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* 本篇文章难度系数7.9,由《小仙英语伴读》人工智能难度分析系统提供评分。

If the universe is finite, does that mean that it has some kind of an edge?


【单词】universe ['yoo-nuh-vurs]['juːnɪvɜːs] n. 宇宙;万物;世界

【单词】finite ['fahy-nahyt]['faɪnaɪt] adj. 有限的

【单词】edge [ej][edʒ] n. 边缘;优势;边

If yes, what happens if we "theoretically" cross that edge?


【单词】happens 原型:happen ['hap-uhn]['hæpən] vi. 发生;碰巧;出现;偶遇

【单词】theoretically [thee-uh-'ret-i-kuhl][ˌθɪə'retɪkli] adv. 理论上

【单词】cross [kraws, kros][krɒs] v. 穿过;交叉

The observable universe is finite, and the "edge" is the maximum distance we have seen.


【单词】observable [uhb-'zur-vuh-buhl][əb'zɜːvəbl] adj. 可观察到的

【单词】maximum ['mak-suh-muhm]['mæksɪməm] n. 最大量;最大限度;最高点 adj. 最高的;最大极限的

【单词】distance ['dis-tuhns]['dɪstəns] n. 距离;路程

It's not definitively possible that humanity could reach that eventually, but we'd be observing more of the universe as we approached and moving our metaphorical edge further away.


【单词】definitively [dih-'fin-i-tiv][dɪ'fɪnətɪvli] adv. 决定性地;最后地

【单词】humanity [hyoo-'man-i-tee][hjuː'mænəti] n. 人类;人性;人道;(复)人文学科

【单词】reach [reech][riːtʃ] v. 到达;伸出;达成;延伸

【单词】eventually [ih-'ven-choo-uh-lee][ɪ'ventʃuəli] adv. 最后;终于

【单词】observing 原型:observe [uhb-'zurv][əb'zɜːv] v. 观察;遵守;注意到;庆祝

【单词】metaphorical ['met-uh-fawr][ˌmetə'fɒrɪkl] adj. 隐喻性的;比喻性的

Whether the whole of the universe is finite or not isn't known.


We don't have concrete evidence of the shape of the universe, or if the universe even has a shape.


【单词】concrete ['kon-kreet]['kɒŋkriːt] adj. 具体的;实质性的

【单词】shape [sheyp][ʃeɪp] n. 形状;形式;身材

It goes on and on past anything we can observe or measure, and is constantly expanding.


【单词】measure ['mezh-er]['meʒə] v. 测量

【单词】constantly ['kon-stuhnt]['kɒnstəntli] adv. 不断地;经常地

【单词】expanding 原型:expand [ik-'spand][ɪk'spænd] v.使... 膨胀;详述;扩张;增加;张开

Unless something changes on the literally universal level, we can never find the edge of the universe, or prove that it even exists.


【单词】Unless 原型:unless [uhn-'les, uhn-][ən'les] conj. 除非;如果不

【单词】literally ['lit-er-uh-lee]['lɪtərəli] adv. 逐字地;按照字面上地;不夸张地;正确地;简直

【单词】universal [yoo-nuh-'vur-suhl][ˌjuːnɪ'vɜːsl] adj. 普遍的;全世界的;宇宙的;全体的;通用的

【单词】prove [proov][pruːv] v. 证明;检验;结果是

【单词】exists 原型:exist [ig-'zist][ɪɡ'zɪst] v. 存在;生存;活着

Not necessarily: the surface of the Earth is finite, but it doesn't have an edge.


【短语】not necessarily表示“未必;不一定”。如:Frustrations are not necessarily bad things in life.

【单词】necessarily [nes-uh-'sair-uh-lee, -'ser-][ˌnesə'serəli] adv. 必然地;必定地;必需地

【单词】surface ['sur-fis]['sɜːfɪs] n. 表面;外表;平面

【专有名词】Earth [urth][ɜːθ] n. 地球

It just loops back around.


【单词】loops 原型:loop [loop][luːp] vt. 以圈结;以环连结;使... 成环(圈) vi. 形成环;环形运动

Basically, our current running conclusion (which isn't to say it's the right one) is that the universe is expanding in every direction from every point in space.


【单词】Basically 原型:basically ['bey-sik-lee]['beɪsɪkli] adv. 基本上;主要地

【单词】conclusion [kuhn-'kloo-zhuhn][kən'kluːʒn] n. 结尾;结论;结束

【单词】direction [dih-'rek-shuh n, 'dahy-][də'rekʃn] n. 方向;目标

The more space there is between any 2 given objects, the faster the distance between them changes.


【单词】objects 原型:object ['ob-jikt]['ɒbdʒɪkt] n. 物体;目标;对象

We can't conclude as to whether or not the universe is finite, but if it is, we can't know because of the speed of light.


【单词】conclude [kuh n-'klood][kən'kluːd] vt. 推断出;缔结;使结束 vi. 结束;总结;作决定

【单词】speed [speed][spiːd] n. 速度

Because of the speed of light, we can only see a certain distance away from us and what we see is that many light-years behind.


That is, if you're seeing something 1 light year away, you're seeing it as it was 1 year ago.


This means that there is an edge to the observable universe.


This "edge" is also expanding and moving constantly.


If you were to travel towards the edge, you would be able to see further, but it's impossible to really make much headway.


【固定用法】be able to do sth. 能够,会(做);有能力(或办法、机会)做某事;例句:I am able to pick you up on the short wave radio. 我能用短波收音机收听到你的信号。

【单词】travel ['trav-uhl]['trævl] v. 旅行;去某地;传播;快速移动

【单词】impossible [im-'pos-uh-buhl][ɪm'pɒsəbl] adj. 不可能的;做不到的

【单词】headway ['hed-wey]['hedweɪ] n. 前进;航行速度;进展

The edge is 30 billion+ lightyears away.


【单词】lightyears 原型:lightyear 光年(表示物理距离长度的单位)

Meaning that you have to travel at the speed of light for 30 billion years to get there.


【单词】billion ['bil-yuh n]['bɪljən] n. 十亿

Iirc if the universe is finite, we could never see the edge because it's expanding faster than light, but I may be remembering wrong.


【单词】Iirc 原型:iirc  是If I Remember Correctly的简写,即“如果我记得没错的话”

To answer your question, if it is finite, it has to have an end, regardless as to whether we can ever get there or observe it.


【单词】regardless [ri-'gahrd-lis][rɪ'ɡɑːdləs] adj. 不顾的;不注意的 adv. 不顾

What happens if you cross it is honestly more of a philosophy question than a science one, we have no way of knowing.


【单词】honestly ['on-ist-lee]['ɒnɪstli] adv. 诚实地;老实地;的确;实在

【单词】philosophy [fi-'los-uh-fee][fə'lɒsəfi] n. 哲学;哲理

【单词】science ['sahy-uhns]['saɪəns] n. 科学;自然科学

The answer will change based on your beliefs as to the nature of the universe.


【单词】based 原型:base [beys][beɪs] vt. 以 ... 作基础,基于

【单词】beliefs 原型:belief [bih-'leef][bɪ'liːf] n. 信念;信仰;相信

Expansion velocity being higher than speed of light comes from Hubble's law so you're right for the second part.


【单词】Expansion 原型:expansion [ik-'span-shuhn][ɪk'spænʃn] n. 膨胀;扩展;扩充

【单词】velocity [vuh-'los-i-tee][və'lɒsəti] n. 速度;迅速;速率

【专有名词】Hubble ['huhb-uhl]['hʌbl] n. 哈勃


First part is more like philosophical/theoretical since we don't know the shape of the universe.

