


极少数的Linux发行版仅提供命令行界面,没有桌面环境。比如arch Linux的iso文件只有600Mb,但是即便如此,他也拥有完整的硬件适应识别能力,及连接各种网络的功能,能够识别各种磁盘分区的文件系统。

Arch 的基本系统环境包含的软件包

Arch的初次安装只需要安装base或者base+ base devel(包含源码安装的支持软件)

Arch 的iso镜像环境包含的软件包


  • 适应各种硬件(intel, AMD, 各种网卡)
  • 连接更多的网络环境(有线网络,无线网络,自动获取,手动设置,ppp拨号,VPN,代理等)
  • 识别各种磁盘分区(各种常用分区)




sn groups base name dis 描述
Qe001     amd-ucode Microcode update files for AMD CPUs  
Qe002     arch-install-scripts Scripts to aid in installing Arch Linux 用于帮助安装Arch Linux的脚本
Qe003     b43-fwcutter firmware extractor for the b43 kernel module b43内核模块的固件提取器
Qe004 base bash The GNU Bourne Again shell GNU Bourne Again shell
Qe005     bind-tools The ISC DNS tools  
Qe006     broadcom-wl Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA wireless driver Broadcom 802.11 Linux STA无线驱动程序
Qe007     btrfs-progs Btrfs filesystem utilities Btrfs文件系统实用程序
Qe008 base bzip2 A high-quality data compression program 高质量的数据压缩程序
Qe009     clonezilla ncurses partition and disk imaging/cloning program ncurses分区和磁盘映像/克隆程序
Qe010 base coreutils The basic file, shell and text manipulation utilities of the GNU operating system GNU操作系统的基本文件,shell和文本操作实用程序
Qe011     crda Central Regulatory Domain Agent for wireless networks 用于无线网络的中央监管域代理
Qe012 base cryptsetup Userspace setup tool for transparent encryption of block devices using dm-crypt 用户空间设置工具,用于使用dm-crypt透明加密块设备
Qe013     darkhttpd A small and secure static webserver 一个小而安全的静态网络服务器
Qe014     ddrescue GNU data recovery tool GNU数据恢复工具
Qe015 base device-mapper Device mapper userspace library and tools 设备映射器用户空间库和工具
Qe016     dhclient A standalone DHCP client from the dhcp package dhcp包中的独立DHCP客户端
Qe017 base dhcpcd RFC2131 compliant DHCP client daemon 符合RFC2131的DHCP客户端守护程序
Qe018     dialog A tool to display dialog boxes from shell scripts 一种从shell脚本显示对话框的工具
Qe019 base diffutils Utility programs used for creating patch files 用于创建补丁文件的实用程序
Qe020     dmraid Device mapper RAID interface 设备映射器RAID接口
Qe021     dnsmasq Lightweight, easy to configure DNS forwarder and DHCP server 轻量级,易于配置DNS转发器和DHCP服务器
Qe022     dosfstools DOS filesystem utilities DOS文件系统实用程序
Qe023 base e2fsprogs Ext2/3/4 filesystem utilities Ext2 / 3/4文件系统实用程序
Qe024     efitools Tools for manipulating UEFI secure boot platforms  
Qe025     elinks An advanced and well-established feature-rich text mode web browser. 一种先进且完善的功能丰富的文本模式Web浏览器。
Qe026     ethtool Utility for controlling network drivers and hardware 控制网络驱动程序和硬件的实用程序
Qe027     exfat-utils Utilities for exFAT file system exFAT文件系统的实用程序
Qe028     f2fs-tools Tools for Flash-Friendly File System (F2FS) 用于Flash友好文件系统的工具(F2FS)
Qe029 base base-devel file File type identification utility 文件类型识别实用程序
Qe030 base filesystem Base Arch Linux files Base Arch Linux文件
Qe031 base base-devel findutils GNU utilities to locate files 用于查找文件的GNU实用程序
Qe032     fsarchiver Safe and flexible file-system backup and deployment tool 安全灵活的文件系统备份和部署工具
Qe033 base base-devel gawk GNU version of awk awk的GNU版本
Qe034 base gcc-libs Runtime libraries shipped by GCC GCC发布的运行时库
Qe035 base base-devel gettext GNU internationalization library GNU国际化库
Qe036 base glibc GNU C Library GNU C库
Qe037     gnu-netcat GNU rewrite of netcat, the network piping application GNU重写netcat,网络管道应用程序
