这还是以前在spoj上A的一道题,不过直接在poj提交时Time Limit Exceeded,本打算有时间把算法重新优化一下,昨天无聊把输入改为scanf试试,没想到竟然过了,意料之外。
例 图1
首先出现线段(0,0)-(10,0),长度l=10,往上遇到(0,3)-(3,3)、(7,3)-(10,3),相对高度h=3,此时面积增加 Δs=l*h=30;
按照原理1)此时线段变为(3,3)-(7,3), l=4
往上遇到(0,7)-(3,7)、(7,7)-(10,7),相对高度h=4,此时面积增加 Δs=l*h=16;
往上遇到(0,10)-(10,10),相对高度h=3,此时面积增加 Δs=l*h=30;
同理 图2(点坐标与图1相同)
#include < iostream >
#include < fstream >
#include < stdlib.h >
using namespace std;
struct ParallelXLine
int X1;
int X2;
int Y;
int Z;
}LineArray[ 20000 ], ZPlaneLine[ 10000 ], ZPlaneLineTemp[ 10000 ];
struct C2DLine{
int X1;
int X2;
}curLineArray[ 10000 ], nextLineArray[ 10000 ];
struct point{
int X;
int Y;
int Z;
}PArray[ 250 ];
int cmp( const void * a, const void * b)
struct ParallelXLine * c = (ParallelXLine * )a;
struct ParallelXLine * d = (ParallelXLine * )b;
if (c -> Z != d -> Z) return c -> Z - d -> Z;
if (c -> Y != d -> Y) return c -> Y - d -> Y;
if (c -> X1 != d -> X1) return c -> X1 - d -> X1;
else return c -> X2 - d -> X2;
int cmp2( const void * a, const void * b)
struct ParallelXLine * c = (ParallelXLine * )a;
struct ParallelXLine * d = (ParallelXLine * )b;
if (c -> Y != d -> Y) return c -> Y - d -> Y;
if (c -> X1 != d -> X1) return c -> X1 - d -> X1;
else return c -> X2 - d -> X2;
int main()
int T, F, P, L, Index, CurZ, CurY, ZPL, ZPLT, CLA, NLA, CurLength;
int area, vol;
scanf( " %d " , & T);
while (T -- )
scanf( " %d " , & F);
// cin >> F;
L = 0 ;
while (F -- )
area = vol = 0 ;
// cin >> P;
scanf( " %d " , & P);
bool isParallelToXY;
int pIndex;
for (pIndex = 0 , isParallelToXY = true ; pIndex < P; pIndex ++ )
scanf( " %d%d%d " , & PArray[pIndex].X, & PArray[pIndex].Y, & PArray[pIndex].Z);
if (pIndex > 0 && PArray[pIndex].Z != PArray[pIndex - 1 ].Z)
isParallelToXY = false ;
if (isParallelToXY)
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pIndex; i ++ )
if (i != 0 && PArray[i].Y == PArray[i - 1 ].Y)
LineArray[L].X1 = min(PArray[i].X, PArray[i - 1 ].X);
LineArray[L].X2 = max(PArray[i].X, PArray[i - 1 ].X);
LineArray[L].Y = PArray[i].Y;
LineArray[L].Z = PArray[i].Z;
L ++ ;
if (i == P - 1 && PArray[i].Y == PArray[ 0 ].Y)
LineArray[L].X1 = min(PArray[i].X, PArray[ 0 ].X);
LineArray[L].X2 = max(PArray[i].X, PArray[ 0 ].X);
LineArray[L].Y = PArray[i].Y;
LineArray[L].Z = PArray[i].Z;
L ++ ;
if (L > 1 && LineArray[L - 2 ].Y == LineArray[L - 1 ].Y && LineArray[L - 2 ].Z == LineArray[L - 1 ].Z)
if (LineArray[L - 2 ].X2 == LineArray [L - 1 ].X1)
LineArray[L - 2 ].X2 = LineArray[L - 1 ].X2;
L -- ;
else if (LineArray[L - 2 ].X1 == LineArray[L - 1 ].X2)
LineArray[L - 2 ].X1 = LineArray[L - 1 ].X1;
L -- ;
qsort(LineArray, L, sizeof (LineArray[ 0 ]), cmp);
Index = 0 ;
ZPL = 0 ;
while (Index < L)
if (T == 683 )
int aa = 0 ;
if (Index != 0 )
vol += area * (LineArray[Index].Z - LineArray[Index - 1 ].Z);
CurZ = LineArray[Index].Z;
area = 0 ;
memcpy(ZPlaneLineTemp, ZPlaneLine, ZPL * sizeof (ZPlaneLine[ 0 ]));
while (Index < L && LineArray[Index].Z == CurZ)
for (CurY = LineArray[Index].Y; Index < L && LineArray[Index].Y == CurY && LineArray[Index].Z == CurZ; Index ++ )
if (ZPLT > 0 && LineArray[Index].X1 >= ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X1
&& LineArray[Index].X1 <= ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2
&& LineArray[Index].Y == ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].Y
&& LineArray[Index].Z == ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].Z)
if (LineArray[Index].X1 > ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X1 && LineArray[Index].X1 < ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2)
int minX2 = min(ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2, LineArray[Index].X2);
int maxX2 = max(ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2, LineArray[Index].X2);
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2 = LineArray[Index].X1;
if (minX2 < maxX2)
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT].X1 = minX2;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT].X2 = maxX2;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT].Y = CurY;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT].Z = CurZ;
ZPLT ++ ;
else if (LineArray[Index].X1 == ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X1)
int minX2 = min(ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2, LineArray[Index].X2);
int maxX2 = max(ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2, LineArray[Index].X2);
if (minX2 < maxX2)
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X1 = minX2;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2 = maxX2;
ZPLT -- ;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT - 1 ].X2 = LineArray[Index].X2;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT].X1 = LineArray[Index].X1;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT].X2 = LineArray[Index].X2;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT].Y = LineArray[Index].Y;
ZPlaneLineTemp[ZPLT].Z = LineArray[Index].Z;
ZPLT ++ ;
qsort(ZPlaneLineTemp, ZPLT, sizeof (ZPlaneLineTemp[ 0 ]), cmp2);
ZPL = 0 ;
NLA = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ZPLT;area += (CurLength * (ZPlaneLineTemp[i].Y - ZPlaneLineTemp[i - 1 ].Y)))
int split;
for (CurY = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].Y, split = ZPL; i < ZPLT && ZPlaneLineTemp[i].Y == CurY;)
if (i + 1 < ZPLT && ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].Y == CurY)
if (ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X1 == ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X1)
