RAC 下Oracle default 用户全部可以locked,包括sysrac

RAC 下Oracle default 用户全部可以locked,包括sysrac_第1张图片

The following error occur while trying to change the password for SYSRAC or while trying to lock/unlock in BETA:DB23C.

/home/oracle >sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Beta on Do Dec 15 09:06:24 2022

Copyright (c) 1982, 2022, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Oracle Database 23c Enterprise Edition Release - Beta

SQL> alter user SYSRAC identified by Passw0rd;
alter user SYSRAC identified by Passw0rd
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28222: may not modify reserved user

SQL> alter user SYSRAC account lock;
alter user SYSRAC account lock
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28222: may not modify reserved user

SQL> alter user SYSRAC password expire account lock;
alter user SYSRAC password expire account lock
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28222: may not modify reserved user

- The same error occur in version 21.3 

/refresh/home> sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Thu Dec 15 13:54:44 2022
Copyright (c) 1982, 2021, Oracle. All rights reserved.

Connected to:
Oracle Database 21c Enterprise Edition Release - Production

SQL> set pages 500
SQL> set line 300
SQL> col username for a30
SQL> select username,account_status,authentication_type from dba_users where username='SYSRAC';

--------------   --------------     ------------
SYSRAC           OPEN                NONE

SQL> alter user SYSRAC account lock;
alter user SYSRAC account lock
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28222: may not modify reserved user

SQL> alter user SYSRAC identified by Passw0rd;
alter user SYSRAC identified by Passw0rd
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-28222: may not modify reserved user



It's not allowed to lock (and unlock) SYSRAC and the authentication type cannot be changed, ONLY is allowed OS Authentication for SYSRAC.

According to the following Manual,after Upgrade to 19.3, account will be set to NO AUTHENTICATION. How to check it?


  During upgrades to Oracle Database 19c, default Oracle accounts that have not had their passwords reset before upgrade (and are set to EXPIRED status),

  and that are also set to LOCKED status, are set to NO AUTHENTICATION after the upgrade is complete.


The authentication type is listed as NONE in the DBA_USERS view.

Before Upgrade (

SQL> SELECT username,
  2         account_status,
  3         authentication_type
  4  FROM   dba_users
  5  WHERE ROWNUM < 10;

USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS       AUTHENTI
------------------------------ -------------------- --------
SYSTEM                         OPEN                 PASSWORD
SYS                            OPEN                 PASSWORD
SYSBACKUP                      EXPIRED & LOCKED     PASSWORD
SYSRAC                         EXPIRED & LOCKED     PASSWORD
OJVMSYS                        EXPIRED & LOCKED     PASSWORD
SYSKM                          EXPIRED & LOCKED     PASSWORD
OUTLN                          EXPIRED & LOCKED     PASSWORD
SYS$UMF                        EXPIRED & LOCKED     PASSWORD
SYSDG                          EXPIRED & LOCKED     PASSWORD

9 rows selected.


After Upgrade (

SQL> SELECT username,
  2         account_status,
  3         authentication_type
  4  FROM   dba_users
  5  WHERE ROWNUM < 10;

USERNAME                       ACCOUNT_STATUS       AUTHENTI
------------------------------ -------------------- --------
SYSTEM                         OPEN                 PASSWORD
SYS                            OPEN                 PASSWORD
SYSBACKUP                      LOCKED               NONE
SYSRAC                         LOCKED               NONE
OJVMSYS                        LOCKED               NONE
SYSKM                          LOCKED               NONE
OUTLN                          LOCKED               NONE
SYS$UMF                        LOCKED               NONE
SYSDG                          LOCKED               NONE

9 rows selected.

