
Someone has a great fire in his soul,and nobody ever comes to warm themselves at it,and passers-by see nothing but alittle smoke at the top of the chimney and then go on their way.So now what are we to do?have salt in ourselves,wait patiently.But with how much impatience,await the hour?I say,when whoever wants to,will come and sit down there,will stay there.有些人内心当中藏着一把火,但从来没有人过来取暖,路人只能看到烟囱里冒出的一缕轻烟,都不予理睬,继续赶路。我们应该怎样守护内心的这把火呢?不忘初心,耐心等待。但等待那一刻的过程中,天知道到底会有多焦虑?我只想说,最终总会有人想要靠近,坐下,取暖。——梵高
