

Function SortArray2(ByVal aSortArray(), ByVal iSortColumn, ByVal sSortDirection)
On Error Resume Next
i, j, k
    Dim sValue, JValue
    Dim iLBound, iUBound
    Dim tmp
    Dim iVarType, iSortDirection, iCheckIndex
    iLBound = LBound(aSortArray, 2)
iUBound = UBound(aSortArray, 2)
Select Case UCase(sSortDirection)
Case "DESC", "D"
iSortDirection = 1
Case Else
iSortDirection = -1
End Select
iSortColumn = Bint(iSortColumn)
If iSortColumn < 0 Or iSortColumn > UBound(aSortArray, 1) Then
SortArray2 = aSortArray
        Exit Function
    End If
iCheckIndex = iLBound
    While Len(Trim(aSortArray(iSortColumn, iCheckIndex))) = 0 And iCheckIndex < UBound(aSortArray, 2)
iCheckIndex = iCheckIndex + 1
IsDate(Trim(aSortArray(iSortColumn, iCheckIndex))) Then
iVarType = 7
IsNumeric(Trim(aSortArray(iSortColumn, iCheckIndex))) Then
iVarType = 5
iVarType = 8
End If
    End If
i = iLBound To iUBound - 1
sValue = aSortArray(iSortColumn, i)
JValue = i
        For j = i + 1 To iUBound
            Select Case iVarType
                Case 8
If StrComp(aSortArray(iSortColumn, j), sValue, 1) = iSortDirection Then
sValue = aSortArray(iSortColumn, j)
JValue = j
                    End If
If iSortDirection = -1 Then
DateDiff("s", aSortArray(iSortColumn, j), sValue) > 0 Then
sValue = aSortArray(iSortColumn, j)
JValue = j
                        End If
DateDiff("s", aSortArray(iSortColumn, j), sValue) < 0 Then
sValue = aSortArray(iSortColumn, j)
JValue = j
                        End If
                    End If
If iSortDirection = -1 Then
CDbl(aSortArray(iSortColumn, j)) < CDbl(sValue) Then
sValue = aSortArray(iSortColumn, j)
JValue = j
                        End If
CDbl(aSortArray(iSortColumn, j)) > CDbl(sValue) Then
sValue = aSortArray(iSortColumn, j)
JValue = j
                        End If

                    End If
            End Select
JValue <> i Then
k = 0 To UBound(aSortArray, 1)
Swap aSortArray(k, JValue) , aSortArray(k, i)
        End If
SortArray2 = aSortArray
End Function

文章来源: http://Jorkin.Reallydo.Com/default.asp?id=447
