

D题 野生动物贸易是否应长期禁止




  我们使用CITES贸易数据库作为我的数据源。该数据库包含2 000多万份贸易记录,可以公开访问。附件为1990-2021年哺乳动物贸易数据,也可通过以下链接获取完整数据库:https://caiyun.139.com/m/i?0f5ckacoddpej












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部分程序代码:(代码和文档not free)

1 %LSTM Initial Code
2 clc;clear
3 %% Enter data for 1990-2021
4 data = [0.287259615 0.213347921 0.186021505 0.205663189 0.335515548
0.395131086 0.413533835 0.346978558 0.338954469 0.340277778 0.271653543
0.25748503 0.31122449 0.309278351 0.352941176 0.414772727 0.405844156
0.35125448 0.42019544 0.37804878 0.337595908 0.330218069 0.3081571
0.438709677 0.420849421 0.404761905 0.418867925 0.303501946 0.55
0.520710059 0.472826087 0.428571429];
5 %% Load the dataset
6 Train_data = data(1:27); %Training set
7 Text_data = data(28:32); %Texting set
8 %% Data preprocessing
9 me = mean(Train_data); %Mean
10 sd = std(Train_data); %Standard Deviation
11 TrainDataStandard = (Train_data - me) / sd;
12 XTrain = TrainDataStandard(1:end-1);
13 YTrain = TrainDataStandard(2:end);
14 %% Build the LSTM neural network
15 FeaturesNum = 1;
16 OutputNum = 1;
17 HiddenNum = 200; %The number of hidden layer units
18 layers = [ ...
19 sequenceInputLayer(FeaturesNum)
20 lstmLayer(HiddenNum)
21 fullyConnectedLayer(OutputNum)
22 regressionLayer];
23 options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
24 'MaxEpochs',1000, ...
25 'GradientThreshold',1, ...
26 'InitialLearnRate',0.01, ...
27 'LearnRateSchedule','piecewise', ...
28 'LearnRateDropPeriod',400, ...
29 'LearnRateDropFactor',0.15, ...
30 'Verbose',0, ...
31 'Plots','training-progress');
32 net = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
33 %% Initialize Network
34 net = predictAndUpdateState(net,XTrain);
35 [net,predict_y] = predictAndUpdateState(net,YTrain(end));
36 %% Forecast
37 for i = 2:6
38 [net,predict_y(:,i)] =
39 end
40 %% Calculate RMSE
41 predict_y = sd * predict_y + me;
42 RMSE = sqrt(mean((predict_y(1:5)-Text_data).^2)) ;
43 %% Draw a curve
44 subplot(2,1,1)
45 plot(Train_data(1:end))
46 hold on
47 x = 28:(27+5);
48 plot(x,predict_y(1:5),'.-')
49 hold off
50 xlabel("Time")
51 ylabel("Case")
52 title("Forecast")
53 legend(["Observed" "Forecast"])
54 subplot(2,1,2)
55 plot(data)
56 xlabel("Time")
57 ylabel("Case")
58 title("Dataset")
59 %% Comparison between predicted value and actual value
60 figure(2)
61 x =1990:2021;
62 yy = [Train_data ,predict_y(1:5)];
63 plot(x,yy,'r') %Including predicted partial curve
64 hold on
65 plot(x,data,'b') %Actual curve
66 hold off
67 xlabel("Time")
68 ylabel("Case")
69 legend(["Predict" "Data"])
71 %LSTM Improved Code
72 clc;clear
73 %% Enter data for 1990-2021
74 data0 = [0.287259615 0.213347921 0.186021505 0.205663189 0.335515548
0.395131086 0.413533835 0.346978558 0.338954469 0.340277778 0.271653543
0.25748503 0.31122449 0.309278351 0.352941176 0.414772727 0.405844156
0.35125448 0.42019544 0.37804878 0.337595908 0.330218069 0.3081571
0.438709677 0.420849421 0.404761905 0.418867925 0.303501946 0.55
0.520710059 0.472826087 0.428571429];
75 %% Complementary data of cubic spline interpolation
76 year =
77 new_x = 1990:0.01:2021
78 data = spline(year,data0,new_x)
79 %% Load the dataset
80 Train_data = data(1:3000); %Training set
81 Text_data = data(3001:3101); %Texting set
82 %% Data preprocessing
83 me = mean(Train_data); %Mean
84 sd = std(Train_data); %Standard Deviation
85 TrainDataStandard = (Train_data - me) / sd;
86 XTrain = TrainDataStandard(1:end-1);
87 YTrain = TrainDataStandard(2:end);
88 %% Build the LSTM neural network
89 FeaturesNum = 1;
90 OutputNum = 1;
91 HiddenNum = 200; %The number of hidden layer units
92 layers = [ ...
