我与单车 - 骑行在澳洲 (上) Bike and Me - My Bike Journey in Adelaide, Australia(Part 1)

Cycling Artwork Made of Leaves 树叶骑行者 :)

The Starter


A Little Cycling Learner 学车的小女孩

Learning Journey As A Little Girl


I started to cycle with training wheels when I was only 3 or 4 years old. But until I was 6, I could not ride a bike ‘independently’. I still remembered it all happened on a sunny morning in the park. One of my favourite people, my mom’s colleague and good friend, helped me to learn to cycle. She said to me in the beginning, “Qianqian, I will be holding the back of your bike, so you just need to paddle and enjoy. Nothing to worry. You are in safe hands, ok? ” I nodded, firmly.

谈起我的车龄,我还是蛮自豪的 :)。3,4岁就开始骑那种带着两个后轮的儿童车。到了差不多6岁,终于学会骑车。很感谢妈妈的那个好朋友兼同事,也是我非常喜欢的一位大姐姐的帮助。也感谢那个阳光灿烂的清晨,公园里,努力的我。还记得姐姐一见到我,就对我说,“倩倩,我会在你身后,扶着你的后座的。所以你只管放开骑并享受这个过程就好。不用担心其他。“ 我听了,坚定地点点头。

After a while, she jumped in front of me, “Congrats, you can ride now!” She announced this news excitedly. Then I got to know her hands were purposely off at some point when I was riding, but I could still ride very well without her support.


Thinking back, that moment is still so magical to me. I guess a lot of things in our life are the same. A skill itself might not be that hard to learn/master, but your mentality is the key. A negative mentality could even be your major learning barrier.


Why Do I Love Cycling? Well, 3 main reasons:


*   I feel connected and grounded to the world, especially to nature when I cycle. Because I can embrace the beautiful sunlight on my face, feel a nice breeze blowing through my hair, smell the fresh air and floral scent along the way. Also, I like the feeling of noticing some small changes, such as blossomed flowers or some colour changed leaves after a rain overnight.


*Pedalling is a type of exercise, and it can make me happy and fit.


*It’s a mode of transport, VERY environmentally friendly! And it’s so flexible. There are not many places that a bike cannot access to, right?


In Spite of Being A Bike Lover, I Didn’t Ride A Bike in My First TWO Years (Almost) in Adelaide. Why?


•  I needed to buy a bike

• 我需要买车

As an international student back then, my budget was quite tight. Buying a decent bike is not cheap. While back in my hometown, I didn’t need to buy one. We could just hire and ride a public bike for free for 4 hours, before returning it to a bicycle station. There were over 50 stations across the city, so I was a big supporter and user for this green and convenient service.  


A Bike Rental Station in My Hometown 我家乡的自行车租借点

In Adelaide, you can hire a bike for free, too. For more information, please refer to this link: https://www.bikesa.asn.au/adelaidefreebikes But the stations are mainly in CBD. That means I cannot ride to work. But it is great for other purposes though. For example, you can cycle in the city, then follow the bike path along the River Torrens to West Beach with your friends on weekends. Trust me, the view is, magnificent!



Riverside 河畔
In the Middle of These Two Parts 中间点
The Ocean End 河流入海口 

The Vast Sea 广阔无垠的大海 :)

•  A different concept of riding a bike here 

• 两国骑自行车的理念也很不同

In China, a bicycle is used more like a mode of transport. While here, cycling is more like a form of exercise and entertainment. One of my friends meet his friends every weekend and cycle to Adelaide hills for a whole morning. They enjoy it as a way of socialising, racing and challenging themselves. Vehicles dominate here, so I was told by my friends, “Don’t cycle to the city. It’s dangerous, too many cars. ”


由此可见,在这边,汽车才是老大,占据绝对霸权。(小贴士奉上,如果想来澳洲留学,可以考虑在国内先拿到驾照哦~)所以很多朋友都不鼓励我骑车,说:“去市里就不要骑车啦。太危险,太多车了。 ”

•  More rules here

• 这里有更多的规则

For example, you are required to wear a helmet while riding. Also, if you cycle in the evening, your bike has to have light reflectors, too. These scared me a bit. I was thinking, why do they have so many rules? Is it because of many accidents that have happened previously?   


Started My Cycling Journey in Adelaide


How Did I Change My Mind and Get My First Bike in Adelaide?


After neglecting my desire for almost 2 years, I met my supervisor during the second placement for my Master’s study. She is from Netherland, a true bicycle enthusiast. She cycled to work every single day. After expressing my love and concern for cycling here, she said,


“You should do it. Don’t ever let your fear get in the way of your passion. Sometimes they are only walls built within yourself.”


So I decided to give it a try. Everyone’s experience and feeling towards something is different anyway. Ok. The first step is, to get a bike. After searching online, I asked one of my friends, who I met in UniSA Leadership Program, a cyclist, “Do you know where I can get a good second-hand bike? I know I can try Gumtree (a popular community trade website with free Local Classifieds Ads), but I don’t know how to tell whether a bicycle is in a good condition. ” She said, “Oh, actually I have one more bike at home. I can sell it to you, if you don’t mind?” 


