


Unite Copenhagen is officially here, and we’re thrilled that the action is taking place just down the street from where the first lines of Unity were written 15 years ago. We kicked it off with a keynote full of game-changing announcements and breathtaking demos. 

哥本哈根团结大会正式在这里举行,我们很高兴能在15年前编写《团结》第一行的街上进行这一行动。 我们从主题演讲开始,其中充满了改变游戏规则的公告和令人叹为观止的演示。

Read on for all the juicy details – and don’t forget to join the conversation at @Unity3d and #UniteCopenhagen.

请继续阅读以获取所有多汁的细节,并且不要忘记通过 @ Unity3d 和 #UniteCopenhagen 加入对话 。


目录 (Table of contents)

Shape the world Level-up your performance with ease Test, train and validate with Unity Simulation Next-level graphics tools for unprecedented visuals

轻松 塑造世界 轻松提升性能 借助Unity Simulation测试,训练和验证 下一代图形工具,带来前所未有的视觉效果

HDRP in game-ready action Universal Render Pipeline: beautiful, performant graphics on all Unity target platforms The Heretic: High Definition real-time graphics in Unity The evolution of 2D tools

可在游戏中使用的动作中的HDRP 通用渲染管线:在所有Unity目标平台上均提供精美,高性能的图形 异端:Unity中 的 高清实时图形 2D工具的发展

Build seamless multiplayer experiences Revolutionize your workflows

建立无缝的多人游戏体验 彻底改变您的工作流程

Create deeply interactive augmented reality experiences Real-time building information modeling (BIM) Deliver the best gameplay experience with Game Tune

创建深度互动的增强现实体验 实时建筑信息建模(BIM) 通过Game Tune提供最佳的游戏体验

塑造世界 (Shape the world)

The revolutionary ways games are powering visual content continues to inspire us. New consoles, streaming distributions, tools, and ideas are changing the landscape when it comes to interactivity, graphical power, and social connectivity. Simply put, game technology and game makers are shaping the world.

游戏为视觉内容提供动力的革命性方式继续激励着我们。 当涉及到交互性,图形功能和社交连接时,新的控制台,流媒体发行版,工具和想法正在改变格局。 简而言之,游戏技术和游戏制造商正在塑造世界。

Real-time 3D opens up possibilities for every creator and is unlocking innovations in industries in brand new ways. We’re already seeing it used in the automotive and transportation industry, as well as architecture and construction. Soon, we expect to see it used to practice and perform microscopic surgery; engage with with artificial intelligence and train robots; and even influence the design of manufacturing factory floor layouts. It is an incredible time to be a creator – and we’re so proud to be a part of this journey.

实时3D为每个创作者打开了无限可能,并以崭新的方式释放了行业中的创新。 我们已经看到它在汽车和运输行业以及建筑和施工中使用。 很快,我们希望看到它用于实践和执行显微手术。 与人工智能互动并训练机器人; 甚至影响制造工厂车间布局的设计。 成为创造者是一个令人难以置信的时刻–我们为能参与此旅程而感到自豪。


轻松提升绩效 (Level-up your performance with ease)

Over the last few years, we’ve shown you the astonishing scale and performance you can achieve with our Data-Oriented Tech Stack (DOTS). Our Megacity demo demonstrates that it’s possible to use DOTS to create a project with more than 4.5 million renders and hundreds of thousands of game objects and audio sources. 

在过去的几年中,我们向您展示了使用 面向数据的技术堆栈 (DOTS) 可以实现的惊人规模和性能 。 我们的 Megacity 演示演示了可以使用DOTS来创建一个包含450万个渲染器以及成千上万个游戏对象和音频源的项目。


While performance and scalability allow immersive game experiences on the gamer side, the improved iteration speed benefits game developers, too. With our new conversion flow, you can use the same intuitive content authoring you already know, while taking advantage of the massive performance upgrades that come with DOTS and data entities. In short, writing DOTS code is now much more convenient.
That’s why we’re excited to release a DOTS sample project later this year. The sample project will showcase how all the DOTS-powered components, including physics, animation, netcode, and our content conversion flow work together. It’s a simple environment that you can use as a starting point for your own games.