93 sequenceInputLayer(FeaturesNum)
94 lstmLayer(HiddenNum)
95 fullyConnectedLayer(OutputNum)
96 regressionLayer];
97 options = trainingOptions('adam', ...
98 'MaxEpochs',100, ...
99 'GradientThreshold',1, ...
100 'InitialLearnRate',0.01, ...
101 'LearnRateSchedule','piecewise', ...
102 'LearnRateDropPeriod',400, ...
103 'LearnRateDropFactor',0.15, ...
104 'Verbose',0, ...
105 'Plots','training-progress');
106 net = trainNetwork(XTrain,YTrain,layers,options);
107 %% Initialize Network
108 net = predictAndUpdateState(net,XTrain);
109 [net,predict_y] = predictAndUpdateState(net,YTrain(end));
110 %% Forecast
111 for i = 2:201
112 [net,predict_y(:,i)] =
113 end
114 %% Calculate RMSE
115 predict_y = sd * predict_y + me;
116 RMSE = sqrt(mean((predict_y(1:101)-Text_data).^2)) ;
117 %% Draw a curve
118 subplot(2,1,1)
119 plot(Train_data(1:end))
120 hold on
121 x = 3001:(3000+101);
122 plot(x,predict_y(1:101),'.-')
123 hold off
124 xlabel("Time")
125 ylabel("Case")
126 title("Forecast")
127 legend(["Observed" "Forecast"])
128 subplot(2,1,2)
129 plot(data)
130 xlabel("Time")
131 ylabel("Case")
132 title("Dataset")
133 %% Comparison between predicted value and actual value
134 figure(2)
135 x =1990:0.01:2021;
136 yy = [Train_data ,predict_y(1:101)];
137 plot(x,yy,'r') %Including predicted partial curve
138 hold on
139 plot(x,data,'b') %Actual curve
140 hold off
141 xlabel("Time")
142 ylabel("Case")
143 legend(["Predict" "Data"])
1 import pandas as pd
2 import numpy as np
3 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
4 plt.rcParams['font.family'] = ['sans-serif']
5 plt.rcParams['font.sans-serif'] = ['SimHei']
6 plt.rcParams['axes.unicode_minus']=False
7 #data = pd.read_excel('trade_mammals_wild_live_1990_2021.xlsx')
8 #data = pd.read_excel('cn_sars_98-03.xlsx')
9 #data = pd.read_excel('us_covid19_16-21.xlsx')
10 #data = pd.read_excel('cd_ebola_95-19.xlsx')
11 #data = pd.read_excel('ga_ebola_90-13.xlsx')
12 #data = pd.read_excel('ug_ebola_91-11.xlsx')
13 #data = pd.read_excel('us_flu_06-21.xlsx')
14 data = pd.read_excel('us_covid19_16-21_grey.xlsx')
15 data.head()
16 data.info()
17 dsc = data.describe()
18 dsc
19 pd.plotting.scatter_matrix(data, figsize=(20,10), alpha=0.75)
20 plt.show()
21 cor = data.corr() # method='pearson'
22 cor
23 sns.heatmap(cor, cmap='YlGnBu', xticklabels=True, yticklabels=True,
24 annot=True, square=True)
25 from scipy import stats
26 np.set_printoptions(suppress=True) # Scientific notation is not used
27 pd.set_option('display.float_format',lambda x : '%.4f' % x) # Keep 4
significant digits after the decimal point
28 # T-distribution test
29 tp = stats.t.isf(1-0.975, 9)
30 x = np.linspace(-5,5,100)
31 y = stats.t.pdf(x, 9)
32 plt.plot(x,y)
33 plt.vlines(-tp, 0, stats.t.pdf(-tp, 9), colors='orange')
34 plt.vlines(tp, 0, stats.t.pdf(tp, 9), colors='orange')
35 plt.fill_between(x, 0, y, where=abs(x)>tp, interpolate=True, color='r')
