They bought three more dogs that morning, and a quarter of an hour later all nine dogs were in harness and on their way up the Dyea Canyon. 那个早晨,他们又买了三条狗,一小时又一刻钟之后,就条狗都套上了腕具,直奔泰依峡谷而去。 Buck was not sorry to be moving , and although it was hard work, he almost enjoyed it . 巴克并不觉得奔跑是一件坏事情,虽然这活儿不轻,他却几乎着了迷。 He was also surprised to see that Dave and Solleks no longer looked bored and miserable . 让他更惊讶的是他看到戴夫和索拉克斯不再萎靡不振,无精打采。 Pulling in a harness was their job, and they were happy to do it . 套上腕具拉雪橇是他们的工作,他们是乐此不疲的。 Dave was sledge dog, the dog nearest to the sledge. 戴夫最靠近雪橇,也就是所谓的雪橇狗。 In front of them were the six other dogs, with Spitz as leader at the front. 他们前面是另外6条狗,斯皮兹跑在最前头,他是领队。 Francois had put Buck between Dave and Solleks because they could each him the work . 弗朗索瓦斯把巴克放到戴夫和索拉克斯之间,因为他们能教他如何工作。 Buck learnt well, and they were good teachers. 巴克学的很快,而他俩也是好老师。 When Buck pulled the wrong way, Dave always bit his leg, but only lightly. 当巴克拉错了的时候,戴夫就咬他的腿,但只是轻轻地。 Once, when they stopped, Buck got tied up in his harness, and it took ten minutes to get started again. 有一次,当他们停下来时,巴克在腕具里扭了结。 Both Dave and Solleks gave him a good beating for that mistake. 戴夫和索拉克斯为此狠狠揍了他一顿。 Buck understood, and was more careful after that. 巴克自知罪责难逃,从此加倍小心。 It was a hard day's journey, up the Dyea Canyon and into the mountains. 这一天旅途异常辛劳,翻过泰依峡谷进入山区。 They camped that night at Lake Bennett. 那晚他们在贝耐湖湖边宿营。 Here there were thousands of gold miners . 这有成千上万的淘金者。