
一 《生命之光》Light on Life

你向往,光耀大地,You aspire to glory.

你追寻,爱的意义。You seek the meaning of love.

你擷取,生命的火种, You forge ahead, the flame of life,

照亮内心最美的地方,In the most beautiful place of my heart,

让美好,泛起涟漪。Let beauty ripple.

当热血,燃烧太阳的赤诚,When hot blood burns the sun's sincerity,

当玫瑰,手捧余香在歌唱,When the roses are singing,

啊,阳光之子,Ah, The son of the sun ,

操之在我。In my speaking.

智慧消融着迷惘,Wisdom dissolves its confusion,

坚毅担当着脊梁, Courage is the backbone,

爱的力量,无与伦比。The power of love is unmatched.

啊,生命之光Ah, light of life.

以爱之名,It‘s all about LOVE,

恒久、恩慈,Constancy and kindness.

愿君万康。May you be blessed.


永不止息,Never faileth.

点亮生命,Some amount of life.

伴君万康。Accompany you health.