Qe038     gpm A mouse server for the console and xterm 控制台和xterm的鼠标服务器
Qe039     gptfdisk A text-mode partitioning tool that works on GUID Partition Table (GPT) disks 适用于GUID分区表(GPT)磁盘的文本模式分区工具
Qe040 base base-devel grep A string search utility 字符串搜索实用程序
Qe041     grml-zsh-config grml's zsh setup grml的zsh设置
Qe042     grub GNU GRand Unified Bootloader (2) GNU GRand统一引导加载程序(2)
Qe043 base base-devel gzip GNU compression utility GNU压缩实用程序
Qe044     haveged Entropy harvesting daemon using CPU timings  
Qe045     hdparm A shell utility for manipulating Linux IDE drive/driver parameters 用于操作Linux IDE驱动器/驱动程序参数的shell实用程序
Qe046 base inetutils A collection of common network programs 常见网络程序的集合
Qe047     intel-ucode Microcode update files for Intel CPUs  
Qe048 base iproute2 IP Routing Utilities IP路由实用程序
Qe049 base iputils Network monitoring tools, including ping 网络监控工具,包括ping
Qe050     ipw2100-fw Intel Centrino Drivers firmware for IPW2100 适用于IPW2100的英特尔迅驰驱动程序固件
Qe051     ipw2200-fw Firmware for the Intel PRO/Wireless 2200BG 适用于英特尔PRO /无线2200BG的固件
Qe052     irssi irssi plugin to connect to the Jabber network irssi插件连接到Jabber网络
Qe053     iwd Internet Wireless Daemon 互联网无线守护进程
Qe054 base jfsutils JFS filesystem utilities JFS文件系统实用程序
Qe055 base less A terminal based program for viewing text files 基于终端的程序,用于查看文本文件
Qe056     lftp Sophisticated command line based FTP client 基于命令行的复杂FTP客户端
Qe057 base licenses Standard licenses distribution package 标准许可证分发包
Qe058 base linux The Linux kernel and modules Linux内核和模块
Qe059     linux-atm Drivers and tools to support ATM networking under Linux. 在Linux下支持ATM网络的驱动程序和工具。
Qe060 base linux-firmware Firmware files for Linux 适用于Linux的固件文件
Qe061 base logrotate Rotates system logs automatically 自动轮换系统日志
Qe062     lsscsi A tool that lists devices connected via SCSI and its transports 列出通过SCSI连接的设备及其传输的工具
Qe063 base lvm2 Logical Volume Manager 2 utilities 逻辑卷管理器2实用程序
Qe064 base man-db A utility for reading man pages 用于阅读手册页的实用程序
Qe065 base man-pages Linux man pages Linux手册页
Qe066     mc A file manager that emulates Norton Commander 模拟Norton Commander的文件管理器
Qe067 base mdadm A tool for managing/monitoring Linux md device arrays, also known as Software RAID 用于管理/监视Linux md设备阵列的工具,也称为软件RAID
Qe068     memtest86+ an advanced memory diagnostic tool  
Qe069     mkinitcpio-nfs-utils ipconfig and nfsmount tools for NFS root support in mkinitcpio  
Qe070     mtools A collection of utilities to access MS-DOS disks 用于访问MS-DOS磁盘的实用程序集合
Qe071 base nano Pico editor clone with enhancements Pico编辑器克隆增强功能
Qe072     nbd tools for network block devices, allowing you to use remote block devices over TCP/IP  
Qe073     ndisc6 Collection of IPv6 networking utilities IPv6网络实用程序的集合
Qe074 base netctl Profile based systemd network management 基于配置文件的systemd网络管理
Qe075     nfs-utils Support programs for Network File Systems 网络文件系统支持程序
Qe076     nilfs-utils A log-structured file system supporting continuous snapshotting (userspace utils) 支持连续快照的日志结构文件系统(用户空间工具)
Qe077     nmap Utility for network discovery and security auditing 用于网络发现和安全审核的实用程序
Qe078     ntfs-3g   ntfs-3g
Qe079     ntp   ntp