说干就干!第一步,买自行车。咱新的买不起,就买二手的。搜索一番后,我问起一位单车爱好者,在参加大学领导力项目上认识的朋友,“你知道在哪里能买到一辆好的二手车吗?我知道Gumtree(一个当地的知名社区交易网站,能发布各类免费广告)上有,但我不知道如何鉴定车是否依然状态可佳。” 她想了想,说,“对了,我家正好还有一辆自行车。如果你不介意,我可以把它卖给你。”

Deal. See, spreading your message is important. If you want something, tell your friends, let them know. You never know what resources they have among their networks. All in all, remember, we live in a big community。

成交!:) 看,交流多重要。所以当你想要什么,或想做什么,记得告诉你的朋友。因为你可能会被他们拥有的潜在人脉或资源惊喜到哦:)。找工作同样也是如此。总而言之,请记住我们生活在一个大社区里,地球村嘛:)

So I bought my first bike, yay! I felt very excited to start my cycling journey to work, FINALLY. But thinking back, I realised how innocent and daring I was.


I started to ride without knowing any road rules here. I thought I should be fine, because I was a safe rider in China. So you could imagine I had a lot of special moments. For example, I was thinking, which rules applied to me, the rules as a pedestrian or a car? (In China, the answer is as a pedestrian. But here is the opposite.) And what should I do when I am at a roundabout?


What I ended up doing was to wait until the road was all clear or to follow other cyclists. I saw them signalling their intention by fully extending their arm out from the body in the direction that they intend to turn or change lanes. I felt a bit uncomfortable doing that, because it was, so new to me.

由于什么都不知道,我当时的策略就是,等到道路全部清空后再走,或效仿身边其他的骑车小伙伴们。我注意到他们在拐弯或变道时,会打开同方向的手臂来表明他们下一秒的意图 (如下图)。我刚开始做还觉得很不习惯,因为它对我来说,太新鲜。

From Bike Exchange Website 图片来自Bike Exchange 官网

So, to a new rider in Adelaide, I would strongly recommend you read some related articles or attend a free “Be Safe, Be Seen” workshop by BikeSA. Here are two great articles for you:

因此,在这里,对于想在阿德莱德骑车的新人们,我强烈建议你们读一些介绍相关法规的文章或参加BikeSA举办的免费信息分享会“Be Safe,Be Seen”。这里我也是贴上了两篇很棒的文章,可以阅读下 (毕竟安全第一,安心也很重要):



How Did I Feel When I First Rode A Bike Here?


I had to admit, it was a bit overwhelming because there were a lot more cars on the road than in my hometown. Therefore, I normally would avoid riding during peak hours, and to choose either before 8am or after 6pm, instead. Also, by using the website https://maps.sa.gov.au//cycleinstead/, I was able to cycle along on the least congested routes.


But normally cars would wait for us to pass first. A recently released policy requires drivers to give a minimum of one metre when passing a cyclist. Hope this gives you more confidence to ride a bike. Also, I discovered some very nice dedicated roads for cyclists in CBD. Some are even surrounded by grass. I haven’t experienced this type of superb treatment in China before. J You can tell the local government is very supportive of riders.  


Nationally, every October, in most cities in Australia, they have a Ride2Work Day, https://www.bicyclenetwork.com.au/rides-and-events/ride2work/. It is to encourage people to jump on their bikes and get active on their way to work. You can get a lot of resources and free breakfast there. :) Thanks!


I love riding in early mornings and singing along (if no one was on the road ).  It is so tranquil, and you could smell the freshness in the air, full of grass and nature. 


Two Grateful Moments in My Early Riding Days


First Moment - Caring Strangers

第一个瞬间 – 来自陌生人的关心

It happened on my way home. The road was uphill, adding challenges to my ride. After using a lot of my energy, I decided to get off my bike and walk with it. A few cyclists passed by, and they all stopped and asked me: “Are you ok?” Aww. What a caring heart behind this short and simple message! This really reminded me of the importance of always showing your kindness to another human being. Sometimes it may not mean much to you, but that thoughtful and warm gesture could really make a person’s day. Always be caring and sending positive energy to the people around you :)

故事发生在我回家的路上。那是上坡路,骑起来真心很累。拼搏一阵后,在快到家时,我的体能实在急需“续航”,只好跳下车,开始推着它往家走。途中,身边陆续有一些同是骑车的人经过,他们都会停下来,关切的问我:“你还好吗? ”哇。虽然只是简短的一句问候,但我可以感受到它背后所传递的那份爱心。这次经历时刻提醒着我对身边的人表达善意与关怀的重要。有时候一个小小的举动对你来说真得不算什么,但那份心意,那份温暖却可能会让另一个人感动一整天。所以让我们尽可能地多多关心他人吧,向这个世界散发出属于你的独一无二的正能量!:)

Next up I will continue my riding experience: my second grateful moment and lovely and supportive riding community in Adelaide. See you next month :) 

下集将继续讲述我在阿德的骑行故事,第二个感恩瞬间以及当地友好的骑行社区。下个月见啦 :)

你可能感兴趣的:(我与单车 - 骑行在澳洲 (上) Bike and Me - My Bike Journey in Adelaide, Australia(Part 1))