2022-11-25 Jobs at the bottom rung of the ladder are vanishing

Technology has completely changed the world.

In the past, jobs that were done by humans are now being automated and being done by machines and software. Manual labor. Agriculture. Factory work. Clerical work. All of these are slowly being automated.

And hence, these jobs are vanishing. Unemployment is increasing.

However, new jobs are being created at the top rungs of the ladder. And these jobs pay well. For instance, Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk don’t do any tangible work. They don’t code. They don’t manufacture their products themselves. All they do is take decisions — and make billions out of that.

This means that more and more jobs in the future will only need you to use your brain. That’s why — if you don’t prioritize increasing your knowledge, reading books, and learning how to take good decisions, you’re going to be left behind. But don’t be sad, it’s not too late. Start building your brainpower. Now.

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