尽管性能和可伸缩性使游戏玩家能够享受身临其境的游戏体验,但改进的迭代速度也使游戏开发人员受益。 借助我们的新转换流程,您可以使用已经知道的相同直观内容创作,同时利用DOTS和数据实体随附的大量性能升级。 简而言之,编写DOTS代码现在更加方便。
这就是为什么我们很高兴在今年晚些时候发布DOTS示例项目。 该示例项目将展示由DOTS支持的所有组件,包括物理,动画,网络代码以及我们的内容转换流程如何协同工作。 这是一个简单的环境,您可以将其用作自己的游戏的起点。

使用Unity Simulation测试,训练和验证 (Test, train and validate with Unity Simulation)

Unity Simulation is our brand new, cloud-based simulation product for running multiple instances of a Unity project in parallel, at scale on Google Cloud. Unity Simulation can be used to accelerate applications across industries like gaming, automotive, and robotics. You can now test, train, and validate any projects, prototypes or concepts in a simulated world without being bound by all the challenges of reality – like insufficient data, inadequate resources, or safety concerns. 

Unity Simulation 是我们全新的基于云的仿真产品,可在 Google Cloud 上大规模并行运行Unity项目的多个实例 。 Unity Simulation可用于加速游戏,汽车和机器人等行业的应用程序。 您现在可以在模拟的世界中测试,训练和验证任何项目,原型或概念,而不受现实的所有挑战(例如数据不足,资源不足或安全问题)的束缚。

For example, the new tech can help game developers address challenges that are critical yet cumbersome – such as testing before soft-launching a game. Getting a high-quality game ready for launch is an immense task, thanks to resource constraints and tight deadlines. With Unity Simulation, you can set up multiple test runs to address different aspects of a game throughout the development process. This includes testing for game balancing and player experience, with a quick turnaround of data to analyze issues.

例如,这项新技术可以帮助游戏开发人员应对既关键又麻烦的挑战,例如在软启动游戏之前进行测试。 由于资源有限和期限紧迫,准备好发布高质量游戏是一项艰巨的任务。 借助Unity Simulation,您可以设置多个测试运行,以在整个开发过程中解决游戏的不同方面。 这包括测试游戏平衡性和玩家体验,并快速处理数据以分析问题。

Unity Simulation can also be used to train self-driving cars in millions of hypothetical scenarios and edge cases – all in a simulated 3D world. Autonomous vehicles need to be tested in risky conditions that would be impossible or even unsafe to carry out in real life. A synthetic environment lets developers train machine learning models in the cloud, then transfer all the knowledge to cars driving in the real world – all in real-time and in parallel. 

Unity Simulation还可以用于在数百万个假想的场景和边缘情况下训练无人驾驶汽车-所有这些都是在模拟3D世界中进行的。 无人驾驶汽车需要在危险的条件下进行测试,而这些条件在现实生活中是不可能甚至不安全的。 综合环境使开发人员可以在云中训练机器学习模型,然后将所有知识实时实时地并行传输到现实世界中的汽车中。

Unity Simulation launched in closed beta today. We plan to use the beta period to get feedback and fine-tune requirements. Get started with our free beta program and use Unity Simulation to solve your biggest testing, training, and validation challenges.

Unity Simulation今天在封闭Beta中启动。 我们计划使用测试期来获取反馈和调整需求。 开始使用我们的免费 Beta版程序, 并使用Unity Simulation解决您最大的测试,培训和验证难题。


下一代图形工具带来前所未有的视觉效果 (Next-level graphics tools for unprecedented visuals)

The Unity Graphics team lives to create best-in-class graphics technology – performant, state-of-the-art visuals, along with intuitive artistic workflows. We are investing in our render technology with the Scriptable Render Pipelines, giving you direct control over what you need. You can take advantage of our two new render pipelines out of the box, use them as a starting point for your own solution, or customize them to meet your needs.

Unity Graphics团队致力于创建一流的图形技术–高性能,最先进的视觉效果以及直观的艺术工作流程。 我们正在通过可编写脚本的渲染管线投资于渲染技术,使您可以直接控制所需的内容。 您可以立即利用我们的两个新渲染管道,将它们用作您自己的解决方案的起点,或者自定义它们以满足您的需求。


游戏准备动作中的高清渲染管线 (The High Definition Render Pipeline in game-ready action)

The first of these is the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP), which lets you push graphics as far as you can on high-end hardware, delivering powerful, performant, high-fidelity visuals. 

