
Overkill=== much more than is needed.  多此一举 the new HR guidelines on KPI seems like to excessive.

feed into. 做贡献 === contribute to / towards.

Down turn n 下滑= downshift v 变慢 降低速度 = downsize.b.  缩减

there is evidence of downturn in the housing market.

关键绩效指标评估一个组织或特定活动的成效。 evaluate the success of

Speech competition evaluate the success of being a good public speaker. 

KPI evaluate the success of an organization  or of an particular activity in which it engages.

Reinvent the whell.  多此一举

Why reinvent the whell, if it works ?

Pick your brain.  询问。建议。

if you have one minute to share, i like to pick your brain about performance metrics. 性能指标问题

在金融危机期间,每天都有严峻而令人沮丧的经济新闻。 during the financial crisis, there were grim economic news everyday,

Saturated 饱和的。satisfied. 满意的。satirical. 讽刺的。


I still have a large room to improve, it’s far form being saturated.    it’s  far from being

We still have a large market to explore, it’s far from being saturated.

To find a foothold  寻找立足之地,固定搭配

你必须用尽可能多的竞争力武装自己,以求在社会上寻求一个立足之地。  have to equip yourself with competencies as you can.

You have to equip yourself with many competencies as you can to find a foothold

I turely  know that you need  equip yourself with many competencies as you can to find a foothold.