Qe080     openconnect Open client for Cisco AnyConnect VPN Cisco AnyConnect VPN的开放客户端
Qe081     openssh Premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol 用于使用SSH协议进行远程登录的高级连接工具
Qe082     open An easy-to-use, robust and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network) 易于使用,强大且高度可配置的VPN(虚拟专用网络)
Qe083 base base-devel pacman A library-based package manager with dependency support 具有依赖性支持的基于库的包管理器
Qe084     partclone Utilities to save and restore used blocks on a partition 用于保存和恢复分区上已使用块的实用程序
Qe085     parted   parted
Qe086     partimage Partition Image saves partitions in many formats to an image file. 分区映像将多种格式的分区保存到映像文件中。
Qe087 base pciutils PCI bus configuration space access library and tools PCI总线配置空间访问库和工具
Qe088 base perl A highly capable, feature-rich programming language 功能强大,功能丰富的编程语言
Qe089     ppp A daemon which implements the Point-to-Point Protocol for dial-up networking 一个守护进程,它实现了拨号网络的点对点协议
Qe090     pptpclient Client for the proprietary Microsoft Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol, PPTP. 专有的Microsoft点对点隧道协议客户端,PPTP。
Qe091 base procps-ng Utilities for monitoring your system and its processes 用于监控系统及其流程的实用程序
Qe092 base psmisc Miscellaneous procfs tools 其他procfs工具
Qe093     refind-efi Rod Smith's fork of rEFIt UEFI Boot Manager - Built with Tianocore EDK2 libs Rod Smith的rEFIt UEFI启动管理器的分支 - 使用Tianocore EDK2库构建
Qe094 base reiserfsprogs Reiserfs utilities Reiserfs实用程序
Qe095     rp-pppoe Roaring Penguin's Point-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet client 咆哮企鹅的以太网客户端点对点协议
Qe096     rsync A file transfer program to keep remote files in sync 用于保持远程文件同步的文件传输程序
Qe097 base s-nail Environment for sending and receiving mail 发送和接收邮件的环境
Qe098     sdparm An utility similar to hdparm but for SCSI devices 类似于hdparm的实用程序,但用于SCSI设备
Qe099 base base-devel sed GNU stream editor GNU流编辑器
Qe100     sg3_utils Generic SCSI utilities 通用SCSI实用程序
Qe101 base shadow Password and account management tool suite with support for shadow files and PAM 密码和帐户管理工具套件,支持影子文件和PAM
Qe102     smartmontools Control and monitor S.M.A.R.T. enabled ATA and SCSI Hard Drives 控制和监督S.M.A.R.T.启用ATA和SCSI硬盘驱动器
Qe103 base-devel sudo Give certain users the ability to run some commands as root 授予某些用户以root身份运行某些命令的能力
Qe104 base sysfsutils System Utilities Based on Sysfs 基于Sysfs的系统工具
Qe105     syslinux Collection of boot loaders that boot from FAT, ext2/3/4 and btrfs filesystems, from CDs and via PXE  
Qe106 base systemd-sysvcompat sysvinit compat for systemd sysvinit compat for systemd
Qe107 base tar Utility used to store, backup, and transport files 用于存储,备份和传输文件的实用程序
Qe108     tcpdump Powerful command-line packet analyzer 强大的命令行数据包分析器
Qe109     testdisk Checks and undeletes partitions + PhotoRec, signature based recovery tool 检查并取消删除分区+ PhotoRec,基于签名的恢复工具
Qe110 base base-devel texinfo GNU documentation system for on-line information and printed output GNU文档系统,用于在线信息和打印输出
Qe111     usb_modeswitch Activating switchable USB devices on Linux. 在Linux上激活可切换的USB设备。
Qe112 base usbutils USB Device Utilities USB设备实用程序
Qe113 base base-devel util-linux Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux 适用于Linux的其他系统实用程序
Qe114 base vi The original ex/vi text editor 原始的ex / vi文本编辑器