第一个是 高清渲染管线 (HDRP),它使您可以在高端硬件上将图形推到最大,从而提供强大,高性能,高保真的视觉效果。

It’s a fully-featured offering in 2019.3 – now out of preview – bringing stunning graphics and photorealism at game-ready frame rates. Your HDRP assets will scale in fidelity on high-end platforms, taking advantage of the available hardware resources for the best visual quality. And you only have to author it once with the full suite of production-ready artist tools – such as VFX Graph, Shader Graph, and Progressive Lightmapper.

它是2019.3的全功能产品,现在已经无法预览了,它将以游戏就绪的帧速率提供惊人的图形和逼真的图像。 您的HDRP资产将在高端平台上保真度扩展,并利用可用的硬件资源来获得最佳视觉质量。 而且,您只需使用全套可用于生产的美工工具(如 VFX Graph , Shader Graph 和 Progressive Lightmapper)编写一次 。

To give us a taste of how studios are already seeing great results with HDRP, Founder and CEO of Multiverse, Freeman Fan, shared an early look at their newest project, Earth from Another Sun. 

为使我们了解工作室在HDRP方面已经取得了怎样的出色成就, Multiverse的 创始人兼首席执行官 Freeman Fan分享了他们最新的项目“来自另一个太阳的地球”的早期观察。


Their team at Multiverse envisioned a graphically stunning game with alien, yet lifelike environments. To achieve this, they employed a variety of HDRP effects, like adjusting exposure, tonemapping, subsurface scattering, volumetric lighting, color grading, and lens distortion. The result was a beautiful and immersive world to explore — and performance never drops from a smooth 60 frames per second, even during hectic encounters with hordes of enemies. 

他们在Multiverse的团队设想了一款图形精美的游戏,它具有外星人但逼真的环境。 为了实现这一目标,他们采用了多种HDRP效果,例如调整曝光,色调映射,表面下散射,体积照明,颜色渐变和镜头失真。 结果是可以探索一个美丽而身临其境的世界-即使在与成群的敌人忙碌地相遇时,性能也不会从每秒60帧的流畅速度下降。

We’re excited to see more of Earth from Another Sun as they head toward release in 2020.


通用渲染管线:所有Unity目标平台上的精美高性能图形 (Universal Render Pipeline: beautiful, performant graphics on all Unity target platforms)

The second new pipeline is Universal Render Pipeline, previously known as Lightweight Render Pipeline, and is best to use if you want full Unity platform reach. It’s a powerful solution that delivers a combination of beauty and performance, right out of the box. Best of all, it scales to all the same platforms as Unity – whether you’re building for 2D, 3D, or XR. 

第二个新管道是 Universal Render Pipeline ,以前称为 Lightweight Render Pipeline ,如果要完整的Unity平台使用,最好使用。 这是一个功能强大的解决方案,可立即提供美观与性能的结合。 最重要的是,它可以扩展到与Unity相同的所有平台–无论是针对2D,3D还是XR进行构建。

With the Universal Render Pipeline, you can use all of the new artist tools and workflows, including the VFX Graph, Shader Graph, new post-processing, and render passes. You can update your projects from Unity’s default render and now, it looks better, runs better, and scales better than ever before. It utilizes an improved single-pass rendering technique that leads to fantastic performance improvements.

借助Universal Render Pipeline,您可以使用所有新的美工工具和工作流程,包括VFX Graph,Shader Graph,新的后处理和渲染过程。 您可以从Unity的默认渲染中更新项目,现在,它看起来比以往任何时候都更好,运行得更好并且缩放性更好。 它利用了改进的单遍渲染技术,可带来出色的性能提升。

You can author once and deploy everywhere with great performance and best in class visuals. To demonstrate this, we showed the Boat Attack project running on a PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch™, and three phones with different processing power and capabilities. If you want gorgeous graphics while scaling up your content, you’re going to love the production-ready Universal Render Pipeline.

