
  • 运行一段时间后,云主机的磁盘满了
  • owt的日志和 srs的日志比较多。

查看日志文件占用: du

通过命令du -h –max-depth=1 *,可以查看当前目录下各文件、文件夹



dist# ./bin/stop-all.sh

root@k8s-master-2K4G:~/p2p/zdsvr-20201229/dist# ./bin/stop-all.sh
stopping management-api.
no cluster-manager to stop
no sip-portal to stop
stopping portal.
stopping management-console.
no statistics to stop
no live-cdn-agent to stop
no streaming-agent to stop
no live-stream-agent to stop
no recording-agent to stop
no video-agent to stop
no conference-agent to stop
no sip-agent to stop
no analytics-agent to stop