Qe115     vim    
Qe116     c VPN client for cisco3000 VPN Concentrators 用于cisco3000 VPN集中器的VPN客户端
Qe117     wget   wget
Qe118 base base-devel which A utility to show the full path of commands 用于显示命令完整路径的实用程序
Qe119     wireless-regdb Central Regulatory Domain Database 中央监管域数据库
Qe120     wireless_tools Tools allowing to manipulate the Wireless Extensions 允许操作无线扩展的工具
Qe121     wpa_supplicant A utility providing key negotiation for WPA wireless networks 为WPA无线网络提供密钥协商的实用程序
Qe122     wvdial A dialer program to connect to the Internet 用于连接到Internet的拨号程序
Qe123 base xfsprogs XFS filesystem utilities XFS文件系统实用程序
Qe124     xd an open source implementation of the L2TP maintained by Xelerance Corporation 由Xelerance Corporation维护的L2TP的开源实现
Qe125     zsh    












sn groups base name dis 描述
Qd001   acl Access control list utilities, libraries and headers 访问控制列表实用程序,库和标头
Qd002   Archlinux-keyring Arch Linux PGP keyring Arch Linux PGP密钥环
Qd003   argon2 A password-hashing function (reference C implementation) 密码散列函数(参考C实现)
Qd004   attr Extended attribute support library for ACL support ACL支持的扩展属性支持库
Qd005   audit Userspace components of the audit framework 审计框架的用户空间组件
Qd006     bc An arbitrary precision calculator language 任意精度计算器语言
Qd007   Ca-certificates Common CA certificates (default providers) 通用CA证书(默认提供者)
Qd008   ca-certificates-mozilla Mozilla's set of trusted CA certificates Mozilla的一组可信CA证书
Qd009   ca-certificates-utils Common CA certificates (utilities) 通用CA证书(实用程序)
Qd010   cracklib Password Checking Library 密码检查库
Qd011   curl An URL retrieval utility and library URL检索实用程序和库
Qd012   db The Berkeley DB embedded database system Berkeley DB嵌入式数据库系统
Qd013   dbus message bus system Freedesktop.org消息总线系统
Qd014     ding-libs 'D is not GLib' utility libraries 'D不是GLib'实用程序库
Qd015     dnssec-anchors DNSSEC trust anchors for the root zone DNSSEC信任根区域的锚点
Qd016     drbl Diskless Remote Boot in Linux: manage the deployment of the GNU/Linux operating system across many clients Linux中的无盘远程启动:管理跨多个客户端的GNU / Linux操作系统的部署
Qd017     ecryptfs-utils Enterprise-class stacked cryptographic filesystem for Liunx 适用于Linux的企业级堆叠加密文件系统
Qd018     efibootmgr Tool to modify UEFI Firmware Boot Manager Variables 用于修改UEFI固件引导管理器变量的工具
Qd019     efivar Tools and library to manipulate EFI variables 用于操作EFI变量的工具和库
Qd020   expat An XML parser library XML解析器库
Qd021     fuse-common Common files for fuse2/3 packages fuse2 / 3封装的通用文件
Qd022     fuse2 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. 一个库,可以在用户空间程序中实现文件系统。
Qd023     fuse3 A library that makes it possible to implement a filesystem in a userspace program. 一个库,可以在用户空间程序中实现文件系统。
Qd024     gc A garbage collector for C and C++ C和C ++的垃圾收集器
Qd025   gdbm GNU database library GNU数据库库
Qd026     geoip Non-DNS IP-to-country resolver C library & utils 非DNS IP到国家/地区的解析器C库和实用程序
Qd027     geoip-database GeoLite country geolocation database compiled by MaxMind 由MaxMind编译的GeoLite国家地理位置数据库
Qd028   glib2 Low level core library 低级核心库
Qd029   gmp A free library for arbitrary precision arithmetic 用于任意精度算术的免费库
Qd030   gnupg Complete and free implementation of the OpenPGP standard 完全免费实施OpenPGP标准
