
       一直对NodeJs有很大的兴趣~趁着今天公司里的事不多趁机学习下~特地带来了笔记本(笔记本里装了Ubuntu),NodeJs是基于V8Js引擎的服务器端的Js环境,算是一个中间件,底层还是由C/C++实现的。以前对于前后端的数据验证神木的都要做两层,即在Js端要做一层数据交互验证,而在服务端由于用户可以禁用JS,所以服务端必须额外的对数据进行一次验证,效率阿。。。。。有了NodeJs这一切便可以只执行一次就可以了,这是它吸引我的起始理由~~而后来我发现它更加的牛逼~~对于长链接(keep alive)型的请求处理等等都是让人有耳目一新的感觉~



sudo apt-get install g++ curl libssl-dev apache2-utils
sudo apt-get install git-core



git clone git://
cd node
sudo make install



var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
  res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
  res.end('Hello Node.js\n');
}).listen(8124, "");
console.log('Server running at');


node hello.js

     终端显示Server running at



用终端进入文件夹后node server.js就行了~







Step 1. 下载





Step 2. 安装


在Choose A Download Source界面选择-》install from internet

在Select Your Internet Connection界面选择-》Direct Connect

在Choose A Download Site界面选择-》这个自己选择了,就是选择下载的镜像,推荐使用.jp结尾的日本网站,速度比较快



Step 3. 选择安装组件


Devel 分类

gcc-g++: C++ compiler 

gcc-mingw-g++: Mingw32 support headers and libraries for GCC C++ 

gcc4-g++: G++ subpackage 

git: Fast Version Control System – core files  

make: The GNU version of the 'make' utility 

openssl-devel: The OpenSSL development environment 

pkg-config: A utility used to retrieve information about installed libraries 

zlib-devel: The zlib compression/decompression library (development)

Editor 分类

vim: Vi IMproved - enhanced vi editor

Python 分类


注意:全部安裝,你只要点选 Python 右边的图标切换至 Install 即可。

Web 分类

wget: Utility to retrieve files from the WWW via HTTP and FTP 

curl: Multi-protocol file transfer command-line tool




Step 4. 运行ash.exe


打开文件夹,进入C:\cygwin\bin\ 目录中,这个是默认的安装目录,如果你修改过安装目录,自己进入到cygwin的安装目录下的bin目录中。


在弹出的命令窗口中执行 ./rebaseall -v 命令

等命令执行完成执行 exit 退出 ash


Step 5. 下载并安装Node.js


在命令窗口中输入 wget 回车。

注意:我在写这篇文章是node.js的最新版本是node-v0.4.7, 是node.js的下载地址,你在看这篇文章时可以自己去node.js的网站获取最新的下载路径替换就可以了


在命令窗口中输入 tar xf node-v0.4.7.tar.gz 回车,node-v0.4.7.tar.gz为你自己下载的版本。

在命令窗口中输入 cd node-v0.4.7 回车。

在命令窗口中输入 ./configure 回车。

在命令窗口中输入 make 回车。

在命令窗口中输入 make install 回车。


在命令窗口中输入 node --version 回车,看看你的node.js版本。


Step 6. 设置DNS

打开文件夹,进入到C:\cygwin\etc\  文件夹下。

手动建立 resolv.conf 文件。






Step End. 测试Node.js是否可以运行


在C:\cygwin\ 目录下建立 example.js


var http = require('http');

http.createServer(function (request, response) {

  response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});

  response.end('Hello World');


console.log('Server running at');



运行cygwin,在命令窗口中输入 node /example.js 回车

是否看见了Server running at

不要关闭cygwin,打开浏览器,访问http:// 看看是否出现了hello world的页面。








  • NodeJS专业中文社区:
  • 官方API文档:
  • 最全中文入门:
  • NodeJS中文翻译:
  • 又一篇中文入门:
  • 一个靠谱的nodejs学习笔记:
  • 用node写MVC框架:


  • 官方网站:
  • 英文文档:
  • node包管理器:
  • 官方介绍:
  • Node的模块大全,必阅读:
  • 一个Node入门网站:
  • 一个不错的Node博客:
  • 包含了不少node信息的前端blog:
  • 一个48小时NodeJS的竞赛网站:
  • 号称世界上第一个用node搭建的SaaS应用:
  • 如何写Node.JS的插件:
  • 打造在线监控系统:
  • 搭建一个webservice:


