Improve Blazor App UX with a Navigation Bar

Improve Blazor App UX with a Navigation Bar

November 23, 2023

Telerik UI for Blazor V5.0 helps you build a visually pleasing navigation experience with its new AppBar component.

Improve Blazor App UX with a Navigation Bar_第1张图片

Telerik UI for Blazor is a comprehensive UI library that provides over 110 native Blazor components for building modern and feature-rich web applications. This professional-grade solution offers a complete set of components to satisfy all user interface requirements, saving time and effort in UI design.

Telerik UI for Blazor R3 2023 SP1 (v5.0.0) introduces the AppBar component, empowering developers to create personalized navigation bars that seamlessly integrate with their application's design. The AppBar is fully customizable with control over height, width, position, theme color, and layout, the ability to choose between sticky, fixed, or static behavior, and the option to define and reorder navigation items for an optimal navigation flow. The new component delivers a seamless and visually appealing navigation experience that allows users to effortlessly navigate your application, switch between screens, and maintain contextual awareness throughout their journey.

Telerik UI for Blazor R3 2023 SP1 (v5.0.0)

Released: Nov 15, 2023

Updates in R3 2023 SP1 (v5.0.0)

  • Common
    • Added support for Microsoft .NET 8.
    • Added new AppBar component used to easily create app navigation bars.
    • Telerik Document Processing Library (DPL) version has been updated to 2023.3.1106.
    • Telerik DataSource version has been updated to 3.0.0.
    • Added compatibility with 'DateOnly' and 'TimeOnly' types.
  • Breaking Changes
    • Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 extension is no longer supported.
    • Microsoft.NET 5.0 is no longer supported.
    • Microsoft .NET Core 3.1 is no longer supported.
    • Telerik UI for Blazor nuget package now targets .NET 6.0.
  • Dependencies
    • Fluent Theme version has been updated to version v.7.0.2.
    • Material Theme version has been updated to version v.7.0.2.
    • Bootstrap Theme version has been updated to version v.7.0.2.
    • Default Theme version has been updated to version v.7.0.2.
  • DropZone
    • Configured user ability to drop multiple files.
  • Editor
    • Added a SpellCheck parameter.
  • Gantt
    • Added a Column Menu.
  • Grid
    • Added a FilterRow to comply with accessibility specification.
    • You can now use styled TelerikValidationSummary in Grid and TreeList popup edit form.
  • MaskedTextBox
    • Added SpellCheck and AutoCapitalize parameters.
  • MultiSelect
    • Improved accessibility.
  • Scheduler
    • Added the correct start and end time in the SlotTemplate context in the Timeline view.
    • Pressing F10 should now focus the toolbar.
  • TextArea
    • Added SpellCheck and AutoCapitalize parameters.
  • TextBox
    • Added SpellCheck and AutoCapitalize parameters.
  • TreeList
    • You can now use styled TelerikValidationSummary in Grid and TreeList popup edit form.
    • Added a Column Menu.
    • Now complies with accessibility specification.
  • TreeView
    • Added Drag Events.
  • WordsProcessing
    • Introduced а mechanism to replicate the whole row when a nested mail merge is executed on a table with only one column.
  • AutoComplete
    • Value modifications with the arrow keys should be prevented when ReadOnly=true.
    • JavaScript error on browser autofill.
    • ComboBox/DropDownList virtual scrolling breaks when you slowly scroll up after selecting an item.
  • ColorPicker
    • ColorPicker Tab keyboard sequence is broken.
  • ComboBox
    • Value modifications with the arrow keys should be prevented when ReadOnly=true.
    • JavaScript error on browser autofill.
    • ComboBox dropdown will not open or close in Apple Safari.
    • ComboBox/DropDownList virtual scrolling breaks when you slowly scroll up after selecting an item.
  • ContextMenu
    • FileManager in Window/Dialog does not show the ContextMenu.
    • Showing the context menu via its API method does not set its z-index.
  • DateInput
    • Format parameter is not reactive.
    • In Safari, using the Up and Down Arrow to modify the value shifts the selection to a different segment.
  • DatePicker
    • Format parameter is not reactive.
    • Accessibility and focus improvements.
    • Nullable DateTime with . (dot) separator allows you to enter invalid input.
    • In Safari, using the Up and Down Arrow to modify the value shifts the selection to a different segment.
  • DateRangePicker
    • Format parameter is not reactive.
    • DateRangePicker renders aria-activedescendant attribute that points to a non-rendered element.
    • Accessibility and focus improvements.
    • In Safari, using the Up and Down Arrow to modify the value shifts the selection to a different segment.
  • DateTimePicker
    • Format parameter is not reactive.
    • Accessibility and focus improvements.
    • In Safari, using the Up and Down Arrow to modify the value shifts the selection to a different segment.
  • DropDownList
    • Value modifications with the arrow keys should be prevented when ReadOnly=true.
    • ComboBox/DropDownList virtual scrolling breaks when you slowly scroll up after selecting an item.
    • Freezes upon item selection when in a Window, and the Data has LINQ expressions.
