

LaTeX 符号 说明 How to read letter?
\mathit{x} \mathit{x} 标量
\boldsymbol{x} \boldsymbol{x} 向量
\mathrm{x} \mathrm{x} 变量集
\mathbf{A} \AA\mathbf{A} 矩阵
\mathbf{I} \mathbf{I} 单位阵
\mathcal{X} \mathcal{X} 样本空间或状态空间 calligraphic X
\mathcal{D} \mathcal{D} 概率分布 Ɗ calligraphic D
\mathit{H} \mathit{D} 数据样本(数据集)
\mathcal{H} \mathcal{H} 假设空间 calligraphic H
\mathit{H} \mathit{H} 假设集
\mathfrak{L} \mathfrak{L} 学习算法
 is Gothic L ;


frak L

fraktur L

\left ( \cdot ,\cdot ,\cdot  \right ) \left ( \cdot ,\cdot ,\cdot \right ) 行向量
\left ( \cdot ;\cdot ;\cdot \right ) \left ( \cdot ;\cdot ;\cdot \right ) 列向量
\left ( \cdot  \right )^{T} \left ( \cdot \right )^{T} 向量或矩阵转置
\left \{  \cdot \cdot \cdot \right \} \left \{ \cdot \cdot \cdot \right \} 集合
\left | \left \{ \cdot \cdot \cdot \right \} \right | \left | \left \{ \cdot \cdot \cdot \right \} \right | 集合\left \{ \cdot \cdot \cdot \right \}中元素个数
\left \| \cdot  \right \|_{p} \left \| \cdot \right \|_{p} \mathbf{L}_{p}范数,\mathit{p}缺省时为\mathbf{L}_{2}范数
\mathit{P}\left ( \cdot  \right ),\mathit{P}\left ( \cdot |\cdot  \right ) \mathit{P}\left ( \cdot \right ),\mathit{P}\left ( \cdot |\cdot \right ) 概率质量函数,条件概率质量函数
\mathit{p}\left ( \cdot  \right ),\mathit{p}\left ( \cdot  | \cdot \right ) \mathit{p}\left ( \cdot \right ),\mathit{p}\left ( \cdot | \cdot \right ) 概率密度函数,条件概率密度函数
\mathbb{E}_{\cdot \sim \mathcal{D}}\left [ f\! \left ( \cdot \right ) \right ] \mathbb{E}_{\cdot \sim \mathcal{D}}\left [ f\! \left ( \cdot \right ) \right ] 函数 f\! \left ( \cdot \right ) 对 \cdot 在分布 \mathcal{D} 下的数学期望;意义明确是将省略 \mathcal{D} 和(或)\cdot 
sup\left ( \cdot \right ) sup\left ( \cdot \right ) 上确界 Supremum
\mathbb{I}\! \left ( \cdot  \right ) \mathbb{I}\! \left ( \cdot \right ) 指示函数,在 \cdot  为真和假分别取值为1 , 0
sign\left ( \cdot  \right ) sign\left ( \cdot \right ) 符号函数,在 \cdot < 0, = 0 , >  0 时分别取值为 -1,0,1

How to read?

 is blackboard A;  is Gothic A.

If there is only one  being used, though, we read it as A regardless to the font.

This is a soft question. We can read the letters , etc. as bold A, bold B, etc. We can read the letters AABB, etc. as italic A, italic B, etc. We can read the letters \mathcal{A}\mathcal{B}, etc. as calligraphic A, calligraphic B, etc. But how do we read letters such as , etc., or , etc.?

  • 5
    I think ,, reads 'Blackboard bold A, Blackboard bold B' and , reads 'Fraktur A, Fraktur B'. 
    – Hanul Jeon
     Jan 22, 2013 at 13:23 
  • 10
    I usually just pronounce them as ,  etc. It's rare to ''speak matematics'' without any support of written text, either in a book or on a blackboard, so it rarely causes any misunderstandings. 
    – mrf
     Jan 22, 2013 at 13:23 
  • I would say blackboard bold A or script A, respectively. 
    – Clayton
     Jan 22, 2013 at 13:24
  • 1
    Considering the TeX language, I usually speak bb A or cal A or frak A, since we use \mathbb\mathcal or \mathfrak
    – Sigur
     Jan 22, 2013 at 13:35
  • 1
    @Clayton (and others who suggested 'script' for Gothic): How would you read ? 
    – Asaf Karagila
     Jan 22, 2013 at 13:36
  • 1
    @AsafKaragila: Exactly the same, actually. I tend not to get hung up on specifics. If the notation calls for it, I would use A_{1}, A_{2}, etc. as opposed to using the same letter in different fonts for multiple meanings. 
    – Clayton

     Jan 23, 2013 at 0:37

I think it is just acceptable to say "A" and "B"...

It is quite rare that you have to read out aloud any maths that has the same letter appearing in two different fonts like this.

Please read out loud the following sentence:   \mathit{p} \in \mathbb{P} \in \mathcal{P}\! \left ( A \right )
–  Asaf Karagila
  Jan 22, 2013 at 13:46
  • 12
    "Small pee is an element of pee which is a subset of the powerset of A"? 
    –  Willie Wong
      Jan 22, 2013 at 13:54
  • 2
    If I were teaching a class, I'd read that as "let p be a subset of A chosen in the family big p" (or something similar according to context) 
    –  Andrea Mori
      Jan 22, 2013 at 14:35
  • Yes but how often does such a sentence come up in everyday maths? Also usually there is a bit of context which allows you to get round having to read it exactly as it is written...for example "our subset  of " 
    –  fretty
      Jan 24, 2013 at 9:59


✍ Calligraphy ̲ℯ̲̲̲ font generator - (fsymbols.com)

上确界_百度百科 (baidu.com)

  Text, Fonts & Gothic symbols (letraspro.com)soft question - How to read letters such as $\mathbb A$, $\mathbb B$, etc., or $\mathfrak A$, $\mathfrak B$, etc.? - Mathematics Stack Exchange
