


1.(    ) 1. We all find Kitty is __________ this year. 

A. muchhealthy     B. more healthy   

C. muchhealthier    D. more healthier

2.(    ) Kiki ____ 29 kg last year, but this year she ____ 28 kg. 

A. is, was    

B. was, is    

C. is, is

3.(    ) You are doing _____, May.        

A. good   

B. nice   

C. well

4.(    ) Kate is 2 cm taller _____ me.      

A. then     

B. than     

C. that

5.(    ) ______ not any bread in my fridgeyesterday.     A. There was   

B. There were   

C. They were

6. (    ) The food is good _____ you.     

A. of    

B. to   

C. for

7.(   )_____ an exciting baskball match last night.   

A. It is  B. there had C.there was   D.It have

8.(    ) Betty is 15 years old. She is two yearsyounger than Sally. How old is Sally? 

A. 13    

B. 17    

C. 2

9.(   ) Isthis computer _____ ?No, it’s not _____.   

A. your, mine  B. your, my C. yours, mine  D. yours, my

10..(   ).We_____ visit the Big Ben in theUKthis summer holiday.    

A. are goingto  B. going to  C. go to D. went to
