater leverage.

The spade and fork have longer shafts, providing better leverage.

the action, power, or use of a lever

the increase in force gained by using a lever

the act of using a lever to open or lift sth; the force used to do this

the action or advantage of using a lever

power to influence people and get the results you want

the power to make someone do what you want

the power that a lever gives you to move things

Leverage is the force that is applied to an object when something such as a lever is used.


the relationship between the amount of money that a company owes and the value of its shares

the ratio between the amount of money that a company owes to banks and the value of the company



the use of public funds to leverage private investment

The company needs to leverage its resources.

This system will help you to leverage your time so that you get more done.

to make money available to someone in order to invest or to buy something such as a company

to get as much advantage or profit as possible from sth that you have


leverage something across something

Reusable software is leveraged across many applications.

The company wants to leverage its brands more effectively.

He might feel that leveraging the company at a time when he sees tremendous growth opportunities would be a mistake.

to spread or use resources (=money, skills, buildings etc that an organization has available), ideas etc again in several different ways or in different parts of a company, system etc

to use (something valuable) to achieve a desired result

to use borrowed money to buy a company

to borrow money to buy a business, hoping that the business will make enough profit to pay the interest on the money that is borrowed

In business, to leverage a company or investment means to use borrowed money in order to buy it or pay for it.
