







3.T/F (6分)

4.听写 (10)分。



6道题目的核心单词是:active in maths class, seat belt, make cookies, pretty clothes, cycling, swimming pool,辨识度还是非常明显的。







本次听写的文章,是一个故事,小女孩KITTY在父亲的指导下,为妈妈种花庆祝生日的故事。整篇文章同样延续了“友好”的风格。故事内容很好理解。故事中包含的长单词有:birthday, beautiful, plastic, surprised, special。



A. listen and choose the right picture.


1. Alice is always active in maths lessons.

2. We must wear seat belts when we travel by car.

3. Nowadays, it is popular to make cookies at home.

4. The pretty clothes in the shop caught Helen's eye.

5. Cycling is good exercise, isn't it?

6. Jane and her daughter are having a good time in the swimming pool.

B. listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.


7. A: Wow, so many apples here. They're my favorite.

B: Yes, apples are good, but I like oranges best question.

Question: What is the woman's favorite fruit?

8. A: When will the foreign students arrive at our school tomorrow?

B: At nine o'clock in the morning, and the welcome party will start at nine fifteen.

Question: When will the foreign students arrive?

9. A: Are we driving to the Century Park, Tony?

B: Well, it's difficult to find a parking space there. Let's take the underground.

Question: How will they go to the Century Park?

10. A: What a day! It's raining again.

B: Yes, it is. It has rained for a whole week. Hope it'll be sunny tomorrow.

Question: How's the weather today?

11. A: Hey John, any plans for your summer holiday?

B: I'm going to visit my uncle in Beijing. What about you?

A: I'll go to a language camp in London with my classmates.

Question: What will John do in the summer holiday?

12. A: Tom, go to the store downstairs and get some salt for me. I'm busy cooking.

B: Okay Mom, I'll go right away.

Question: Where does this dialogue probably take place?

13. A: This pair of shoes looks perfect on you, sir.

B: Thanks. Um, but it's a little bigger.

A: OK, try on this pair please, size 41.

Question: What's the probable relationship between the two speakers?

14. A: I happened to meet your sister Lucy in the supermarket. She didn't recognize me at first.

B: It's not surprising. You've put on too much weight recently. It's time for you to do something.

Question: What does the woman suggest the man do?

C. listen to the dialogue and tell whether the following statements are true or false.


A: Hello, my name is Simon. Are you a new student?

B: Yes, I am. My name is Mary. Nice to meet you.

A: Nice to meet you too. I have studied in this college for two years. How do you like your college life?

B: It's wonderful. And I'm really enjoying the courses.

A: Me too. I think the courses are very interesting. The teachers are excellent and I love classroom discussions. We can express our own feelings freely. That's lots of fun.

B: Yes, exactly. But I cannot find anything interesting to do after class.

A: You can join some clubs. And I think you can also do some volunteer work. I have joined avolunteer organization. I will work as a volunteer for an international exhibition.Itwill be in Shanghai, China.

B: Oh, really? That sounds great. By the way, when are you leaving?

A: In five months. The city of Shanghai looks so attractive on TV. I have always wanted to visit it.

B: Me too. I hope I will have a chance to go there in the future. Wish you good luck in China.

A: Thank you.

D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences.


Kitty's family had just moved to a new house. It was their first spring there. Kitty was very excited because it was Mom's birthday today. She wanted to plant a little garden with a lot of beautiful flowers for Mom as a birthday present. So she went to a flower shop and bought some flowers with all her pocket money. When Dad saw the flowers, he laughed because they were not real. They were plastic. Dad told kitty they couldn't plant plastic flowers in the garden because they wouldn't grow. Kitty was so sad and she started to cry. Moments later, Dad got a good idea. He went to his friend Mr White to borrow some flower seeds. With the seeds, they started their work. They planted the seeds and put the plastic flowers above them. They worked in the garden for three hours. When Mom got back, she was surprised to see the plastic flowers in the garden. But after hearing the whole story, she was moved to tears by the special present. It was a present full of love.


写作延续了昨天语文“真的不容易”的“接地气”风格,看一下今年的写作题My progress,(以“我进步了”为题,写一片不少于60字的短文。)你在生活或学习中一定取得过不少进步,比如生活技能的获得,学习方法的掌握,良好习惯的养成。请选择其中一方面,结合自身经历,谈一谈你是如何取得这一进步的。

The following is for reference only. (以下表达仅供参考)

used to do/be... try my best to... make progress in(doing)...


2010 I’m proud of myself

What kind of person are you?

What makes you proud of yourself?

Why are you proud of yourself?

2011 I’m a member of ______

Are you glad to be a member of …?

What do you do in it?

How do you feel as such a member?

2012 Write a letter in at least 60 words according to the given situation

Suppose you are Joe. Your friend Betty is upset about a coming exam for she cares too much about the result. What do you think? Try to offer her some advice. (假如你是Joe, 你的好朋友Betty 因为过于在意考试结果而感到焦虑。请给她写一封信,谈谈你的看法,并给她一些建议。)

2013 How to protect myself


Phrases for reference(以下短语仅供参考):

ask…for help calm down in danger prevent. . . from

2014 This time next year


The following sentence patterns are for reference only (以下句型仅供参考)

I hope to / I hope that…

Perhaps I will…

It will be exciting/necessary/terrible to…

2015 I want to invent _____

The following is for reference only. (以下表达仅供参考)

It can be used to…

It will be exciting/necessary/helpful to…

2016 I’m ready


Independent/ be good at…

Responsible/ take part in…

Hardworking/ it helps me to…

2017 There’s always hope


The following is for reference only. (以下表达仅供参考)

get out of difficulty give... a hand never lose hope



8分(内容结构)+8分(语言--拼写/语言/大小写标点)+4分(文采 – 好词好句)







所以,中考英语作文考查的标准就是1、内容是否扣题 2、用词是否准确,句子是否符合语法规则 3、语言是否连贯与通顺。