您可以编写一次,然后以出色的性能和一流的视觉效果部署到任何地方。 为了演示这一点,我们展示了在PlayStation 4,Xbox One,Nintendo Switch™和三款具有不同处理能力的手机上运行的Boat Attack项目。 如果您希望在扩展内容的同时获得精美的图形,那么您会喜欢准备投入生产的Universal Render Pipeline。

You can start taking advantage of all the production-ready features and performance benefits today. Upgrade your projects using the upgrade tooling or start a new project using our Universal template from the Unity Hub.

您现在就可以开始利用所有生产就绪的功能和性能优势。 使用升级工具升级项目,或者使用Unity Hub中的通用模板开始新项目。


We believe it’s important that you have the right tool for the job and with the Scriptable Render Pipelines – High Definition Render Pipeline and Universal Render Pipeline, you now have a range of options to confidently build from, now and in the future. 


异端:Unity中的高清实时图形 (The Heretic: High Definition real-time graphics in Unity)

At GDC 2019, we unveiled a preview of The Heretic, our real-time cinematic short film, which runs at 30 fps at 1440p on a commercial-grade desktop PC. The short film uses the latest developments in graphics, heavily leaning on the High Definition Render Pipeline, which now comes integrated with the newest edition of the Post Processing effects.

在GDC 2019上,我们发布了 实时电影短片 The Heretic 的预览, 该 短片在商业级台式PC上以1440p的速度以30 fps的速度运行。 这部短片使用了图形的最新发展,并高度依赖于 高清渲染管线 ,该 管线 现已与最新版本的后期处理特效集成在一起。

After much anticipation, at Unite Copenhagen 2019, we revealed the full cinematic film – which introduces a new character, Morgan, created through the use of the VFX Graph. By creating the simulation with GPU particles, an artist can change the shape, gender, appearance, and behavior of the character. The artist can immediately see what the adjustments look like in the final frame, as the particles conform to the artist’s actions in real time.

在万众期待之后,我们在2019年哥本哈根国际电影节上放映了整部电影,其中介绍了通过使用 VFX Graph 创建的新角色Morgan 。 通过使用GPU粒子创建模拟,美术师可以更改角色的形状,性别,外观和行为。 当粒子实时地与艺术家的行为相符时,艺术家可以立即看到最终帧中的调整效果。

HDRP now ships with built-in Shader Graph master nodes for hair, eye, and fabric. The eyes master node allows us to have realistic human eyes, with caustics and refraction. We used the hair master node for the stubble and eyelashes of the protagonist character, Gawain.

HDRP现在随附了 用于头发,眼睛和织物的 内置 Shader Graph 主节点。 眼睛主节点可以使我们拥有逼真的人眼,并具有焦散和折射。 我们将头发主节点用于主角角色Gawain的茬和睫毛。

Both VFX Graph and the HDRP are coming out of preview and will be production-ready in 2019.3.

VFX Graph和HDRP都将退出预览,并将于2019.3投入生产。


2D工具的演变 (The evolution of 2D tools)

From RPGs to match 3s, some of today’s most successful games are 2D, including 75 of the top-100 mobile games.


The new 2D tools help you create gorgeous experiences with more efficient workflows. We created the Lost Crypt using the complete suite of tools working together, in one project. The lively scene features animation, light effects, organic terrain, shaders, and post-processing, all made natively in 2D. It’s for artists and designers to use the new 2D tools directly in the Unity editor. Teams and projects of all sizes, targeting any platform, can now get more engaging and beautiful results faster.

新的2D工具可帮助您通过更高效的工作流程来创建出色的体验。 我们在一个项目中使用全套工具共同创建了失落的地穴。 生动的场景具有动画,灯光效果,有机地形,着色器和后处理,所有这些均以2D原始方式制作。 艺术家和设计师可以直接在Unity编辑器中使用新的2D工具。 现在,针对任何平台的各种规模的团队和项目都可以更快地获得更多引人入胜的精美结果。

The suite of 2D tools will be ready for production in Unity 2019.3.

该 二维工具套件 将准备用于生产的团结2019.3。


建立无缝的多人游戏体验 (Build seamless multiplayer experiences)

Our Multiplayer Services team has been hard at work building tools and services to help you build the best connected games. To do this, we’ve been working alongside studios, like MADFINGER Games, to push our tech to the next level. 

