[Sophia 学习笔记]-English 015 Electric Scooters rents out start-ups valued high in the venture capita...

Bird, a start-up that rents out electric scooters, is being valued at $2.5 billion in a new funding round led by the venture capital firm Sequocia Capital,according to three people with knowledge of the deal.

The funding puts Bird's valuation slightly above the $2.3 billion that it was pegged at last year. At the time, the $2.3 billion figure represented double the start-up's previous valuation, as venture capital investors fought to pour money into scooter start-ups.

[Language points]:

electric scooter: 电动电车( scooter: 踏板车)

founding round: 融资轮次

venture capital: 风险资本,风险投资

with knowledge of: 对……有了解

valuation: 估值

peg: 用……钉住,用……标定

pour: 倾注、倾倒

Sequoia Capital: 红杉资本

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