if (ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2 == ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X2)
i += 2 ;
ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X1 = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2;
i ++ ;
else if (ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2 == ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X1)
ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X1 = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X1;
i ++ ;
else if (ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X1 > ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X1 && ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X1 < ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2)
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].X1 = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X1;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].X2 = ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X1;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].Y = CurY;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].Z = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].Z;
ZPL ++ ;
if (ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2 == ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X2)
i += 2 ;
ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X1 = min(ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X2, ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2);
ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X2 = max(ZPlaneLineTemp[i + 1 ].X2, ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2);
i ++ ;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].X1 = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X1;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].X2 = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].Y = CurY;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].Z = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].Z;
i ++ ;
ZPL ++ ;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].X1 = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X1;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].X2 = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].X2;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].Y = CurY;
ZPlaneLine[ZPL].Z = ZPlaneLineTemp[i].Z;
i ++ ;
ZPL ++ ;
int NLAIndex = 0 ;
CLA = 0 ;
CurLength = 0 ;
while (split < ZPL && NLAIndex < NLA)
if (ZPlaneLine[split].X1 == nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1)
int minX2 = min(nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2, ZPlaneLine[split].X2);
int maxX2 = max(nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2, ZPlaneLine[split].X2);
if (minX2 == maxX2)
NLAIndex ++ ;
nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1 = minX2;
nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2 = maxX2;
split ++ ;
else if (ZPlaneLine[split].X2 == nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1)
nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1 = ZPlaneLine[split].X1;
split ++ ;
else if (ZPlaneLine[split].X1 == nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2)
nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2 = ZPlaneLine[split].X2;
split ++ ;
if (NLAIndex + 1 < NLA && nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2 == nextLineArray[NLAIndex + 1 ].X1)
nextLineArray[NLAIndex + 1 ].X1 = nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1;
NLAIndex ++ ;
curLineArray[CLA].X1 = nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1;
curLineArray[CLA].X2 = nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2;
CurLength += (curLineArray[CLA].X2 - curLineArray[CLA].X1);
CLA ++ ;
NLAIndex ++ ;
else if (ZPlaneLine[split].X1 > nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2)
curLineArray[CLA].X1 = nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1;
curLineArray[CLA].X2 = nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2;
CurLength += (curLineArray[CLA].X2 - curLineArray[CLA].X1);
NLAIndex ++ ;
CLA ++ ;
else if (nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1 > ZPlaneLine[split].X2)
curLineArray[CLA].X1 = ZPlaneLine[split].X1;
curLineArray[CLA].X2 = ZPlaneLine[split].X2;
CurLength += (curLineArray[CLA].X2 - curLineArray[CLA].X1);
CLA ++ ;
split ++ ;
curLineArray[CLA].X1 = min(nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1, ZPlaneLine[split].X1);
curLineArray[CLA].X2 = max(nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1, ZPlaneLine[split].X1);
CurLength += (curLineArray[CLA].X2 - curLineArray[CLA].X1);
CLA ++ ;
int minX2 = min(nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2, ZPlaneLine[split].X2);
int maxX2 = max(nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2, ZPlaneLine[split].X2);
if (minX2 == maxX2)
NLAIndex ++ ;
nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1 = minX2;
nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2 = maxX2;
split ++ ;
while (split < ZPL)
curLineArray[CLA].X1 = ZPlaneLine[split].X1;
curLineArray[CLA].X2 = ZPlaneLine[split].X2;
CurLength += (curLineArray[CLA].X2 - curLineArray[CLA].X1);
CLA ++ ;
split ++ ;
while (NLAIndex < NLA)
curLineArray[CLA].X1 = nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X1;
curLineArray[CLA].X2 = nextLineArray[NLAIndex].X2;
CurLength += (curLineArray[CLA].X2 - curLineArray[CLA].X1);
CLA ++ ;
NLAIndex ++ ;
memcpy(nextLineArray, curLineArray, CLA * sizeof (curLineArray[ 0 ]));
printf( " The bulk is composed of %d units.\n " , vol);
return 0 ;