D-Day: America’s mid-terms

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D-Day: America’s mid-terms

  • D-Day 重大事情预定发生日;计划行动开始日(a date on which sth important is expected to happen)
  1. It seems odd to say more is at stake today, when the presidency will not change hands, than in the presidential election of 2016, but that might be the case.
  • at stake 利害攸关;在危急关头
  1. Then, Trumpism was an untested quantity.
  • Trumpism (类似于socialism,这里指川普主义)
  • untested 未经试验的,未经考验的
  1. No longer.

  2. America’s economy is booming and unemployment is low.

  3. Tariffs have benefited some groups of workers.

  • tariff 关税
  1. The president has sounded tough on Iran and on China.
  • 这里有两个on,第二个不能省略吗?
  1. President Donald Trump could have gone to voters with a positive message based on these things.

  2. But instead he has chosen to sow fear of an “invasion” by bedraggled Central Americans, and released an election advert, accusing Democrats of welcoming murderers into the country, that several networks pulled or refused to run for its race-baiting.

  • invasion 侵袭; 入侵,侵略; 侵害,侵犯
  • bedraggled 全身泥污的;破旧的;拖泥带水的
  • race-baiting 种族迫害
  1. If Republicans defy expectations and hold both houses of Congress, it will be a vindication of that strategy, and will invite more fear-mongering in future elections.
  • defy 蔑视;违抗;反抗;无法(相信、解释、描绘等)
  • both houses of Congress 参众两院
  • vindication 辩护;辩明;洗冤
  1. Tomorrow, the world will see which path America has chosen.
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