  • node_chat by ry
  • q-chess by wsdookadr — chess game multiplayer server using faye + client written using Qooxdoo
  • node3p by ncb000gt — AmazonMP3 downloader
  • node3p-web by ncb000gt — Web interface for node3p
  • nodelint by tav — run jslint from the command line
  • minlint – minimalist version of jslint from command line
  • nodeload by benschmaus and jonjlee — utility for benchmarking HTTP APIs
  • nodewiki — a simple wiki based on node and redis
  • blog.js — Simple blogging engine based on node.js
  • cassiterite — Another blogging engine based on node.js + Tokyo Tyrant + nginx
  • Sousaball by creationix (
  • DinMaker by creationix (live demo at
  • Flickr Spy — Discover where your Flickr contacts are commenting
  • azathoth — simple HTTP traffic/load generator and benchmark proof of concept
  • antinode — Simple static file HTTP Server with logging
  • NodeMachine — Port of WebMachine for Node.js
  • LifeInText — LiT is a mashup platform for personal projects and snippets.
  • Ajax IM — Ajax IM is an instant messaging server and framework for the browser.
  • 7 Minutes Chrono – A speed-dating chat application. Uses websockets and node.js
  • Persevere – REST/HTTP + JSON-based web data project that includes Pintura, Perstore, CommonJS-Utils
  • — Javascript Networking Library for building real-time web applications
  • BusBound – iPhone web application built with express framework
  • JSONPify – a JSONP proxy for client applications
  • Djangode – Django’s regex-based URL handling, utility functions, and html templating for node
  • The WPilot Project – A multiplayer, space shooter, action game in your browser. Server is built in node
  • Socket.IO – An abstraction over all the realtime transports (WebSocket, long polling, XHR multipart, etc) for the Node HTTP server
  • zztmmo – a zzt based massive multiplayer online game built in node.js and jQuery (currently only single player)
  • diretto – Distributed Recon/Reporting Transceiver Toolkit – Uses Node.js for web-based media storage and for its RESTful webservice implementation
  • ElusiveHippo – Push deployment for nodejs (non-functional / doesn’t work)
  • Chess Riot – a live Lightning Chess app built in node.js, express, CoffeeScript and jQuery. By @weepy
  • Realie – Real-time Collaborative Editor using Web Sockets, Node.js & Redis (non-functional / doesn’t work)
  • GrowlHub – Growl Notifications for GitHub
  • Simple Node.js MUD – Simple multi-user dungeon using Node.js
  • wtfjs – what the fuck javascript!
  • vertex.js – A graph database inspired by filesystems built on node.js and tokyocabinet.
  • The API Playground – A website where journalists can play with API examples. (CoffeeScript/Express)
  • Szpil – CRM using Node and TokyoCabinet. Shared client/server database and model code, user interface decoupled from the network, APIretrieval and authorization performed at the meta-data layer using set union and intersection on indexes to avoid JSONdeserialization/serialization overhead.
  • vows.js – “Asynchronous behaviour driven development for Node.”
  • jimi — A framework for writing modular web applications in node.js (tutorial)
  • stackvm — Virtual machines on the web!
  • paperserve — Quick and dirty web server from your working directory
  • Trending Topics Client — Command line tool to get trending topics from Twitter
  • nTunes by TooTallNate — A REST (HTTP) API for interacting with iTunes written in NodeJS.
  • nTunesAnywhere by TooTallNate — A mobile WebApp to access your iTunes library from anywhere (using nTunes and jQTouch)!
  • Node.js Interactive Shell — Interactive shell for Node.js
  • Alligator — Application Server on top of NodeJS (JSSP and SSJS support)
  • node-build — ant like build tool for nodejs without the xml hassle
  • scriptable-node-irc-bot — Scriptable Node IRC Bot
  • Top Twitter Trends — Real time trending tweets by node.js, nginx and mongodb
  • Cloud9 — Cloud9 IDE is aiming to be the IDE for Javascript developers, built with NodeJS and lots of other Node modules
  • OPOWER Jobs — Open source example of a full live site using Express, Connect, EJS, AssetManager, Logging, and other Node modules.
  • nodemon — Development tool for automatically restarting Node server when changes are made to any app files
  • jsbuild — A command-line utility that provides building CommonJS modules and packages for web
  • NodeGame Shooter – Multiplayer asteroids with powerups etc. Using a fat Node.js server with thin clients
  • NodeCli – A super-simple class for Node.js to spice up your Node.js console output. Position cursor, clear screen, change colors
  • — Instant Personal File Sharing
  • node-tracker — BitTorrent tracker implemented with Node.js
  • Scrabbly – A Massively Multiplayer word game written on node.js. A Node Knockout winner.
  • node-boilerplate — Everything you need to get started on a Node.js website with express and socket.IO
  • Orona — A multiplayer game of tank warfare. (Remake of the classic Mac game Bolo.)
  • Hummingbird — A realtime web analytics app using
  • — A distributed data scraping and processing framework
  • Backbone Examples Ported From Knockout — by Mario Gutierrez
  • TxtAtlas: Put your texts on the map :// — A demo Twilio/Node.js/Redis application by Stephen J. Walters
  • Substance — A data-driven and cloud-aware realtime document authoring engine
  • Graffiti β — Interactive multi-user shared canvas whiteboard
  • BirdChat — Chat with your friends from Twitter
  • — Community site for Barnes and Noble Nook owners who want to borrow/lend books
  • — Mark and save quotes you like all over the Web
  • slyncr — bookmarklet to control web slideshows via a remote site
  • Applifier – Largest social game cross promo network)(reference
  • memcached.js — Port of Memcached server for Node.js
  • Loggly — Webservice for receiving syslog and HTTP based logs.
  • spotted@ — spotted @ provides local classifieds for jobs, housing, for sale, personals, services, local community, and events.
  • designo — Realtime Twitter client demo exploiting Node.js+Websockets+HTML5
  • Bittorrent Tracker – High performance bittorrent tracker by anhel
  • The-M-Project – HTML5 JavaScript framework for mobile apps with nodeJS build tool