  • Editor
    • Programmatically setting the Editor value including a table throws for invalid table content.
    • Image Dialog throws for resized focused images.
    • Additional br element appears in empty table cells and paragraphs on Editor reinitialization.
  • FileManager
    • FileManager in Window/Dialog does not show the ContextMenu.
  • FileSelect
    • The restriction of selecting only one file when Multiple=false is bypassed when files are dragged.
    • The implementation of the ReadAsync method is slower than the standard ReadAsync.
  • Grid
    • Enum DropDownList Editor should have a popup MaxHeight.
    • FilterRow filter list item menu has no accessible name.
    • Remove the tabindex attribute from the Grid content element.
    • Navigation breaks if grouping by more than one column.
    • System.ObjectDisposedException: Cannot process pending renders after the renderer has been disposed.
    • Popup Editing validation message falls on several lines when it begins with a 1-2 character word.
    • SelectedItemsChanged event is fired when no changes to the selected items are performed.
    • Grid headers are misaligned if they are navigated in scrolling scenario.
  • GridLayout
    • GridLayoutRow and GridLayoutColumn should not expose Class parameter.
  • ListBox
    • ListBox throws on Ctrl + Shift + LeftArrow keyboard combination.
    • Selection with the Space key scrolls the page.
  • MultiColumnComboBox
    • Value modifications with the arrow keys should be prevented when ReadOnly=true.
    • JavaScript error on browser autofill.
    • ComboBox/DropDownList virtual scrolling breaks when you slowly scroll up after selecting an item.
  • MultiSelect
    • Value modifications with the arrow keys should be prevented when ReadOnly=true.
    • ComboBox/DropDownList virtual scrolling breaks when you slowly scroll up after selecting an item.
    • No focus is set when deselecting/clearing a single item through mouse click.
  • NumericTextBox
    • aria-value related attributes should not be present if Min and Max are not set.
    • Cannot copy/paste with the keyboard in NumericTextBox on Mac/Safari.
  • Pager
    • Grid pager's content disappears when you zoom out and does not reappear after.
  • PivotGrid
    • Grid headers are misaligned if they are navigated in scrolling scenario.
  • Slider
    • The Slider default button type is submit, which causes an unexpected form submission.
  • TabStrip
    • Programmatically changing the active tab in a scrollable TabStrip does not update the scroll position.
  • TimePicker
    • Format parameter is not reactive.
    • Accessibility and focus improvements.
    • In Safari, using the Up and Down Arrow to modify the value shifts the selection to a different segment.
  • Tooltip
    • Tooltip does not hide if the target element is hidden.
    • Tooltip marker shows on wrong position.
  • TreeList
    • Sorted column is not correctly highlighted.
    • Enum DropDownList Editor should have a popup MaxHeight.
    • Rendering does not update when adding a new item until you collapse and expand the node whose children were modified.
    • Grid headers are misaligned if they are navigated in scrolling scenario.
  • Upload
    • The restriction of selecting only one file when Multiple=false is bypassed when files are dragged.
  • Window
    • Window restore button has incorrect tooltip.
  • PdfProcessing
    • Wrong font file loaded when CidType2Font with Standard name.
    • An OverflowException is thrown when importing a document with a signature that has an empty Location string.
    • An InvalidOperationException is thrown when re-rendering an encoded image.
    • An IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when concurrent accessing the FontsRepository.RegisterFont method from different threads.
    • An endless loop when trying to parse image data between ID and EI keywords.
    • An Exception is thrown when trying to import a file generated with the PdfProcessing library from HTML.
  • SpreadProcessing
    • A System.ArgumentException is thrown when protecting a sheet in an async scenario.
    • An InvalidOperationException is thrown in files where the Comments part is imported after the ThreadedComments part.
    • А FormulaParseException when importing XLS document containing #REF error in the formula.
    • OpenOffice cannot open the generated XLSX files.
  • WordsProcessing
    • A NullReferenceException is thrown when a nested mail merge group starts inside a table and ends outside the table.
    • Merge field group in a single table cell causes it to replicate more times than expected.
    • PdfFormatProvider: Exception is thrown when converting a table with empty runs in the cells.
    • The list item (HTML) that contains a paragraph is shown on the next line when exported to PDF.
    • Importing a DOC file where the entire content is in a table, leads to an endless loop.
    • Having an empty list in HTML documents breaks the other lists' numbering during import.
    • Fonts that are not surrounded by curly braces cannot be imported in the RTF format.
    • ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing documents containing linked picture references.
  • ZipLibrary
    • A System.NotSupportedException is thrown when trying to serialize a class into an ArchiveEntry stream.