我们的多人游戏服务团队一直在努力构建工具和服务,以帮助您构建最佳的 联网游戏 。 为此,我们一直与 MADFINGER Games 等工作室合作, 将我们的技术推向新的高度。

At Unite, we shared how MADFINGER used our Multiplayer Services for their upcoming release, Shadowgun War Games. War Games is a tournament-style, first-person shooter for mobile, with an emphasis on fast-paced, dynamic gameplay. 

在Unite,我们分享了MADFINGER如何在即将推出的版本 Shadowgun War Games中 使用我们的多人游戏服务 。 《战争游戏》 是一款比赛风格的第一人称射击游戏,着重于快节奏,动态的游戏玩法。

MADFINGER was focused on mitigating some of the challenges they faced when operating their last hit game, Shadowgun Legends. Specifically, they wanted to enable super low-latency gameplay, prevent cheating, and create fun matches. We helped them do this with our Unity Transport Package, Multiplay Game Server Hosting and Matchmaking, and Vivox Game Communications. Each of these contributed to help MADFINGER build the best game possible. 

MADFINGER专注于减轻他们在操作上一部热门游戏 Shadowgun Legends 时面临的挑战 。 具体来说,他们希望启用超低延迟的游戏玩法,防止作弊并创建有趣的比赛。 我们通过Unity Transport Package, Multiplay Game Server托管和对接会以及 Vivox Game Communications 帮助他们做到了这一点 。 这些都有助于MADFINGER打造最佳游戏。

The Unity Transport Package is available in preview, Multiplay Matchmaking will be available in beta in October for all Multiplay users, and Multiplay Game Server Hosting and Vivox Game Communications are available today. 

Unity Transport软件包将在预览中提供,Multiplay Matchmaking将在10月面向所有Multiplay用户提供beta版,并且Multiplay Game Server托管和Vivox Game Communications现已提供。


革新您的工作流程 (Revolutionize your workflows)

创造深度互动的增强现实体验 (Create deeply interactive augmented reality experiences)

We build tools for creators who want to construct powerful, deeply interactive augmented reality (AR) experiences that interact intelligently with the real world. 

我们 为想要构建强大,深度交互的增强现实(AR)体验并与现实世界进行智能交互的创作者提供 工具 。

Sitting on top of AR Foundation, our Mixed and Augmented Reality Studio (MARS) is our specialty AR work environment built to make AR authoring more straightforward. The workflow gives you the ability to quickly prototype, test, and ship contextually aware, truly interactive experiences that seem to live in and react to the real world.

我们的 混合和增强现实工作室(MARS ) 位于 AR Foundation 之上, 是我们的专业AR工作环境,旨在使AR创作更加直接。 该工作流使您能够快速原型化,测试和发布上下文相关的,真正互动的体验,这些体验似乎生活在现实世界中并对之做出React。

Our AR Foundation framework for multi-platform development allows you to get your AR experience in as many hands as possible. It provides a unified workflow so that you don’t have to rebuild your app for each platform. You can build your app once, and it will work across all platforms. What’s more, it now extends to wearable AR devices, meaning for the first time ever, you can build an app once – and it will work across ARKit, ARCore, HoloLens, and Magic Leap devices.

我们 用于多平台开发的 AR Foundation 框架使您可以尽可能多地获得AR经验。 它提供了统一的工作流程,因此您不必为每个平台重建应用程序。 您只需构建一次应用,即可在所有平台上运行。 而且,它现在扩展到可穿戴式AR设备,这意味着有史以来第一次您可以构建一个应用程序-它可以在ARKit,ARCore,HoloLens和Magic Leap设备上使用。

We’re also giving you the ability to add interactivity to your AR or VR experiences with our brand-new XR Interaction toolkit. Rather than by coding these object interactions from scratch, you can easily add components to your scene. 

我们还为您提供了使用全新的XR交互工具包为您的AR或VR体验增加交互性的功能。 您可以轻松地将组件添加到场景中,而无需从头开始编码这些对象的交互。

We know that rebuilding your app in order to add AR functionality is time-consuming and painful, so we’re officially supporting the ability to insert AR directly into your native mobile app. This unlocks the ability to take the full power of Unity and our AR offerings and embed them into the hundreds of thousands of native apps that already exist today.

