未来教育的趋势 Future of education


As we move forward into the 21st century, our education system will start to integrate more elements of society & digital as our worlds start to converge in. As indicated from my last post, the future of jobs are starting to become more competitive, whether it’s coming from abroad or from automation. 

终生学习、解决问题的能力、4C (审辩思维、创造力、沟通能力和合作能力)将越来越被重视。The trends of education thus will start to extend beyond that of college degrees, starting to lead more into life long learning (whereby learning is consistent throughout all ages). As you can see, competencies will become more important than ever, rather than seeing grades on a test. This means that we’ll have to achieve the ability to accomplish tasks or actions to solve authentic problems (something which PBL is meant to support us on…more on that in my PBL post). And to really start to identify the competencies that matter. As I was previously exposed to P21’s 4C (critical thinking, creativity, communication & collaboration) model, it certainly showed me that competencies are the future measure of success for all learners alike. Global competency is also another factor that the 21st century will embrace and is a crucial role in today’s competitive workforce.


Finally, there’s a matter of the systemic change from being a national education system to a global ecosystem. I believe that as our worlds become more integrated, it will also be key to embrace an overarching change in systems from subject-based curriculum lecture approach to a more holistic interdisciplinary project-based facilitated approach. This would provide students with a better understanding of how and why we deal with the issues outside of the classroom and for the policy makers to also prepare the next generation for an impending technologically ready workforce. Please check out the following screenshots for more on the rising trends in education futures. Until next time… 

For more information about the futures of education, please check out GEF (global education futures: https://edu2035.org) which I’ve referenced a lot in the last few years. They’ve predictive models and evidence showing the trends of where education will lead to and the possibilities countries might take to get there. This year is also the mark of global competency as the PISA will officially take this into account (will talk more about this in the coming post and how you should think about handling this)

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