Qd031   gnutls A library which provides a secure layer over a reliable transport layer 一个在可靠传输层上提供安全层的库
Qd032   gpgme A C wrapper library for GnuPG GnuPG的C包装器库
Qd033 base-devel groff GNU troff text-formatting system GNU Troff文本格式化系统
Qd034     gssproxy GSSAPI Proxy GSSAPI代理
Qd035     hicolor-icon-theme Hicolor icon theme Hicolor图标主题
Qd036   hwids hardware identification databases 硬件识别数据库
Qd037   Iana-etc /etc/protocols and /etc/services provided by IANA IANA提供的/ etc / protocols和/ etc / services
Qd038   icu International Components for Unicode library Unicode库的国际组件
Qd039   iptables Linux kernel packet control tool (using legacy interface) Linux内核数据包控制工具(使用传统接口)
Qd040     iw nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices 基于nl80211的无线设备CLI配置实用程序
Qd041   Json-c A JSON implementation in C C中的JSON实现
Qd042   kbd Keytable files and keyboard utilities 密钥表文件和键盘实用程序
Qd043   keyutils Linux Key Management Utilities Linux密钥管理实用程序
Qd044   kmod Linux kernel module management tools and library Linux内核模块管理工具和库
Qd045   krb5 The Kerberos network authentication system Kerberos网络身份验证系统
Qd046   libaio The Linux-native asynchronous I/O facility (aio) library Linux本机异步I / O工具(aio)库
Qd047     lbzip2 A parallel, SMP-based, bzip2-compatible compression utility 并行的,基于SMP的,与bzip2兼容的压缩实用程序
Qd048     ldns Fast DNS library supporting recent RFCs 支持最新RFC的快速DNS库
Qd049   libarchive Multi-format archive and compression library 多格式存档和压缩库
Qd050   libassuan IPC library used by some GnuPG related software 某些GnuPG相关软件使用的IPC库
Qd051     libatomic_ops Provides semi-portable access to hardware provided atomic memory operations 提供对硬件提供的原子内存操作的半便携式访问
Qd052   libcap POSIX 1003.1e capabilities POSIX 1003.1e功能
Qd053   libcap-ng Library making programming with POSIX capabilities easier than traditional libcap 使用POSIX功能进行编程的库比传统的libcap更容易
Qd054   libcroco A CSS parsing library 一个CSS解析库
Qd055   libelf Libraries to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information 用于处理ELF目标文件和DWARF调试信息的库
Qd056     libedit Command line editor library providing generic line editing, history, and tokenization functions 命令行编辑器库提供通用行编辑,历史记录和标记化功能
Qd057     libevent An event notification library 事件通知库
Qd058     libidn Implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications 执行Stringprep,Punycode和IDNA规范
Qd059     libjpeg-turbo JPEG image codec with accelerated baseline compression and decompression JPEG图像编解码器,具有加速基线压缩和解压缩功能
Qd060   libffi Portable foreign function interface library 便携式外部函数接口库
Qd061   libgcrypt General purpose cryptographic library based on the code from GnuPG 基于GnuPG代码的通用加密库
Qd062   libgpg-error Support library for libgcrypt libgcrypt支持库
Qd063   libidn2 Free software implementation of IDNA2008, Punycode and TR46 免费软件实现IDNA2008,Punycode和TR46
Qd064   libksba A CMS and X.509 access library CMS和X.509访问库
Qd065   libldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) client libraries 轻量级目录访问协议(LDAP)客户端库
Qd066   libmnl Minimalistic user-space library oriented to Netlink developers. 面向Netlink开发人员的简约用户空间库。
Qd067   libnetfilter_conntrack Library providing an API to the in-kernel connection tracking state table 库为内核内连接跟踪状态表提供API
Qd068     libnewt Not Erik's Windowing Toolkit - text mode windowing with slang 不是Erik的Windowing Toolkit - 带有俚语的文本模式窗口