我们知道重建应用程序以添加AR功能既费时又费力,因此我们正式支持 将AR直接插入您的本机移动应用程序的功能 。 这样就可以充分利用Unity和我们的增强现实产品的功能,并将它们嵌入到当今已经存在的成千上万的本机应用程序中。


实时建筑信息建模(BIM) (Real-time building information modeling (BIM))

In June we announced Unity Reflect, our new product for the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry that transfers multiple BIM models into real-time 3D in one click. Since then, we’ve provided a select group of AEC firms early access to the product as part of our beta program.

6月,我们发布了 Unity Reflect ,这是我们面向建筑,工程和建筑(AEC)行业的新产品,可一键将多个BIM模型转换为实时3D。 从那时起,作为Beta版计划的一部分,我们为AEC精选公司组提供了对该产品的早期访问权。

The first AEC project to feature Unity Reflect, a skyscraper that will become the tallest structure in Brooklyn, comes from award-winning architecture firm, SHoP Architects. The firm is using Unity Reflect to prepare and convert its 3D designs into real-time 3D in seconds instead of weeks. By spending less time on data preparation and optimization, SHoP has more time to create AR and VR applications that improve the design and construction planning processes for this landmark project.

第一个以Unity Reflect为特色的AEC项目来自一座屡获殊荣的建筑公司SHoP Architects,该摩天大楼将成为布鲁克林的最高建筑。 该公司正在使用Unity Reflect在几秒钟而不是几周的时间内准备并将其3D设计转换为实时3D。 通过在数据准备和优化上花费更少的时间,ShoP有更多的时间来创建AR和VR应用程序,从而改善该里程碑项目的设计和施工计划流程。

With better connecting design and construction, Unity Reflect makes it easier to catch design flaws early, solve problems faster, and reduce the time it takes to build. Sign up for our mailing list to get updates as we approach the launch of Unity Reflect this fall.

通过更好的连接设计和构造,Unity Reflect可以更轻松地 及早发现设计缺陷,更快地解决问题,并减少构建时间。 订阅我们的邮件列表 以获取更新,因为我们将在今年秋天启动Unity Reflect。


通过Game Tune提供最佳的游戏体验 (Deliver the best gameplay experience with Game Tune)

To be profitable in your game, you need to be continually improving revenue and retention. This often means providing a flow of optimizations, events, content, features, and more. Each launch can take weeks to analyze, and some updates come with the risk of negatively impacting your player base. So, how can you test faster while mitigating risk? 

为了在游戏中获利,您需要不断提高收入和保留率。 这通常意味着提供优化,事件,内容,功能等的流程。 每次发布可能需要花费数周的时间进行分析,某些更新会带来对玩家群产生负面影响的风险。 那么,如何在降低风险的同时更快地进行测试?

With GameTune, we give every game studio — small and large — the power of machine learning to help them learn and act more quickly. Simply choose an optimization target and provide GameTune with different variables you want to test. Almost anything in your game can be made dynamic, such as different in-app purchase bundles, tutorial lengths, or game level difficulties. GameTune automatically tunes your game to the top-performing answer. Unlike A/B testing, each individual player chooses the top-performing answer and the system continuously learns and iterates. The time you save on experimentation can get put toward developing and optimizing new features – revolutionizing your workflow.

借助GameTune,我们为大小规模的每个游戏工作室提供了机器学习的能力,以帮助他们更快地学习和行动。 只需选择一个优化目标,并为GameTune提供您要测试的不同变量。 游戏中几乎所有的东西都可以动态化,例如不同的应用程序内购买捆绑包,教程时长或游戏难度。 GameTune会自动将您的游戏调整为性能最高的答案。 与A / B测试不同,每个参与者都选择性能最高的答案,然后系统不断学习和迭代。 您节省的实验时间可用于开发和优化新功能–革新您的工作流程。

Sign up for the beta today.

立即注册 Beta版。



Take a look at our Unite Copenhagen page for a full rundown of all the week’s activities.

请查看我们的 哥本哈根统一 页面,以获取本周所有活动的完整摘要。

Until next time – let’s get ready to shape the world. 


翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2019/09/23/shaping-the-world-with-real-time-3d-unite-copenhagen-keynote-highlights/

