【英语流利说】Level6 Unit3 Part2 Hedy Lamarr 海蒂拉玛 译文

海蒂拉玛,原名Hedwig Eva Naria Kiesler, 1914年出生于奥地利维也纳。她在青年时期就决定辍学去追求演员的名誉。1930年她第一次出现在了一部德国电影中。她的美貌和才华使她又出演了1931年的其他三部电影,但最终使她成名世界的是她出演的一部颇具争议的电影《神魂颠倒》。

Hedy Lamarr was born Hedwig Eva Naria Kiesler in 1914 in Vienna, Austria. By she was a teenager, she had decided to drop out of school and seek fame as an actress. She first appeared in a German film in 1930. She was attractive and talented enough to be in three more films in 1931, but it was her controversial film "Ecstasy" that brought her worldwide fame as an actress.


In 1937 she fled from her country and secretly moved to Hollywood, where she reinvented herself. She changed her name to "Hedy Lamarr", with the nickname "The Most Beautiful Women in Films". However, Lamarr defied the leading-lady stereotype by also pursuing an interest in mathematic and engineering. She soon took up inventing. Her earliest inventions included an improved traffic stoplight and a tablet that would dissolve in water to create a carbonated drink.


WIth the onging Word War, Lamarr was inspired to contribute to the war effort. She designed a radio guidance system for torpedoes. With the help of composer George Anteil, whom she met in 1940, she discovered a  to break up siginala and transmit them over diffierent frequencies. Using a method similar to the way player pianos work, they disigned a frequeny-hopping system that would continually change the radio signal sent to a toepedoe. While others, including Nokola Tesla, had explored similar ideas of frequency hoping,  Lamarr and Antheil obtained a patent for their invention in 1942 for what would become known as spread-spectrum technology.

guidance system: a device that can change the direction or path of an object 制导系统


Although the U.S. Navy did not adopt the technology during the War, it was  used during the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. For decades Lamarr's technology remained behind the scenes, but ultimately it led to the creation of tody's spread-spectrurm communication techonoly, such as WI-FI networks, mobile phones, GPS and Bluetooth technologies.

 WI-FI (Wireless Fidelity) 无线保真


Lamarr and Antheil eventually received several awards for their lifetime creative achievements that contributed so much to society. They were included into the National Inventors Hall of Fame in 2014, after her death in 2000.


flee-fled 逃离


1.VERB 彻底改变;改造

To reinvent something means to change it so that it seems different and new.

They have tried to reinvent their retail stores...


He was determined to reinvent himself as a poet and writer.


2.PHRASE 重复劳动;白费力

If someone is trying to reinvent the wheel, they are trying to do something that has already been done successfully.

Some of these ideas are worth pursuing, but there is no need to reinvent the wheel.




VERB 违抗;反抗;不服从If you defy someone or something that is trying to make you behave in a particular way, you refuse to obey them and behave in that way.

This was the first (and last) time that I dared todefymy mother...


Nearly eleven-thousand people have been arrested for defying the ban on street trading. 



VERB 挑战;激;认为…不敢(或无法)(做)If you defy someone to do something, you challenge them to do it when you think that they will be unable to do it or too frightened to do it.

Idefyyou to come up with one major accomplishment of the current Prime Minister...


He looked at me as if he was defying me to argue. 



VERB 无法,难以(描述或理解)If something defies description or understanding, it is so strange, extreme, or surprising that it is almost impossible to understand or explain.

When the flowers open in spring they fill the night air with a fragrance that defies description... 


It's a devastating and barbaric act that defies all comprehension.



PHRASE 看上去比实际年轻If you say that someone defies their age, or defies the years, you mean that their appearance or behaviour suggests that they are younger than they really are.

The singer continues todefy her age by wearing the scantiest of outfits.




N-COUNT 模式化的形象(或特征);固定模式;刻板印象;陈规老套A stereotype is a fixed general image or set of characteristics that a lot of people believe represent a particular type of person or thing.

There's always been astereotypeabout successful businessmen...


Many men feel their body shape doesn't live up to thestereotypeof the ideal man.



VERB 使模式化;使定型If someone is stereotyped as something, people form a fixed general idea or image of them, so that it is assumed that they will behave in a particular way.

He was stereotyped by some as a rebel...


I get very worked up about the way women are stereotyped in a lot of mainstream films...




V-ERG (使)溶解If a substance dissolves in liquid or if you dissolve it, it becomes mixed with the liquid and disappears.

Heat gently until the sugar dissolves... 


Dissolvethe salt in a little boiled water.



VERB 解散(团体或机构)When an organization or institution is dissolved, it is officially ended or broken up.

The committee has been dissolved... 


The King agreed todissolvethe present commission.



VERB 解散(议会)When a parliament is dissolved, it is formally ended, so that elections for a new parliament can be held.

The present assembly will be dissolved on April 30th... 

现在的议会将于 4 月 30 日解散。

Kaifu threatened todissolvethe Parliament and call an election.



VERB 解除(婚姻关系);终止(商业协议)When a marriage or business arrangement is dissolved, it is officially ended.

The marriage was dissolved in 1976. 



V-ERG (使)消失;消除;消散If something such as a problem or feeling dissolves or is dissolved, it becomes weaker and disappears.

His new-found optimism dissolved... 


Lenny still could notdissolvethe nagging lump of tension in his chest.



obtain a patent

VERB 得到;获得;实现To obtain something means to get it or achieve it.

Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents... 


The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain. 



VERB 存在;流行;通行If a situation obtains, it exists.

The longer this situation obtains, the more extensive the problems become. 


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