36 # P-value test
37 def my_pvalue_pearson(x):
38 col = x.shape[1]
39 col_name = x.columns.values
40 p_val = []
41 for i in range(col):
42 for j in range(col):
43 p_val.append(stats.pearsonr(x[col_name[i]], x[col_name[j]])[1])
44 p_val = pd.DataFrame(np.array(p_val).reshape(col, col),
columns=col_name, index=col_name)
45 return p_val
46 my_pvalue_pearson(data)
48 # Analytic Hierarchy Process
49 import numpy as np
50 def ConsisTest(X):
51 # Arithmetic averaging
52 X = np.array(X)
53 sum_X = X.sum(axis=0)
54 (n,n) = X.shape
55 sum_X = np.tile(sum_X,(n,1))
56 stand_X = X/sum_X # Standardized X
57 ## Normalization
58 sum_row = stand_X.sum(axis=1)
59 print("The result of the arithmetic averaging method to find the weights
60 print(sum_row/n)
62 # Eigenvalue method
63 V,E = np.linalg.eig(X)
64 max_value = np.max(V) # Maximum eigenvalue
65 #print("Maximum eigenvalue:",max_value)
66 max_v_index = np.argmax(V)
67 max_eiv = E[:,max_v_index]
68 stand_eiv = max_eiv/max_eiv.sum()
69 print("The result of the weighting of the eigenvalue method is:")
70 print(stand_eiv)
71 print("———————————————————————————————")
72 # Consistency check
73 ## Calculate the consistency metric CI
74 CI = (max_value-n)/(n-1)
75 ## Find the corresponding mean random consistency metric RI
76 RI =
77 ## Calculate the consistency scale CR
78 CR = CI/RI[n]
79 if CR < 0.1:
80 print("CR=",CR,",Less than 0.1, pass the consistency test ")
81 else:
82 print("CR=",CR,",greater than or equal to 0.1, the consistency test
is not passed, please modify the judgment matrix ")
83 return None
84 # ConsisTest(b)
85 b = np.array([[1, 7,3,5],[1/7, 1,1/5,1/3] ,[1/3, 5,1,3],[1/5,3,1/3, 1]])
86 ConsisTest(b)
89 # Grey Relational Analysis
90 import pandas as pd
91 import numpy as np
92 #xlsx_file = "ug_ebola_91-11_grey_preprocess.xlsx"
93 #xlsx_file = "cn_sars_98-03_grey.xlsx"
94 #xlsx_file = "us_covid19_16-21_grey.xlsx"
95 xlsx_file = "cd_ebola_95-19_grey.xlsx"
96 xlsx_data = pd.read_excel(xlsx_file) # Prevent warnings from popping upx=
97 x=x.iloc[:,1:].T
98 # 1、Data averaging processing
99 x_mean=x.mean(axis=1)
100 for i in range(x.index.size):
101 x.iloc[i,:] = x.iloc[i,:]/x_mean[i]
102 # 2、Extract reference and compare queues
103 ck=x.iloc[0,:]
104 cp=x.iloc[1:,:]
105 # The comparison queue is subtracted from the reference queue
106 t=pd.DataFrame()
107 for j in range(cp.index.size):
108 temp=pd.Series(cp.iloc[j,:]-ck)
109 t=t.append(temp,ignore_index=True)
111 # Find the maximum difference and minimum difference
112 mmax=t.abs().max().max()
113 mmin=t.abs().min().min()
114 rho=0.5
116 #3、Find the correlation coefficient
117 ksi=((mmin+rho*mmax)/(abs(t)+rho*mmax))
119 #4、Find the degree of correlation
120 r=ksi.sum(axis=1)/ksi.columns.size
122 #5、Relevance sorting
123 result=r.sort_values(ascending=False)
124 print(result)
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