Qd069   libnfnetlink Low-level library for netfilter related kernel/userspace communication 用于netfilter相关内核/用户空间通信的低级库
Qd070   libnftnl Netfilter library providing interface to the nf_tables subsystem Netfilter库提供nf_tables子系统的接口
Qd071   libnghttp2 Framing layer of HTTP/2 is implemented as a reusable C library HTTP / 2的成帧层实现为可重用的C库
Qd072   libnl Library for applications dealing with netlink sockets 处理netlink套接字的应用程序库
Qd073     libnsl Public client interface library for NIS(YP) and NIS+ NIS(YP)和NIS +的公共客户端接口库
Qd074     libproxy A library that provides automatic proxy configuration management 提供自动代理配置管理的库
Qd075   libpcap A system-independent interface for user-level packet capture 用于用户级数据包捕获的独立于系统的接口
Qd076   libpipeline a C library for manipulating pipelines of subprocesses in a flexible and convenient way 一个C库,用于以灵活方便的方式操作子流程的管道
Qd077   libpsl Public Suffix List library 公共后缀列表库
Qd078   libsasl Cyrus Simple Authentication Service Layer (SASL) Library Cyrus简单验证服务层(SASL)库
Qd079   libseccomp Enhanced seccomp library 增强的seccomp库
Qd080   libsecret Library for storing and retrieving passwords and other secrets 用于存储和检索密码和其他机密的库
Qd081   libssh2 A library implementing the SSH2 protocol as defined by Internet Drafts 实现Internet草案定义的SSH2协议的库
Qd082   libtasn1 The ASN.1 library used in GNUTLS GNUTLS中使用的ASN.1库
Qd083   libtirpc Transport Independent RPC library (SunRPC replacement) 与传输无关的RPC库(SunRPC替换)
Qd084   libunistring Library for manipulating Unicode strings and C strings 用于操作Unicode字符串和C字符串的库
Qd085   libusb Library that provides generic access to USB devices 提供USB设备通用访问的库
Qd086   libutil-linux util-linux runtime libraries util-linux运行时库
Qd087   libxml2 XML parsing library, version 2 XML解析库,版本2
Qd088   linux-api-headers Kernel headers sanitized for use in userspace 清理内核标头以在用户空间中使用
Qd089     lmdb Symas Lightning Memory-Mapped Database Symas Lightning内存映射数据库
Qd090     lrzip Multi-threaded compression with rzip/lzma, lzo, and zpaq 使用rzip / lzma,lzo和zpaq进行多线程压缩
Qd091     lua Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications 功能强大的轻量级编程语言,专为扩展应用程
Qd092     lua51 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications 功能强大的轻量级编程语言,专为扩展应用程
Qd093     lzo Portable lossless data compression library 便携式无损数据压缩库
Qd094     lzop File compressor using lzo lib 文件压缩器使用lzo lib
Qd095   lz4 Extremely fast compression algorithm 极快的压缩算法
Qd096   mkinitcpio Modular initramfs image creation utility 模块化initramfs图像创建实用程序
Qd097   mkinitcpio-busybox Base initramfs tools 基础initramfs工具
Qd098   mpfr Multiple-precision floating-point library 多精度浮点库
Qd099     net-tools Configuration tools for Linux networking 用于Linux网络的配置工具
Qd100     nfsidmap Library to help mapping IDs, mainly for NFSv4 库帮助映射ID,主要用于NFSv4
Qd101     nspr Netscape Portable Runtime Netscape Portable Runtime
Qd102     nss Network Security Services 网络安全服务
Qd103     Openssl-1.0 The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security 用于安全套接字层和传输层安全性的开源工具包
Qd104   ncurses System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library System V Release 4.0诅咒仿真库
Qd105   nettle A low-level cryptographic library 低级加密库
Qd106   npth New portable threads library 新的可移植线程库
