Vedio Self-introduction

Hello guys, welcome to my self introduction.My name is LinPeiJie, u could call me lin.I recently graduated from STCY experimental high school.I d like to introduce myself by 3 topics.1:My interest for cs 2:My ability as a little maker 3:My passion on international communication.

Firstly,Since I was grade eleven,I have been fascinated by oi, when I gradually comprehend this subject,II think there are many elements suit me like the logic thinking or self-study so I got intersted about it.I did participate(t重读)in the NOIP competition and my biggest gain has been a new perspective in which I can see things differently, it lead me to a world :u could study whatever on your own, work with anyone,to make anything u want to make things better.I think thats what I like in stead of imersing myself in exercise of programing which is really necessary foundation but I think too many high students just seek for the utility in the school, its quite
limited.So I prefer to some open making activity.Such as to built a colourful website,design a model and print in 3D,whats more make a partical project to slove the problem in life.

Thats the second topic:Make. In free times of my study life,I love to participate in STEM activities such as these(创客大赛、科技创新大赛、电脑制作活动and创客马拉松 附图)using kinds of micro controller units to solve or creat something.
For example,by downloading program into the web chip with sensors, I would be able to collect data and send command to the chip by phones or other network device.What Iam t proud of is my project "distributied lamp system based on LoRa&GPRS MCU"It just a net consisting of many this node. (附示意图) When I got a problem about the MCU, I contact with the original author to work it out together while improving their products.Thats something really cool for me.
Also it got a nice awards My other prize includes some Provincial Awards(附图).
Back to the"maker ablity" ,for me, it seems more like the ablity to gather information, communicate with different person and make something from a mere idea to be a real thing with my imagination and of course, my hands.
Well if you glance over my competiton document,u would find that those projects sometimes contain simple programing on some open source platform beacuse of the limitied free time in high school.
I loved to use these open source platforms,they help me expand my horizon of the subject.
Sure,in this subject I think only a wide horizen is not enough,in the same way,its not a good idea to just immerse oneself in one techic. We may better to find our own field.Into the unniversity I believe I have more energy to find and go deep into it.Thats why I want to get into this class,it would lead me to a deeper place with the effishen study program and experienced teachers,and which could also bring me an international view and chance to communicate.

3 Yep,thats my passion on international communication,why I call it passion?
I still remember a funny expericence when I was invited to an international Maker Marathon held by ShanghaiTech University,(示意图)There are kinds of letures or workshops held by foreign teachers,when I discuss with one eargly,I accidentally speak out my Chaoshan dialect.He just stop into slience and my teammates burst into laugh,finally he said "wow thats also kind of foreign language, really an interesing dialect" This is my first international face 2 face experience.It's really exciting to blend technique and relationship together,and thats what gives me a huge passion
By the way, during this international activitys I made an Amercian friend and I got to know the such STEM maker activity or workshop is already popular in the US.But in China it just started,so one of my ambitions is to hold an international Maker Marathon and spread it out to more students.To make more young people in the world enjoy the fun and meaning as a maker.Thats also why I chose ***educational technology ***as my major.
Back to the normal times, I used to vist kickstarter, github as well as virious forums and social media to get a wider horizen and find some progressive things and to communicate with different people.
Thats another reason the international class facinates me.I have some kind of passion about it.

All in all I think my interst , ability and passion could make me equal to this high level platfrom and whatever the result is,I will insist my love and dream. Thank you for watching.

总体思路是从计算机的兴趣入手 再到我作为创客的能力 引申出广度足够但欠缺深度(所以要加入)最后再表达我对国际化交流的想法和热情

第一次测试:自我点评:语调太平淡 要多起伏
不流利 特别是有and或者从句 可以考虑放慢整体速度 后期加速

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