Qd107   openresolv resolv.conf management framework (resolvconf) resolv.conf管理框架(resolvconf)
Qd108   openssl The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security 用于安全套接字层和传输层安全性的开源工具包
Qd109   p11-kit Provides a way to load and enumerate PKCS#11 modules 提供加载和枚举PKCS#11模块的方法
Qd110   pacman-mirrorlist Arch Linux mirror list for use by pacman Arch Linux镜像列表供pacman使用
Qd111   pam PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules) library PAM(可插入验证模块)库
Qd112   pambase Base PAM configuration for services 服务的基本PAM配置
Qd113     pbzip2 Parallel implementation of the bzip2 block-sorting file compressor 并行执行bzip2块排序文件压缩器
Qd114   pcre A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions 一个实现Perl 5样式正则表达式的库
Qd115     pcsclite PC/SC Architecture smartcard middleware library PC / SC架构智能卡中间件库
Qd116     pigz Parallel implementation of the gzip file compressor 并行执行gzip文件压缩器
Qd117     pixz Parallel, indexed xz compressor 并行,索引xz压缩器
Qd118     pkcs11-helper A library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS11 providers for end-user applications using a simple API and optional OpenSSL engine 一个库,它使用简单的API和可选的OpenSSL引擎简化了与最终用户应用程序的PKCS11提供程序的交互
Qd119     progsreiserfs library for accessing and manipulating reiserfs partitions 用于访问和操作reiserfs分区的库
Qd120     python Next generation of the python high-level scripting language 下一代python高级脚本语言
Qd121     rpcbind portmap replacement which supports RPC over various protocols portmap替换,支持各种协议的RPC
Qd122     slang S-Lang is a powerful interpreted language S-Lang是一种强大的解释语言
Qd123     sshfs FUSE client based on the SSH File Transfer Protocol FUSE客户端基于SSH文件传输协议
Qd124 base-devel systemd system and service manager 系统和服务经理
Qd125     tcl The Tcl scripting language Tcl脚本语言
Qd126   pcre2 A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions. 2nd version 一个实现Perl 5样式正则表达式的库。 第二版
Qd127   pinentry Collection of simple PIN or passphrase entry dialogs which utilize the Assuan protocol 收集使用Assuan协议的简单PIN或密码短语输入对话框
Qd128   popt A commandline option parser 命令行选项解析器
Qd129   readline GNU readline library GNU readline库
Qd130   sqlite A C library that implements an SQL database engine 一个实现SQL数据库引擎的C库
Qd131   systemd-libs systemd client libraries systemd客户端库
Qd132   thin-provisioning-tools Suite of tools for manipulating the metadata of the dm-thin device-mapper target 用于操作dm-thin device-mapper目标的元数据的工具套件
Qd133     tre POSIX compliant regexp matching library. Includes agrep for approximate grepping. 符合POSIX标准的regexp匹配库。 包括用于近似grepping的agrep。
Qd134     vim-runtime Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the vi text editor (shared runtime) Vi Improved,一个高度可配置的改进版vi文本编辑器(共享运行时)
Qd135     wvstreams A network programming library written in C++ 用C ++编写的网络编程库
Qd136     xplc Cross-Platform Lightweight Components 跨平台轻量级组件
Qd137   tzdata Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data 时区和夏令时数据的来源
Qd138   xz Library and command line tools for XZ and LZMA compressed files 用于XZ和LZMA压缩文件的库和命令行工具
Qd139   zlib Compression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP 实现gzip和PKZIP中的deflate压缩方法的压缩库
Qd140   zstd Zstandard - Fast real-time compression algorithm Zstandard - 快速实时压缩算法
